
Saturday, August 20, 2016


Two Months Left Until Obama Gives Dictators Control of Internet - The CON Trail  see my comment to the article.   Russians still cut of from this blog?  

If I am considered the scary one to some when I ask no one to do anything illegal and just want world peace; then the scary ones must be the ones at the top of this world?
   Personally, I do not understand Putin in recent times. He seems to have got himself into all kinds of end time theories and not kept perspective of a nation that still have to function and be a part of the world community. The real danger with prophecy is that some will go out and try to make it happen.  
     As a person of faith, I read my Bible in full context and consider the letters to the 7 churches as having multiple meanings as scholars say the whole often does.  and those 7 letters  begins the Book of Revelation as warnings to all people to watch out for deceiving types who will come in and lead us all astray , and not just in our places of faith, although its in faiths that some seem to be ready to make it happen.   If we are created with free will, then its up to the people of this world to choose a different path is we do not follow those leading us astray. Otherwise all kinds of bad things are going to happen and have happened. I mention this as even non Christians are reading and learning the terms today in movies and shows all around us.
        I am not against a national leader reading and believing, but no matter when such may occur, etc. we still have our daily lives and leaders have nations with everyday problems to deal with to serve the people.
       I have to ask:  have we got ourselves embroiled in SYRIA  because they are so evil, more so than any other people or leader OR  is it because the well known prophecy from even the OLD TESTAMENT THAT PREDICTS DAMASCUS WILL BE ANNIHILATED FOREVER.
       Who thinks some human should be taking that kind of action? I pray not one in high power with nukes at their disposal and a whole lot have them now. And prophecy, even end time ones, are just that, WARNINGS AS A CONSEQUENCE OF BAD CHOICES BY THE PEOPLE OR THEIR LEADERS . AND THAT WE NEED TO MAKE GOOD ONES INSTEAD.? OR VOTE FOR LEADERS WHO WILL NOT THINK THEY ARE TO MAKE END TIME PROPHECIES OCCUR.?
         This is certainly not against anyone quoting scripture or doing the good things taught to be done for self and humanity. at all. And most faiths have those good teachings of caring for one another in them. Its only a few extreme fanatics that turn to violence as if they are to make it occur. and I see no place in any teaching that says we are to be destructive to this world or the people in it. We do need to contain and stop the few that have done off the deep end and  are doing pure evil things. and not get nations at war with each other when we all have the same few to deal with and should not have to.
We need to recognize religious fanatics of any ilk and work together to make sure they do not harm  and disrupt society and ruin world peace.
     If this desire is so scary to share then we have scary people at the top of this world. Maybe its just some glitch etc.
 I do not work for Snowden or WikiLeaks at all and do not have any ones secret e mails not even Hillary's missing 33,000.    Does any one really have to read them, to figure out what they may have been about? Hopefully the legal system will figure out if there are illegal acts they prove and do what is needed for justice for each one of us.

Linda Joy Adams 8/21/16

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