FINALLY: Trump just REVEALED what he’s going to do with the 11 MILLION illegals already here – The Right Scoop See my comment to the article and on Linda Joy Adams on disqus. There are two sites set up and the other one is under lindajoyadams and has more info on President Obama birth and heritage few know of but his real family. I don't understand how the two sites got set up and do not know how to consolidate them
Since I became a serous blogger in 12/08, I listen to political speeches for details of how the processes and laws will be carried out. Often it gets hidden in the broader issues that all have to put into effect and it takes congress to make laws and give budget that has been like a stubborn mule for 30 years to budge and address the issue of immigration as the nation got overwhelmed and we had no realistic process or laws to address what was occurring.
So I got this from the speech in AZ last night and the details were mixed in with the cheering and political rally type message and my summary is not the full 10 points one can read or hear online ... The words in parentheses is my thoughts on the matters
(No more any one just meandering in or out as they please. Its out land and you come if invited only. and do not forget we have four borders two by land and two by sea.)
2. Those here that have become convicted criminals are going to be rounded up and sent home.
(And some nations may not want them back. We put them on a plane and notify their home country and if they are wanted for questioning for crimes or warrants for their arrest already out, then they will need to face the legal difficulties they left behind when they came here. Our 14th amendment to the US Constitution is very unique and special and everyone has a home country under it whether they are model citizens or not. One nation cannot dump their problem off on another-we don't choose the families we are born into or the nation that is our home. Paying for the place ticket is the last thing we should have to do for those who came here and disrespected our criminal laws and got sent to jail ,etc and will their be some law suits over which crimes are not so bad, etc. probably and we will give them the right to file these after all stealing a loaf of bead when hungry is not the same level as murder. etc. . of course we have all those crimes of ID theft to deal with as many have committed those with the collusion of some employers who exploited them which is the bigger human crime of another. most of them have not yet been convicted and what are we going to do with the million(s) that ITS and SSA ad FTC have identified already as being out there somewhere, etc. and the ones whose SSN's were taken not notified as its an ongoing criminal investigation and victims are not always allowed to know all until there is legal conclusion to the crime by the authorities... )
3. "PRESIDENT TRUMP" is going to enforce the laws. with some given priority over others such as removal of the convicted criminals who have completed their sentences. He said the local police pretty well know who they are and where they are.
( CONGRESS HAS TO ACT IF THEY DO NOT THINK WE HAVE GOOD AND HUMANE LAWS ON IMMIGRATION. I THINK THEY HAVE TO ADDRESS THE HUMAN CONDITION THE USA IS TO BLAME FOR BY LETTING THOSE WHO JUST WANTED A BETTER LIFE TO STAY AND NOT SEND THEM HOME OR MAKE THEM LEGAL IN SOME WAY And the people need to let them know and the Hispanic groups and others need to help persuade their elected officials what they want passed and soon. It is the constitutional duty of a president to carry out the laws of CONGRESS and bad laws, or outdated laws need to be changed. SO MOVE IT CONGRESS)
4. Visitors to the USA do not get to over stay the time they are given to 'visit'.
(I hope I did not hear the chip in the hand thing here. But their temporary VISA card may be able to be chipped so once the day of departure is scheduled if that is not deactivated by leaving, some cyber notice will be sent out and maybe even say where they are to escort them to their trip home. Cost? add it to the cost of the visa itself with waivers for humane reasons etc. When one visits someone else's home, they do not have the same expectation of privacy as they do in their own home do they?)
5. Those in some sort of legal proceeding to make their case to stay will be allowed to stay and make their case.
(We have a constitution and current laws that every one in our borders has rights, even those who came and are not approved to be here. prayerfully by the time this group gets through the system we will have some kind of realistic and human laws for those who came as minors and call the USA home now . Our laws have to be compassionate and recognize the USA is at fault for allowing this to go on for 30 years our penalty and fines is facing what we COVERED UP AND NOW HAVE TO FACE IT AND OVER COME as members of humanity. The current laws the president is to enforce do not fit the situation that we, the USA have created at all. We all became part of the 'cover up' as we chose to ignore it and allowed those we elected to do so also. )
( The Hispanic leaders that have decided to ;jump ship did not seem to hear that part and are needed to give their input. A lot of representatives from various groups should be in on these to share and figure out what needs to be done and fast. The experts in every field and group are needed and some who have been in the trenches and do understand the ins and outs of huge complex problems that is mostly the fault of us as we let them wander in and did not make them leave or make them legal.)
7. Those who are coming or applying to come as refuges, need to be vetted to know who they are and if they are truly who they say they area and wish to respect our laws and culture of freedoms we have. And his suggestion is a temporary place nearer where large groups of refugees come from to care for them humanely until they can return home or other more permanent arrangements made.
( I have heard and read reports of NGOS going door to door in some areas of the world asking folks if they wish to leave and come If one is in their home, are they a refugee? Or is some NGO trying to get their "numbers up." and some may well be a standing army that intend to do great harm to us. ITS A COMPLEX MESS AND A SORTING TO DO . now some who would like to go home, may not have one left to return to.)
Its time to get to the real hard facts of things and CONGRESS HAS NOT KNOWN WHAT THAT IS SINCE THE COUP OF 2002.
When the USA was turned over to an international cabal with no budget civil or criminal oversight and they gagged themselves with an unconstitutional rule to not be able to find out the whole truth of things or mention them as government contractors, contact, them or ask them to testify in hearings. And the real government does not know what is going on and they pass on bad info to Congress and they never know as the near whole of all of our data and records is now under the control of this cabal and our elected officials and real government are only allowed to know what they wish them to know
Whoever is our elected officials and congress has to listen to those in the real world as to what is really going on. I have been trying to share my own horror story online since 12/08 when this became clear to me and many high level government officials . MOST DO NOT EVEN KNOW THERE WAS A COUP OF 2002 AND ARE ALLOWED TO THINK THE REAL GOVERNMENT IS STILL IN CHARGE OF THINGS. ITS BEEN AN ILLUSION TO TRICK US INTO NOT KNOWING AS WE WERE ROBBED OF OUR PUBLIC MONIES, LANDS AND OUR PERSONAL,LIVES, LIVELIHOODS BY A FEW WHO GRABBED CONTROL OF OUR LIVES AND OUR SOVEREIGN NATIONS.
In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may your way of humaneness and justice be followed as we stand up for our own loved ones and homeland first so we can help others in need . We cannot help those in need, if we have become the needy by allowing ourselves to get in such an unjust mess. No one should have to leave their own home or homeland for a few at the top to get us into their wars. Few of the people ever wish to occur and would figure out common sense ways to co exist in peace even if we do not agree or even like each other.. WE UNDERSTAND FREE WILL AND FREEDOM OUR CREATOR BLESSED US WITH. AND THE OTHER GUY JEALOUSLY DOES NOT WISH US TO HAVE. Guide us through this process to find the answers that are fair and just for all. Amen. Others say your prayers or think your good thoughts as this is an issue that has to be solved and done humanely. But we cannot not become the oppressed as too many of us already have been put there already with no rights in a land where each is to have those rights.
I get to live another 10 days or so as my family got another tank of liquid home oxygen filled. The ruler of he USA Lynn Blodgett has blocked two suppliers and three health plans from allowing me the right to breathe and have the service anyone else is to have that has already been approved for life by three health plans. Most just one plan is enough. He ordered all to 'let her die' but I am still here years after he gave that illegal order.... from his boss hidden behind the scenes whom George Soros says all of this is his masterminded work. he has not affirmed that yet as Congress made him 'untouchable!' "MOVE IT CONGRESS" while we still have a homeland to move in.
Linda Joy Adams 9/2/16
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