
Sunday, June 26, 2016

DAILY RECAP ADDED 6/26/16 Donald Trump, Born Again Christian | The Resurgent

Donald Trump, Born Again Christian | The Resurgent   I heard it was a well known evangelist who met with the Trumps and talked through things. it was after this he married his current wife. I heard it on TV from the source. but I have no reason to doubt his faith. even though he does not speak 'born again lingo' the same as he does not yet speak 'political codes lingo' either. I take him for what he says as he says it. and then one votes from that. I do not know why so many republicans are so skittish. but may be some of them are too sold out to the COUP OF 2002 AND DO NOT WISH FOUND OUT WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE THEN TO NOT HELP UNDER THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDERS. THEY HAVE IMPOSED ON THEMSELVES TO NOT CONTACT A CONTRACTOR AND NOT TO ASK THEM TO APPEAR AT HEARING WHEN THEY WOULD HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH OR PERJURY THEMSELVES.
      They have gagged themselves to  not even mention them. And its why many in office do not know and nether do their aides kept intentionally ignorant that no one in the real government is doing much by 'playing at being the government."
Maybe some are afraid that Donald Trump will not let himself be gagged?? to seek the truth . I cannot believe he would give money to build a building and never contact the contractors and never go check the work product or have his executives do it he trusted to  find out and do it right. and if they came back wanting more money to do a job that should already be done, GO CHECK IT OUT?
     WHAT IS IT? as the current excuses do not meet muster our here among the voters!
 Linda Joy Adams 6/26/16

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