The Clinton Foundation: Hillary Beholden To Banks, Corporations, And Foreign Governments - The CON Trail see my comment to the linked article. I DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE. whom he works for. Officially Lynn Blodgett who holds near dictatorial control of the USA by acts of congress and few know of this. or his name. His current/ legal title is President of Xerox Management Services. but that does not tell the whole truth of matters. at all. his verbal word is the 'gospel' and on his orders government systems hacked and altered or deleted and files destroyed along with any respect for constitutional rights of each affected. And that includes federal judges orders tossed and defied and the highest level of government must do as he say and accept what he says is the truth as he controls the flow of data that none no longer have access to directly as he is in charge.
Yet everyone is affected by what he does or does not do through his companies and secret deal partners. Although I have written of it extensively as this has become a personal vendetta of him vs. me- also written of here in detail. Especially since 2009 when four appellate judges in multiple agencies ruled directly against what he had personally ordered and illegal actions toward me. Including an order to "let her die" as contractor? And now in defiance of 38 federal judges including many appellate judges in actions that are too common place for many others with loss of life, health and theft of the public treasury at all levels of government and CONGRESS HAS DECIDED YEARS AGO AND CONTINUES TO LET IT GO ON. Government does not wok any more because government is not in control . Media, always make sure you ask when covering a story who did it, the government official or a contractors and name that contractor as its suppose to be public info who did what with our money AND ITS OUR MONEY AND OUR ASSETS THAT HAVE GIVEN THIS CABAL , WHOMEVER THEY ARE PERSONALLY THEIR GREAT WEALTH AND POWER OVER US. They have been given more to do what they wish to do with it, than any welfare mom trying to feed a family and survive and forget to mention that extra job on the side. she gets prosecuted for earning a few dollars extra and getting a few thousand extra from the pubic treasury by breaking the laws of the land. While those who got billions illegally are TOO BIG TO PROSECUTE even though the harm to each and every one of us if the greater evil. and the welfare mom who stole a few thousand dollars, might have not been enticed to do that, if she had had a good paying job and good health care and affordable day care available from the free labor of machines which the few at the top have stolen from the rest of society. Stolen amounts which are far beyond any fair compensation for patent rights.
Cabinet Secretaries and Presidents and heads of agencies are 'under 'him as they have no access to their own agency records anymore and must do as he says, or do nothing to right grievous and unconstitutional and too often blatant illegal behaviors.
All by Congressional actions that defunded any civil or criminal oversight of what our contractors are doing . and who was the congressman over the budget committees when much of this occurred. Governors who let this cabal over thrown their sate governments and said nothing as it occurred. I am miffed at the whole lot running for the top job right now. and am praying to know whom to vote for. I do know that Senator Rand Paul and Sen Sanders stood with him and ARE STILL ASKING WHERE IS OUR MONEY , FEDERAL RESERVE. WHERE IS THAT MISSING 23 TRILLION DOLLARS THAT SEEMED TO NOT GET TO WHERE THE CHECKS WERE MADE OUT TO ? I am dealing with $59.99 missing recently from a payment that got sent and did not get credited in properly at an online merchant.t
But more crucial for life to be sustained is that million dollars for my medical Care as an injured fed with established case prior to 2002, that went missing last seen on the system as authorized at Lynn Blodgett's company along with those for others. who fight for survival also now. . And then there is the blatant organized crime theft form 1/06 through 11/12 at the Medicare contractor who stole my id and claims and crated 17 from one that even one pay to any doctor, etc. was an ' illegally dumping' on to them by hacking of government systems all under Pres. Blodgett. that netted 4 million that the federal reserve was told to send to the various medical providers and only one pay showed up there and what did they do with the rest of the 4 million that is part of the missing 23 trillion dollars the federal reserve will not tell is where it went to in a diversion of this nation's right to decide how to spend our own money?.. I DID NOT GET IT! and Under President Blodgett's orders the systems are still being hacked and money stolen in my name and the over payments can not be stopped except for three weeks when ' they figured out how to trick Human into accessing thought that back door. to continue the hacking.?
And each one is now liable for what is stolen from the government in their name they cannot stop and no one is allowed to process a waiver request which is like one can get on a stolen credit card without divulging personal financial info. None of our Forms SSA 632 has been processed as PRES BLODGETT HAS CONTROL OF SSA AND EVEN THE SSA OIG HAS BEGGED CONGRESS FOR ACCESS TO PROTECT WHAT DOES AFFECT EACH ONE. IN MANY WAYS MORE THAN ANY OTHER PROGRAM. Social Security rights which Medicare is part of that over all law. And Congress does not want to help? I pray daily for this man who has done me such personal harm that he become the ultimate 'whistle blower' and tell the world. what he knows and has done for?
AND CONGRESS DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY DID OR ARE DOING BY NOT ACTING AND ASKING AND DEMANDING WHAT THEY CAN LEGALLY DO TO PROTECT THIS NATION AND ASSETS AND UPHOLD THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE THEY ARE TO REPRESENT. never sent to any of the This election cycle has the pawns of this international cabal in both parties trying to convince us that their candidates are the best ones to vote for. Who stands for the people in this whole cadre? I can decide for or against of those with a voting record. BUT WHAT OF THE OTHER CANDIDATES. What will they do in office to know WHERE IS OUR MONEY?
Pay attention to local elections as those officials have contracted out many local and state programs and the big money spread around to put their 'puppets' in office is gravely serious.
We have elections so that we can vote in someone different who sold their souls when put in office the first time by us.
And WE , DID NOT PUT THEM IN OFFICE AS MOST ARE NOT EVEN VOTING in all elections. Its time we, all wake up and realize that what goes in in Washington DC and our state houses, as well as our city councils AFFECTS US PERSONALLY EVERY DAY. And if things are not going well, we need to find those who have tried and support and reelect them. and SAY "YOU'RE FIRED' to the rest.
What ever a candidate may have done in their youth, is often not the issue Its whether they took their past misdeeds and became a better person for it. YAHUSHA whom we Christians call Christ Jesus called us to be over comers , not cover uppers. We are called to action to make this world a better place and our US Constitution is a good secular guidebook how to do that just as HIS teaching from the TORAH show those of us of a faith tradition how we are to live our lives. And rarely is there much of a conflict at all.
Do a phrase search of some of the teachings of Christ and one finds the same quotes from the early TORAH writers and prophets with a connection to the DIVINE SAYING THE EXACT SAME WORDS.
By the time of Christ the meaning of the earliest teachings and history had been 'selectively' forgotten as an international cabal of corrupt government contractors had control of the world. And Caesars who demanded to be worshipped as gods who could never make a mistake. and turned total control over to those who gave them their worship and wealth to live as they pleased as long as they could be the 'god'. The corrupt contractors then became the real power of the land as they could control the 'god' by their worship. An anathema to the basic teaching of the 10 Commandments which , we in modern times , no longer understand why its more of a secular document for government than a faith one. Our elected leaders are not 'gods' and they can make mistakes and it they do harm to us, we can remove them from office through the ballot box.
We do not know our history or we would understand how earth shattering that announcement was by Moses when he came down from the mountain and shook the foundations of a few who held great power over all in the ancient world. and the same powers continued to do so for thousand of years. No wonder the tribes of Jacob where not liked well by those in power in the world. For they have taught that even their later kings are not to be worshipped as a god. and that 'sin' or wrong doing has consequences not only for the individual but also for others and for a nation when it done. by those in great authority over others.
Its this teaching we are now taking down from the walls of our places of government in our ignorance of what they have meant for thousand of years. and our founders well knew it was a governing document for all, and not just a faith document for those who whole the early teaching of the Moses and divine guidance. By taking it down, we have declared out leaders can be gods again and we are the slaves without rights or freedoms. Go to the original language and look up the meaning of the work COVET' and the whole understanding is changed when one reads that its 'ABUSE OF POWER' not just ones personal greed for wanting something someone else has which can be a sin against ones soul and others also. but most of us are not a king or president or member of Congress or local mayor who can affect so many by ones actions. and 'coveting.'
NO PRESIDENT IS GOD AND SAVIOR , no member of Congress or any other elected official is either./ ITS WHY THROUGH OUR VOTE WE EITHER OVER COME WRONGS or we cover up as we decide to not want to know of the evil that is in our lives and running our lives. Prayer is only asking for guidance as to what best action to take. And take the action that is good and not evil repeated.
No matter who wins the job , through out vot4es, I will pray for their success, but will continue to give constructive criticisms And if one or others do not do what they should with the power of governing, then, IN AM A FOOL TO VOTE THEM BACK IN. to do MORE HARM. to ME AND MINE.
Again , I do not know for sure who really is the 'handler of the three Blodgett brothers.! but it does seem that many out there are making connections that seem to be the ones that may say. I name him as he has been named by high level officials as the ones who cannot help me as HE HOLDS THE POWER OVER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE USA AND OVER US. And if he can do this for one, he can do it for all. and has done so. according for hundreds of witnesses. but the USA has no one to stop it as Congress controls the budget. and they have given over power to this beast of a system with an unknown head. and one who is hired to horn in on the power and rule for?
We have a world of the old wealth of the last few hundred years, mixed with the oil and energy wealth of the last 100 years, and that has been interspersed now with the wealth of the Cyber spaces where WHO CONTROLS THE CYBER SPACE HAS ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE TO DO WITH AS THEY WISH. And that means GOVERNMENT MUST OVER SEE WHAT IS GOING ON IN CYBER SPACE as this is the battle field of the new security boundaries, more than the physical boundaries of the past. Where a fence could keep the bad guys out. Air waves have no 'physical' boundaries, and we have to have governments we can count on to provide that Constitutional mandate : for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation.' Me and Mine are early victims and efforts to document and expose in order to just stay alive, has opened the door of others being able to know and go forward with the exposure of the truth. As Christ said;TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
and one does not have to be a Christian to know that that basic truth is the most basic truth of all. if you follow the truth then , when the time comes, I BELIEVE ONE WILL FOLLOW IT AND IF IT HAS A NAME THAT I WORSHIP AS MY DIVINE ? AMEN!
Linda Joy Adams 1/23/16
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