
Friday, January 22, 2016

Daily Recap 1/13/16-1/22/16 Sarah Palin Connection: President Obama born in Topeka KS, son of Jim T Parks

Linda Joy Adams: Search results for pearl vallier see link to one Daily Recap of the genealogy of President Obama and the connection to current presidential race.

           Genetics only goes so far in giving one certain aptitudes and abilities. But , in my personal opinion, as a non scientists. Ones upbringing and environment has a much bigger impact. My Dad Rev. Tracy  Hardy ( as he was know by) had four sisters. They ended up in eastern Colorado with their parents about a hundred years ago. And all five married and moved in different directions.  I HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN ALL OF THEM TO BE 'GOOD PEOPLE.'

A few have had problems with a few of  their  descendants  whose personal lives had some problems of  addictions as all families have in this era and in the last century with alcohol. But over all less than the average is my understandings.  Few even had divorces. Something that is more common in other families.
          All  showed a great faith in Christ, even though all followed  into the separate denominations of their spouses.  Back in 2012, I share much o the family history as it has had an impact on modern era politics in the USA.

        I was raised by  a mother , Florence Ethyl (Hunt) Hardy Some in the family have said that Ethel gasoline was named after her by her cousins the founders of Hunt Oil. But that has not been confirmed.

My mother had minimal contact with her widespread family and they  seemed to be the opposite with many widespread scandals . many of which have played a part in modern day politics and campaigns. One nearly got picked out of the presidency over it. in 1998,

      I had a much closer relationship with my Dad's family although we lived in different states after I was born.

       What  is share in these 2012 Daily Recaps is that in the last 30 years, its is common place to have a member of one or the other side of the family running for US President or Vice President and often members of the same side of the family may be running against each other for the office or one side of my family running against the other side in one of the two top positions.  OR sometimes its close in-laws,  often as close as spouses of the candidate.

                       For me, this has put me in the cross fire of powerful and sometimes very wealthy people although most of the family has lived a life of modest means . After I began sharing my eye witness accounts of the birth of President Obama in Topeka, Ks where my mother took his mother to Forbes Air Force Base hospital where Dr Ron Paul served his military duty as Doctor for many military families in the area back  in those years.  in those years, any military member or family could receive medical care from any military related  hospital even the VA........

                      So after I began  sharing, many in the media, realized that President Obama is 'well connected ' politically. And Has been for centuries if one considers the full historical back ground.  Even though they found themselves under some kind of 'gag; order to not find out all the facts for themselves back in Topeka, Ks. Back where much of what is going on today in this world had a genesis and modern day way of doing campaigns became a science.

a science that has been more of creating a persona  than dealing with issues in an era of TV and now instant reporting via the Internet. Its become so bad that  its hard to know who these people really are who ask for our votes.   My opinion is that the charisma of the  front runners in both the Republican and Democratic parties  are those who have gone out and 'been more true to who they really are.'

W if Senator Sanders or Citizen Trump become our next president, we are probably seeing more of what we can expect to see on 1/21/2017, the day after either of them might well have taken the oath of office and sat down in the Oval Office of the White House to take on the duties of the office.

   I do think , both of them , say what they mean. Sen Sanders is a more seasoned  politico and is more careful in how he phrases his words. But CEO Trump is learning fast that what may be well understood by his business partners  in the boardrooms when said 'bluntly' is not going to receive the same response in the political realm. Every word is going to be parsed and construed into a variety of meanings. by all who too often 'hear what they wish to hear.' for good or ill. My 'open letter ; to him several months ago was letting him know that there was not 'birther ' issue with President Obama and he should not go  there with him. Job performance is a better issue to comment on. and he has. and  may well end with him being voted in for the election and even  WHITE HOUSE.  Two who may well beginning to understand, Sanders or Trump may actually get what they are asking for. THE JOB.  and its an awesome reality , isn't it.  Either of you in charge of this mess.  of the last several decades. of humanity. Governments of the world have not  taken seriously to do what is best and good for humanity and our world. 
         But we can not do that for we are all we have, along with Divine guidance that most of us believe in  with some basic rules to follow which have been neglected also. in our era of growth to mature adulthood as we have been going though our rebellious teen years. is my opinion. We see the light ahead as wonderful , but along the way we have gotten ourselves in real problems  and messes. . that too often threaten our own survival  as a planet and universe and humanity itself who is supposed to be in charge of taking care of things and have not done so well in recent years.

      I have witness him being a ;fast learner.  I do not see any change in views, but at least some of the language that was often misconstrued are being modified. Many do understand what he is saying as it reflects too much of the frustrations of the mire of current leadership over the last few decades that , many of my own family  and in laws have contributed to.

       I call those in this nation, who came 'uninvited; as TRESPASSERS.  And we are dealing with out own 'INACTION  over the last thirty years. We , the people, did not demand of our elected leaders that they address the growing problem. Often WE DID NOT  EVEN VOTE.  And its our trespass laws , which are common law of the ages, that is the law we need to address here. And take responsibility for our own inaction's.

                             SQUATTERS RIGHTS

      I was raised by a dad, that taught me a lot about land rights and so many other things over the years of our lives together. more than I even realized until he was gone and we could not have our long discussions anymore. Discussions we had even after I married and moved long distances where we did not have as many of those conversations.  I married a man, much like him, who could discuss and debate politics and religions and all other kinds of issues in depth. I do not think I could have ever married a man , who did not have that kind of personality and interests.  Not long after Doyle and I began dating back in Topeka HS,  we did not spend that much time together after school as he had to go to his sister's home and baby sit his young nephews and prepare suppers for them. His parents lived in a small town in Ks and any who could, often moved to the larger cites to attend the High schools there. Later on , the rural schools began to consolidate so the curriculum had more to offer.  he was staying with his sister his last semester to concentrate on studies  before that he had been working nearly full time and paying for his own rent and expenses even though his sister had signed to be his guardianship.    His HS only had about 50 students.
      So after school we spent time on the phone as he prepared supper for them. And I did not realize it, until I over heard  my mother tell  my dad about us; They get on the phone and talk about politics and religions  and really deep things.   There has always been something deeper to our connection other than he was  a very handsome guy.  We will soon be married 52 years next week on 1/26/16 and we still have those deep issues n our discussions, along with all the appeals and issues to be filed due to NO GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF THE NATION ANY MORE and  all we can do is document  and pray that some day we will again  have a government to stand up and preserves the rights and life and property for all of us.

At that time, Topeka had a lot of very young teenagers on their own in that city. And for President Obama's grandmother,  my cousin in-law; to send her daughter to stay with some of her relatives there when she was 'unknown ' for a couple of years,  was VERY COMMON PLACE.  What was not common was who they were. Fred Phelps from Westboro Baptist church and many families sent their children to him to be guardian to go to school in Topeka, Ks.  His grandmother married my first cousin Daniel Wayne POPE  who stole Stanley Dunham's id to do to WWII at age 14. All here back in 2012, etc. just scroll down the side of this blog and look for DAILY RECAP or at the top of this blog is a  place to search this blog for any subject I may have written about.

By some studies, Topeka HS was lasted among the top few in the nation and in every department, national awards were won over and over. I contribute much of this to the INTOLERANCE  of any kind  bullying or name calling. The world was watching after 1954 Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka and the over effort was to make it seem as if everything was great.

    A few did not and this ended in the tragic and horrific  racist attack on a young interracial teenage couple, President Obama's parents where all three were to have died and he unborn. Its all here back in 2012 and since and is not the purpose of this posting. I do think that if the dad, I have always known it to be and so did 'everyone' else had been present to have some kind of influence, we may not be embroiled in some of the rhetoric, justified or not, that has engulfed this president.

           Back to SQUATTERS RIGHTS:   If some one moves on to ones land and stays, then one has , by common law of the ages, 7 years to either tell them to leave or make them legal in some manner in order to maintain ownership of ones land. they had 'squatted' on. We have laws and law enforcement to serve eviction papers to 'squatters' and if they do not leave they are 'removed' off the land. We are a compassionate people as a whole, as humanity is. and if we wish to help someone with out a home to have one, then , we do legal things to make them legal. One might let them stay with a nominal amount of rent  or work for rent, etc. and that maintains one full ownership of the property, but both renter and landlord, then have RIGHTS.

      What we have done is double wrongs. We have not done what is legally required as 'land owners of the USA. Nor have we even to it that those human beings, members of our human family are treated with compassion, ,if we decide they should have our help and right to stay, We have allowed some to EXPLOIT  their labor AND TURNED OUR BACKS ON OUR HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY TO OTHERS OF THE HUMAN FAMILY WHO TRESPASSED   ON TO OUR LAND.

       If part of the issue, is actions of our nation, in their nation of origin, then we have neglected a triple responsibility to humanity for helping create refugees from wars, poverty , famine and internal violence and corruption in their own lands. We have let an international cabal of great wealth and power steal, even from us , who have ownership rights to the land, as citizens,  and then DO NOTHING  to demand that something be done early on.  And the first action to take is VOTE. And stop reelecting those who will not even try to make things right and legal in every phase of our lives and solve the myriad of issues we have some kind of responsibility  in creating the issues of tens of millions of trespassers here, and we have no idea if they are here  just for a 'better life' or to harm the lives of us., and the nation. Do we have refugees, whom we wish to show compassion to , or are among them an invading army that may already have trespassed in here over the last several decades as we got more and more involved in the business of world nations and matters.


     And do it in a human and responsible manner. We do need to stop the open trails in . but we also need to stop the reasons we have played a part in creating where any would wish to come. YAHUSHA, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, taught us the TORAH  which the leadership of HIS day had forgotten and were not following  of having Compassion for those in need.

HE also taught, us to 'go the second mile." sending a ship load of food to a nation in famine is not that.  We need to help others help themselves.  That may be helping others with tools to grow food and dig wells for water to irrigate, and train doctors and nurses to take care of medical needs of their own people.  as the PEACE CORPS mandate is to do  and help with such things. And we have done much. But too often its been tied to politics and moneys gone to high corrupt leaders and not to the helping of others to be self sufficient and run their own nations. through the ballot box. A great shift in power for nations who have been under  corrupt dictatorships.

      We have allowed the influence of this power and wealth to aid in the exploitation of others, who them trespass  on to our 'land..' Its come down to who is in charge in a nation, The people , as our US Constitution says is to occur here, and has not when too many do not even take part in electing those to represent us in matters. Or too many reelecting those who have not even tried to act responsibly for humanity and  our own nation. WE OURSELVES HAVE FALLEN VICTIM TO TRESPASSERS FROM THE HIGHEST WEALTH AND POWER OF THE WORLD while many of their victims from other nations, trespass on to our land for help.  or other trespass, to do us harm and wrest power of this  to often  very corrupt international cabal of a common enemy of all people, we allowed to grab power over us. . But those who would do harm, would not treat us very well, either and that is an ;invading army. All the more reason to know who is here and who should be evicted and who should be allowed to stay permanently or at least until we can  help make right what we may be responsible for in their own nation that led them to come onto our land in great need of life and/or  livelihood and they can go home. as they will have a home to return to .. 

    We have to stop making trade deals that do not help all of humanity. NAFTA should have had some form of minimum wage for every nation, signing on and the same should have been done for all the rest. If its our law, we must recognize it should be equal treatment for all. The rights of each one must be upheld just as our own governing document, , the US Constitution mandates for each one of us here under it. We help other help themselves and stop the enslaving of people to a few by laws that do not end with self sufficiency and that can mean an extra amount or 'mile; initially so that one can get up and make their way on their own . And when  the 'free labor' of machines has been allowed to be robbed of all of us, then we have all suffered.  we have allowed  a few very wealthy to gain more wealth, far in excess of reasonable  patent rights so that we have demolished the middle class who worked more and longer and harder when the free labor of machines should allow each one of us to work less and have  a better quality of life then every before. with a few amount of all the basics as a given right.. This getting rid of any need for food stamps, energy assistance,  basic income levels rights, etc. The free labor of the machines gives each one in this world, the   real freedom of basic needs of survival. And the incentive to earn or create more for a betters than basic survival life style, Whether that be through work or, creating families to share the amounts each gets by right of birth,
  We have enough for all  to have basic needs.  We have not taken the responsibility to see to it , we do not let it be wasted and stolen from us. ITS OUR MONEY AND OUR ASSETS, AS A PEOPLE OF A NATION.
   In the Book of Revelation, it shares that humanity is going through some very horrific times under a beast system that we allowed to exist by  our own inaction  or 'sin' as those of faith would present it

When we 'wake' up and grow up in to full adulthood of humanity, then we will have a time when we the people rule and 'every one has their own fig tree or vine to sit under.'

   No one should ever have to leave ones home,  in order to survive. THAT IS NOT FREEDOM.

And TRESPASSING would not exist in such a world, that the BIBLE promises is coming and may be here as soon  as we decide to have it exist. We are created with FREE WILL and the time table of events is really up to us working together, but each as an individual with each ones own special gifts and perspectives to add to the whole BUT EACH ONE WITH FREEDOM AND RIGHTS.

        OUR CREATOR DID NOT CREATE ALL THIS WONDER AND US TO BE DESTROYED. but ITS UP TO US, WHAT WE DO WITH IT.  And HE promised HE will not let us completely destroy ourselves.  But FREE WILL IS JUST THAT AND TO ALWAYS INTERVENE  is not how   parents raises  children to do what is right ad good for each.  We do have to make our mistakes and learn from them not to make them over and over again.

How are we doing, world?  

     Whomever takes the oath of office as President of the USA in 2017, is going to need every one of us to offer prayers and good thoughts for success for each one of us,  But we each have a responsibility of citizenship  to offer our suggestions for solution and our criticism when things are not being done as they should. with more suggestions of a better way to do things. My prayer is we elect those who will SERVE HUMANITY, THE USA, AND US AND RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF EACH MEMBER OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. AND LISTEN WHEN THOSE WHO DO PRESENT WITH SOME BETTERS IDEAS OR WAYS OF DOING THINGS AND FORMULATE POLICIES AND LAWS AND THEN OVERSEE TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE DONE.


    That property owner is US. And our elected leaders have not served us well since 2002  in most areas. As they neglected to INSPECT, OR HIRE AN INSPECTOR TO OVER SEE THE WORK.

And we are not dealing with  just innate buildings when human life is the product to be preserved.  Our right to life  is one of those inalienable RIGHTS OF FREEDOM  just as property rights are.

       The US Constitution mandates" for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation" Life and property rights  are inherent in that sentence from our founding and still governing document. RIGHT OF LIFE AND PROPERTY AND WHATEVER OVER SIGHT AND LAWS NEED TO BE DONE AND CARRIED OUT IS THE BUSINESS OF OUR GOVERNMENTS AT ALL LEVELS.   And any we have elected  who do not do their best to uphold these laws. should  be told by us on election day. "YOU'RE FIRED."

             I have not written much over the last  several days. We got the peas planted and I battled another sinus infection, Now have to go get some Tomato, Pepper, and Pumpkin seedlings started. Transportation costs may be down, but indications are that there may not be enough food to transport it to us, so what each one can grown themselves, frees us from starvation.  Have read that pumpkins may be scarce this FALL , I have never grown them before, here, so its a new learning experience as each day of life is. As for this  all the rest, GOVT SYSTEMS STILL BEING HACKED AND MONIES STOLEN IN OUR NAMES AND NOTHING IS GOING RIGHT CONSTITUTIONALLY , so we do need some new elected leaders who will stand up for US and join those few who are their now who have shown  they have tried. SO FAR, ALL OF MINE CURRENTLY  HAVE LET US DOWN BIG TIME.  And many running for higher office have VOTED TO CREATE THIS OVER THROW OF THE GOVT And some directly involved SO GOOGLE THE BIOS AND RESUMES AND SEE WHO WAS IN OFFICE IN  AND WHAT THEY DID TO STOP OR EXPOSE THIS.

Some have been there and tried and they deserve our votes and others to join them to help us regain control of our basic rights of life and property.  Those  who were not there, have bios to read also and with prayer and reflection, and what I know, first hand  my absentee ballots will be marked and sent in.  I have mine for the local school election, as well as for  primary for US President.  Both are important for each and every one of us to try and make the best choices possible.  then pray for the winners success as its our success and offer suggestions for them to consider.. But not forget that we each have the right and responsibility for constructive criticism if things do not go well in their job performances.


Linda Joy Adams 1/22/16

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