
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Daily Recap 10/2/15-10/3/15: OVER SECURITY? President Obama Born In Topeka Ks, Son of Jim T Parks

Gmail down? Current status and problems | Down Detector Several I know have been having some issues trying to log on to their G mail. And one common issue may be involved. In our homes we often have computers and devices that are shared by several. But all  have an "administrator" even though in the past one could use any access to the Internet and  query g- mail or yahoo, etc. sign in . and then enter ones  e mail and pass word. That seemed to be the issue with those I spoke with , etc. All were using a system that  really was not there personal device, lap top etc. EXCEPT FOR ONE PERSON IT WAS THERE PERSONAL PHONE.  So something else must be going on.

 On party could use there own system , but not another that was used in the past, but they were not the

 There is a lot of mystery to me of whys and wherefores of how all this works. After years of  sitting at a computer at work (since 1966  at the old IBM 360) and even being in  one the original  government offices that tested what later became Windows for Microsoft back in 1992. I was not on line for many years, and then got back on line  a few years ago to do serious blogging.

There is a lot I am still learning about how things work. But in some ways have knowledge that the younger generations do not have as they assume everything is going to work and be secure. And its important to keep hard copies of important documents as anything in cyber space can disappear and few have the money to hire someone to retrieve it if even possible.

       Those of us using the older systems knew that security was not really 'secure '' and watched out for indications  that they were not. In some ways, we may have had more security when one government agency had tens of thousands trained to keep close watch and every anomaly was reported and taken seriously.. At least the government had access to check it out, which now they don't  as its contracted out and they can be denied access. and have been.

     But  when we sat down in 6/92 at the new computers with a mouse in hand for the first time  to access  info rather than just a key board, etc. We were all 'brainwashed; in to thinking that no security issues would exist now with government systems.

Even now, I am getting real defiance that they are not  and often it seems some contractors have left things vulnerable  so that intentional hacking can go on. Hacking is considered by the government to be not just someone looking at data that is not suppose to be able to see it, but changing data that is not to altered such as deleting an appeal, or ones health info or employment status that posts from ones employer direct to a health care system. Too often the security protocols are not in place to block data from being changed, but its also considered  hacking to alter or delete it any way when its considered illegal or violates  the  terms of the contractors contract as to what they are permitted to do. .

 There are the snoopers who access info and then use it for id thefts, etc., But others have used it to hack in an alter data that comes  direct from ones employer   is not allowed to be altered such as ones employment status and what health plans one has and who pays first over  at the Medicare contractor in order to fulfill secret illegal  deals within the liability insurance industry and others so the liable party can get out of paying the bills. THE GOVT DOES NOT KNOW AS THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO CHECK IT OUT. SO THEY ARE IN DENIAL. AND MUST TRUST THOSE THEY GIVE ALL  OUR MONEY TO MAKE SURE ITS SECURE.  The security was paid for so its there, right? WRONG.

 This is ongoing theft at Medicare and since the government is not allowed access to know what is going on with  our money and rights any more when its contracted out , THEY THINK EVERYTHING IS SECURED AND ITS NOT AS WE, THE PEOPLE. GET ROBBED AND THEY REMAIN DEFIANT ABOUT IT.

But on the other hand if one is using another computer or device  one cannot get signed on to their own personal g mail. account? for some reason and  all we know from time to time is some self reporting web sites as the one I linked to above.  Private industry must be dong pretty well or more hacking would be going on then does. Or it speaks to the basic decency of most people, with only a few trying to steal or do harm to others.

But when that few is in control of system like at Medicare and Social Security and our privately owned medical records, after they have gone in with claims to insurers and the doctor no longer has control of those, nor does the patients as its now owned by  Group Health  GHI, now Emblem Health International and ITS NOT UNDER THE HIPPAA law so we can't get a copy of our own records from that and no one can correct errors that have cost lives and health over the years and Congress has known of this for almost a decades now ad does not act to correct one of the basic horrors going on in cyber space.

So while billions are spent on OVER SECURITY  OF SYSTEMS AND MONITORING ONES CREDIT RECORDS  TO CATCH WRONG DOING AFTER ITS DONE, maybe we need to allow our government officials who are still subject to the civil and criminal laws of the land, to be able to find out if proper security protocols are even in place to make sure no one can go in and alter info that does have legal access o see the records. in the first place.


     Who is our 'enemy' to day. Have we become our own worse enemy when we ignore that there are a few among us that have been permitted to grab control of our data and lives to such a total and complete sense.  It would appear that the budget of this nation needs a complete  over haul and that the money needs to go where its badly needed o stop the ongoing thefts of the people's money in the first place. And those who snoop on all of us, are not even under the laws of the land, as government contractors, so if one spies' on ones ex 'significant other or spouse, and then uses the info to cause harm to that person. they  cannot be prosecuted.  Bu if a hospital worker access the records , they can be prosecuted ad hospital fined and all kinds of bad things occur until they spend big money to over secure the records that have NO SECURITY ONCE THEY GO IN WITH A CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AND ALL PROTECTIONS AND PRIVACY'S END   as there is no  HIPPAA law to be used to even know if info is altered, or others records have become mixed in with ones own  and one cannot not even get a copy  since it a govt contract.

The high cost of Medicare has risen , in part to our medical sources having to over secure  our records, and then have that all end when they go in  to the government as all of our health plans are not under Federal regulation, etc.  Medical providers were already under ethics laws and many state laws to protect the privacy of our personal records. Now they have to pay more money  to prove to the government they are providing it, when the government and its contractors,  have NO LAWS to say they must protect our records and correct errors, and allow us access as we have for our credit records. yet the later.

Medical malpractice is often bandied about to reform , etc. but NO ONE IN OFFICE seems to have the common sense to prevent such by seeing to it the records now  accessed from the privately owned national data base is correct of errors and not been tampered with.

Most of us  do not even know that is the one to be concerned about. I found out it existed after I  had a close call medically in an ER when accessed and  later was told  what the doctor saw, but I COULD NOT get a copy and the errors are still there and learned more recently that another patients records are mixed into it. So pull up my records, and which of the 4 sets is mine? And if one is in  busy ER, and one is needing immediate care,  WILL YOU GET THE RIGHT CARE?  when the doctor treating you has never known you and they do not call ones doctor as they used to .


I have some of my basic records in my purse, just in case. But with the same international cabal running all phases of health care and ;managing; what our good doctors  are to do, when they are the one with all the education and experience of how to take care of medical needs, means that COMMON SENSE HAS LEFT THE  HALLS OF CONGRESS?

I read that we will be getting a new FDA Director and its past time that we have someone who understands that toxins and chemicals do harm people and when its a bad injury , then  we MUST NO LONGER BE DISCRIMINATED as latest studies say we are over 11 million or more  being excluded  from the medical system., but our doctors do know what to do. Its  the system in place refusing to let it be done. for our own safe treatment.  Hospitals have not protocols in place to even care for us  to avoid the very chemicals that cause us such terrible  inflammation.  Which ones  differ among patients, but most of us have issues with formaldehyde which is in every cleaning product unless one gets perfume free kind. And for me, that means fluid on the lungs created. So if one is already in medical distress to be in a hospitals the last thing ones needs is more physical harm created.    How can a government official say that we need to protect the earth and have clean air, and   HAVE NO PROTECTIONS FOR  HUMANS WHO CANNOT TOLERATE EVEN PARTS PER BILLIONS OF SOME OF THE MAIN ONES  the government says is safe at parts per million. which is very harmful to those like, me.  And contributes to that 'GLOBAL WARMING; they say is being caused by pollutions of them.  Yet allow an FDA to say the very things that do harm  are safe, makes no common sense and that makes it harder to convince some there is a problem for 'Mother EARTH.'  THAT IS UNDER SECURITY. where we need it first to sustain life itself.
Now that Congress has stalled  over hauling a budget,  maybe COMMON SENSE NEEDS TO BE USED BY ALL TO REVIEW IT.
         Do not forget without pollinators we have no food in this world. So there is going to be money spent to plant  milk weeds and other kinds  of plants just  for Monarch Butterflies.  So COMMON SENSE NEEDS TO LOOK BEYOND  money for weed seed and think of how to do it.  Its  going to take every home and land owner and some will not want the weeds mixed in with other crops  or pasture land.
LISTEN TO THOSE WHO KNOW AND ARE  ON THE MIGRATION PATH from Mexico to Canada. Planting along highways, with that pollution, may not work as the only solution  as  well as encouraging home owners to plant a few certain kinds such as milk weed etc.  in their own gardens,. something  all should be thinking about with rising food costs  with either droughts or floods in areas where or food is usually grown.  Some plants they like, may not be good for other kinds of farming., etc.  or if one has toddlers around, either.  as not every plant can be put in the mouth safely..
        All kinds of bees usually find their way to our land in the Spring to avail themselves of our Crimson clover.  And those were less last year, and THAT IS A GRAVE CONCERN IF WE WISH TO EAT. We are not in town , so we have no zoning that says our yard has to be of a certain kind of grass and only so high etc. So we have milk weeds , and clovers, and all other kinds of things growing that give us flowers all Summer long. And mowing gets done after flowers'  seeds out and in time to cut back the rag weed before it blooms. to cause sneezing by allergic loved ones. A lot needs to be rethought about   by those trying to convince us of GLOBAL WARMING. and have not thought about all that needs to be changed all around us to keep this planet taking care of us until we can move on to other ones. and populate the universe.

Linda Joy Adams 10/3/15


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