
Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Whistleblower: NSA Has All Of Clinton’s Deleted Emails | World Truth.TV   Again , a crucial question did not get answered. Who has Hillary's deleted e- mails? NSA the real government contractor, who should be able to respond to a subpoena from a grand jury??

       Or Lynn Blodgett's et al contractor who may or may not wish to give them up??

  Its time to end this as soldiers are dying and have died and the world is looking at us as if we are unable to run a government. Let alone be able to provide security for the nation and people,

      Since the COUP OF 2002  we are not under the real government but an international cabal that its still not clear who is he ultimate controller. If this is the Clinton Foundation that over threw the Rothschilds of the last 400 years who used be in control or the illuminati or whatever group of the past that is allowed to be in power by the ancient order that has always been around that even put the CEASORS OF ROME IN POWER according to historical accounts. 

    Maybe  they were even  the wise men that came to worship Christ and caused horrendous problems and deaths of the innocents by stopping by Herod's palace first instead of sending in a few scouts quietly to find out what had occurred in Bethlehem of Judea  and would have heard the people sharing about  Angels appearing etc.


          Then who is the owner of  HILLARY'S E MAILS? HILLARY??  That is a leap , I cannot legally make yet, but there are those that can . If it is not her, then why the secrecy of this? She just does not seem to be that dumb, and seems to be able to use her blackberry well?

        Do not say , I said it, I just asked the question but daily info is coming to light that agrees with much I have gathered since the COUP OF 2002  and found out the government would not  stop the stealing of the public treasury  by its  contractors. And it took years to get the whole maze even a part unraveled its so murky and hidden and few who voted for it knew they had overturned their own government they had been elected to protect and defend and pass laws and see they were carried out and could not do so.  Someone convinced them to put on a self imposed gag order to not contact a contractor, mention them or ask one to testify so they could not unravel the truth either nor verify any facts or data they were being asked to pass laws based on

     A real fight for survival began as judges were defied on my cases and systems hacked and medical care obstructed increasingly and no one could help when there  is not government to enforce its own laws or unravel the maze better than my attempts as the SEC was also defunded to find out who was getting the contracts   and became a real fight for survival for self and family .

      How about an executive order President Obama since there is no need for additional funding, just allocate a portion of existing budgets for internal audits and criminal investigations of a government  contractor and let some funding be used by the SEC to help out stopping horrendous conflicts of interest that is in your legacy of Obama care and why its really not working is this cabal has scammed it  so badly its not helping as it was supposed to. It was based on false data and info .

     Then  see what happens when major thefts get stopped and this nation is not as broke as this cabal wishes us to think we were. .

      In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may .the thefts and deaths be stopped due to this organized crime ring that has taken control of the USA and plans to control the whole world soon. by approval of he Transpacific Asia partnership as its in the works now and no one is paying attention to  this part of it. at all  The part that ends the better parts of humanity and societies.

     No one human should ever have that kind of absolute power again and our founders gave the USA a governing document that is being trashed by all who are to uphold it by the COUP OF 2002.

Christ has not returned yet,

     HE is the only one I would trust to hold the one " rod" of  a server  in HIS hands as who ever does has the ultimate control of the 'whole world' and every one in it 'in HIS hands'. . And Christ is said to have been one who was there in the beginning of time to create us with FREE WILL AND IS UNCHANGING  IS WHAT WE ARE TOLD.

    ( I have added a possible interpretation of some words in the Christian Bible, and do not claim any special DIVINE  message in doing so )

      . I JUST READ AND STUDY.  Time will tell if its the right answer to some mysteries. But absolute power contained in one imperfect human is  not good and history shows its not. and we need to face the past and stop covering it up and OVERCOME IT AND NOT REPEAT THE EVILS OF PAST DEEDS OF HUMANITY BUT FOLLOW THE GOOD,
  One does not have to be a Christian or have any faith to understand the common wisdom and logic of what is occurring and should not be allowed to happen as its against all of our laws and sovereign rights of nations and our individual rights as humans
    Linda Joy Adams  8/2/16     

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