
Sunday, August 14, 2016

DAILY RECAP 8/15/16 PROOF OF AN OVER THROWN GOVT- COUP OF 2002:: President Obama born in Topeka Ks, son of Jim T Parks, grandson of Dan Pope who took the ID of the older Stanley Dunham to go to WWiI at age 14

Linda Joy Adams: Violations of civil rights page 20: explanation of organization of filings  See the added updated comment to the linked posting of  an actual filing with the government and entities that are to get them . Identifier such as SSN's are removed. This is a series called "pages' that are resent periodically to keep all filings in many areas legally alive for eh day we again have a real government in place that is permitted by the Speakers of the House of Representative to spend even a portion of existing budget for internal audits of contractors and criminal investigations of criminal acts that are and have been blatantly going on for years, including massive thefts of the public treasury. .

        Most filings are never answered and liquid oxygen claims are never process since the over thrown in 2002 as THEY WOULD BE PAID AT FECA AND THE GIG WOULD BE UP AND THE INTERNATIONL BEAST SYSTEM UNDER PURE EVIL WOULD COLLAPSE. so the orders continues to let her die.  And none processed and paid at Federal blues under this cabal's management as FECA gas been since 2002 for 2 years now and over at Medicare's contractor Celerian Group they have not processed anything for 2 years either as I would appeal the denial for not having  an oxygen supplier  to be with the hearing pending for over 6 years with the  judge that Lynn Blodgett withholds from any agency judge now after I get 38 of them to order him to do things he dies not wish to do . and defies.
    All three  of my health plans are under one of Lynn Blodgett;;s companies control and are approved for life for liquid oxygen and WHEN ONE IS UNDER A REAL DEATH PANEL UNER LYNN BLODGETT THE ORDERS ARE OBEYED AS THIS CRIME SYNDICATE IS UNDER NO GOVERNEMNT TO BE ARRESTED BY THEM 

     My family has been forced to haul 200 lb tanks to a local gas company that still sells medical oxygen so I can live or their contract murder hit would have succeeded a long time ago. Its why I blog as advised to by one the  top attorneys in Washington , DC that publicity is the only way to live. Too many have given up and allowed death to overtake them and I cannot do that. and wish more would wake up as I am you as Linda Tripp said, and what is going on now is 11 million in just my disease category and that is one of millions of one group or another that is under a real denial of justice and rights at present and being robbed  daily of our monies. that are to help provide for ourselves and each other.   CONGRESS SAYS  WE ARE BROKE , BUT THEY HAVE FALSE INFO FROM THE GOVERNEMTN CONRACTORS THEY AND NO REAL GOVERNEMNT CAN VERIFY. The evidence is that we are being robbed and CONGRESS IS ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. I am not speaking about some ear mark for a bridge in some member's district as long as it gets built. But the hacking and blatant stealing going on inside the contractors  and not letting you know of that??  Plus scams to get more regulations and laws passed to shuffle more data that has crated more 'red tape' than any government could ever beginning to create.  Laws and regulations that have nothing to do with health and safety of the people and in the long run cause more harm and deaths through thefts, corruption  and loss of life.

The main media never covers the millions of horror stories like mine and the deaths that have already occurred under this cabal and its current head that controls nearly every life now in multiple ways. Have  you heard of the one who holds your right to live in his control for nearly everyone and even the private company you work for?
    Lynn Blodgett, the current hired head? Even the President of the USA  has no power over him and neither did Sec of State Hillary Clinton when his international security contracted company was not there at Ben Ghazi either. and paid to be. by us??. True leadership would have been for her to just have said it in the hearings but she bowed to the gag order??.  Comments are being spewn out now  that she was the one that changed words and phrases in the E-GOVERNING LAWS THAT OVER THREW THE USA IN THE COUP OF 2002?

       BUT I DO NOT KNOW WHO DID IT EXCEPT THAT SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE DENNIS HASTERT AT THE TIME  had a responsibility to the members of congress no to allow any bill to be substantially changed. and not allow more discussion and hearings on the matter  AND IT WAS.
 He is in jail now for cover up of his perversions with minor boys.  NOT FOR TREASON WHICH IS WHAT HE ALLOWED TO OCCUR. as gatekeeper of the US TREASURY.

        But the self imposed rule to gag itself and not mention this overthrow of the COUP of 2002 that those there at the time allowed to be approved in the E Governing bills, as a source linked finally located. meant that few who voted this over thorn even knew what they voted for, and most since have not idea how congress used to be able to help and following a few constituents files through the process showed what laws needed to be changed and what oversight committees should make sure got changed in side the agencies and contractors.
         The current bunch does not even understand that the signature of a constituent gives their member of Congress the right and duty to go find the files and data and make sure everything is proceeded legally and what is needed to be done for a legal and just conclusion. etc. and that all constitutional appeal rights are in place if the answer  is one that is wanted to be appealed. Those no longer exist. but Congress is lied to as if they are and monies spent to do them.


 I have not been able to get any help from any one since the  COUP OF 2002.

  The only exception was Senator Jim Inhofe who intervened and got the regional FECA office of the real Government   to process  some claims and they sent out  checks for that, from some in office fund, and he got 'backed off' and seems 'scared' to help anymore.  His staff said because crimes were being committed.
SO THIS CRIME VICTIM CAN NOT BE HELPED BECAUSE THE CRIMINALS CANNOT BE INVESTIGATED AND PROSECUTED?  Scared of what, doing his job? and speaking out and getting the funding back to the real government to stop the crimes committed by the government contractors. land if some in the real government tare in collusion, its harder to arrest them if there is not the other party willing to testify or be investigated also.
     This on going crime is much more sophisticated than that,,, its at the highest levels of getting the government to stop its right to govern, THE DEVIL IS A SNEAK!!

   The real governem cannot help for even the Sec of Labor Elaine Ciao' staff  intervened to help set up a process to get my file put back together and we faxed and put claim number on every piece of paper so that Affiliated Computer Services, one of the first Companies of this cabal that was set up by the overthrown Xerox company as a front in 1983?/
   WHO CONTROLS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE USA. NOT THE PRESIDENT AND NOT HIS OR HER CABINET OFFICIALS!  Yet no one had figured out how it happened that the funding to be the real government and stop such behavior was taken away in the COUP OF 2002

       The stealing of files, did not begin in 2002, but in the past the judges orders to begin paying and processing again results  in the real government obeying ts own judges.

   THERE IS NO PROVISION FOR THE FILE OF ANY ONE WHOSE CASE IS UNDER 'NATIONAL SECURITY ; AS ALL OF OURS WERE FROM OUR  then HHS SSA office was out under that by President George H W Bush according to Linda Tripp along with the order for a full investigation and every one have the benefit of the doubt with regard to the Workers comp claims. My case was non controverted and approved as soon as I reconstructed the file my regional office did not send to them. THE COVER UP AND CORRUPTION THAT CAUSED THE GATES TO 9/11/01 TO BE OPENED AND SOME OF YHE SAME PEOPLE THERE THEN ARE STILL ON DUTY  and my bosses.  Who can order no criminal investigations of those in the real government as that  system is badly broken and sometimes does not work as it should and what the 9/11 COMMISSIONS WOULD HAVE ADDRESSED IF THEY HAD NOT DONE "THE NJ WHITE WASH"  HEADED BY 2 IN OFFICE BACK THEN AND DID NOT GO BACK BEFORE 1995. DID THEY KNOW OR WERE THEY 'CONNED' BY WHO? The very thing they were to be doing is finding our what laws , etc.  need to be changed in the government  to prevent another 9/11/01

      Presidents were defied even before the COUP OF 2002  and that is not the way to straighten out  corruption in government , Congress helps do this through oversight and congressional investigations they no longer allow  themselves to do .

      So  we struggle for life until the day "THE RESTRAINER" IS REPLACED  to stop the beast system that has overthrown the USA and most of the world already for the ultimate evil one to control the whole world and people and nations with one hand held server seated in a nation with no extradition treaty.  .


 In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus , AMEN.  others pray or do your thing for good for all and that evil may be removed from our presence.

P.S. RUSSIA HAS BEEN BLOCKED AGAIN FROM READING THIS BLOG ?. IT WAS ONLY RESTORED FOR ABOUT ONE DAY. What is so interesting in this blog of an old , 71 year  disabled woman that is scaring either the USA or Russia. TRUTH IS SCARY? Everyone voting is frightening and earth shattering??

I ask no one to do anything illegal. I DO WISH 95% of the people in the USA and around the world would vote and do it for 10 years and see if it works to return  the nations and the people to self governing entities as most are now and many are becoming.  Even dictators, like to have approval or not in areas voting is not so free. and uncorrupted .  We strive for the ideals of the US Constitution for each and every one. We are only imperfect humans trying to vote for choices from among imperfect humans on our ballots.  We can only do our best and pray for those elected to do a good job and resist the temptation to do evil And having an active and responsible Congress is needed to provide the checks and balances needed to stop abuses of power by any one part. of the three.

Linda Joy Adams  8/14/16

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