10 Signs Your Business Has Been Breached - Page: 1 | CRN#li=T5ahWpzh8WQ%3D&cs=CchE79VxvsjNwn8NXCC4nA%3D%3D; I am not a business for money. but this does show how bad it can be if one does make waves that can now end with some real bad persons going to jail or stopped from doing any more harm
I lost all e mails sent to me since about 4AM 6/19/14 so please resend. Most of mine are from other news sites and since I could not send an e mail, I did not cancel anyone. I love all of you, even if we have political differences, My news comes from all sides and I try to share what the original intended
to track the coup d'etat of the nation and world,
Its becoming ore clear as the tracking continues and most of it is available on line. that CEO Blodgett of Affiliated computer Services a front company of Xerox is now in almost total control of all the health care in this nation. from managing your doctor's management firm to being the gospel for govt health plans and now even insurance companies can be fined and penalized for what his site in NC has not done for years, sent any claims paid to recovery from the health plan or liability insurer all this time as DID NOT KNOW AND WE HAD TWO OF THEIR MANAGEMENT SAY IT
also, I only found it it was them, because, Aetna, had them call me about getting the claims sent to recovery, and they had left a message and mine goes to a written e mail response and I have a hard copy.
This is why having a printer is so crucial. There are proofs one does need/
When Aetna got me on a conference call, the man said they were not allowed to say who they were, and after I had sent a lot of recovery material to them, they are now admitting some cases do need to go for recovery, but no details as to how they will do it or whether ours will.
This is why infernal audit controls by the govt is so crucial, Its not always about money, but basic Rights, and all this money is owed back to the general revenue as its not Medicare or Medicaid monies is what I now seem to recall. No wonder the national budget is out of control. we are being robbed and no one is doing what used to be done, to manage the programs to see to it the rules and laws are followed.
I just spoke to Humana, Doyle's Part D plan paying all of his bills primary when Federal Blues is the primary and they were absolutely shocked at what was going on. everyone thinks that Common working file is accurate they all have to go by and did not realize that its illegally altered by the owners Emblem Health International. and has tucked medical personnel as well as health plans associated with Medicare to have Medicare pay claims that have not been coded for recovery nor sent to recovery to get the monies back from the primaries, This means the health care insurers have been ripped off by ACS and CEO Lynn Blodgettt and I have no idea what the total is. Often its much more than the other medical charges as pills are the treatment for most and many are not cheaper generics.
No one bothered to review procedures etc. Of course, not, everywhere I go, CEO Blodgett's words are the "gospel truth" and no one questions what he says or does, even when he tells lies about my status and me and he has to know it as why would he not allow his staff to input over 15 years of oxygen claims and they said he ordered them not to as they would be paid ad the 'Gig would be up What Gig? the biggest rip off of the taxpayers money in the history of this nation and the reason our health care is the most expensive and the quality is the worse, WHERE IS THE MONEY? STOLEN LIKE MY CONTACT LIST.
Not going where its suppose to, No when its paying the bills other entities are to pay them.
Due to the high level corruption that has caused all of this and the most blatant retaliations since I began investigating and making major discoveries and documenting all of this; that office is no longer in existent and no one knows where to report high level corruption in the federal govt.
I have written how they have been a deadly joke for decades as high level corrupted officials have even caused deaths of co workers, etc and other atrocities and many of these corrupt govt contracts were given out by some of them, too. Often the ones dissing me the most have done some very criminal things and gotten by with it. OIG investigates crimes by rank and file civil service, like, me. But since OIG was set up, high level officials are handled by the US Justice Dept or were? and it did get corrupt, I guess so corrupt, AG Holder just did away with it. I actually had some US Justice people try to get me to them, as they were not aware it was gone and I have no idea when... had to have been within the last couple of years?
Now where do we go to file on a high level official? To a front company of ACS? How far will that go if the official has done something illegal getting the contract in the first place.
HEALTH CARE IN THE US IS ALMOST TOTALLY UNDER CEO BLODGETT and that includes management of the management firm for your doctor and hospital and will everyone please vote and get the medical community back in charge of health care and do something about these bad govt contractors stealing our monies and putting our very lives and livelihoods at risk,.
Health care costs may well go down as many will not be getting any.
There are good companies out there that deserve a chance to have these govt contracts. and those who wish to work in the field can go work for them. But with no civil or criminal investigations allowed (no money can be spent) how does one know who is good or bad?
Personally, we lose a lot by the demise of the civil serivce, Rome was another empire that got into trouble by going to govt contracting that got corrupt. Civil service is an entity that has served countries well since ancient China and is a noble profession filled with honest and honorable people when its managed by good and honorable administrators.
They are accountable , even the top ones until recently. And the good ones are shoved aside when appointed by some one to looking out or not knowing enough to choose the good ones. whether one agrees with the politics or not, the right to life for those born and our tax dollars not being stolen are common to every one's politics. Our elected officials need to have accurate info and not a budget swollen with blatant theft for more theft to continue. They can debate the best way to solve our Nations problems using real facts and figures and not some made up stuff for another FRONT COMPANY OF THIS CABAL. ... coup d'etat is almost complete and please do register and vote , we all together do make an impact. as the power is in the doing it, even if we vote for different persons. If the ones elected do not do as we wish, then we fire them next time and send someone else.
It does not take big money to win an election if the people participate. Its local people deciding to get behind someone they want and knocking on doors and making hand made signs and calling neighbors, and blogging.
There are many who blame Fox news for Rep Cantor's defeat, The people in his area thought another candidate represented their views and went out and spawned excitement and Fox news came after as it was a news story, and some of their people agreed with the man's politics.
Now, those on the other side of the political spectrum living in other areas need to do this and everyone do it all over the country in local and state elections too. Who says Tea Partiers are the only ones who can be involved? The US Constitution 'begs' for all of us to be. It dies without all of us participating in it. and right now we have almost killed it do to our neglect,
It can be fun, and if big money is not an agenda, then if ones candidate does not win, try again some other time. I wish one could register and vote at age 16 in this nation and get the youth involved with their enthusiasm so they become full participants before becoming full adults and lose the idealism we all need to have our entire lives to make this world a better place for each one of the human family no matter what kind of human we are and be among our next elected officials supported by the people and not big money.
Thanks to SHARON AT YAHOO FOR FINALLY GETTING ME BACK AND SHE SAID IT APPEARED THAT I HAD BEEN HACKED IN TO GET TO MY ADDRESS BOOK AND E MAILS MAY WELL HAVE GONE OUT AS IF FROM ME. Be cautious as I had gotten an alert to re sign in and it looked like the real page and apparently was not.
SO was this related to my activities, I do not know, But I have the hard copy and please stop it, Confess of your sins and make things right in this world. People's lives are at stake and your eternal soul is,.
Michael , our son, just arrived with a filled oxygen tank, so I can live another week or so. Praises to Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus whom all of us, including you hackers, will be judged by some day.
Linda Joy Adams 6/20/14
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