
Thursday, October 1, 2015

DAILY RECAP 10/1/15 WORLD IN CHAOS WHO IS MAD AT WHO? President Obama Born in Topeka KS,son of Jim T Parks

From Syria To Asia To Russia - Terror Network Organized By NATO and Turkey  Does any one out there understand who is 'mad' at who and who is bombing who and who is fighting who? Even those in charge of this world don't seem to be on the 'same page' of understanding as they strike 'deals' that are not understood the same by both sides. Or do we have some really bad people creating chaos in order to over take every one they have instigated to be mad at each other and fight each other?
I have  only heard and read bits and pieces of all that is going on in recent times as we struggle for health care , life and livelihood here

First the media said we were fighting al Queda and they seem to have 'gone away'?

 but some say they are part of another group now. And wasn't that the group created inside the USA minds of some of our leaders back in the mid 70's to be an ad hoc group to assist our CIA? And ended up with the created persona , based on one man, turning on the USA and declaring 'war' on their creator?"  And there then there  is ISIS and ISIL are they two different groups and whose side are we on or are they on? its been reported that some of our current USA leadership created ISIS or ISIL? and it was not just Pres Obama, but Sen Mc Cain involved also. So if opposite political can   do one thing together, why can't they solve the other problems we have right here in the USA?

         So unless one can read the original documents, and study them, etc and seem to need to spend several hours doing so how can any one know what the heck is going on as we may well be asked to send our neighbors and loved ones into more war zones to come home broken in body and spirit and some in body bags.

      I thought we had ended the war in  Afghanistan, we got public enemy number 1 a few years ago , didn't we from his cave, or his compound in Pakistan? But news r4eproted we are bombing  somebody over there yet?

And people fleeing form the middle east, are they friendly just needing safety or an invading army of what side?

Is this what is called a world war as every one seems to be in a fight against some one and some are one side and some another and some on both of some sides? Every one ins a melee?

I just hope that Nobel Peace Prize Committee can sort it all out and not honor the one or ones who got us in this mess instead of out of it? They have 'misunderstood something like that in the past?"

        Is anyone reporting the news really understand what is going on in the middle east and the rest of the world as the UN is okaying we all go bomb someone, but who? didn't Russia go  bomb someone else? wrong party?

Assad of Syria was always said to be OK  in the past as an Eye doctor who studied in England and considered friendly to OUR Side. Now he is considered the monster of the world and all are to go get rid of him.

Some reports say he has done terrible things to his own people. But who did it, any one have any proof? And we are mad at who?  Assad? so we have evidence he is the monster needing to be 'taken out' this time?
I pray to YAHUSHA  whom we Christians call Christ Jesus that those in charge of this world know what they are doing and have intent to make world peace and not destroy it?
   So far they are not doing very well for most of us in other areas of health and  livelihood of each ad every one of us. Wouldn't we be better off making sure every one has a home and health care and a meaningful job that helps humanity, rather than destroying and spending  the resources and money of the world for everything but the basic needs of humanity?
There is something wrong in a world where one  has to leave their home to save their life? And then find no place to go as everyone else has had to leave their home. Now that there is water found on Mars, will that be the new refugee camp  of the future? Maybe we need the ones who want war to the planet named after the god of war of old, and the rest of us can live and  co exist peacefully even if we do not agree with each other or even like each other?
       Why does any one have to hate others or want to control or destroy them? Don't we have enough on this planet to sustain all of us and respect each ones human rights of dignity and importance to  the whole of humanity?
 Heard last evening that the man in OK  who was to have been put to death  was spared by Governor Fallen. I have no idea of his guilt or not, but too many were raising real doubt about it  to mean we should not do something that could not changed back as physical  death is a finality for we humans cannot  bring back the dead. That is for  one outside time and space we do not fully understand..... is my personal faith,
Linda Joy Adams 10/1/15

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