
Saturday, September 24, 2016

DAILY RECAP 9/25/16 "DO NOT BE ARAID" President Obama Born In Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks, grandson of Dan Pope who took the ID of the older Stanley Dunham to go to WWII at age 14

Asteroid to Hit Earth at 3 am | Alternative  

This sounds as if doomsday is coming. But when I listened to the video I got that this is just the opposite.  As a Christian, I have a promise from HIM that somehow I will be OK for eternity. but an to do prudent things to be prepared for adversities of this world as not all is good in this world that has been in a 'fallen' state since Adam and Eve disobeyed and got themselves put here and we have had the struggles we did not have in the GARDEN OF EDEN OF PERFECTION WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF EVIL  TO CONTEND WITH.   They and we have FREE WILL and chose to get humanity in this world where wrong choices can cause lots of bad too occur. But our good choices can create a 'HEAVEN ON EARTH ' if we ever get our act together and each one of us figure out how to do  it.. We are learning daily, but having to deal with struggles along the way...
We do need to do what each one alone and together can to make things better and BE PREPAREDIN CASE OF EMERGENCIES.

We should always be prepared for emergencies. And it only takes the electricity to be out a couple of hours especially if its in the dark of night for one to know if they learned their 'scout motto' well of "be prepared.'  

      Light?  one of those LED by ones bedside is great  shoes, where are they as one gets up and does not wish to walk around in the dark as this is the worse time to step on something and get a cut,  wallet and / purse and keys etc?? in case this is more than an electric outage and one might have to leave and go somewhere or into a safe room or basement. .   Food in freezer that one now must not open the door lest it defrost  etc .too soon should be OK for a few hours, then one will need to do something else ..   How does one even  prepare a meal  now?  Plan ahead and open the refrigerator door once and grab everything one might need for the next few hours and put in a  insulated tub or container and cover with towels to keep it cool as one eats and drinks from what is already cooked or can be eaten without cooking. etc.  Eat the perishable first and think of the opportunity to clean up all the leftovers / \

And while food is being preserved the best one can, if one does not have a generator, and even those do not last for every with out an energy source, have  a battery or crank type radio available so one knows what is going on .... to have an idea if this is a few hours or worse a few days   and do

not forget to have  the phone number of the electric company outage phone number handy.  We have our posted by the land line phone  as your over the Internet may not even work with out electricity if one does not have at least one emergency prepaid cell around which may or may not work depending on what the emergency really is?

    SO the next time the lights go out, use is as a warning and a time to thoughtfully make a list of what is the most important things to do , just in case this is not just a short time of inconvenience and something much worse has occurred. 

And those of faith say a prayer for those working to get things running again. as they climb poles in the middle of the night  and maybe  some who may have been injured or worse if someone crashed their car into a pole and hit a transformer etc. 

     What each one needs to do varies from one home to another, but I have been there with the lights out and NOT PREPARED  and now do try to have a few things in order  JUST IN CASE.

           In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may justice for all and may we take care of ourselves and our loved ones and our communities and nation.  as we have electric grids and other energy sources that are decades old and patched together with 'tape?'   

We have those with idle hands and so much that is needed to be done.  and how can we put the two components  together and 'fix it.?" Show us the way through,  And if we face more than a momentary inconvenience, hold us up  as we work with others to come through whatever may occur stronger than ever in our souls and lives. 
Linda Joy Adams 9/25/16

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