A Prophesy of a Tsunami Hitting the Eastern Seaboard in USA (Words from Jesus) | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
The scripture "sons and daughters will prophecy" is from Joel 21:28-29 Old Testament and Acts 7: 17-18 New Testament
Most of the world, of many faiths seems to have a general understanding that the end of the age or end times prophesied of for thousand of years in some cases is near or even here. And many who have rarely or never had visions, or understandings or dreams are having dramatic ones that seem to be warnings of things to come.
A prophecy in biblical terms is a warning of something to come and associated with something bad happening because we the people have sinned or made bad choices of how to live or what we have done. personally or as a society . And the test of whether a prophecy is true is if it happens. But often the warning is real as to how one or society should change out ways.
Many of these are being shared online and that is one should do if they have received a warning so that others may be helped by it. And be prepared.
If these seem to have some basis in faith, then it is shared here. I do not know if it is a true prophecy or not. But if the warning of life choices for one or society seems to have merit one may see it linked here.
Interpretation can vary and I have a couple of Dream Dictionaries handy to try and see how others who study dreams interpret them One may be having a dream based on bad food the night before, and other times its events and things from ones personal life being hashed out in ones subconscious over night and the meaning if more personal as to what one should be doing or understanding in ones own life.
Common sense is the one thing to pay attention to and the teachings of ones faith the more important . Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus is not going to change what HE taught that HE wishes for us to be doing in our own lives and in our interactions with others. Some of our dreams is our subconscious remembering HIS teaching and applying it to our own lives and actions.
If this a 'voice from god' dream? Possible, but HIS HOLY SPIRIT is present to guide us at all times. Then there are those dreams and some have real vision type events that come when awake or in some state of being awake but something like a dream. Some just have words or thought come through that seem to come from somewhere else, or from ones subconscious 'out of the blue type.' and one has to use common sense and a founding in study to know if its something one should act on.
Christ is not going to be telling anyone to go do anything illegal like being a jihadist radical in any faith that goes and does harm to others or themselves. That is the ultimate test of who may be the source. And if its something the opposite then understand one may have taken a wring turn into jealousy or hatred or some other .impulse from the evil one himself who always wants to get humanity to do wrong as he is jealous of he Creator who made us good with free will to care and love one another. .
Some very prophetic words, in my opinion were said in the last breath of Father Jacques Hamil as he was being murdered by one whose 'vision' had taken him to do the bidding of the evil one. I France not long ago. Visions and prophecies can be from the devil himself and if one is among those leading one astray then we have jihadists running around this planet disrupting society and doing evil among us and we do need to stop them. as they do harm to all of us. Prayer for their souls and divine intervention in their lives is a given as we ask the ALMIGHTY HIMSELF TO INTERVENE IN THEIR LIVES.
Their are some among us that have made their visions of bad end times a self fulfilling prophecy and are out their making it happen. AND THAT IS BEING SEEN AROUND THE WORLD SURFACING IN MANY FAITHS. Even in Christianity its become a 'giving up to evil' instead of being awakened to know what is evil , facing it and overcoming it.
I have the opinion that many causing warring in Syria is the self fulfilling prophecy of Damascus being destroyed forever which has been around for thousands of years. I am not up on all kinds of modern warfare, but if there is one bad guy or gal as the leader, then why do we send armies to go take out one person? Aren't we snooping and spying all over and know where everyone is and be able to go get that one and bring them to the world court? Its not the good choice to go MAKE A PROPHECY HAPPEN? when a prophecy is a warning to try and prevent bad things.
The Book of Revelation begins with 7 letters to 7 churches. And there seems to be a more deeper meaning to this. I seemed to be in such a type of dreamlike 'state' waiting for Doyle to pick me up from physical therapy a few weeks ago. I had to go for two months of this from hurting my shoulder. As I partially laid back on a couple of chairs in the lobby and was quiet and not moving to overcome 'pain of the world' and being real still as my asthma on exertion and chemically induced had both flared up and real pain as I could not take cortisone shots as it spikes my sugar levels to danger levels. I do utilize 'imaging' to help over come pain and cayenne and ginger tea, but did to have that with me. "Imaging' was a deeper one. It was a type of 'trance' but not exactly like what one might call it.
I HAD PICKED UP A BIBLE ON THE TABLE AND TURNED AND BEGAN TO READ REVELATION. AND AS I READ THE SEVEN LETTERS I BEGAN TO SEE A PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION OF SOME REAL PEOPLE THAT LIVE TODAY IN OUR OWN WORLD. in this teaching from Christ who had appeared to John of types of people we have to deal with in this world Then and now and others have had the in the past and when they followed and 'worshipped' them bad things happened . We have to face up to them and overcome them as we CAST OUT EVIL
We have a few among us whom we need to CAST OUT THE EVIL THAT HAS OVERCOME THEM. Was this a vision? Too me it was a EUREKA moment! Those rare times when 'words' become the 'vision' of understanding. This does not mean all the other interpretations of Revelation are wrong or of the seven letters which is at the beginning of it. But as one reads those seven letters, can you put current names to some being described in those verses? There is one of a better sort in the mix of these. and its a kind of person also. Imperfect humans whom we can pray for a change in their lives, but ones we should not be doing as they wish us to do , but to follow the path of goodness and life and live instead.
But if prophecy is a warning, then Christ is showing us what 'types" to watch out for and not be conned into following. AND WE SEEM TO HAVE ALL 7 TYPES RUNNING AROUND THE WORLD NOW AND MANY FOLLOWING THEM AS IF THEY ARE 'GODS' TO BE FOLLOWED AND WORSHIPPED.
For the next part of Revelation shows us what is coming when we follow and worship these types as a god and began to lose sight that no human is without sin to be tempted to do wrong and needs the rest of us even more to keep them on the better path.
We have a personal responsibility and its also says we are coming to a time when ALL will be kings and priests. And this election year of 2016 has us with imperfect humans running for the highest office and I think we are being shown that we HAVE ALWAYS HAD IMPERFECT ONES RUNNING. We are being stopped from thinking any of the four are 'saviors of the world or 'messiahs'. or' gods or goddesses.'/ But seeing real humans and whether we have a 'good' type or 'bad' type asking for our votes.
Do we have one who has faced their imperfections and over come them to be able to lead, or do we have one who is still stuck in their imperfections and has not overcome them and would get us and the world in worse situations due to their own struggles with wrong choices and paths they are still entrapped in,.
The good thing may well be we are finally seeing our leaders as humans who do need our support, prayers and our constructive criticism and we have responsibility to vote and make our petitions to our leaders as the US Constitution gives us the rights to do to help them keep on the better path to solutions and answers that help each and every one of us for fairness and justice for all. ''JUSTICE DENIED ONE DENIES IT TO ALL OF US:
So I am looking at the candidates and making a decision on who seems to be caring and has a good heart and desire to do good and be just and fair to all. AND AM NOT LOOKING FOR A MESSIAH OR SAVIOR. but one who will be the "voice" for us in the seat of power and try to do what is right and good. and have human abilities to get the job done.
2016 ELECTION WHEN HUMANITY BEGAN TO ELECT "HUMANS' AND NOT 'GODS' TO POWER and pray we elect those at all levels of government who will be a voice for us and not for a few with big money and power whose agenda is to keep it even if it means tricking the whole world I to WW III.
SO AS WARNINGS OR PROPHECIES ARE LINKED BY ME FROM OTHERS. Pay heed as the 'spirit' leads you. and if the date or time comes and the horror does not occur, be glad and if one had appositive affection ones own life by reflecting on owns faith m then maybe the prophecy was heeded and good came first and the bad did not occur. I link because its one I pondered and prayed over in my own way. AND THOSE OF OTHER FAITHS OR NO FAITH CONSIDER THE COMMON WISDOM OF THE TEACHING.
Let it have no part in our lives and thoughts!
HAPPY LABOR DAY! Take a break!
Linda Joy Adams 9/5/16
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