
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/15/15-9/16/15: HUMANA AFFIRMS MEDICARE STILL BEING HACKED , STEALING GOES ON: President Obama born in Topeka,KS, son of Jim T Parks

Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/14/15: President Blodgett still has No appeals process at FECA for medical bills &HUMANA DOES NOT KNOW OF THE NEW CMS ONES FOR PART D: President Obama born in Topeka,KS, son of Jim T Parks

     This is an  on going series of links backward of submissions for filings with the US Government and  shows just how bad things are and how and why they are so bad and many do know something is gravely wrong even if they do not know exactly what is going on . They blame Congress . and so do I for giving no funding for  internal oversight of government contractors  throughout the government and then wonder where the money went as they cut vital programs for the most vulnerable among us to make up for losses they can not stop since there is no criminal oversight funding either. Thieves cannot be arrested for stealing when they are  'partners pf the government .  Social Security Office of Inspector general ( the federal  'police inside  agencies') has begged Congress to have access to the contractors to check to see if the new system is secured and meets security protocol so  none can go in and alter data that is illegal to change. from those who work for SSA, etc.  Even if one thinks they are 'helping' ?  There are other means to do this legally and one may think it needs to be changed and may not e aware of other things going on.
Too often all those in the medical area, have been  trained  by ACS ET AL to ask  Do you GO  to work? rather r than are  you employed.? One means you are retired and Medicare pays first,  the other means you are not retired and Medicare pays secondary as you may be on some form of  sabbatical,  extended leave of some kind  or be under workers comp, etc. and  legally cannot retire  as I am in that legal limbo. over actions of ACS et al and some criminal acts against my files, where rights never restored from that.
   They were all TOLD WRONG and  I had a heck of a time years ago explaining the difference to all Finally asked them: if you get injured  on the job to day and do not get back to work tomorrow: have you retired? Do not give up your workers rights so easily......
 I was only  able to  this wrong understanding  stopped and a new group of hires be told the wrong things again by ACS et who answers   most of the phones  in the name of CMS  and most of the rest of the govt at all levels even at the state  level  now.
   This 'hacking in' by those inside  Its is what is going on right now all through the Medicare, SSA, etc.  as my cases alone  well prove and others are said to have been accessed and altered also with real harm done to all. Congress has done this over a decade ago. IT officials call going in and illegally altering , hacking also as the system software is to be designed to prevent it  Too often the system has not met agency requirements and since there is not over sight, to know, its been open to all kinds of ;hacking; and I am tired of . the struggle to stay alive , due to all the illegal mess going on. as if Medicare pays and its not legally the first papers then the patient is over paid for the stolen  money and  how can a patient  stop it?. The government with its power we, the people grant it ,  has to and is needed  to do it now under HR1063 signed into law 1/11/13. But until Congress acts, its become another law that  is unenforceable and all suffer under it. Now the ones facilitating the theft can collect from the innocent..... and that may be Humana, Aetna, United Health  all the Blues, ete. and all the others who think they have  nothing to be held accountable for. rather than from themselves and their secret deal partners Oh they were made 'partners ' of the government too in 2010. So its just we patients and our pharmacies and providers and suppliers who are at legal risk now  and none of us have any way to stop this.
Even mighty Walmart has been 'brought to its knees' and must go along with the corrupting influence of his international cabal 'god'? Even AARP  has let this occur in their name too.  It not just someone from outside that may snoop? After all the NSA snoopers are not the govt, but ACS et al....? Media never mentions this. either. ? So someone must  be having 'fun' at the suffering they are creating and that is not the god I worship  I worship the one Yahusha whom Christians call Christ Jesus,  taught we were to be doing just the opposite of what has been allowed to happen. we are to care for one another and be fair and just in our treatment of each other. and even more so if in position of power  or authority over others as we are to be a servant of those  one is over. . Even if we do not agree or even like each other. Those of other faiths or no faith  surely can understand the general wisdom of the teaching.

 So our nation's assets and the constitutional rights of the people have been 'overthrown' and they are not pleases. Sharing my personal struggle for  mt very life itself and livelihood  for self and family is being shared as  to what I do know and what we learn and it gets more shocking with every revelation .

                         HUMANA PART D

     sent a letter in their name from ACS et al  to Doyle,, signed a few days ago and received today.   It  is affirming that Medicare is still being stolen by the owners of the common working file,  in their  own name and all the other companies. who sold policies.which  is a govt contractor, Emblem  Health International under the info management of President Lynn Blodgett.
The letter was terrible!  It said every thing is paid correctly and that Doyle does not have any Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield.  since 3/31/2010. So why are they paying  bills and I pay 1/4th  and the taxpayers are paying  3/4ths  premiums for it. with drug coverage. We sent them EOBS from Fed Blues. showing bills being paid, but they ignore anything they do not wish to see?.Every one who has a primary payer that is an employer group health plan has it deleted off the billing system that every one uses to verify insurance and where to send bills. AND IT IS THE SOURCE TO DECIDE WHAT OR HOW MUCH MEDICAL CARE ONE MIGHT RECEIVE.depending on the primary plan, etc. Human did not charge a penalty for Doyle not sighing up at 65 as his  hearing to be grandfathered in on my extra help has n yet to be heard at Medicare, or at SSA.  WHo knows who does whatr? As these recent aoppeals well show. they  don't either  and contarctores doing reconsisieiations who cannot legally do them as they cannot make these kind of money decsioons as Congress has not granted it......> This is not the SSA  i went to work for 6/68/ out of College and nothing like thise wold ever have occurred as its basic management of programs for all to knnow the rules and  those assigned to make deciisona actually have the authority to do so so they can get done and have access to the rdords to make the dieicison.. Pretty soonn Congress and even the president can go home, for they will not be needed  as this  cabal will be  completely running it all wih tno pretnesse we still have a govt to be in charge.

          Medical treatment  is 'UNEQUAL"  in the USA. and violates the 14th amendment of the US Constitution..  While so many are 'pretending' to complain about   the current health care system where the doctors are at the bottom being crushed by the in  international corrupting influences  that have gained control  too often for their own profit   are being allowed to 'crush' our doctors and other medical providers and suppliers wanting to provide the best medical care they can for each and every one of their patients. Our health insurers are being crushed into non existence for they are the ones being blamed and put at legal risk for letting it occur in THEIR NAME. Soon Group Health may be the only health plan left. for they have owned  all our medical records since 1999 for those who have insurance  or health plans of any kind. And they own the data also for all the Govt paid for plans that are not controlled by the govt for years now.

                  We had sent Humana proof of Doyle's coverage  nut that did no good. And they never called President Lynn Blodgett's company that runs things on that end either?

And no one chose yo get up in the wee hours of the morning every other Tuesday AM to see the official posting that comes in from the US Dept of Labor on  me and those on my Federal Blue Cross blue shield Family policy  for those  family members who now have Medicare cards.

They are instructed to bey the 'gospel as professed by those in charge ' and that is not any one in the official   government as its illegal for these secret deals among parties to steal to go on. yet they have been for at least 16 years now as our cases well prove. And in some areas of the USA, as long ago as 1994 when the enforcement of the laws ended at HHS  and collapsed the health care system in this nation. Those who want to change the current system to Medicare for all is NOT CHANGING ANYTHING FOR THE SAME CABAL RUNS THEM BOTH.

Many in CONGRESS  have voted yes on bills that allowed this to occur. Nor did anything to over turn executive orders of 4 presidents now. And 7 have allowed the overthrow of rights of Federal workers  to become worse and worse over the years, creating the model that the  ones at the tops told all, you would all like to have what we feds have and you really got 'bamboozled'.  You lost a lot and in the mix what we the people do have, is being stolen away from us.


      State legislatures and officials have also been allowing the overthrown of states in this. as the y tune over their assets and rights to this same international cabal I have called  ACS et al of over 100 companies now back under the Xerox umbrella..  where it all seems to have begun in 1983 in Dallas when a company that made office equipment got 'overthrown?' into  the  hand so those who would control the governments though control of all of the data and records and info.   The did so by hiring  those with high IT skills   rather than  the government hiring their own experts at lower pay which was not working to get the best  and brightest to work for government wages when they could make many times more  outside for a  government contractor.
Congress would not revise the system to pay for the  highly skilled  in a separate category so they were under "we, the people" and not out under this international cabal now.

                                 And ACS et al who pays the Part D Medicare claims prescription drugs) informs all their people and those answering those grievances and complaint forms that YOU MUST USE THE COMMON WORKING FILE AND DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS?  They are only allowed to see if the drug should be covered and if paid by the price of the drug etc. Not to question if that is  paid first or second. and we feds still , do not have a  coordination policy for prescription   drugs under the Federal  Employee Health Benefits for those who also have a Medicare card.
   It was promised in 11/05 when we got our policy books for 2006, and its still not in existent. Just says there is one and none have ever seen it and we  get no answers and have co pays pending all over to be reimbursed and nothing being paid. Until Walmart and some other large pharmacies  made a 'deal?" with the govt? to  treat it like  other parts and pick up the  entire co pays so we pay $0 since 1/12.?

It was over a year ago we learned by me and even at the highest levels of CMS that nothing has been sent to recovery from  them since Part D began  9 years ago. The original law left it out and made it Medicare "free'  for all who had a card as if none  could ever have another  third party  as an auto insurer,  workers comp etc. or a primary payer like an employer group health plan they may have as a worker or be on a family members policy.. Only Medicare for all?

 So over a year ago the discovery was made and those at ACS  told about  it who pay the claims, but  it could be , but has anything been sent in yet? There is no process in place to do see its done. A worker for them cannot send it  on their own?

The conditional payment law,is what they call this when Medicare is forced to pay as others will not who are to pay now or in the future,  is clear in that  if there is any indication form any soured that another should be paying first or all, then its to go in to recovery. Billing persons do not have to make the formal decision.


The owner of  the recovery unit is none other than Emblem Health International  ( formerly Group Health) and has the ;secret deals to hack into the common working file all use for billing, to illegally alter the line up as to who pays first, etc. This is in violation of their CMS contract to NOT ALTER  any posting that comes from an employer. HR 1063 resurrected enforcement of collection, It did not give any one the authority to alter the line up on the posting. If any one thinks its wrong they are to go to their employer and  litigate it out over there and they will change the posting. Mine is correct and legal  under the Federal Workers Compensation law as one is active duty until they pare approved for permanent disability  by FECA (Federal Employees Compensation Act.)  And on appellate case M09-1406 the Medicare judge affirmed the lower judge who got the actual official info from  the US Department of Labor and said is was accurate. that I am still ;employed and Medicare is secondary and Medicare is to get its money back from FECA. But the contractor ACS never showed the letters to any one official at US Dept of Labor and no one answered  it or paid the money back.  The letters were sent to ACS . address and those who work at the recovery unit did not even know the address was not the government at all. Contractors do not have to do anything legal they are legally to do. And many who work there have no idea what is legal or not.... Its all been written here in more detail over the last few years. One can Google in quotes my name + the subject in quotes and many sources comer up.  Many of our 'neighbors'  or even some have loved ones who work for these contractors and pray for them as they find out what they are in the middle of.

If this is not the best reason in the world for Congress to give some budget for oversight, what is?

This is like one having their house  being broken in to and one dials 911 and the operator says, we can take the information, BUT WE  ARE NOT PERMITTED TO SPEND ANY GAS MONEY TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE . to catch the thieves, and save your life if you try to stop them and they retaliate.

              This is the example of what myself and my lived ones are in right now. And many others are also. VOTE! is the first step  and try to sort out who in office now at all levels of govt form local to national does seem to be trying to do something. Many are, but they seem to hold little influence in all of this. And even fewer willing to speak out about the idiotic  things that has occurred. Money is being printed for everything else, but to stop the ones stealing the money itself. We have good doctors and all of us have a lot of knowledge to day to know how to maintain good health and what is safe around us .. So when one  does get sick or injured too often  this is some entity somewhere that may hold some liability. to pay the medical bills. Its our legal system to make those pay back.

  Accidents do occur and disastrous acts of nature, also. But if one is at work when they occur , its covered by workers comp. Its our system. But in our case, our injuries just exposed corruption up on corruption and cover up and cover up continues to this very day. and the Twin Towers went  into the ground  on 9/11/01 and  its been worse than ever ever since.
And we are still vulnerable over all the corruptions going on that now have no 'police; to even check into things, let along stop it by arresting any one.

               Many inside all of this companies, go to work and are told what to do, and what do they do when they learn that they are inside an ongoing theft that is being ordered to be done by others  Many by even those  out side of  their own  company or local bosses? Your work is still needed to be done. But what to do so its done legally? In this created chaos with no government in charge at all?

It is the responsibility of government under the US constitution to  be in charge of  seeing that the main sentence in t hat document we are to live under is uphold. "For the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation."

we are swamped notifying all parties of the appeals and following up on all others with many not wishing to face what they have and are doing is legally wrong according to the law, the judges already ruling on matters on our cases and morality itself  and we ask for prayers or good thoughts  in your own way(s) that the outcome will help  not only us but so  many others. who  need those precious shared  tax dollars for their own needs, now or in the future. 

Yahusha!  Help us!

Linda Joy Adams 9/16/15

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