SSA ODAR's Hearing Office Locator
We had a phone call form the Cleveland Ohio center (ACS?) that they have received the Request for Appellate review to get a remand back so that Medicare can hold hearings on all the outstanding matters they have jurisdiction on. Such as medical bills being paid correctly and sent to recovery form the primary payers and according to online info they now make decisions on the amount of a Medicare prim even though Social Security is still sending out misleading letters with incorrect appeal rights info as if one gets an appeal with them and they do not. It seems very obvious SSA is not even doing the Reconsideration or this matters would have been resolved a long time ago at that level on Part B premium amounts, and how the math is done when Government Pension Offset math is applied when ones spousal benefits are in 'cyber escrow' awaiting reinstatement at Workers compensation, which should have occurred several years ago but ACS and President Blodgett of Xerox Management Services is in defiance of 38 federal judges now an will not even post my file as ordered as "rumor and gossip is still run amok" and being passed around as facts, when the US Department of Labor judges said to ask me for the facts as no one else seems to know what is going on. . But President Blodgett withholds even those orders from my claims examiner there.
And ACS et al has created their own set of facts apart from the official ones that few currently have access to but those at the very head of agencies and at OPM.
So in 2009, I filed a Request for Hearing with SSA and it got hacked off the Master Beneficiary Record at SSA and the file disappeared for ever. Unknown even to those in the local SSA offices, part of the file would be Medicare's judges and part SSA. But neither got the file docketed in and hearing held. As I lost my medical coverage and NOTHING GOT PROCESSED including several reconsiderations and others matters pending for years and system hacked into and deleted SO MBR AND COMMON WORKING FILES AT SSA AND MEDICARE CAN NOT BE USED TO DETERMINE WHAT HAS OCCURRED. or is pending.
This is a 26+ year pattern of disappearance of files of mine in any agency that has had parts of anything of mine. since injured on the job at the SSA Teleservice Center Jersey City on 1/10/89 and became a typed of precedent case, first for my office as others (90) were turned away all of us having been 'blacklisted' before we got any where to get medical treatment and testing and later on was informed by the AFL-CIO was one of the six? precedent cases for toxic and chemical physical injuries in in the USA and became pitted up agents the tobacco industry as well as chemical industry and those big money interests that did not wish to pay for the first Gulf War victims who suffered from forms of chemical injuries.
The research from the National Institutes of Health had just been done in 1988 and the first cases, like mine that got the necessary tests run to determine a toxic exposures were then able to get some form of benefit, like Federal workers Comp. That research was done as part of the research on the harms of tobacco and created a legal conundrum so that when any one got a benefits from a toxic exposure it proved how bad tobacco was even if tobacco had nothing to do with the injury.
That legal conundrum did not get broke until 2009 when the FDA began regulating tobacco.
Plus as a injured FED, I was required to find an attorney and sue third parties including a billionaire landlord and that pitted me up against more GOLIATHS THAT MY OTHER CO WORKERS DID NOT HAVE THE EVIDENCE FROM DAY ONE AS I DID. to do as well. It still 'languishes in a NJ courthouse waiting on the feds to figure up the total damages and that is been well blocked by President Blodgett .
Reports of deaths of them over the years, usually ends up with more retaliation against my records as we moved into a new building in 7/88 that could not have legally passed city, state or federal inspections. So injuries brought to light one corruption upon another. I had transferred from a region where we got complete physicals every 2 to 5 years that included EKG's and breathing tests, etc. so it was well documented that I had no medical issues. before that began on 1/10/89.
Plus in trying to locate some blood and skin samples from 1/10/89, it led to the US attorneys office and two said they were in the 503c evidence in a JOHN DOE indictment against Osama Bin Ladin (name he went by in 7/88) who had come in to our office to pick up his W-2 for the three weeks he had worked there in 7/88, hired by Delores Bryant and the biggest breach in security in SSA history had 22 new hires logged on to the system, by her, before even fingerprinted or criminal background checks done. SSA data base at that time included more info on everyone with an SSN's personal financial and other info than any one else had in the government at the time. and HHS OIG would not stop it. The security protocol is still the same, no one gets logged on until they pass their security clearance and get their own PIN to track what they do online. I had been told that should the case go to trial , I might have to testify to say it was my blood and skin samples, etc. That ended 2010 with his reported demise to an ETERNAL JUDGE..
I tried for 2 years to stop 9/11/01 and no one would listen as he was obsessed with the World Trade Center and stood and stared at it from the window near by desk. and when I learned who he really was later on, our enemy; I never had any doubt he was going to bring it down. and NO ONE LISTENED AND TOO MUCH SMEARING MADE IT MORE DIFFICULT FOR MY MESSAGE TO GET THROUGH.
One can only ask, if the hearing had been held by SSA in 1997, would any one have listened and maybe stopped it? We now know , I was one of many trying to stop an event that would change history into real horrible times. that is on going.
I do not name anyone here lightly and only when well known by many and in writing on them also. And what I write is what I saw. heard, etc., or was told and by whom. I have been shocked and dismayed and shocked over the years just how bad and what has been well covered up and too many in a state of 'denial' to even check things out even with systems being hacked into as the contractors neglected to program in security protocols to prevent any one from messing with the data that cannot be legally changed or deleted as a pending appeal. and info deleted and altered. And Congresses refusing any budget so our OIG's can investigate contractors where much of this is going on and no support from the US Justice Departments over the years, when high level officials are named as involved in really horrific crimes and the Office of Professional Conduct seemed to be more involved in covering up than stopping crimes and/ or clearing the innocent and locating the real culprits if the one alleged to be doing something is really someone else doing the criminal matter.. Even the WHISTLE BLOWER PROGRAM HAS NOW BEEN CONTRACTED OUT TO A SUBSIDIARY OF GOLDMAN-SACHS AND ITS A MOCKERY OF ANY KIND OF JUSTICE AND PROTECTION FOR THE WITNESSES TRYING TO REPORT CRIMES. AND WRONG DOING.
There is a detailed brief attached to the Hearing request to SSA filed 9/15/15 with the Durant SSA office. I have not received a signed receipt back yet. But there is no time deadline for theirs as the hearing request on the Retirement and Survivors trust fund reconsiderations have been pending for years with no answer, and none to many follow ups. and the Disability Insurance whas remanded by the judge in 2011 for the reconsideration to be done that also includes the remanded Medical decision from the Appellate judge in 2/00 that has not been done at all. Plus the SSI reconsideration for pre 1999 not yet done and that also requires a medical decision, PLUS IT BEEN WELL DOCUMENTED THAT NO LEGAL MEDICAL DECISION WAS EVERY DONE PRIOR TO AGE 65 SINCE 1992 WHEN NO DOCTOR WAS PERMITTED TO COMMENT ON THE RAW DATA SUCH AS EKG; AND KIDNEY DISEASE, ETC. so only asthma was listed and not that it was occupational asthma and led to the an appeal then and a request to reopen based on 'ERROR ON FACE OF RECORD."
Before the illegal interference with the Oklahoma State agency in 3/99, they had sent me to a board certified pulmonologist in OKC and he ran all kinds of pulmonary function studies and even did the test for pulmonary hypertension as I was on oxygen patient. I signed for a copy of his report to be sent to me and one to my doctor, but neither of us ever got it and was told it was shredded also and the orders from the Acting commissioner was to disregard it. I copied down the numbers on the machines and they seemed consistent with all my other breathing studies. and pulmonologists since 1/10/89 have all been pretty consistent on me. I had just had the US Department of Education waive student loans based on occupational asthma, and more recently learned FECA could have adopted the SSA decision if it had even mentioned anything to do with my injuries and that is why the interference occurred seems obvious. someone did not want my case to survive and it was a LOT OF SOMEONES. . My permanent life time need for home liquid oxygen gave me permanent medical at FECA and the schedule award and permanent disability should have 'dominoed' on to retirement years ago. And if the 1997 hearing had been held and a remand order given then , perhaps all of the rest may never have occurred? We cannot over come the past, but we can try to make things as right as possible to stop the on going harms.
BUT OIG can only investigate what the Commissioner of SSA allows to be done and the manager said it was the Acting Commissioner that ordered what they should do and put down and I had no idea this crime had occurred until years later when the 'gossip and rumor had run amok and still is going on to cause real harm to me and others." The OK state agency did sign they had no medical evidence for what they were told to put down. But did not incorporate the consulting exam from the pulmonologist, which they should had legally have done and that being consistent with all the former records, would have permitted all the records to have been reviewed for a progressive condition. which is what is done for cases to tie the current to prior. Since I had qualified for Medicaid for a while, its gotten in to all kind of systems of medical record and has become LIFE THREATENING AND MUST BE CORRECTED and would have been if a the 2/00 remand had been done correctly as the law says it should have been. Two chances to make things rights and no one followed the rules and laws in the matter. I still do not have a copy of the consultant pulmonologist's report to SSA. And if it is still in the boxes in the office in Durant OK SSA office then I want it. But we had been told the entire file was shredded and what they have may be a copy of what we reconstructed for the appellate judge who affirmed the remand of the Disability ins case as he had nothing else from the Administrative law judge, who did not have the 8/09 file at all. I do not understand the recent rules about hearings where judges make decisions without files or hearings at all. and never notify the claimant or their representative they are going to be reviewing the case for a decision and give chance to make sure all the file is before the judge for fairness to be allowed. The 8/09 hearing has yet to be assigned to any judge. Remember the 2011 decision was done with some papers sent to be associated with the 8/09 hearing request which many in the McAlestar, OK hearing office said the file had not been there since 9/09. In fact the pleading for fairness ended with them slamming phones on me and very unprofessional response from them. THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN HAS BEEN REALLY BAD.
I do not say this lightly. But too many laws and rules have been trashed that should have prevented anything like this from ever occurring.
The appeal with Medicare has an issue with premiums that raises the question if Medicare is going to be in a position to rule on whether the math and cyber escrow provision of the GPO have been done correctly as I contend they have not based on original training and the simplicity of the law, understood then ,in context of the times.
I know of no judicial review of that, although there was of whether the GPO, itself, was legal and am not pursing that issue at this time, unless discovery is made to alter that.
We are asking for AN EXPEDITED HEARING as reconsiderations and hearings have not been done as ordered and/or remanded and filed for and the original hearing request is still legally pending at SSA since 8/5/2009 even though the file went missing in 9/09. Please be cognizant that a lot of 'gossip and rumor have run amok' and a diagnosis that has no bearing in fact has been smeared around to cause real harm by some whom OIG has never been allowed to stop. and is still causing real harm to this day.
The North Dallas hearing office( then Dallas) had this case back in 1997, but the file itself had disappeared, it got dismissed with out a hearing and now you have it back to make right what went so wrong then. I plead that you will grant time and hearing to this as the life and death struggle is very real due to it as explained in the attached non traditional brief. Even though much of what is in file exposes crimes committed by others, there is no budget form Congress to investigate let alone prosecute at all, so all we can do is get legal rulings on the legal issues. and maybe Congress will pass some money to stop the robbing of the USA and the rights of each of us by a few that have been allowed to take control of the government that no one elected and non appointed to service in an official capacity,
An employee of my local SSA office indicated that they have several boxes of my file in their office that have yet to be processed or worked over the years. I had been told they were shredded. This is been kept legally alive with persistent and repeated follow ups over the years, and that has been reported to OIG also. And they had claimed they were investigating as to who ordered nothing done as issues came up to be dealt with and I and my family struggled for life and livelihoods as a result of inaction's. I am the crime victim and being victimized over and over by the system that is badly broken. my family has been victimized in trying to get health care. and livelihood, also. Something that should never have occurred to me or any one else who gets injured on the job in unsafe conditions. And is getting worse in the USA rather than better as reports are known of..
But again, all we can do is deal with legal issues and pray an expedited hearing can be done. and not be delayed another 18 years on the same case.
Unfortunately in agencies,those at the highest levels decide what OIG can investigate. Until Congress changes an imperfect system its the best we have to deal with. I wish I could retire, but until life sustaining medical care is allowed to be provided and my family no longer has to haul 200 lb liquid oxygen tanks to keep me alive to a gas company when three health plans including FECA has me approved for life to be fully paid for, I have no choice but to pursue the legal options of appeals, etc. and There is also a typed SSA 795 attached that summarizes what has yet to be done by SSA as part of the 8/5/09 hearing which you legally have pending as a transfer from the McAlestar, OK hearing office, even though you do not physically have it or them since 9/09.
The 2011 remand was not done with this file at all but from some evidence forwarded to them to associate with the pending hearing request that we had no idea had gone missing. at the time and is only on the Disability Insurance trust fund part and the reconsideration has yet to be done since 2011 and since 9/00 when filed and covers all that had been done to that date. So the Retirement and Survivor ins appeals and Waiver for SSA and Medicare, not done and neither is the SSI appeal. done either. I have done nothing to warrant such treatment. All I did is go to work on 1/10/89 and a toxic cloud envelope me. And it was only just before the 8/5/2015 mediocre hearing was assigned that the 8/09 hearing request filed with SSA miraculously appeared on the MBR system at SSA. and hearings filed on premium issues miraculously appeared in the file but not heard as the judge was ordered to only rule on the enhanced IRA which had been resolved due to IRS helping out. on that. All kinds of appeals are being filed because the work that is to be done initially was either interfered with by someone from outside of the legal process or the paper or systems files were not made available for the one assigned to do the work and make decisions. SO WHY AM I BEING BLAMED FOR WHAT OTHERS DID NOT DO THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE DONE? The back log is not of my doing at all in any agency on this.
All I did it go to work one day for SSA, then part of HHS and did my job and a toxic cloud enveloped me and the fight for life has not been just medical but also being pitted up against Goliaths and I do not even have a sling shot and 5 stones for protection. All I have is my family's support and the Federal Workers Compensation Law and other laws and the US Constitution to protect me and they have been shredded to pieces. Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus will have to judge those some day that have done so much criminally wrong if our legal system does not address.. But IN THE MEANTIME, WE WISH TO HAVE THE CIVIL LEGAL PROCESS CONTINUE that has bee long delayed. Employee of SSA under US Department of Labor jurisdiction since 10/11/1994, the last time back to 1/10/89. and the FECA law over rides no matter who hacks into what system. Our signed agreement with SSA never gave any one the right to illegally interfere with the SSA claims process.
I INVOKE THE TERI SCHIAVO LAW AS I CHOOSE TO LIVE and wish my turn for a hearing filed in 8/09. Thanks for anything you can do to promote justice for me and all of us in this matter.
Linda Joy Adams 10/4/15
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