
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


HP's Eucalyptus Deal Paves Way For Hybrid Cloud, But Raises Some Questions - Page: 2 | CRN  see the link to one of the fast growing number of partnerships being created in this world as new technologies not only makes us a smaller world but a smaller number gain more control of the whole and the billions of us humans that live here.

Its beyond what our limited powers of our own governments and those of other nations can keep track of. Especially if they can't Google and Bing anyone while on duty which seems an absurdity that the govt could  not be able to use and all public information.  Its like a few decades ago, saying a govt official could not open a phone book and find a listing.

Have not felt well again to day. Finally tried something and feeling a little better as have not been bothered with bronchial spasms like this for several years. But am almost out of Intal that helps control them and no more is made as its 'harmful to the environment ' as contained CFC's that are said to hurt the ozone layer. Humans are taking second place to ozone these days and no one in the govt or at the FDA want to find safe substitutes for those estimated 10 million like me that have chemical sensitivities that exposures to minute  amounts of some the inert or added  ingredients that are being used in most medications can cause severe and life threatening inflammations that not stopping exposures can lead to bleeding , infections, and 'blood poisoning.'  BUT THE FDA SEEMS TO HAVE WRITTEN OFF SO MANY OF US AS NOT HAVING  HUMAN VALUE, 

      Something that is so opposite to the teaching so Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus and a part of the common wisdom of humanity that all life is precious and all have worth.

        So I have Max air , yet and took that and put four puffs into the 8 ounces of distilled water along with the 7 drops of the demexathesone that is now being used replace the Azmacort inhaler that is no longer made due to the CFC;s and no safe substitute , either.  for a cortisone steroid inhaler.

   The minute amount 24/7 is helping.

Yet, we have a govt that has no incentive to try and figure our better health treatment methods that  might even be cheaper.   The international partnerships are so tied up with economic business practices that are completely inflexible to any c kind of change and  new innovations just have no place and neither does good old COMMON SENSE.  Max air is only my r4escue inhaler and does not have that ingredient that Intal does. But for now, will try and get by.

No word yet on getting the pr4escitrption filled for the thyroid medicine brand that is more pr4eservative free. I did some reading and have altered my diet to contain those foods that help like avocados and decrease eating those that might not.

                                             10/29/2014  SCHEDULED DATE FOR NEW SOFTWARE SECURITY AT MEDICARE.

       There was a brief memo put out by CMS today, that as of that date some new software is being installed to aid in security on ones group health plans. I PRAY THAT MEANS EMBLEM HEALTH  INTERNATIONAL (ACS AS PARTNER?) CAN NO LONGER RUN THE ILLEGAL SOFTWARE EVER OTHER TUESDAY AND DELETE MY FEDERAL BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OFF THE  COMMON WORKING FILE WHICH POSTS FROM THE US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND IS ONE OF THE PRIMARIES AND THE PRIMARY FOR FAMILY MEMBERS ON THE PLAN. In our case , M09-1406,a judicial ruling from Medicare appellate judge affirming the lower one who got the internal documents from the  real US Dept of Labor and  ruled  the posting in accurate and we are getting overpaid for what they re doing by the illegal dumping on the Medicare trust fund.  But that the over 50 million HAVING A MEDICARE CARD HAS TO ENFORCE THE LAW AS THE GOVT COULD NOT DO IT.  This led to HR1063 being passed and signed into law 1/11/13 but to this date the only enforcement action is on a different kind of situation where one had received  a lump sum settlement on a liability  case and the monies did not all get paid back to Medicare. The offender had to pay double the amount in fines,
WHERE IS OUR HELP WHEN WE ARE BEING ROBBED OF OUR RIGHT TO EVEN GET MEDICAL TREATMENT DUE TO THE THEFTS.  The new law puts the onerous to enforce the law back on the government so we can't act and the govt. has chosen not to help stop thefts ongoing. The info we went to the recovery unit recently has not been answered to at all. The fax numbers and phone numbers don't even work anymore and did they block us or is it  no one can report without spending thousands in copying and mailing charges?
In our case and many others, its enforcement needed against the partners of the govt that are the offenders and need to be stopped. How much is this security soft ware going to cost the taxpayers rather than stopped the individuals doing the bad acts or did they get the contract for the new software to stop themselves?

The brief memo indicated something that alluded to that, but unknown if it addresses the on going illegal issue. NOW WHO GOES TO JAIL FOR HACKING AND WHO WILL HAVE TO REPAY MEDICARE FOR ALL THE MONEY SENT OUT WHERE MEDICARE WAS NOT THE PRIMARY PAYER?

No one? since partners of the government are not under the laws of the land as the rest of the people are?

TODAY IS  the day the Director of Medicare is to appear in front of Congressman Issa; committee to answer questions about the problems with the Health Insurance Exchange that has cost the people 1/2 a billion dollars and is still not secure nor working properly.

 These kind of government contracted out systems gather information form all the other health insurance and other kinds of health usage information. HOW COULD IT NOT CRASH WHEN ONE SOURCE SAYS ONE THING ABOUT A PATIENT AND THEN THAT IS ALTERED SO ANOTHER SOURCE IS SAYING SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT ABOUT WHAT INSURANCE THEY HAVE AND WHICH IS TO PAY FIRST?
      ACS altered their offline dummy system recently and took off the bit that referred to the million dollars I did not get nor any one else? as the reason all the bills were not paid and I have appealed every one of them  over the years and no response to any appeal or the follow ups. BUT THE OXYGEN CLAIMS GET IGNORED AND NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED AS BEING RECEIVED  AND NEVER INPUT AS THEY ALL SAY ITS THE TRIGGER TO BRING THE OFFLINE SYSTEM ON LINE AND THEY WOULD BE PAID AS THEY WERE BEFORE APPROVED FOR LIFE.  This week  one stray piece of paper on one out of over a decade of them  came back to get more information which was all submitted together. and the response checked on the form doesn't even pertain to it. SO IS THERE A MAJOR COVER UP GOING ON INSIDE ACS  FOR NOT PROCESSING THESE OXYGEN CLAIMS.  WE HAVE FOLLOWED ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS WE WERE INITIALLY GIVEN WHEN THE NEW FORMAT WAS SET UP WITH ACS AND BEFORE ANY ONE KNEW NOTHING WAS GOING TO GET PAID AS APPROVED DUE TO AN ILLEGAL ;LET HER DIE' ORDER OF BLACK LISTING?  ORIGINALLY THE ACS EMPLOYEES WERE GETTING THINGS TOGETHER TO PAY BILLS. \
  The recovery unit at Medicare, EMBLEM HEALTH INTERNATIONAL ( yes the ones who mess with the postings and own the common working file) does not even seem to have a process to follow for most of us when there is no lump sum but we need to get approval for care and to pay for medical care.
 So  is ACS now trying to eliminate questions from the recovery unit as to why Medicare did not get paid back? Their CEO Blodgett told them to destroy their files so who is trying to cover up for who or  not have to confess?  MANY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT NOT EVERY ONE GETS A LUMP SUM PAYMENT. FEDERAL WORKERS COMPENSATION JUST GIVE S ONE PERMANENT MEDICAL AS I HAVE AND CONTINUES PAYING THE CLAIMS AS THEY COME IN OVER THE YEARS LIKE ANY OTHER INSURANCE OR HEALTH PLAN  WOULD FOR  THOSE PERTAINING TO INJURIES.  One of the ACS mangers told me, and a doctor has affirmed this that FOR AN OXYGEN PATIENT THAT IS ALL BILLS AS EVERY MEDICAL ISSUE NEEDS OXYGEN FOR HEALING.

        HHS  would have to pay attention to this old disabled woman they have disregarded along with the other HHS black listed employees since 1/10/89 when  an entire HHS office was black listed before we got to any medical facility for care after being over come with a toxic cloud. and I was the only one/ that got the tests run due to a mix up as to whom I worked for as I had had the AFGE union insurance and my employer got put down as Port Authority. It did insure me the needed tests to get my workers compensation but ended with my becoming a triple target as a type of legal precedent case. First for our office, than for others with toxic and chemical exposures as the research had just come in from the National Institutes of Health to back up this type of injury. That pitted me up against the Tobacco industry  until their toxic containing  product did not get regulated by the FDA until 2009 and then only in a  still limited way.

 I was a patient of the doctor for awhile,  who headed up the research on chemicals and toxic exposures  It was done as part of the tobacco research.  The first thing done was to isolate 39 chemicals in a cigarette and prove what they could  do to the body. Of course,  I got the full burnt in a short time, rather than over a period of years as smokers do or  those exposed to second hand smoke get.

 This set up a legal conundrum so that even   victims of exposures from the first Gulf war in 1990 came home in a battle for health care up against the tobacco industry. To get some kind of formal recognition like workers compensation or a VA disability, etc. would prove the dangers of what is in a cigarette. Even if one had never been near one.   HHS had not permitted smoking in our offices since the 1970's so there was no  long term exposures for me at all.

So a triple whammy hit me and I could not  still can't get anyone to have any kind of security on my govt files on this in any agency. The obstruction is terrific and its such a 'hot potato' as  one high level official said to me once that even trying to get some whistle blower help meant any one helping put them up against the same cabal. I AM A HUMAN BEING WITH A RIGHT OF LIFE AND NOT A POTATO.

         In 2009, it seemed things were starting to ease up and the appellate Judges at the US Dept of labor ordered   my file be reconstructed from my records and I be asked for the facts of the case. And  file posted by the govt contractor Affiliated Computer Services. BUT HOPES GOT DASHED AS THE PARTNER OF THIS INTERNATIONAL CABAL SIDED WITH THE ONES I WAS ALREADY UP AGAINST AND TO THIS DATE NO JUDGE, NO LAW NO OFFICIAL RECORD IS SAFE OR FOLLOWED and now that ACS has total control of the govt's records , my claims examiner is not permitted to obey any law or judge either as occurred in the past when disappearance of files led to a round of appeals to get the benefits back in a repetitive manner that is not allowed to be investigated in any agency of the govt. NO HOMELAND SECURITY IS ALLOWED IN ANY GOVT FACILITY WHEN IT COMES TO OUR DATA AND FILES.   A federal official who is to take an action is not allowed to have the data and files needed to do the job.
      Human life and livelihoods are irrelevant to this bunch whose idea of free market is cut throat competition of the survival of the fittest with that survival allowing any law to be broken or illegal act to be done? Now the partners of the govt are conducting the initial criminal investigations, so they do not want to have any real documented complaints from one like me that  might make their partners look bad or get them in legal trouble. I WANT TO KNOW WHO SOLD OUT THIS NATION TO THIS CABAL AND ALLOWED AN OVER THROW OF OUR GOVERNMENT   WITH NO ONE SAYING ANYTHING BUT A FEW OF US TRYING TO GET ATTENTION OF ANY ONE THAT COULD STOP IT. VOTE FOR THOSE WHO WILL STAND UP  FOR THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THIS NATION AND THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TO RUN IT THOUGH OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.
What is going on shows how evil this has become and any one who thinks this kind of mentality being amassed into one huge international best system  is good needs to wake up. Companies are being gobbled up that are major ones now and have had some sense of having ethics and fairness in doing business But as  part of  huge whole where those in charge seem to  not have these kinds of good ethics or moral com[pass, we are all at risk and so are the good companies we have all dealt with and been satisfied customers of  for years in some cases. I pray that they will have the impetus to make changes for the better and not for the worse as part of all the complex and inter related partnerships,.
Linda Joy Adams 9/18/14

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