
Friday, January 1, 2016

DAILY RECAP 12/31/15-1/1/16 MEDIA AND POLLS NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH ? President Obama Born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

Jim Hightower: The Corporate Media Is Basically Pretending Bernie Sanders Doesn't Exist | AlterNet. see my comment to the article.

 Polls  can be skewed to create the answer the pollster wants. That much I learned years ago back at Kansas State University in my Social methods class in Sociology. Its the field from which the sampling is taken and how the question is asked.

     With much scrutiny today and 'everyone'  doing them, maybe there is a consensus of the probable truth. but he whole truth is greatly obscured in all of this.

                            HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MAY THE BLESSINGS OF CHOICE AND THE BALLOT BOX  lead us to the real truth of what the people want in a leader at every level. May we elect those who carry out the constitutional mandate of "for the general welfare  of the people and the security of the nation."  Something no one seems to be focused on as big money from an international cabal has been given government's authority since 2002 to do as they please with the laws and the people's money. One can no longer blame the government for there is no government in charge. Instead one has to blame our elected leaders at all levels who gave away their authority to over see what is going on  by taking away budgets for civil or criminal over sight ad then 'gagged; themselves to not mention what they had done. An over throw of the government itself into the control of contractors in every area an great loss of life and assets of the people have 'disappeared.' with no one being accountable for it and it goes on and on and we keep electing those back to power who did this to us, or more of their same ilk.

         There are some who do wish to change things , but they are up against great odds and the party influence from both sides often is the first to chastise the one from the other party for standing up for us , even if they do not agree on just how to do things  for all of us to have rights and life, and livelihood.

    We do not all agree on everything and its why we elect some to represent our personal views in a congress or state legislature or even city council., etc.  To come up with the best answers and to see to it that the will of the people is carried out and that our basic human rights and our  tax dollars are not stolen and wasted in getting things done.

      If one is not willing to try their best to get that done as their job, then why do we foolishly rehire them on election day?

                         Last week there were the results of another "poll" done.  TV  carried the news of the most admired top 5 men and top 5 women. Or some of them showed all five in both categories.

          BOTH SIDES ARE NOT BEING COMPLETELY TRUTHFUL IN SHARING THE NEWS.   Senator Bernie Sanders could not be ignored this time, as he came in 3rd.  But he list of the 5 women was not reported the same on MSNBC as it was on other networks.

 For the women , Sec Hillary Clinton came in first. BUT>>>>  

                     THE BIGGEST NEWS STORY OF THE WHOLE 'POLL' WAS WHO WAS WOMAN NUMBER 5?     Someone , who is polling in all the presidential polls as in the single digits and barely having enough numbers to get on the republican debate stage. Yet in a poll on most admired women, she came in 5th to Hillary Clinton's well known name who came in first. Just say 'Hillary' and every one knows whom you are referring to even if she is not 'admired.'. The same goes for Trump and 'you're fired' is known to be a quote from him from his TV show. and has become part of the USA 'language.'

     I EVEN HAVE TO GO SPELL CHECK HER NAME TO MAKE SURE I HAVE TYPED IT CORRECTLY.{ CARLY FIONA}(its Fiorina) Republican candidate for president of the USA  and 'replaced' as CEO of Hewlett-Packard at the time of a buying in of stock by EDS (formerly Ross Perot's company)owned by Lynn Blodgett's company Affiliated Computer Services, who also bought in to Dell around the  same time. I still do not have this time line down firm from the info on line and various SEC reports, etc. Did she let them in,  intentionally?, or got 'taken ' in by them? and then she faced removal by the influence of others on the board of directors that were unhappy with what occurred  and blamed her?  From all I know, and those who have read my blog over the last few years might know, she is probably a victim of  this cabal, as I am right now. BUT MORE IS NEEDED TO BE KNOWN AND WISH MORE OF  THE MEDIA WOULD DELVE INTO MORE OF THIS TO FIND OUT.
         They blame a buy our of Compaq and that in itself does not seem to be a continuing problem for a company that has   now become interlocked with President Blodgett and his cabal of companies now.  which has unfettered control of the USA and he is only the 'hired hand.' 
    This is the bigger story and  none want to delve into it at all. Yet it IS THE CAMPAIGN ISSUE THAT THE 'CONTROLLER' OF THE USA  is ignored. And maybe we have   a woman who has  more first hand knowledge of him and his cabal than I even have?, coming in as 5th most admired woman up against others well know to all with great name recognition. and she has little .
           Yet somehow, this unknown woman, has hit a nerve of recognition to poll number 5. One does have to admire her passion, and  knowledge of matters that seems to be missing among so many that say they wish to be elected to this office or that. I still have not learned if she became a victim of President Lynn Blodgett who is now the  most powerful person in the USA, or she helped enable his rise to power? I am still trying to find out more about each candidate before I decide whom to cast my one precious vote for.. ALL do vote and keep on voting in all elections at every level.

        Another key question is WHO WAS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE IN THE HOUSE  OF REPRESENTATIVES, in 2002  and in subsequent Congresses who did not think it was important for there to be any over sight of an overthrow of this govt into the control of an international  cabal of companies which President LYNN BLODGETT is now in many ways, the real leader of the USA and not accountable to anyone thanks to Congress not seeing to it that the 'general welfare of the people and the security of the nation" as directed by our US Constitutions was upheld. An oath or promise all make to hold office in this land.. HOW COULD ONE THINK WE NEEDED NO POLICING OF AUTHORITY NOR ANY AUDIT CONTROL TO MAKE SURE THE LAWS OF THE LAND WERE BEING UPHELD AND OUR PRECIOUS MONEY AND ASSETS NOT BLATANTLY STOLEN AS OCCURS DAILY FROM THIS  philosophy of "being puppets for the cabal?"    And this lack of oversight began in health care in 1994, when Congress let Sec of HHS, Donna Shalala get by with NO OVERSIGHT DECLARED   as 'the insurance industry could police itself" and collapsing of  our health care system as looting of Medicare began in earnest and got worse over time The 'gold standard; for health care is what Medicare does.  And  led to NO ONE HAD TO OBEY THE RULES AND  good contractors got shoved out to make way for those whose bottom line was profits even if it meant stealing from the people's money  with  loss of life and health along the way. Where  each of out doctors, began to be squashed under the heel of this powerful entity allowed to take over with no way to stop it and they even got done in by their own American Medical Association in a  sham law suit that argued over manipulation of claims they filed and got altered after filing , etc.
       AND LEFT THE PATIENTS OUT OF THE SUIT WHEN IT WAS OUR CLAIMS AND LIVES BEING MANIPULATED AND STILL  ON GOING HACKING AND OVER PAYMENT LIABILITIES STACKED UP AGAINST US THAT NEVER GO AWAY AS GOVERNMENT DEBTS CAN BE ASSESSED EVEN AFTER ONES ESTATE IS PROBATED. And in the settlement of those suits in 2007, that did not really stop anything, how many got gagged to not speak out among our good doctors and others. in the medical professions? now the AMA has few members and less of a reputation for being the real spokes entity for them. Now who speaks for our doctors, any more?

       Congress is letting President Lynn Blodgett and his 'partners; now becomes the bill collectors and we can now see every illegal tactic that our laws forbid being used to collect debts that most do not even know exist against. them.  Someone you cannot control and the government cannot stop steals in your name and its your government debt  with no recourse. As SSA will not process any Form 632 to waive the overpayment as they agreed to do in 2005, when this stealing was being set up to take what  some of the 500 witnesses who helped document all of this only to find out that there was no budget from Congress  for any law enforcement agency to stop it. What these who documented all of this  said was a trillion dollar theft that some indicated was the TARP MONEY  AND TAKEN FROM MEDICARE AND THE OVERPAYMENT PUT ON THE RECORDS OF PATIENTS.  by stealing claims and ID and creating phony claim numbers and paying those claims and diverting the money to the EU banksters by the Federal reserve  and no patient or doctor, etc. got a notice of this., just lied to as to how to send in a clam to by pass security on  the illegal system allowed to exist  by the 1/1/06 software put in place and still allows this on going hacking to occur and daily thefts of one of the biggest 'pots' of tax dollars in the USA to be skimmed from as payments to our medical providers get cut to offset the theft losses by its own in total controlling partners.             
       Congress knows nothing of this and neither does HHS as there is no internal audits done since 2002 at least to know what is really going on. if any one does know, then they should and can be investigated and prosecuted for stealing, etc.   or is it  A SCANDAL TOO BIG TO KNOW OF? for all sides of politics?

              That form SSA 632 , when filed for this kind of overpayment does  not have to include any personal financial info, as " its against equity and good conscience" to hold the patients liable for something the government itself cannot and will not collect from the thief. as Congress gave  full immunity with no budget for internal audits to know what is going on and stop it, NOR ANY BUDGET TO INVESTIGATE AND ARREST THE THIEVES. WHO ARE THE INSIDE CONTROLLERS AS PARTNERS/CONTRACTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT. The defense department has seen fit to get some for theirs. But some of theirs are also the ones for other areas, and they can do as they please with out tax dollars elsewhere.  now.
      This major theft of Medicare  almost did not get detected when the first  major portion was stolen in 8/08. It was 2/1/08, I learned form the medical billing lady for one of my doctors, that the provider call center ( Pres Blodgett's info giver) had  lied and told her my Medicare claim number had been changed to my social with an "A" subscript. ( I than verified this was rampantly going on with others and on other patients in very subtle misinformation being passed on. plus and internal memo from ta high level official in the Dallas regional office came to me, also that verified that there were those inside the government in collusion  also. that held a position to stop the investigation all wanted to go forward with in all agencies involved. in identity theft from SSA, to HHS to CMS  to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION  who is over identity theft of SSN which this was a misuse to steal of.) An impossible claim number at SSA. IN MY YEARS OF DOING MEDICARE FRAUD  INVESTIGATIONS ON OLDER SYSTEMS ,  This was the biggest RED FLAG  for EMBEZZLEMENT.
          In 1/06  and even since 1994, we had no security on the Medicare system and in 1/06 when new software should have been installed to stop this, it was left wide open to occur and set up these antiquated systems to use and to steal. Even if not one penny had been stolen, the fact that a phony clam number could be used and was used to send one payment to a doctor, etc. proved there the SECURITY OF THE NATION AS THE US CONSTITUTION MADATES WAS BREACHED AND ALLOWED TO BE BREACHED. and many n Congress got the faxes of the documentation direct from that illegal system that I had been sent by the 500 witnesses, who did what they were to do and then got stopped when their owner, Mac Curtis found out and now got gobbled up into a bigger entity. In 2/1/08 I  then started  a two year, daily calling of 1-800-Medicare  that did not end even after   4/09 when they blocked our phone lines from going into the main menu there after I learned from the Deputy sec of HHS that not one of thousands, tens of thousands it had been said of fraud reports that 500 named witnesses had diligently filled out and sent in  as they began discovering the theft to be 'PREVALENT'   and each one,, regardless of merit is to be docketed I to CMS in Washington , DC. so Congress is not lied to . CONGRESS ALLOWED ITSELF TO BE LIED TO BY EVEN THE DIRECTOR OF OIG FOR HHS, IN A 2010 CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ON FRAUD.  And did nothing to stop it. A budget items does not have to come from HHS? can't Congress decide to give budget and pass a law to use it?  Who's in charge in the nation anyway. Our representatives we elect or an international cabal doing as they please no matter who is harmed or how much is stolen from us or who gets harmed. Hillary has the wrong out look on this. Government is not a partner of big business. Its has to hold authority over it when maters of the people are involved and  especially when they are a government contractor. other wise the government has been OVERTHROWN. Without the government looking out for us, we are" sitting ducks to be fleeced and 'deaded'." if the abuses of power are exercised with none to stop them.
     It is part of their CMS contact to report any fraud they find, and THEY WERE ORDERED NOT TO SEE ANY FRAUD ANYMORE ON ANYONE AND NOT TO FILE FRAUD REPORTS. And the illegal system in place where each time a claim was filed they would fax into Group Health who owns the system and all of our medical records, and not just Medicare claimants; either since 1999;. to  illegally alter the posting from my employer with jurisdiction at US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR that showed me still active duty and that FECA and FED Blues primary and  Fed Blues primary for those on that policy also who had Medicare card. we got the hacking stopped for three weeks, until HUMANA GOT TRICKED TO HACK IN THROUGH THEIR ACCESS AND NOW ITS BEING DONE BI WEEKLY YET, WHEN DETECTED AS THE REPORT FROM Walmart seemed  to indicate last week.  Now only one real claim number is- altered  from primary to secondary and let Medicare pay first . Even more grave medically is that the Fed Blues is completely deleted it appears from the OPM system which is Pres. Blodgett's info system . Instead of affirming we have the coverage, its deleting it. so our doctors have no idea which set of rules to go by to prescribe treatment for us as no one knows who the primary insurer or plan is?
     And the over payments pile up as the cabal refuses to give out the info how to do a conditional payment that would relieve the patients and the medical providers, etc. from any liability in the matter to go ahead and bill Medicare legally by just one act to do as a conditional pay so the matter goes to Group Health as coordination and recovery and they can do the legal thing and send out letters and start to discover for the government from their side,  for all to know of the illegal matters going on.? and if the government did not wish to collect its money back from their own partners, then the people would have that huge amount to be collected, well  documented by its own partners and government and not just from contractors and patients and it be a campaign issue of what are you going to do about it CONGRESS?
 And none at OPM have  authority anymore  to ask Congress for any funds. WHY don't you? AND WE ARE NOT CONSIDERED OPM HACK VICTIMS AND THE 200 MILLION GIVEN TO HIS CABAL TO MONITOR OUR CREDIT IS NOT AVAILABLE TO THOSE ALREADY VICTIMS OF REAL HACKING INCIDENTS WHO  WOULD  BE MONITORING THEIR OWN ILLEGAL ACTS? ? FORCED TO 'CLEAN THEIR OWN HOUSES?' Do they know who they are mixed up with ? Can they turn it around and do what is right, or is this a ruse to invade the personal financial business of each and every fed and family? At the cost of  $200 million and more is indicated they may be asking for up the road. They hire our neighbors who are nice people and then are trained to now know all. is what has been put together over the years since this got so bad since 2002.
         Illegally all coming through the management companies of President  Blodgett's orders. who also has 'all' workers comp in the USA, now, but than had the feds, since 2002, and refused to post my file when I already had permanent 100% medical there  nor input one oxygen claim to hide that I am on it 24/7 to stay alive. and then ordered all collection /recovery efforts at Group Health who is the Coordination and Recovery entity to records and copies of  all the letters he had been sent to repay Medicare which no one at the US dept of labor ever saw as 'everyone' thought he was a govt official in charge and his address in London Ky was a real govt office. and was not. And hack in a delete my self reporting site I had spent hours setting up and very complete with even ICD-9 codes, (now ICD-10), etc. leaving a muscle injury as the only entity as it that was some kind of original claim  of 1/10/89 which the system is not deigned as it is suppose to be and nearly every one with an injury claims gets missed by the system to catch and code it as a conditional payment also as it used the date of entitlement to Medicare as if that is the date of injury which is at last 25 months later for all. to make  me look bad to all as if I had no idea what I was doing. and discredit me when I have 38 federal agency judges to quote on my case alone he is in defiance of.  obeying.
        Its also illegal to not designate the name of the contractors and  the agency they are contracted to as always occurred and others still do. in the govt. And why most think he has the full authority of the government to be obeyed and he only has no budget from Congress to be investigated and audited.
              Its his? OPM "let her die" order on me that has me with out a liquid oxygen supplier and his contractor people at OPM, CMS, SSA, DOL  FED BLUES, Celerian Group now for CMS? FTC, etc ;that has led to not any oxygen claims being processed and paid , when I was getting  partial payment from fed Blues until 1/14. now they will not even process the claims at CMS's partner Celerian Group now owned by SC Blues, the ones whose subsidiaries were involved in this $4 million dollar theft at Medicare on me  that the 500 witnesses said was a trillion dollars all told that did not end until their contract with CMS ended in our region in 11/12 and a thousand lost their jobs in N TX from it. Which in the past, might have led to the ones involved in stealing being prosecuted and under new management allowed to continue with their contracts. .  
I am approved for life for liquid oxygen from all three plans, and there is no good reason I am being 'let to die; and mu family having to haul 200 lb. tanks to Mitsubishi to stay alive. and this cabal almost had that stopped over a year ago and my life was going to end for sure. Thanks to them I AM STILL ALIVE.  Whether those at Mitsubishi are Christian or what ever, what they have done for me is testimony of their salvation to the YAHUSHA WHOM WE CHRISTIANS CALL CHRIST JESUS. I believe many are going to be saved in the end for eternity, even if not before they go on from this life on planet EARTH.  John in the gospel says  "god is love" and if those that accept and share that in many ways in this world, surely are following HIM even if its not in the manner we Christians, do. We believe HE will be there at the final judgment day, and when all actions are weighed, what do you think happens to those who care and have committed  personal and corporate responsibility  in their lives  to others in needs as I am, should go to ? I vote for salvation and eternal life , if my prayers are heard as its believed all are. I pray that those who are doing bad , stop and do good for all., also.
                        Back to Medicare:
      Do to this daily tracking of the illegal hacking by the owners of the COMMONS WORKING FILE, AT CMS   OWNED BY GROUP HEALTH, NOW EMBLEM HEALTH INTERNATIONAL, we caught the multiple thefts early on and  the 1-800 Medicare call centers owned by Vangent now owned by General Dynamics, began to fill our fraud reports and did for the most part a real service to the USA. And  the result was severe retaliation for the discovery and no way to stop it as the US atty said there was no federal law enforcement in the USA now for contractors and the Us Justice Dept said the same. SSA OIG; OPM OIG; FTC OIG, HHS OIG employees all got a real shock of reality to learn that the biggest ricco case in the history of the USA, could not be  even stopped as CONGRESS HAD GIVEN NO BUDGET TO STOP IT AND THEFT WENT ON. until Acting director of CMS Don Berwick MD did  the only thing he had power to do , not renew the contract. And his retaliation was not being confirmed as Director and we show the horrors that have occurred.  he was not "pro life" was the "reason"  to not confirm?. But the pro choice guy  won the presidency and what is more pro- life than stopping the stealing of our precious health care dollars. He also wanted to get the government contractors and even government officials under the HIPPA law.  And that 'deadly mess; of a data base of all of our medical records at Group Health under the HIPPAA law as its got typos and alterations and other patients records co mingled in to and NONE CAN CORRECT IT AND PATIENTS HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN HAVE A COPY OF IT. YET THAT IS WHAT IS USED FOR YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT ESPECIALLY IN A BUSY ER AND I HAVE HAD  ANOTHER CLOSE CALL WITH A SPECIALIST I SAW WHO USED IT, TOO. 
     And the patients turns out to be the 'bad person' after all the cover ups get done. GOSSIP OR SLANDER IS A DEADLY SIN IN MY FAITH AND FOR GOOD REASON IT IS NOT A MATTER OF MORALITY , BUT OF LAW WHEN ITS DONE USING PUBLIC MONEY AND RECORDS.  One of those 10 commandments about abuse of power of government when those in authority act like gods to be worshipped a as they were in the time of Moses, when pharaoh was a god to be worshipped and MOSES CAME DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN AND SHOOK THE ANCIENT WORLD SAYING HE WAS NOT. giving the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a very different model of leadership of a people.  then any other nation held then and many of until the age od reason  and reformation and discovery of history began to take  over about 500 years ago. Yet we still fall into thinking that the one we elect is somehow going to save us from ourselves. When we hold the power  and are responsible for what we put in power over us. and to vote it out or keep it.
     And those who abuse awesome power over overs too often  break  every one of the 10. And in our worship of them we allow them to get by with it. And  WE TAKE THEM DOWN IN IGNORANCE OF WHAT THEY REALLY ARE ABOUT.  THAT HAS LESS TO DO WITH ANY RELIGION BUT FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE  AND GOOD GOVERNING OF  AND FOR ALL.
But the mention of the real reason why  these acts occurred, never hit the media.  But every one in N TX knew and it was unfair to those who were not involved to lose their good jobs there over it. ITS UNFAIR THAT CONGRESS HAS KNOWN FOR OVER 9 YEARS OF THAT DEADLY DATA BASE AND NOT SIMPLY PUT IT UNDER HIPPAA. with ways to correct errors.  You all worried about gun rights, etc. one input and everyone becomes ineligible to buy one, through that data base.. And will you be able to get a copy then when denied the right to buy , and find out how your own records got messed with. I do not like guns and have not tried to buy one. But for those who do want one for legal reasons., please be responsible about them. Tragedies have occurred in homes with children way to often.  as it did with a church friend many years ago.  One reason its not something I want around.
But for those who do,  one needs to pick your battles carefully in the political realm. Your candidate  may not be the one you thought would vote as you wished him or her to do for you?
      So any in Congress that allowed this defunding to occur from the House of Representatives should be thoroughly  questioned about this before any one votes from him. NONE IN THE MAIN MEDIA IS ASKING THE BASIC QUESTION . OF  are your a wholly owned subsidiary of thieves of the USA treasury? and of our human rights. DO NOT FORGET, THE  NSA IS NOT THE SNOOPER. Their contractor is! and a part of this cabal. That is the bigger issue. in the gathering of info on all of us. NO PRESENTATIONS ALLOWED WHEN INFO IF MISUSED FOR  NON SECURITY REASONS.
       Linda Joy Adams 1/1/16


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