
Friday, January 10, 2014


Who Are The Two Witnesses In Revelation? | Alternative
 Click the link to a thoughtful article published by Before The News. where Geir Smith also has articles published.

        Geir Smith is one whom I thank  for his 'passion' in trying to get truth forward re who Presiddnt Obama is and where he came from.  Sometimes in the journey for truth and justce those of differing opinions and beliefs do have to work toegether. If Geir and I can do this, then almost any one can?
BUT: an article posted a couple of days ago  at Before Its News had some picutres of the President and Frst Lady Obama plus an article, I  consider 'CHILDISH- PRANK. type. Not that some info MAY be accurate from his early life in the article.  I defend  his right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH and  expressons of his opinions. But its not my method of trying to get forward truth and have justice for  ALL as well as for  three dead in the Kansas River from 3/61 which  one party thinks  may be  the same horrific incident involving   the nephew of Rosa Parks and one of the three may have been him. Either the "Dad' of the Presieent or one who saved his life as an unborn child when his mother was also to be killed int he racist attack on an interracial young teenage couple who had found themselves with a baby on the way and had sat down to decide what they should do and their 'FREE WILL" was taken from them by others and the rest is HISTORY OF THE WORLD.!
 I have wrtitten here almost a year ago, that he had been asked if he was a relative of Rosa Parks and nodded yes. Its historical that the Parks ancestors  had served in the Union  Army in theCivil War and had settled in Eastern Kansas and 100 years ago one familly had had 15 children and many descendentts lived in Kansas. No differntt than any other family of a hundred years ago having a large family and many in the area with same last name or relatives of are related in some way.
      After Rosa Parks made her famous 'bus trip' which energized the Civil Rights Movement there were real threat towards any of her  or her  husband's relatives.  Often the one who is famous; is more protected than others in close proximity. Many from her family 'fled' to other areas to live. Many , apparently moved to Kansas and joined other relatives , there? Source is historical plus first hand info.
 During the Funeral of Rosa Parks, one reference was made by one on TV to the horrible thing that had happened to Rosa Parks' nephew. I looked on line and elsewhere and couldn't find anything more about it. But the reference, etc and the repsonse indicated to me something terrible did occur. So bad , no one wanted to talk..Part of the Old South  'culture' was for the victims  of racism to feel shame? When they have none, The shame is against those who did the evil acts of pure hatred.
      As I wrote yesterday, a party approached me and asked if the same horriific incident was the same as the three dead in the river  in 3/61 which is part of the circumstances sourrounding the birth of President Obama in Topeka Ks? I had always been led to understand there was real fiear, an open murder case and all the other horrible racial prejudices agianst racism and mixing of the races which I was rasied to be against such hatreds as its against evrything Yahusha, whom we Christians  call Chirst Jesus preached and lived as the manifestiaton of Yahuah ( God)in the flesh 
   My faith book says all of us are descendants of Noah and his wife so we ae all  one big , interelated family of humans and too often we act like 'brats' and our Hevaenly Father must shake His head over our childishness. But He created  us to have free will and figure out  much of what we are to do as we create our own human history, ourselves.. On occasson we are sent prophetic words and warnings  thrugh humans and we have to stop and think and change bad behaviors ; then see if the warnings  turn out to be true.  Chirst left us with HIS Holy Spirit to guide us is what I believe as a Chrisitan. We can choose to follow His giftt o us  or not.
 Others are out there publishing that many of us are'lizard people' descended from the Nepehlim and many of our leadres belog to that manner of flesh.and certainly when one looks at others one can see distinctive characteristics. We are all distinctive looking from our own unique DNA make-ups. BUT HITLER USED THE SAME KIND OF TACTIC AND DID REAL EVIL AND MANY FOLLOWED HIM
CHRIST SAID ALL FLESH CAN BE SAVED. So if you  think you  are part Nephelim, you can still be saved. Salvation is freely offered and freely given.
   I AM A CHRISTIAN and  my faith book, THE Bible is what I always check back to when studying others opinions and writings. I've actually studied  prophetic teachings most of my 68 years of life from Astrologers to Zorastorism and find many hold similar prophetic teachings. TRUTH has always been and many have parts of it. Many quote Christ and other Biblical writers. and osme even beilve Christ is 'Divine' in some way..I do not judge who wil be in Heaven, That's not my deciison to make. I pray, I am  and my loved ones.
My Faith book teaches a lost about how evil and the Satan manifests himself and interjects himself into our socieiy and human consciosness and too often we get drawn in as he is  a sly trickster and has his 'fallen angels' to aid hiin  do his dirty deeds of destruction spawned on by his jealoousy of the Almighty.and hatred of His Creaton. He cannot create, only mimic.
He is a sneak and is not going to expose hiimself to any kind of publicity as he knows there are too many with a spirit of discenment to know evil is present. Geir Smith, may well be one, time will tell.
 The Oval Offce of the White House is not where I think the Devil   is going to want to be with the most exposure of acts and deeds than any one esle in this modern world. Bad acts can occur, and temptations to do evil are certainly present to tempt any one who has great power. Why I pray for him and his family daily. My faith says we can pray for aid them to resist evil and for comfort in times of distress..
        I do not ooubt that Geir Smith conisdres President Obama the Anti-Christ and at some point in time, he could lose his soul to the Devil, But its why we are to pray for others so that no one ever does choose to lose ther soul by denying Christ. .
  Many people in history have done some terrible things, yet did not deny Christ. Read the story of David in the Bible, as well as  Peter's own denials at the time of  thecrucifixion.  King David did really bad things,, yet its said he did not deny Christ who was yet to come on earth  later one. Christ was there at the beginning and through Him we were created. Book s have been written and studies on just these few words for thousands of years, and one is free to search and study, etc.
So King David is expected to be present in Heaven some day, and I have no doubt there will be some fro othe religons there as I have found many over my 68  years who practice other faiths, yet do blieve in the Divinity of Christ. Christ said BELIEVE IN HIM AND BE SAVED. SIMPLE?!
  Formal reigion is what we humans have created and I conssider ones church a wonderful place to worship and pray and be helpful to one another and in no way do I  disparage that. But Christ also said when two or three are gathered in His name He is pesent. Church is a happening any time we choose to hold it.
       Even  many Christians have differing opinions of Christ's teachings and ther meaning.One can only study and pray and come to terms with int themselves with the aid of HIS HOLY SPIRIT! I don't taunt or disaparge those who have differing opionins as one day He will reveal all truth and it will be undertood. I can not be slient when some things seem to not be as they should and am called to share my thoughts on the matter.
 To me, the Anti-Chirst has to deny the Divinty of Christ. And  he will hold total power and exercise it in ways to destroy all of Creation through his jealousy  and hatred, etc. Sincethat total power has not yet been put in one individual, I think he is too smart   to reveal himself until that is done and he is able to step into the position.I look for one behind the scenes,  maybe inside the money cabal of the world which  has achieied almost total control of all govts now. So far, the UN and that grouup are not enmeshde together totally, is my opinion, but its getitng closer each day and the new trade agreements and all the secret deals  in them may be the last bit. And if the Anit-Chirst comes out of Tpepka Ks and is Not President Obama, I would not be surprised as its the way of the Devil to act such way  according to my faith book. Is it possible that the Prince of Gog is notihng but a 'Scape goat,' used to prepare the way for the really bad guy to grab the total earthly power.? Even those of faith will get tricked into a hatred, they were not to have? I JUST ASK THE QUESTION?
 Any one with comon sense knows we have had many Presidents in our life time who have led us into wars and  done terrible injustices but  done some tihngs to help promote life and and peace. I understand the background of varied exposure to many faiths of Presdient Obama, but he professes to be a Christian and have no concrete reason to doubt his belief even if everyting he has done in hs life are not the best choices for one to make of how a 'Christian' should live.My understanidng  is he was baptized as an adult. In my fith, that is a new beginning and he becasme a new person through his baptism of the water and of his faith. Human society might hold him acocuntable for acts where  broke human laws in the past, but even there our society does not prosecute many early acts if time goes by and no prosecutons are done.  Those who voted for Pres Obama twice, surely knew and considered all of the past. If the birthrs and others podded on by hatred had follwed the truth , back to Toepka Ks; then no one knows what the out come might have been as focus wod ahve bene on character and ooitics and not a no isseof eligibility and  whoever comted some ellgal acts during the campaign woudlhave ben investigiated and or prosecuted for ther actions. No one would listen that the best proof is the real birth records out of Topeka Ks. .President Obama would have been forced to tell what he knew and when he knew it and if none has yet shared any of my e mails and writings with him or told him; then he  needs to know or explain himself if he did know. He would have   had to face his own past and maybe he would  be asking for justice for three dead in the river and not me, his third cousin, who has had little contact with him over the years ; asking for jsutice for .school  acquantances, one of whiich is 99% sure is his real "Dad'' and if he was never told, he has a large family out there whom I've always known as good and decent  people.. Real Americans, for those who would duobt that. Plus justice ofor those who saved his life in the womb. I can only share the truth as I witnessed it and was told indirectly by my mother from his mother. THAT'S A LOT CLOSER THAN WHAT MANY ARE CREATING OUT THERE TO MAKE MONEY OF. I have made o money form this and don;t epet to as TRUTH  DOESN'T pay well in this current world.. Justice is not somethig that can be sold.Neither can ones soul be sold for money. JUDAS TRIED THAT and didn't turn ot very well for him, either.
 WE MAY ALL BE FOOLED. Pres Obama  may gain even higher power in this world, yet; and the real Anti-Christ find him expendable and take over  at the very moment all earthly power is amassed in one human. position. Time wil only tell. But whil ewe watch  others, injstice is running rampant in our own communities and nation and needs our attention and our 'petitions to our govt' in all legal forms to bring about change so we can all have those inalienable righ of life, liberty and happiness.
   95% should be voting to show the power is 'we, the people' and vote  in every election.That's the minimum we are asked to do as citizens. If those of conscience do not vote, please pray for the rest of us to make the best human decisoins from among the choices offered. Maybe some will be led to run for office themselves or support someone else so after a decade, we will have choices for some perosons there for US and not them 'them' from among the  few and powerful who try to use their big money and great power to persuade us to vote for their bought and paid for cnadidiates. Their power will dwindle as ours increases if we work together , even if we disagree in t he methods.
.Look at Geir Smith and I. We both are after truth getting  exposed. Our ways are not the same.And in some ways our agendas may difer.
Another possibility is one can have the best of intentions and when they gain great power,: sell their souls  to the Devil and do evil or more often, what I have seen happen over nad over( in myopinion ) in recent years is tohsee who gain great power are too willing to let others 'handle them and tell them what to do who have intentions which are not good ones. Evil surrounds those of great power and influence in this world and often are 'lurking behind the shadows hidden from musch public view. PRAY FOR OUR PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY. Empower them to kept on the right path no matter what tempations are presented! Its what we should be doing for all those in high positions.
BEFORE ITS NEWS posted  some pictures and a months ago did some others which  I  personally did not approve of .  Googlepsoted some of these aobe my name when one earches for Linda Joy Adams.and I am not in approval of that and certainly does not reflect what my motiivations for salvation of any one and justice for all is about. IT DISTRACTS! From the search I am on for for truth  and justice wherever it leads.  WILL WE FIND THAT THE PROTECION OF ROSA PARKS FAMILY IS THE REAL REASON FOR THE COVER UP OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE PRESIDENT'S BIRTH AND WHY IHS LEGAL PAPER WORK WAS IN SUCH A MESS DURING HIS LIFE AND WHY NO ONE HAS SEEN A COPY OF THE REAL KNASAS BIRTH RECORD, YET?. KRIS KOBACH YOU CAN END THIS NOW. ?
Ther are many eye witnesses out there with information to add to the truth so justice can prevail. Many of them like the President and Frist Lady. Others hold neutral opinions and want a better society for all of us and know that 'justice denied oneis justice denied all.' OTHERS CAN'T CONTIAN THEIR HATRED AND REAL DISLIKE.  It make eyewitneses s more reluctant to come forward, as they don't wsh to be asosiciated with this kind of publishings as its not their manner of doing things.They want to share and let the process go forward and not be embroiled  in the politics and emotional outpourings in the manner.
       I only saw The Frist Lady Michelle Obama in person about 20 years and in no way did anytihng in her appearance indicate anythiing as alluded to in the article.
I did not realize who Pres Obama was until afterwqrds and if he knew who I was, he didn't say anything to me or introduce himself. Its why I have spent over a year and 1/2 trying to help others understand the whole of what its been like growing up  and  even in into adulthood in an extended family like ours and I have it on both  sides of the parents who rasied me. One gets 'shut  down' and doesn't talk about things' rather than asking the questions  to get answers so one undestands who and what they are for themselves.
When one sets out on this journey, the whole truth may turn out different than one thinks . There is a movie   whihc  shows a murder  scene and it gives vignettes of what each 'eye witness' thinks is going on based on what they each actually saw.   The world is involvld in much the same with Pres Obama and who he is and where he came from. And the answers many of the birthers have of a Kenya birth , etc and other things, just is not the truth  no matter how much they wish it  was.
 Its why that issue of eligibility for ballot access for president of the USA. needs to be fully aired and set aside in all of this.What is important is what the person  in the White House is doing and whether we need to approve, oppose or modify his actoins through our 'petitions to him and to our elected offiicials who now hold the power to take the actions we wish as our representatives" Read my writtings  on what has happened to my family  and I and learn corruption in our govt has been going on long before President Obama entered any federal elelection..Corruption denied his parents and he justice from the very time of hs conception as  back in Topeka Ks the harrassment of his parents was a hate crime in itself..
 IF THOSE WHO TRULY HATE THE PRESIDENT THINK HE NEEDS TO BE KICKED OUT OF OFFICE, THEN CONGRESS NEEDS REAL EVIDENCE OF HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEAMEANORS HE HAS DONE AS OUR PRESIDENT.  OR WITHINI THE STATTUTE OF LIMITATIONS OF OTHER HIGH CRIMES IF DONE BEFORE HE ENTERED OFFICE..   Its high crimes and not just any cirme and much of what is out there has to  do with character issues  of the past  for the most part and any alleged crimes are beyond the statutue of limitations for any one  to be prosecuted for if they did the act. Even  the fraudualent haiaii birth record, may well lead to anothers prosecution, and  not his. Its the evil that coan surround one of great power and he not allowed to know of it. TRUTH WOULD  HAVE ENDED THAT POWER OF ILL DOING.
Personally, the article I did not like, is one such example. I pray for the sucees of  good any President to upold the US Constituton and act in the ways of truth and jsustice in all of their actions in office. When I disapprove   I will say so and offer suggestions as to what should be done . My Dad always taught me that if one criticizes ones govt, then one needs to do so with a suggestoin as to what needs to be done-corrective criticism. If I spoke out aginst something going on int he govt, even as a child, he would  ask me: What should be done?
PART 2 of Daily Recap
IT WAS 25 YEARS AGO, I WENT TO WORK ONE DAY AND A TOXIC CLOUD ENVELOPED ME. SINCE THEN MY LIFE  HAS BEEN A  PHYSICALLY PAINFUL STRUGGLE TO KEEP ALIVE WHILE DEALING WITH ACTIONS DONE BY THOSE IN THE GOVT WHO HOLD HIGH POWER COMMITIING ONE HIGH CRIME AFTER ANOTHER AND NO ONE EVER BROUGHT THEM TO JUSTICE FOR THESE AT ALL. NOT EVEN NOW.Why then,  would such haterd be poured  out on the current leader,alone when others have done such evil and gotten by with it; in some case for 52 years.   I personanly belivee that what happened in 3/61 and how sociiety denied justice then, has had far reacihng effects  right down to the present and we need to stop denying injustice and realize real  evil does exist all aournd us and not ignore it.Our future and eternal souls are at stake, even  President Obama's who needs our prayers, not childish taunts.MY OPINION.
 I do appreciaie your efforts Geir Smith and am wiling to work with you to help get the truth out. Obviously we are going to disagree as we do things in our own ways. So pray we can agree on that , even if we disagree on the methods.  And I have made no money from my efforts so if truths come out that says he is or another is the Anti Christ , so be it; For the good of all, I pary that evil will be stopped from psasessing any individual. As a Christian, I  do have a differing aprpoach to some things and opinions may differ. I do not deny the presence of evil and know to gain highest office in this world the temptation to do evil is present and needs to be exposed.

Linda Joy Adams  1/10/14 25 years since injured today. Thnaks to my wonderful husban dDoyle who has pent almost 1/3of our married life helping me "in sickness"  We willhave been marreid 50 years on 1/26/2014. I  spent  our  25Th aaniversary in the hospital and had to cancel our reception at church that was  planned. I pray that this year, justice will be done and all medical needs be met and however we celebrate; it will be without concerns about govt corruption affecting or rights to life and livelhood. Praym think good thoughts  for all!.

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