
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DAILY RECAP 10/6/15-10/7/15: SOCIAL SECURITY HACKED AGAIN:President Obama Born In Topeka KS, son of Jim T Parks

Research, Statistics, & Policy Analysis: Contacts  SSA hacked again re two witnesses..

Back before the 8/15Medicare Hearing, the hearing request that had been filed at SSA in 8/09 on matters there and included issues re Part b Medicare Premiums that came from SSA letter head with appeal rights to be filed with them was on the Master Beneficiary Record (  data base for claims)  and then the file disappeared form the hearing office and the MBR hacked into and the hearing deleted so no one knew it existed . And most at SSA still have been 'brainwashed' as I was as employee that
everything is secure and nothing  can be altered or deleted that we can legally do when making a decision on claims, etc.

Mine has been hacked into for over 15 years.

Hacking is not someone from 'outside' snooping, but someone internally or at the contractor going in an altering info that is illegal to alter. Once one files an appeal then its an official government document even if its digital. and it is always part of the record. the only thing one is legally able to do is make a decision and enter that, or it  is to show any transfer of the matter when its sent to another component. Such as from the local office to the hearing office.

Today all this data is controlled by government contractors who are not subject to the laws of the land any more. There is no budget for internal audit controls nor of crimes being committed, either. SSA has been denied access to even check the protocols on the new system by the current contractor and went to Congress in 2/15 to get access.  Their is new evidence, verified by two parties at SSA; to show them how bad it is and cannot get through to the right parties to get it to  them.


                                New Evidence.

    As you can read here, the 8/09 hearing request got split between Medicare  and SSA. And  the r  request form SSA 501 showed in the materials sent to the Medicare judge. At SSA, without the file, an SSA judge had dismissed the Disability Insurance part as there had been no reconsideration done. and its been pending since 2000. on a remand from the appellate judge to do the initial disability decisions. And I was not notified to make sure the entire filing was there and was not. And since 2011, that has not been done. ITS NOT ON THE SYSTEM SO IT DOES NOT EXIST.

 How judges can rule on cases without notifying the claimant or their representative to make sure the file is in tact for the judge to rule on or hold a hearing as we have a right to do . or ask for subpoenas. which are badly needed on my cases., the chaos and  threat to life and livelihood continues. EVERY ONE THINKS THAT THE SYSTEM HAS ALL THE DATA AND IS SECURE? AND ITS NOT AT ALL.

So the Medicare judge was also sent an MBR that showed the 8/09 Hearing on it but only the part re the Disability insurance, but nothing about the retirement or SSI hearing that was part of that 8/09 request as its still the rules, that once  hearing is filed for anything at SSA is now under the  hearing office custody and nothing is to be done on the file until  a judge gives permission to allow a portion to be worked that   is not part of. the appeal.
 The 2011 remand was only done based on a couple of pieces of info sent to associate with a file that had already disappeared in either paper or systems record. But the8/09  request form miraculously appeared in the file sent to the Medicare judge along with other hearing requests that had been pending on the Medicare premium issues and never answered or heard, either. This is a legal affirmation that it is still legally pending on non disability matters, which is still pending at the reconsideration level since 2000 and that includes a medical decision yet to be done for that remand that is a different date than anything prior. I have written about this in detail here and in the non traditional brief sent for the filings. That is legally filed as its signed by me and my representative..
SO THE EXCUSE TO NOT POST OR WORK MY FILE IS THAT NO JUDGE  HAS GIVEN PERMISSION, But yet no one knows any judge has it? This is not the SSA I went to work for in 6/68. where the  constitutional rights of the claimants was even overseen by Congress to make sure we granted each and every  one to all.

       So the miracle of resurrection of this hearing appeared in 7/15. on the MBR BUT NOW IS GONE. and MBR hacked into again according to two different SSA employees . one at the Hearing office in N Dallas and the other at the Ft Lauderdale Teleservice center who said a report would be filed, but the HARD COPY IS NEEDED BY OIG. and  he did not seem to know how to get that to anyone.   So much has been taken away to access at the call centers for SSA. SSA is one of the few , where one still talks to a government employee and they have been hampered form helping and solving problems as less and less is able to be accessed so they can handle nearly everything as we once were able to do when I worked there.  The EXCUSE WAS PRIVACY. THAT IS A LIE.. Employees have security clearances to access the data and help the public, But if the trend is to contract out the call centers at SSA, then every little is  not going to be able to be done by them as they would not have the security clearances as real government employees do to access many systems records.
Most are good people, our neighbors,  and could and would help if given authority.  Why they are not made employees is  their being made POLITICAL FOOTBALLS id my opinion.
.      It seems that even local offices do not have access either anymore as we could access a lot. And with a personal PIN we could be tracked to know if we did anything illegal or it used to be and am told each till has  one. even I have a couple to get in and even write this blog.. So the concern is very real as to who is doing the hacking and I SUSPECT SOMEONE INSIDE  A CONTRACTOR AND GUESS WHO IS THE PRIME SUSPECT ON MY CASES WHO IS PERSONALLY INVOLVED ALREADY? And named as lying about facts that do not exist? As judges say" rumor and gossip have run amok" and to "ask me for the facts as no one else seems to have any idea what is going on" . Its not easy for me to get access to all to know who did what either. I do know that my right to live is in jeopardy for it and financial hardship exists that should not be.
. For when something is altered legally on the system there is to be a transaction history and show the office that did it.  NO REAL SECURITY EXISTS IF ONE CANNOT PULL UP ONES  COMPUTER FILE AND KNOW THESE BASICS OF WHAT IS PENDING AND LOCATION OF WHO TOOK THE LAST ACTION. Our systems people, at SSA. could then locate the individual who took the last action it they needed to know. Even that security is now gone?
Hacking is not going to show this, would it? SO NO RECORD OF ANY ONE DOING ANYTHING MEAN NOTHING IS PENDING? That is the ultimate hacking to victimize a victim.

     As reported here , I filed two appeals  almost a month ago. One is to appeal the premium matters that the Medicare  judge did not address, yet  is still pending  and causing  financial hardship, and the other matters were addressed in a hearing to SSA to ask for an expedited hearing with them to hear the issues that are SSA;s jurisdiction and to get an new clarified order for the DIB  remand order of 2011 to be done, and that includes a medical decision  to find out if I was disabled before age 65 which was never legally done. And the board certified pulmonologist I had been sent to back in 3/99 reports and extensive pulmonary function studies done disappeared and request to get a copy and send another copy to my doctor,  has never been done. The numbers on the machines seemed to be consistent with all the ones before and since for a progressive condition and he even did the test for pulmonary hypertension. The fact that I have been a liquid oxygen patient for over 21 years has been well hidden from any agency record since  ACS and President Lynn Blodgett took over the right to live  (breathe) for federal employees.. Even at FECA who has now posted a few items that seem to be the amount for the filling of the tanks, but coded as a pseudo 999999999  on a dummy file. So THAT IS STILL NOT INPUTTING, IS IT?

                   I did not want another hearing file dismissed without the file or without notification as has occurred causing real hardship so I faxed  the parts inld9ing the 8/09 hearing and brief that was filed with the request done a month ago. I had heard from Medicare and knew they had it, but not from SSA, but did get confirmation they had received the fax yesterday.  One has to read what has been published here also and attached to understand the complexity of the chaos created when nothing is being worked on a case where life is in a struggle and access to judges is needed. then be followed  as even the 2008 remand not done has blocked me form access to a liquid oxygen supplier and we are now with the third contractor for that and nothing sent on from the prior ones?.
      After the hearing office had called to SSA they had no record of the hearing request either paper or digital even though they have had it legally since 8/09 in McAlestar, OK as the judge in 2011 only ruled on a couple of pieces of paper annotated   to associate with the pending  8/09 file that was not physically there  and not on the system and took not action to make sure my rights were being upheld to know what was going on.  OIG at SSA would not take action, but they can only investigate what the Commissioner of SSA permit  and  even Regional Commissioners have input. A cover up of deaths and injuries and the path to 9/11/01 goes on?. SO WHY IS THE INSECURITY OF THE SYSTEM  THAT HOUSES EVERY ONES RECORDS IN THE USA THAT HAS AN SSN NOT A PRIORITY?The remand is crucial and has yet to be worked on the disability claim. And the other retirement matters and Supplemental Security income issues are still pending and so is the  criminal intervention of the process years ago that has been used to smear and discredit this witness to matters. ALL I DID IS GO TO WORK ONE DAY ON 1/10/89, DO MY JOB AND HAVE A TOXIC CLOUD ENVELOPE ME.
Every government  and legal  system in place to help has failed this victim. and nothing has been restored. Health cannot be. But other matters should never have been allowed by those in charge to let what has been done and what is still going on to occur.. And too many have died and are facing it over the illegal acts by a few and the chaos created that all are caught in the chaos of  trying to do business with the government now, under private control for the most part and no one permitted to spend a penny to over see whether the processes are in place to make sure every one's rights are being upheld and that the public treasury is not being stolen from the inside. of them. If a few high level government officials need to face the legal system and jail, then that is the system we have in place to protect our society form those who would do harm to others. and to society.

Without anything on the system NO ONE KNOWS WHAT TO DO  if not  on the screen? But no one asked either. As I followed up periodically to remind them of pending matters. I had been told the entire  file of mine had been 'shredded; about a decade ago. BUT AM NOW BEING TOLD THEY HAVE BOXES OF MY FILE IN THE LOCAL SSA OFFICE. But do not know if it is the copy of what I sent to the SSA Appellate judge who affirmed the remand order of 2011 or not?  I did get a promise that the local office would check to see if the consultant exam from the pulmonologist is in there with all of the breathing studies the doctor did. and never mentioned in the reports as no medical was used. and the state agency should have gone to the OK attorney general for help  against the federal government; for the coercion brought against them to  not do their job I did not know what had occurred for several years until the I false info from that file got posted on the MBR and passed on to other systems records elsewhere and causing me intentional physical harm and denial of medical care. over it. But the part that there was no medical sources to back it up, did not get passed on.   that info is never to be out of the file, itself but due to Medicaid involved it got over there in to the medical data base owned privately as all of ours have been since 1999 when Group health got the contract. And its not under HIPPAA and one cannot get a copy and NONE CAN CORRECT IT OR ADD A STATEMENT TO IT. MINE NEEDS ONE, THEY NEED TO POST THE COPY OF THE FORM FROM THE SSA FILE AT LEAST AS THAT TELLS IT ALL.
 . And IT BLOCKED FECA ( federal workers comp from adopting it and using it for a permanent disability request  there.)  At least the state agency wrote they had no medical reports to back it up just the acting commissioner of SSA saying it? whom I had settled an EEOC complaint against in years past.
I DID NOT FILE WITH THE APPELLATE JUDGE AS THE HEARING  at the time ON THE NON "DI"B MATTERS WAS STILL WITH THE HEARING JUDGE AND THE DIB PART BACK TO THE LOCAL OFFICES TO WORK.???? But my request got sent to them that was on a typed 26page SSA 795 that summarized all and what needed yet to be done at SSA.

 But my request got sent there to wait more long years. at Medicare  and at SSA. while  I CANNOT GET AN OXYGEN SUPPLIER AS IN THE MEDICARE ONE IS THE REMAND BY THE JUDGE IN 2008 to get he claims from Lincare and Rhema and process them. so my family hauls 200 lb tanks to keep me alive to the gas company. WHY WON'T THESE COMPANIES  WANT TO GET ALL THE BACK MONEY DUE THEM  SINCE PRESIDENT BLODGETT TOOK OVER AS THEIR CONTACT FROM ALL CONFLICTING DIRECTIONS?  This is being done at the corporate level? I did file the invoices with the Medicare intermediary and they should have seen to it the claims were filed and paid years ago. I should never have been in a situation without the bill entirely paid for and struggling for life. as am now. and have been way to long. Medicare can collect the money due back from FECA for the tax payer and should do so a long time ago for what they did try  to get back from President Blodgett for what they paid to  ALL ABOUT MOBILITY.    Just one small company    FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS WITH A REGULATION PASSED THAT FORCED THOSE WHO COULD DELIVER CHEAPER THAN THE BIG COMPANIES AS THEY JUST EXCHANGED FILLED TANKS..   And done does before ' competitive bid came in so that one company could have a monopoly in an area. Does any one in charge really care about common sense ways to reduce health care costs that does not reduce the health care to the patient?

All of this is about staying alive. as I told one person yesterday. who is aware of the struggle to get a supplier and am blocked by ACS ET AL AND THE PRESIDENT BLODGETT OF XEROX MANAGEMENT SERVICES.   The one in control of every one's right to live now in the USA. Even your own doctor, may not know that CMS OR MEDICARE is under his control through his own companies or partners.

It is still illegal to impersonate a government official or government office, yet they do it without being stopped as none can stop it. And many in the government do not know he or his people are not the government. at all and their verbal word is not 'official.'.

 So the hearing office called rather /out of sorts.' and talked to Doyle first, then I got woke up and talked to them and it was difficult to discuss much, when no  one had read even the first few pages to know what was going on.


So the person was verifying a hacking, I later called the local office and then the  Teleservice center , and the gentleman there could not see the 8/98 hearing at all either, again. So apparently ACS et al put it on the system for the Medicare judge then took it back off? THAT IS EVIDENCE OF WHO DID IT AND THAT IT OCCURRED.

And since SSA OIG has gone to Congress to get law passed to again allow inside audit controls, THIS IS THE KIND OF EVIDENCE THEY NEED TO PERSUADE CONGRESS.

I CALLED SEVERAL PHONE NUMBERS , AS I DO NOT HAVE THE DIRECT ONE TO THE DIRECTOR OF OIG FOR SSA.   "its not my job, etc." attitude. seems too prevalent. Yet I am fighting for that person's right to live, and they seem oblivious to how crucial all of this is for them personally as everyday they are caught in this chaos and suffer for it, and do not realize it.
VOTE AND TRY TO FIND OUT WHO IS STANDING UP TO THIS AND TRYING TO GET SOME COMMON SENSE LAWS PASSED TO GIVE SOME MONEY TO OUR FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TO STOP THE THEFT OF THE FUNDS WE ALL  NEED NOW OR LATER AND MONEY TAKEN FROM   US DAILY FOR THOSE FUNDS. Every one's health care is now under this private government contractor cabal and no one is looking out for  our very right to live at all. Those in the government that wish to do so , are being blocked form it. Those  good people in side the contractors find if they try to 'blow' the whistle' they report to GOLDMAN-SACHS FOR HELP AS THEY FILE WITH THEIR SUBSIDIARY AND THAT IS  A WORSE  SCENARIO ONE COULD BE PLACED IN.  And Congress cannot find out why  the whistle blower programs does not work as it should to protect the witnesses??????

Few seem to understand its  every one's records vulnerable and ones life and livelihood may depend on someone inside the government doing their job and CONGRESS needs to again allow the proper over sight of all of our data and rights of each.

I was around when nothing was digitized as it is today and we rarely every lost a file.  If one went missing, we would even send out nationwide alerts for all to check, Concern was real for the rights of each and every one.  Then we went to everything is in the system and forgot that what is in the system is what we human entered in to it and NOTHING IS SECURE  as there is always someone smarter to hack in to alter or delete it. But we are not dealing with anything that sophisticated here. We are dealing with systems left vulnerable to allow some of this skulduggery to go on.

ALL THE MORE REASON TO ALLOW  OVER SIGHT of the process to make sure  bad things are not going on.

Its called constitutional rights and that is based on 'checks and balances' and until all evil is bound up by YAHUSHA whom we Christians call Christ Jesus  other faiths have similar teachings  or those of no Faith know  human, with free will, can be tempted to do wrong and somehow have to be stopped from continuing to do it. to harm others and society. We have to allow some one to over see what our government or those contracted to take care of matters does to make sure no  one is   doing  bad things to any one or to society..

Systems need to have security protocols in place so that even the 'well intentioned; do not take it on themselves to go in and delete or alter info that is legally there and is illegal to alter or destroy. How much budget does it take to do that, HOW MUCH IS A HUMAN LIFE WORTH? In a society of all having worth, ITS PRICELESS'  and the harm done to one compounds in to another and soon society it robbed of human rights of all and we allow ourselves to become less than caring humans a we are designed to care for one another.. even if wee do not like or agree with each other.

AGAIN I PUBLISH ON LINE THE MESSAGE I WISH TO GET TO THE ONES TRYING TO HELP US PRESERVE OUR BASIC RIGHTS. AND PROTECT OUR NATION AND OUR MONIES. You should have my ssn and my phone number as  the local office does have it. My personnel file has been missing for years, and my FOIA request  gets stonewalled, also.  GET THE MBR TO PROVE THE HACKING AGAIN. IT EVIDENCE TO PROVE TO CONGRESS AND YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO GIVE IT TO THE COMMITTEE. I would request it be blacked out for  any public use. My Congressman Mullen from Oklahoma 2nd district has a privacy release on file that has it also. and my phone number. They are unable to help as they cannot contact a contractor????  I wish all those trying to say its not their job and keep referring me to those who cannot help would stop it. and take responsibility for what is going on wrong with their own public monies and rights, and data.

I choose to live and choose everyone have that right also. VOTE FOR YOUR OWN  RIGHT TO LIFE AND OTHERS TO HAVE IT. THAT IS THE REAL PRO LIFE MESSAGE  FOR NOW.

Linda Joy Adams 10/7/15

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