
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Daily Recap 9/17/15: ACS IN PROCESS?: Novatis Request: President Obama Born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

ACS Medical Bill Processing Portal - Home Over the next few  weeks we are swamped in hopefully providing some effort for movement to  restore rights back before felonies were committed against my files in every agency that had a part of my records. But more crucially at the FECA office (Federal Workers Compensation Office)  This is a link to the bill portal At ACS who took total control of FECA in 2002 and decided I was a non person to "let her die." was blatantly said and carried out. to this very day as I struggle for life and livelihood and my loved ones got caught in the same struggle as two  have medicare cards who are on my Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield., my employer group health plans.

My and our efforts clearly show Congress where the real problems are in the government, but NO ONE CARES TO KNOW? NO ONE CARES TO FIX THINGS WITH A FEW AMENDMENTS TO LAWS? Starting with civil and criminal oversight of all of our government contractors.

        We are so swamped and  I deal with health issues and not able o be super woman and get it all done that would need 100 person law office to answer everything. we need time to get all things done and do not check every web site daily.

TO ALL THOSE WISHING TO LINK UP OR BE MY FRIEND ON SITES, I WILL GET TO YOU . I DO NOT DELETE YOU .  Please have patience with this 70 year old disabled woman trying to do her best for herself and every one else.  Many of you are 'inside' all of this and are in a position to help in whatever you can for all of us. I do not ask you to do anything illegal. But too often you have been asked to do just that by someone in higher authority over you.

ALL FORGOT that this crime victim id not get restored  rights and benefits back before the crimes were committed.  Even though there was no one arrested that we are aware of, the US Department of Labor took drastic action and made changes on security of files, by no more paper files in government offices and all would be scanned into computer sites,  But it ended with all rights of  direct access to even judges orders taken away from government officials who are subject to civil and criminal oversights, into  ACS who is not.
  Thus no one in the govt who needed to obey the laws and judges and process things for me could do so unless ACS gave them the files and they did not. NONE IN  FECA OFFICE WERE CONSIDERED TRUSTWORTHY TO HAVE CONTROL OF ANY ONES RECORDS WHICH IS LUDICROUS
Its why all over  cameras watch workers every move, etc. and some complain about those invasions of privacy, etc. what has been going on with my files, is not  some
scanner' not scanning..... .  For me, with over 26 years of a pattern of illegal felonies against files since injured 1/10.89, the government offices always obeyed the Judges when the fie  got put back together and work proceeded to pay and process things,   RIGHTS OF RESTORATION DID NOT OCCUR THIS TIME WITH ACS IN CONTROL.  That is the difference for my life and livelihood being still on the line due to all of this.  Its what led me into all the discoveries of corruptions and where we are now in the USA. with no government in control of anything and at the mercy of an international cabal in control that many know something is  badly wrong but not the details, which is what we were forced to find out ti survive and  that is daily tenuous.
The government  could hire a low level  clerk  grade 'scanner' to feed directly into  a website already set up.  TO HAVE CONTROL OF ANY FILES. All contrails were turned over to a contractors and Affiliated Computer Services got the contract to scan all submissions in to a computer file and then anyone who needed to work the case, or see things could do so anywhere in the government.

Instead the whole FECA programs got HIJACKED and ACS now had the control of our data and files and trough what they did or did not do could control all outcomes on files. They did not set my computer files up at all. Instead set up a kind of dummy files that was not connected with the official files that showed permanent medical benefits due to oxygen and still active duty as no  schedule aware nor permanent disability has yet to be processed.  The tight security on that one system has preserved the truth, the facts and the laws being uphold of what I was awarded so far. Oxygen means total medical care and no doctor, nor claims processor in any health plan has to try and figure out if a claim is job injury related as ALL OF IT IS.and timely pay should be received  at the Federal Blues active duty rate is the law. Many are not getting that  it been said, who are getting FECA and other W/C bills paid by ACS et al. as they have control of most all of it at every level in the USA now.

Something I was not aware of until recently,, was this total coverage  as I have never read anything about this in anything I have ever received, but became aware of it through doctors more recently who know the ins an outs of the program. And it makes logical medical sense as no injury or disease can be treated without the body getting adequate oxygen and medical journals all say at 94% or above  and for me to not have angina, its , 98%. Take away oxygen I gradually go to 0% as heart  gradually fails and cannot assimilate it into the body.

And the pain is horrendous and why doctors cannot induce this in hospitals to get one approved for oxygen in its archaic practices now down to the 88% saturation rate cannot do so  without doing  harm and  medical providers subject themselves  to malpractice suits. to even initiate it. Its a horrendous and horrific situation for all. Its why when a doctor sees a patient already in distress as one of mine did in 7/13, he ran the needed tests to document it as had occurred in the past.

ITS WHY THE RULES , EVEN AT MEDICARE SAYS THAT ONCE ONE IS APPROVED FOR LIFE FOR OXYGEN THEY DO NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN   And for me its for Liquid oxygen as the concentrators inflame  from the low emissions of ozone etc and its not the therapeutic level of 99/+ pure oxygen.
   Many do fine with them, I do not. with any kind of ionizing machine. and even some heaters and even nebulizers give off inflaming fumes for me.Suppliers of oxygen are being constantly misinformed by the contractors under President Lynn Blodgett's control at Xerox Management Services which now has brought ACS back in house a few years ago as a Xerox company. So What is going on is intentional harm and a real racket of increased medical costs and not required by the government at all,.

Until there is a medical  cure, for my injures there is nothing that can be done but slow down progressive diseases with oxygen.

And doctors will sign  a yearly prescription and refer to Tia formal approval date the diagnosis was made that take away oxygen it will not only result in a saturation rate gradually going down to 88% for approval by most  now, but death will be the result if oxygen is not given. And when given the saturation rate goes back to 98% on me if the right liter flow rate is prescribed.

 Some are calling Death Panels those doctor advisory boards that have yet been set up. CORRUPTION AND NO ONE IN CHARGE CHAOS CREATES THEM.
 But  at present we have no constitutional appeal process to get some of the badly needed changes in archaic rules on when one gets certain treatment. With knowledge increasing daily , things can change in any area of medicine and we do need doctors in respective  fields who are not 'shills' of pharmaceutical  or equipment companies who can assess what doctors have found out works as well or better for good health care and approve it  to be paid for under health plans. N o health plan is government controlled now its all contracted out with no over sights./

Several years ago this process of approval for what works, could be made when the government  ran things and appeals went to the government if not able to be dealt with by others. . This  is what one might call off label use  and is not trying to get a new drug its first approval.  But maybe some times experimental use could be approved in some cases, with such a board to okay it.
 Even there, a new drug, can have its outcome  skewed by FDA permitting certain groups they will know could have adverse affects being excluded from clinical trials and its done very subtly and insidiously/  Then  when a doctor is not aware of this prescribes  the med and its causes harm, all suffer for it and the lawyers take over in all kinds of court cases.


      " IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF LIFE THAN I WILL HAVE IT ALSO AND WILL NOT HAVE TO CALL, WRITE OR BEG FOR  BOTH OF US."  This has been misunderstood too often by those who have no idea their own lives are in constant danger under the current system. Where data bases of their medical records accesses especially foe emergency  area are in the control of unaccountable government  contractors and  NOT UNDER THE HIPPAA Law  so others patients records  may be co mingled as mine has been, you cannot even get a copy, let alone get corrections made. Corrections like a typo changing  your diagnosis.  It does not mean any one did anything intentional after those records left  your doctor's control and all protections and privacy's ended. And anything can occur with the unsecured systems we have now where too often alterations can occur by someone either thinking they are 'helping' or a few trying to do real harm to another intentionally. I have had both things occur.

So Congress has  done thins and not corrected the use even when Acting director of CMS Don Berwick MD in 2009 wanted to get it done. He proposed many other amendments but some  did not wish it to occur as he was not pro life forgetting that the pro choice person became president elected by the people. who voted.  Saving  lives of those born is pro life too.

I am waiting for the candidates for president and other offices to begin to address some of the most basic and crucial issues, that there is no government in control and our lives and livelihoods are endangered daily over it when there is no process in place to give all their constitutional rights to correct things that  and stop illegal acts that go on daily as Human affirmed this week. and others have also.

                 So for the first time since one could access ones files on line at ACS and today it appears that several oxygen claims re refiled recently etc are now posted and say are in process" But will they be done on a dummy file and some kind of pseudo 99999 used   to identify , etc. however the bills are not itemized but lumped together for one amount for a period of months. Since only oxygen claims have recently been resent in for 2008 through 2015, these are oxygen claims, but  in another way its been done to not clearly show they are oxygen claims and can not be paid unless itemized?

                   To US Department of Labor FECA

    Thanks for beginning the process to restore my rights back to before the rifling's and shill games were done with my files and the drastic action by the government  was to give ACS control of our data and post all submissions . All claims have been timely filed over the years and we had to redo all  on the new format forms in 2005  and it took us weeks to go through  all that had yet to be done and remanded by many judges and hearing officers to get done over the years.

  So much more is left to do., and you sent a few write backs , TIME NEEDED TO GET IT ALL DONE.  which we will answer and you have years of appeals when you did not pay all but the oxygen claims  which were never even posted on a dummy file. that were not answered  either. And also judges orders are not available to the local Dallas FECA and since this is a NY claims that has been in  also the KC and Philly office over the years too, the local office has nothing to look at to show what is going on with my case. An established vases with permanent total medical under the 1988 labor law  and with a request for schedule away already filed for schedule award  and permanently disability  in 1996. and reminder letter sent in 2009 from three more US Department of Labor Judges remands. But without ACS cooperation there is no way to get the medical files to my clams examiner and we constantly beg for it to occur.  thus persistent follow ups and begging and every decision  has a reconsideration pending on it.  but FECA officials do not even get these, why? there is no third party liable on me yet. ACS et al blocks that..... consistently from occurring. should at this late date my attorney  on that matter as FECA REQUESTED ME TO GET MONEY BACK FOR THE TAXPAYERS AND FECA BLOCKS IT TO THIS DAY.....could have  the final total of damages and costs and future amounts estimated. THERE HAS BEEN NO SETTLEMENT OF THE FECA CLAIM AT ALL.  as the Judges said "rumor and gossip has run amok and all are to ask me of the facts and let me reconstruct   my files from my records."  unless you can find them all stored in boxes somewhere?

The shill game was illegal and involved multiple agencies ind as has been well documented, But I prat we can make things right . I do not have an oxygen supplier at present over it. And will not until you can assure that all back pay is made and assured of future payment. Medicare and Fed Blues needs to be reimbursed for what they have paid out, too. And nothing is out of date as all has been timely fled and followed up persistently by me and my family has helped. The order repeated on me over and over "Let her die is in effect until all has been restored as it was  and a supplier delivered the liquid oxygen to my house.

    ITS TIME FOR JUSTICE TO BE DONE. for the victims of crimes.

One can not ever be fully restored when  crimes occur, but  one can make a good faith attempt and restoration back to before the skulduggery  was done, is the beginning.

 I have named President Lynn Blodgett as he has been named by many high level government officials in several agencies. as the one giving all the illegal orders and defying  38 federal judges on my cases alone. I do not know who is his 'boss.'

                                                Cover letter to Novatis Claims payer for Medicare

 You have years of appeals pending. and timely filed and persistently followed up on with former claims payers and with you. The Common working file is hacked into bi weekly and did not reliable for self and family members on my Fed Blues policy  that is their primary. as it is  also one of mine, but FECA is the total primary for me. as explained above. There are two bills  not coded nor paid correctly by Trailblazers.  One is from 9/05 at UT Health In Tyler , Text cardio pulmonary stress test that was incorrectly coded as to what it was and  underpaid  over 1000 dollars. The other is the surgery bill from 7/07 where Dr Callander was under paid over  ten thousand dollars plus an over night stay at the hospital in Tyler. was medically necessary, etc. The surgery was miscoded.  FECA  should have okayed the surgery an the test and  paid, but do to all the criminal activity on going on my cases, it did not occur and this is part of restoration of rights of a crime victim. To do this to an excellent surgeon whose surgery has greatly reduced chronic  respiratory infections, has become a victim of this whole on going loss of rights, also.

All has been timely filed, and appeals, and follow ups persistently.

DO NOT FORGET THAT PART OF HR 1063 IS TO RESTORE ALL. so Trailblazers has to reimburse the other 16 pays per  claims that they paid to?  for 1/1/06 through 11/12 when Highmark took over the contract now owned by NOVATIS. . for the Part A and part B non DME claims they paid for me. You have  all 17 claims numbers archived under  the one you are now using. We have also provided all the 17.  The @500 witnesses at Vangent  now general Dynamics well documented this and so did I. over the years.  But with out any budget for  oversight nothing could be done but  not renew the contract. to your benefit. is what occurred.

     As far as I know this multiple pays per claim ended   in 2012.

But the bi weekly illegal hacking of the common working file has not. to delete ones primary employer group health plan off the system.

So we  want you to label all of our claims as a conditional payment  as we have begged to have done as its the law and relieved all of us of any financial risk if done for its back for the government to collect its own money back  now. as its been the law since 1980 , etc,   just temporary suspended for 22 years from actions.  Then forward them to the recovery office for restoration of monies to the Medicare trust fund for the 16 extra pays on me plus the one from FECA for me on all claims. And Blues needs to be reimburse by FECA for all and for oxygen they aid for for me and  Doyle and ___________  are to reimbursed for the amount that Medicare paid as primary when it should have been secondary for them. Time limits have not passe on any of this since 1/10/89 and the judges said to use my records. etc.... which you have been sent and   your predecessors sent over and over. etc.    M09-1406  affirmed that Medicare is not primary and recovery needed to be done. There has been no change in status since then. due to inaction at ACS et al.

 Their manager is also from Pres Blodgetts  over 100  companies and they have been involved in secret deals to have this done.

HR 1063 does not preclude enforcing against contractors of the government . And the recovery letters need to be sent out  again for the older bills and new ones for more recent times as info management for recovery unit is one of ACS et al companies, toot and stopped the recovery actions  in defiance of law judges,  and rights of restoration. etc.  and your obligation to the patients  medical provider and  the taxpayer is to follow the process in the law. And if   restoration pay is not made then our government is to take over and see its done. And there is no issues of timeliness. as has been well demonstrated and all is legally pending and followed up on  me back to 8/1/00 when Medicare Part B began.

Home oxygen has made Part A not have to be used but rarely  one night in 2007. .  Common sense medicine does lower costs, even if one item,, oxygen  is on going.

My prayers to Yahusha  whom we Christians call Christ Jesus that the process has begun for restoration and final conclusions for ongoing lack of hassles for life and livelihood. But  no liquid  oxygen supplier came to day, and until they do restoration has not really commenced for  life to be sustained and my family not have to haul 200 pound tanks to the gas company and pay ; for me to stay alive. over crimes committed against my files resulted in on going  victimization of a crime victim, me. Others are asked to think good thoughts and do things  in your  own way. for all victims  to be be made as whole as possible.

 Linda Joy Adams 9/17/15                       

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