
Monday, October 28, 2013

Daily Recap 10/18/13-10/28/13: Congress Derides Whistleblowers: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Could the Obamacare website violate users’ privacy? | HIPAA Update The artilce this is linked to seems to have missed the bigger point in all of this. Govt contractors are NOT UNDER HIPPAA> Too bad no one read my articles over the last few years trying to warn those whose lives and health may be endangered over this. Even the National health Insuarnce data base is a govt contract and more often than not, your medical treatment may come from that.especially in an ER or a new doctor that sees you. Neither patient nor doctor can correct errors, typos and even maliciously altered records which can happen in the case of litigation where wrong doings that caused injury my well result in criminal charges agianst some or as well as huge monetary damages. Plus even a list of names and addresses, of those signing up could well result in a vast and valuable mailing list to be sold to all those pharmaceutical companies and medical supply manfacturers which may soon be bombarding patients trying to provide them with info about their products and encourageing them to contact their doctors to prescribe them when they may or may not need the product at all. Its been clarrified very well, or me and others; if the only medical supplier for ones residency address refuses service, one can't go anywhere else to purchase an oxygen tank nor even supplies in order to live under the current unconstitutional regulations passed in 1/08. And the one tank that was working somehat is weakening. along with my right of life. I did speak to an attorney today as the reasons given for denial have nothing to do with insurance or medical necessity as these are already met by all three plans. I susupect its the insurer of the building where I was injured or some other entity causing the obstrutions to right of life. Others have been caught in these real 'death panels' in recent years and have gone on to heaven before their time. As a perosn of faith, It NOT THE WILL OF THE ALMIGHTY that such evil should causee death before the time appointed. In this era of lawlessness, often attorneys can do very little. Cases are won and benefits and judges orders ignored. I even spoke to one attorneys' and they were not even aware of their filings being sent outside the agency to Lynn Blodgett CEO's company ACS-Xerox etc to digitize and may or not come back for the agency to see. Some seem to be in a 'time warp' that all this contracting hasn;t yet taken over our rights and reocrds with Congress nt seeng to it that they have the same oversight that the law provides for govt officials even though its not always upheld, it does exist. I pray that the one supplier in my area, will realize that they hold my life in their hands and have no reason not to work with my family and I in providing care that would sustain my life for many years or end it too soon. It's very difficult to be 'self sufficint' when one is dependdnt on others for life itself. We all depend on each other more than we suppose. I do wish to address the suublty of evil in this era. As a Christian, the Bible is my faith book. And it clearly states there are good entities and bad surrounding us and these influences have been around from the beginning of time. There is a series that has been running for a few years called Ancient Aliens. Do not let it deter one from their faith. Much of what is on there may and probalby is very true and the Bible backs this up. Its just the Bible spends more pages concerned with our actions and relationships with each other and our Supreme Creator which as Christians we call Yahusha, Christ Jesus. Its all in there and Satan is not a 'good guy.!" as the program spoke of tonight. It was one of the first in this long series that gave me grave concern and most of the shows in the past have been more about what is here and where did it all come from and who. I ave watched through the specitrum ofthe Bible which warns us of Fallen angels messing aorund with humanity early on. Had a wonderful and long converston with a facebook friend Barbara, Sunday and we talked about this. She mentioned that there are some groups in this world trying to make Lucifer or Satan into the 'good guy' and the show this evening sseemed to indicate that and wish they had just stuck to the job of dealing with facts and discoveries, etc. No wonder this wolrd is in such a mess. I hope future shows will try and clairfy this better. Fallen angels or falling from grace is not a good thing as it turns on the good things of life and love and joy and faith and freedom and liberty for all. It turns its back on the ultimate justice being the salvation of ones eternal soul. Prayerfully, I misunderstood what was being portrayed but the last few moments seemed to be startlingly clear. And it goes against every teaching in Christianity and most world religoins that evil is not a good thing and one should not follow the evil others do and should not follow those who ask us to also do the evil things those who have followed evil ask us to do. Its destructive to our world and to us and Creation was meant to be a good and wonderful thing and so were we. (Spell check not working and for some reason even paragrapshs disappear at time of posting.)Am doing the best possible in the circumstances. But Congress has to address some basic issues of integrity in the process no matter what kind of health plan or insurance we all end up with. I do beieve life is a right and health care ensures that and few of us can work enough to afford much beyond routine care if injury and disease occurs. Its part of our humanity to share the costs in some way so all can have the best health possible and live as long as modern medicene can provide. Any who are saying otherwise must be among those that think Lucifer is the 'good guy.' AND One should pray for their immortal soul and pray they wake up. We just need common sense and be practical to provide it for all the best way we humans can come up with. Part of having free will is for us to be able to do just that. As well as prevent disease and injury and find cures which is the ultimate cost saver of all. Througout my life I have only met a few persons who seemed to have gone over to the side of evil and it seems no human can reach their soul to bring them back to humanity and salvation. Have a few 'rotten apples' begun to spoil the whole of society? We must not let this occur. I am one who believes in the basic goodness of people and our very being is to love one another. I believe in individual liberty, but if the govt does have to intervene then it should do so in a manner that leaves the perosn self sufficent and not dependent for life in a situation that denigrstes their individual respect and dignity. We should be concerned as to how we 'look' to the world as its an example that may or may not reflect who we are as a people. Being a 'snoop' on the whole world is not a good image. The technology is there to capture any picture and sound that leaves our homes and mouths, etc. We need laws that restrict access to this body of collected info as the tchnology is going to collect it and its laughable, to me,( if it wasn't so deadly serious) that some of our leaders seem to' shocked' the collection has already occurred. Correcting errors in the info and knowing what is collected on each of us, must be done just as occurs at the credit bureaus, etc. Instead of certain members Congress getting so much in a 'tizzy' about the govt contractors telling the truth, maybe they should be passing some laws to insure that erros can get corrected in our medical records in these govt contracted out data bases which have already cost lives and physical harm. And malicous alterations need to be under criminal penalties and investigated as with other crimes that casue physcial and financial harm. They are not under HIPPAA and can't get corrected. I have at least two other patients reocrds in mine and a med that sounds similar to another for an entirely different medical problem as being prescribed in the past and almost got it given to me in error in a hosptal once but I knew the pill was not the right color, etc and asked. Its a dangerous and life threatening outcome if wrong info is used for ones medical treatment. And indictions are it will be used for all kinds of decisions, including the right to buy a gun and as well as whether one gets Social Security Diability without hassle and time consuming delays. Errors uncorrected can have terrible outcomes in so many ways. Ways many of us have not even been able to fathom yet. Reasearch studies can be skewed if the info is worng and its used to detect disease clusters in geographic areas, etc. and its goes on and on the possobilities. Some can be helpul and have good results to ehlp all of us. But in some way protections of individual privacy must be upheld and at present none exist. So QUIT DISING ON THOSE TELLING THE TRUTH TO ALL. Even if they got a lot of money and the systems aren't up and running like all wish they were. SEPARATE ISSUE! Must close and get some rest and lower and raise the tank so I get the prescribed 2 liters of oxygen throughout the night. Too often by morning it stops working enough and I wake wth chest pains as well as the upper respiratory not getting enough oxygen either. I pray for those who can help me, that they will do so. Blessings and thanks to my family and friends who have been so wonderful in helping. This is not about needing money, its about those in place to help, prayfully will do so. Provide the service and bill the insurances. Linda Joy Adams 10/28/13 Oth

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well stated, Linda. Even the spell-check worked rather well.