
Saturday, August 31, 2013

* see my comment)IG: IRS ‘Hindered’ Efforts to Stop Illegals from Misusing Social Security Numbers | CNS News

IG: IRS ‘Hindered’ Efforts to Stop Illegals from Misusing Social Security Numbers | CNS News

Social Security Administration IG... claims IRS knows employers & noncitizens filing millions of fraudulent W-2's. - Patriot Action Network

Social Security Administration IG... claims IRS knows employers & noncitizens filing millions of fraudulent W-2's. - Patriot Action Network

Daily recap 8/31/13: Truth Still being Hidden: President Obama Born In TopekaKks

Video celebrates oral history of Obama’s Kansas family roots | Wichita Eagle See my comment just published at this article. One can link to it from here by clicking on the link. The reporter did an excellent job of outlining and ressearching the Dunham family, but they are not the fmaily of Pres Obaam, so the money made and the fake bio keeps being pushed forward and efforts made based on false premises. Is it possible that Pres Obama is still being 'handled' by those who will not share the truth with him, as I don't think any of my forwardings to the White House over the last year have ever reached him. My efforts are very personal as I've seen the spiritual harm done by all the decades of not teling the turth of the matters and its casued schisms within the family by those who recongized it also. with others who did not. A very close family of my Dad's got 'scattered' after 1944 when Daniel Wayne Pope took Stanley Dunham's wallet at age 14 and went off to WWII as him. He didn't take it to steal money, etc. but to serve his country in an era when 'everyone' was involved in the war effort at all levels of socieity as the focus was on overcoming a great evil. But war, in itself, is an evil and we have never been able to get out of it for a hundred years in this world and spend our effots on helping one another as some group or entity decides to grab power over others and misuse it rather than service to others and the diginity of each. I am now only 42, 000 e mails behind and this article was pulished last Monday and just now got to it. I'm feeling a lttle stronger today. And loved ones are helping out to raise the malfuncitioning oxygen tank periodicially. I aam so grateful for my facebook friends and others who have prayed and given support in all of this which is not over by any means. And hopefully can get caught up and back into wonderful discussions and finding the truth and justice being done in all of this. Seems as if I got 'put out of kilter' for a few weeks and the push for the fake bio got a new growth spurt' when the real story and justice for three dead needs to occur. Hopefully, others who are spiritually minded will realize that too many murders and atrociities have occurred in our own nation in the recent past and these need to have closure before we can go forward. around the world, too many like these are happening and its hard to know if our leaders have chosen the side of righteousness in all of this. As a Christian, I believe we are to love one another and to be conerned for human dignity and welfare of others. That does not mean we all have to like each other or agree with each other,nor even approve of each's lifestyles. It's why I wish govt would get out of the bedroooms and private homes of consenting adults. Those who have opinions whether of faith or not, should have the freedom of speech to express themm while others can decide not to listen or say don't bother me with the telling when approached. Health care and other issues I do consider part of the right of life which all of us should have. and if the govt has to intervene, then govt ( the people) need to 'go the seocnd mile" and make sure 'help' is done in such a way those needing it can eventually be self sufficient. Too often, what is passed is 'money thrown at a social problem' with the end result not being the best outcome. Programs that did work are passed away and replaced by others that only enslave the poor in worse poverty and leave the children with less than the best. And I can't even buy a liquid oxygen tank to stay alive while insurance amd medicare preiums are being shelled out monthly. and in my case, the tax payer is subsidizing all of of this with the life susutaining and approved care being denied. ( Loved one jsut got the mail and my pulmonologit just sent me more documentation and prescription for oxygen that shows this) but the DEATH PANELS put in place means who will be able to help out? Emergency rooms and lung and heart transplants are a lot more expensive than three tnaks of oxygen a month and we are comng into an era when those have been and soon will be denied also. And in my case, should not ever need to occur if the medical care is provided and that means oxygen 24/7 so that vital organs are not allowed to fail. Hillarycare was rejected by all 20 years ago, but we got it piece by picce snuck in on us and next year, the unaccountable ineternational cabal will have control of it for this nation as well as in other nations of the world. This is not the best way for us to share and provide for each other at all. Again, what has worked, in the best and chepaest way, was discarded with regulations and laws written by the 'cabal' and sheaked in when none of us were aware. Just sent in my absentee ballot on a school bond issue to buy new buses. Hard times are here, but our children are the future and they do need to know we care enough to let them ride to school safely. With all that was going on, I had not been aware there was an election issue to vote on. But states have made it very easy to sign up yearly and the ballots mailed automatically all year long. As for voter registration in the first place: There is federal agency that has already made a fomral decison on almost all of us in the USA of citizenship and age and its part of the same data bank as e -verify. Its your social security number data base and/ or benenfits data base. A lot of time and effort is being spent on voter id and registrstion, etc. when all that's needed is to do somehting lke the e- verify when one registers to vote. After all federal law is supposed to superceed state law, isn't it? Will someone please introduce that bill in Congress and end all this charade on voter registration. Most states now issue a voter ID card soon after registration or of one changes party affiliation, etc. changes adrress, etc. Why isn't that enough? I even was able to go online and enter some changes and got my new card mailed to me. I believe 95% should vote and the only ones who don't should be those who have a consioentious objection to it or can;'t leave the hospial emergecy room to get to the polls. And that's even if they don't all vote the same way I do. Its the power of the people ad everyone elected needs to know that if they don't do their jobs, we will be there to vote in someone else at time of reelection. That's worth more than all the money of all the billionares in this world-each indidiual's one vote. The poor man or woman gets to have just as much influnce in the final outcome than the rich person does with the ballot box beingthe great equalizer. Linda Joy Adams 8/31/13 ( spell check still not working on this site)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Contact Other CGS Departments/Resources

Contact Other CGS Departments/Resources

Customer Service

Customer Service

Mullin Messenger__August 30, 2013

Mullin Messenger__August 30, 2013

Part B Claim Submission Errors for Texas - July 2013

Part B Claim Submission Errors for Texas - July 2013

7192193885 - who calls me from 719-219-3885? 1/6 ( I love these sites!)

7192193885 - who calls me from 719-219-3885? 1/6

Daily recap 8/29/13-8/3013/: ACS ALERT : President Obama Born In Topeka ks

Administration Previews Optional Industry Cyber Standards - Click the link for the article on Dallas workshop next week. Location of headquarters of ACS-Xerox a Delaware Corporation. and as my cases well document there is litle security on systems in many federal agencies we have pending matters in. I ask for prayers that real solutions can will be found and if some go to jail for what they have done and stolen and harm casued; so be it. but first get some security on my records after they get reconstructed and located and judges orders carreid out and items processed and paid. i am exhauted and have not answered comments and info. My blood pressure yesterday eveineing was 70/50 with heart rate of 91 and tried to raise and lower the oxygen tank myself to keep the breath of life flowing and had no strength to do so. A loved one had to come real quick and help me. My family is a great blessing in all of this. My last posting was not my best work. But wanted to get out the latest info from the newly found items in a closet. More memories of spirtiual dammage done to my exended family over this. i can see the direct links, others may not that were not so close to the origin. I went online and posted some general info for the Topeka HS 50th class reeuin.'s memory book. but unless I can get working equipment, we don't see how I can go to Kansas for it in a few weeks. Have to be able to breathe. My posting was positve and and applauded my class of '63 for 'making integration work' in Topeka Ks inside the school system as we were the class that was there in 1954 and were all part of the process. It was my class that accomplished this with minimal disruption of educational excellence. But off the school property, terrible things did happen and need to have some justice before there can be real closure. i applaud some of the cable media on both sides of the political spectrum for finally realizing that injustices of all kinds especially like that which happend to the president's parents cry out for justice and recognition that the struggle for human rights is not and never has been an easy one. I pray that osme day humans will no longer treat each other with such disrespect and disadain. As Yahusha, whom Christians call Christ Jesus asked of us to do: we are to love one another. And soon will so many stop beng duped into one political side or another by a few who wish to grab control and steal our hard earned tax dollars whcih we all pay directly or indiretly through purchase of goods and services. The march to war is getting extrememly serious. And our nation's monies seem to be further headed for death and destuction instead of for ehlping each of us have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness though self ownership. Freedom and personal privacy seemes to be getitng shoved aside in all. I have not had a chance to research more on Marilyn Kay Wheeler sister of Veda who married broters Daniel Wayne Pope and kenenth Pope . Dan and Marilyn, the grandparents of President Obama who assumed the Dunham id's. Hopefully all those reading the daily recaps and traveling along on the journey for truth and justice on this may understand that these lies and asusmption of Id's caused schisms in my extended family as a few got involved in it and others wanted no part of it. while others knew little of what was truth vs falsehoods and isolated themselves from the extended family rather than deal with it and causing more schisms and dissension. The later is what I did and I am sorry I did't intervene and insert myself more into the matter after I became an adult. i was in the middleof it all as many kenw i was wintess to much of it. But llowed myself to try and not be in it. One can't do that. when they have been present and know things. But my immediate personal life has been so full of things occurring and the last almost 25 years has been spent in a battle for phsyical survivial and getting health care to stay alive, which the laws in place say this should never have happened. and it continues the deadly Death Panels set in place by the few who have usurped power in this nation and world. Congress, themselves, have to take repsonsiblity of over site. when you pass a good law to help and protect each of us you just can't walk away and ignore the problems when the laws are not carried out in a fair, just and constitutional manner. and too often down right obstruction of them which is what has occurred when ACS-Xerox can hide from the govt officials they have over a decade of oxygen cliams not processed beacuse they would be paid and all the corruption that is on going that has caused so much hardship and deaths of too many is on going would be exposed and constituional rights restored. The Bible speaks of a later day when lawlessness is the norm and Its almost totally here when those in govt authority have no way of enforing the laws being broken by their own govt contractors and the few'rotten apples' inside the govt. as I said to a paralegal today in trying to get some legal help on whiistle blower quit tam case which may be the option out of this: when you open the pages in your phone book ( or online)for federal and even state govt phone numbers; these are phone numbers to govt contractors who are to often depely involed in corruption of our rights and other illegal activities plus they can't really solve any problems as so far govt contractors have no authority to solve much of anything and fewer and fewer of govt officials are trained to know what to do either as their jobs are graudally all being contracted out to the international cabal which has the same control of data and files both paper and cyber in nations of the world. As long as there are a few among us who have no regard for honesty and integrity, there is a need for law enforcment to make sure those few do not destory society. which is happening too often in the current situation. So, I need to get some more rest as the mountains of paperwwrk is over whelming in our efforts for physical survival. I had hoepd that HR 1063 would relive the citizens and patients of this nation from having to do the work which those in govt are supposed to do and without the power of the govt, which has been rendered nearly powerless over the last few decades of the stripping of any enforcment of our laws leaving all of us vulnerable for our own personal securiy and our families. and the real threats, more often than not; are from inside the govt and the lawless contractors which seem to grab more and more of those lucraaive contracts with tax dollars, we supossedly don't have to enforce the laws as we get our monies stolen from us.. Thaks for all your prayers and apiritual and moral support. You are all a real Blessing in this. Spell check is not working on this site so pray I can see the typos and get them corrected. Linda Joy Adams 8/30/13

Activist Post: Reports Of Very Unusual Troop Movements In The U.S. And Air Power Massing In Cyprus

Activist Post: Reports Of Very Unusual Troop Movements In The U.S. And Air Power Massing In Cyprus

Tutorial - Completing the Medicare Part A Redetermination and Clerical Error Reopening Request Form

Tutorial - Completing the Medicare Part A Redetermination and Clerical Error Reopening Request Form

Appeals Center

Appeals Center

Postal Mailing Addresses for Novitas Solutions

Postal Mailing Addresses for Novitas Solutions

Contact Us by Telephone - Phone Numbers

Contact Us by Telephone - Phone Numbers

Part B: System Alerts

Part B: System Alerts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Part A Informational Alerts

Part A Informational Alerts

Daily recp 8/26/13-8/28/13: Schism in Pope Family: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > Park Pharmacy & Compounding Center is Issuing a Voluntary Recall of Two Compounded Sterile Preparations. The Recall is Due to a Lack of Sterility Assurance Click the link to the article. THIS IS NOT THE PARKS DRUG IN TEXAS>PARKS DRUG IN TEXAS There have been so many problems around the nation of contamination of these compaounds. I really don't understand why the patients can't do their own compounding. I use a sompound of Demexathosine (cortisone steroid) in a prsservative free solution ( saline water) Since there is no safe inhaled cortisone steroid inhalers on the market for several million with some form of reactive airways dsoeases that are not allergies. The ones for upwards of 10 million like me ( recent studies says its now that many) were pulled off the market as the propellant used was CFC's and they harmed the envirbnment. ( This is by the smae FDA that says Ozone is good to breathe bt EPA says its bad) Refer to recent Daily Recaps about how oxygen patients are being increasingly forced to breathe life threatening ozone from concentrators and air purifiers, etc. in a genocidal lack of concern of human life. Once I get the compund , I then recompound, again in my home by putting 7 drops in 8 oz of ditelled water i the hunideifer bottle attacked to my liquid oxygen tank. In many ways this is better than the inhalers as its a very minute amounte in a steady flow 24/7. I am personally convincenced that many of the side effects of bone death , cataracts, thyroid prolbems, etc rae caused by an over dose which can occur when inhales a larger dose 1 to three time a day and do not get the more minute amounts in a steady flow. Those who suffer from inflammation from the pollutants in the world ( even when one does their best to use no polluting products, etc.) are around 24 hours a day. not once or three times a day. Its also much cheaper. some of these inhalers can cost $175 and the coupound is $25 dollar If the govt and others are concerndd about health care costs, maybe its toem for common sense to prevail I see no reason Why I can't be given the two ingredients in the coupoound and I do the mixing.. Is it poosble there might be some patient error? of course, as there is with any medication if the directions are not followed. But an error by one patient in s not hundreds or even thoursnads injured and many deaths that have occurred over the last couple of years by mixing in bulk in lorge compounding centers ar or even in their local pharmacies, which is usually less problematic. If one is an oxygen patient and almost all of us use the humdifier bottle filled with disilled water, why can't we include other medications and eliminate the need for all thses inflmaing ingredients that are often used in the newer inhalers in order to propell the medicine into the lungs and sinues. There is an upper and lower part of the respiratory system. Many who use these, like me, have haa serious toxic and chemical injuries and the upper respiratory is often very badly dmamged, too. President Obama Born In topeka Ks POPE FAMILY SCHISM Many of the descendants of John Hardy have a three volume published geneaology that begins with the ariival of Mr Hardy in he USA in 1627 in Massachusetts and some lived in Salem. This was published in the 60's and 70s and there are some obvious irregularites in the info about the Pope and and even part of the Hackett descendants of Delbert Eugeene Hardy and wife Elizabeth who arrived with his 4 daughters and son near Haxtun Colorado by 1920. I have some buiding material reciepts from 1919 but nothing earlier to indicate the familywho arrived there was the orignal ones.. and all the family info and other documents, etc. which I;ve wrtten aobut over the last year and one month idicates it was a a probable assumption of the original family who seemed to stopped existing aobout the time of the influenza epidemic of the time. BUT: that's not what I'm referring to. When My mother sent me the set as a present, I reviewed it and immedialtey found misinformation of the living members of the family at the time of publicationas I knew, for example; that Kenenth Pope's boys were a little older than me as they had visited in our home and stayed over night and that Marcy was not one of the twins. ON Flickr is a picture of the twin boys with their youngest Uncle Millard Dell Pope The third brother in that family was Daniel Wayne Pope, the grandfather of President Obama who took the id of Stanley Dunham to go to war in age 14 and his wife was not born in 1936, more like 1926 as there had been mention over the years that she was older. when referring to my sisters who both married men a couple of years younger than them. In the geneaology, the marriges and dates of births and other info is way off for some. I know , we all knew. and my mother told me that the misinformaiton being given caused a schism within the Pope family over wrong info being put in the published genaeialogy. So bad that , I was told, Lois didnt even speak to her mother for years over it. This is the horrendousspiritual damamge done to families when such things are done. one lie on top of another and its needs to end. And I come along and know truths and want answers as to why and it causes more shisms in the extended families when this occurs. One thing that may be true is that Dan and Kenneth married sisters, but they were married in the 40's not he fifties. And the last name given for them is Wheeler. of course the birth dates are wrong, etc. I know full well they are. This is a convoluted mess and needs some analyzation to pick out truth form fiction, etc. My mother just gave the basics for us and it appears to be corect for us; as she went with the name Hardy as being the true family linegage whem she found out in 1953 it wasn't but my dad would neer confirm or deny anything directly. Just made comments in times of deep emotion about things. His sisters tried to get him to do so from conversations I had overheard over the years, but he seemed to have great fear for the family. Plus he seemd to hae some kind of knowledged of things they were not aware of about some 'deals' made years ago. As the only son, and in an era when men always were in charge; he seemed to know things they did not. And he woudld't talk. I recently reclocated these volumes as family cleaned out a closet in our home and found another box of things. And I, am still filing papers and talking to thse that might help get life susutainang oxygen tanks and get them filled so Ican even live-aught in the real DEATH PANELS put in place step by step since the Clinton era. Impeaching charges need to deal with these kinds of matters not an affair and if Cong Dan Burton had been allowed to continue, many terrible things would have become known and charges made that mattered to all and legistlative changes made that still are needed. We have suffered ever since as many who had grabbed power kept and got more and abused it and stole our tax dollars from us in one scam after another. I've written of this in depth. Dad had no part in giving the info to the John Hardy who undertook a fantastic job of a 400 hundred year genealogy. John Hardy had wanted to go to England and trace it further back, but never got it done. Most geeologies rely on some public documents, but more often living members of famaiies to give informaiton and all who do so, should pay heed to being completley honest about the information given. Either give the basic truths or refuse, but what often happens is others will volunter info and they might not have the truth, if the lies have been fostered even among the extended family. It makes this so difficult for an eye witness like me. Many in the extended family don't know that were not around. But many did and do know that what is in the books isn't totally accurate and its not good and its caused horrible schisms in a which should never have happened. So I will try and get this on flickr and do a step by step analysis of what I know is truth and how I know and then any one wishing to help search for a Marilyn kay Wheeler. not Madelyn Payne and Kenneth's wife is listed as Veda, whom I met in the fiities. May wish to add on. Spell check is not working on this site yet. Got faxing to do and some claims to file as the govt computer are hacked intoo, not secure -none allowed to stop it.Patrick McFarland testified to Congress on ACS falsifying records that none enforce laws against the govt contractors as they are given no money other than salaries with trillios stolen and Congress ignores the 'mugging of America,' Lida Joy Adams 8/28/13



Sunday, August 25, 2013

See my comment:P P S I M M O N S: "I Think They're Delusional!" Mike Zullo on the Xerox Explanation for Birth Certificate Fraud!

P P S I M M O N S: "I Think They're Delusional!" Mike Zullo on the Xerox Explanation for Birth Certificate Fraud!

EVIDENCE U.S. BRIBED Muslim Brotherhood officials | Reclaim Our Republic

EVIDENCE U.S. BRIBED Muslim Brotherhood officials | Reclaim Our Republic

Britain’s Anglican Churches Returning Back To Roman Catholicism! | Political Vel Craft

Britain’s Anglican Churches Returning Back To Roman Catholicism! | Political Vel Craft

P P S I M M O N S: BREAKING! U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

P P S I M M O N S: BREAKING! U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

Library of Congress Classification System

Library of Congress Classification System

Library of Congress Plan to Accommodate 13-Digit ISBN

Library of Congress Plan to Accommodate 13-Digit ISBN

Library of Congress Classification Outline - Classification - Cataloging and Acquisitions (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress Classification Outline - Classification - Cataloging and Acquisitions (Library of Congress)

Dewey Decimal System - A Guide to Call Numbers

Dewey Decimal System - A Guide to Call Numbers

How To Use the Dewey Decimal System | Monroe County Public Library, Indiana -

How To Use the Dewey Decimal System | Monroe County Public Library, Indiana -

Daily recap 8/21/13-8/25/13: Still breathing-Others are not:President Obama Born In Toprka Ks

Linda Joy Adams Click the link to my Facebook page where I have posted the message for today.

Have been asked if I had heard from Doug Searcy in Topeka Ks. No I have not. Basically what . I know is on line. A few items have been withheld  so far like a few names of witnesses. But I have shared most with law enforcement. But there are so many, who may remember things.And need to be encourages to come forward and share what they know. I pray that he is being permitted to follow through and is doing so. But MURDERERS have gone free for 52 years, not only in Topeka Ks, but around the world and the fear of getting involved has led to a coup d'etat of the world by a few who seem to care little about justice for all and compassion for any one. Even the ideology of their own lives being valued by how much power and wealth they can amass instead of the damage to their eternal soul which too many must think doesn'
t exist or how could they behave in such a way?
Did some think by sidelining me into a fight for my own life, that the wheels of justice would come to a grinding stop? No ITS JUSTICE FOR ALL/ And As Carmen posted on Facebook,: there is a day of accountability for each of us.
All each of us can do is keep on the path of following the Divine master of life and love and not the other guy who promotes death and destruction.
Time to lower  the oxygen tank and roll it around a little to keep the breath of life coming and then try to plow through a mountain of paper work to attend to  in order to stay alive. When the liter flow starts going down, I get a terrific headache as the upper respiratory system shuts down and then there is the angina, etc. and lungs feel painful, too. At least, when asleep, I wake up.
And its why my doctors have always advised and cautioned against pain medicines as one needs to be aware. Stop the pain with the treatment, oxygen, etc.
We have became a nation of pain pills instead of  getting the medical treatments to stop and prevent the pain in the first place. They have the place and need; but my witness overall is pain is caused by something and that SOMETHING needs treatment not a pain pill to cover up the denial of good medical care  What right does any one  have to decide who is worthy to have medical care and live? Christ said some harsh things about those who would not provide healing and basics of life to each. as to the place they would end up.
            I am very aware of my situation being all too common, but I will not lay down and die for Satan's minions who think if one is old and disabled, one has no value. I know I have a Divine master who loves me no matter what my human condition and  he loves each one else , also. He is expecting each of us to choose to do what is right and good for ourselves and for each other. Even if we make those choices later rather than earlier in our lives. Its called SALVATION and it the choice of an eternal life.
We put on His armour and do our best to fight the spiritual battle for the souls of humanity. And my Book of faith, the Bible does not say its all right for any one to cause the death of another before their appointed time. That time is set by the Divine Creator and its not the time cut short by the evil one or his followers among the human race.  We let ourselves get embroiled in wars and allow the Devil's minions to set  one another against each other as they laugh at our ignorance as the destruction of Creation which Satan
 is jealous of is done by the most wonderful of all of Creation, humanity.
He may have a lot of power and influence, but  YAHUSHA, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, holds  all power  and all knowing and can create life itself. Something Only The Divine can do and Satan can only mimic.
Linda Joy Adams 8/25/13

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Direct Contact Information | Homeland Security

Direct Contact Information | Homeland Security

Contact Us | The House Committee on Homeland Security

Contact Us | The House Committee on Homeland Security

Elder Law and Advocacy Pro Bono Program * - National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide - Pro Bono Net

Elder Law and Advocacy Pro Bono Program * - National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide - Pro Bono Net

Contact Us | Oklahoma Society for Respiratory Care

Contact Us | Oklahoma Society for Respiratory Care

Obama proposes college-rating system that could increase affordability - The Washington Post

Obama proposes college-rating system that could increase affordability - The Washington Post

Obama proposes college-rating system that could increase affordability - The Washington Post

Obama proposes college-rating system that could increase affordability - The Washington Post

GSA looks to industry for managing travel spending data | Federal Times |

GSA looks to industry for managing travel spending data | Federal Times |

IRS not effectively managing software licenses, watchdog says | Federal Times |

IRS not effectively managing software licenses, watchdog says | Federal Times |

Amazon: Stop recompete on $600M CIA cloud contract | Federal Times |

Amazon: Stop recompete on $600M CIA cloud contract | Federal Times |

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Daily recap 8/20/13: Send in the cats" President Obama Born in Topeka Ks

Feds Propose Showering Farallon Islands With Poison To Kill Mice And Save Ecosystem click th elink to see my comment and suggestion for sending them the micie;s naturuarl predators. wat govt contractor wants to sell the govt 'poison'. Time to stop using the taxpayers; money for 'poisons.' isn't it. Working on some paper work to try and get some oxygen deiivered or a new tank; but it s bigger reasons than health insurance or medical necessity. Its all about the 'fat cats' in control of this world who stay well hidden behind others. And seem to care little if any one dies of their poisononous greed and lust for more power. As a Christian, I beg of them to think of others and be fair and just. With all your power and wealth, you have the chance to do so much good and its not always about spending money or trying to control more and more. Its the joy of serving others. My health insurance is as good or even better than many and all have oyygen approved for life for the service. Staying out of emergency rooms nd hospitals is the most cost effetive way of treatment and that means home oxygen and its been known for a ocuple of decades now that its the best way to treat. F0r those who have just now read my Daily recap for the first time: I can't buy a tank to hold liquid oygen where insurance can and would be billed like all other kinds of medical equipment. bBecause the medical supply companies liablity insurer won't let them. Concentrators emit life threatening ozone and after decades manufacturers have not solved the problems of ozone emissions, in fact they are worse now. Oxygen Concentrators require one to breathe ozone into their lungs and almost 10 million of us in the USA can't survice the acute inflmamation from it as FDA says ozone is good to breathe for those with repsiratory problmes even though EPA says its very bad and for us to stay away from it. Its very bad for everyone. Why? not seell a new empty tank? Its no different than any other piece of medical equipment one buys with a prescription and leaves with it and no further contact unless there is a need for repair while under warranty and then the discussion would be with the manufacturer. The liablity insurer for the medical supply company,has been identified as the issue for denial of life susutianing service. So we had to continue lowering and raising the tank we have and opening the valve wide open and using my oximeter to judge if I.'m gettig 2 liters of oxygen as presecribed. After being an oxygen patient for 18 years its not hard to determine. The alternative is I coudl not survive what had happened and is happeening all over the country after 5 years of a real bad death panel put in place. Patients who have done as my family has done for me are finding their tanks needing to be replaced. And they are expesive for one on a fixed income, but all fully covered by insurances including medicare. Very often if one has an acute sensitivity to ozone, one has been badly injured in some kind of diaster and too often soeon is liable for negligence, vehicle insurance, or some other liablity insurer is involved and often its the same parent company patients like me are dealing with in being denied the right to life.( All my medical info is well documented and accepted conditions at federal workers comp, but the govt contractor has not input any oxygen claims since they took over BECAUSE THEY WOULD BE PAID according to their mananger and they are under orders to "Let me die". from who? Their Liblity insuer?Someonthing is badly worng o when my claims examiner is not allowoed to even see US Dept of labor judges orders addressing this illegal withholding which I got in 2/09 and said( in polite legal terms) get rid of this contractor and listen to me for the facts of the case and let my records be posted from my files and all the previous orders, etc followed and there are new items pendng some as far back as 1989 when timely filed and refiled over and over as files continue to disappear and none? in the govt cares of lack of securty on files still not paid or ruled on. All occurred when the 'fat cats'; sucessfully got '90' employees of a govt office turned away from the hosptial s to avoid criminal and civil lialities and I got through the system as the wrong employer got put on my chart. before I was sent home to die, too; when the doctors were preparing me for admission after toxic inhalation of fumes was made. I had no major problem getting my workers comp and became a precdent case for my office and later told by several was one of a very few; for the nation for toxic exposures. Every time some one dies of their injuries, my file becomes stronger evidence of felony murder of them and the rest of us who will prblaby die of our injuries at some future date. But murder is ignored when its done in such a hidden and subltle manner as ours and many others have lost ther oife beore ther natural time. THIS IS NOT JUSTICE. Oxygen has been and is become the initial and very deadly death panal for over a decade and its been put in place by the liabllity insurers and their influence in shoving small companies out of what used to be a side line business many had before the regulaiton slupped pass almost everyone by medicare in 1/08. All health plans are affected as what CMS does has been the 'standard' for years for health care. and availablity since the large companies now left to control the market bid for a 'territory' and then turn around and deny serivce to any one already approved for life by medicare. My civil rights complaints have disappaeared and never been answered by Mgr of the Dallas HHS Civil rights office: Ralph Rouse, yet my complaints on his illegal acts have gone on with no accountability to try and get this regulation ruled unconstituional and discirmiatotry against any one with a disabilty related to an injury where a tihrd party has been required to be sued by the patient or worker in order to get any health care paid for by their health plans. Its a David and Goliath situation and most of us do not have five stones ( wealth) nor even a slingshot of influence; let alone the the knowledge to know how to use it. For over 5 years, our son hauls tanks to get them filled at the gas company and then I file and get part of the money we have to pay back from my employer group health plan. which should be all covered, but medciare doesn not pay to fill tnaks if not done by a supplier who delivers. In fact HR 1063 signed into law 1/11/13 is to make Lynn Blodgett CEO of ACS-Xerox input nad process the clims he has epening for eyars all timely filed by me and other suppliers since they took over almost 13 years ago. Medicare paid and sent a letter to ACS who ignored it for repayment and insiders estimate there is almost a tillion dollars owed back to Medicare in situations just like mine since the govt stopped enforcement of the laws back in 1994. Now its resurrected with penalites, but not implememted yet. The medicare appellalte judge affirmed the lower ruing on M09-01406 when i tried to get them to enforce the 1981 laafter saying the bill is federal workers comps as they put me on the oxygen for life, but ACS Xerox has control of that govt agency under US dept of Labor and won't even share my file with them so no one knows what is going on even defying judges orders to post , process and pay,etc. They had paid for it until my file had a felony diappearacne of 4 years out of it. which has now been almost 25 years of no security on any govt file of mine paper or digital and has exposed how little Homeland securty we have insidee the federal govt ofr docuemts or lives. and their contractors where the real terrorirism is occurrig at the behest of any entitiy too big to corral and who is running things which is no longer our elected officials. COUP DE'TAT is almost complete of the USA. I'm still alive to stand up for the rights of all to live and ask for justice for those whose deaths were/are prematurely caused by illegal acts. How many other areas of our lives is the same things going on.. Its seem to become pervasive and 'poisonous' to our very existence. Linda Joy Adams 8/20/13 Wish I could get spell chack on this site. Forgive me the typos I may have missed. Thanks to all those working for justice in all matters and for prayers and support.

Royal Baby Portrait: Prince George's First Family Photos Are Released!

Royal Baby Portrait: Prince George's First Family Photos Are Released!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily recap 8/17-13-8/19/13: New Info shared ( Click the link to facebook) On Birth: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

Linda Joy Adams click the link to my facebook page posted 8/19/13 at 11:55 pm cst USA Thanks to all for prayers and support and its not over yet as the liablity insurers for the buiding where we were all injured and too many died back on 1/89. So we keep lowering and rolling the tanks I have and so far I get an average of 2 liters per of oxygen from it. And all cauttion is used. This whole issue of the patient and injured workers having to take on mega, international cabal's insurance compnay in order to get their health insurance or workers comp to pay anything has created horrific injustice as few ever are able to get any kind of income from it and federal workers are only getting the money to repay the taxpayers, so why is the govt obatrurting the tapayers gettinng repaid and coveroing up felony murders and ilelgal injuries which shodl be attempted murder until death of their injuries?. Wouldn't surporse me if Lynn Blodgett's company ACS-Xerox has the samee insurance company, or probably are stockholders in it. TRUST Busting is is really not what one thinks it is. When all the parties one is up against are all insurerd by the same entity and may be a major sotckholder in that the insruance comapny on top fo that. to be the parent company behind the obstruction of my right to breathe now through being the insurer ofr osygen dleivery companies and medical supply companies. Spell check is not working on this site at all. besides the civil wrongs going on in many cases jsut like mine, is the injstice of igonroing and allowing those allegedly guilty of crimes to get by and do the cover up of their own 'dirty deeds.' And I see it happening over and over in most mega disstiers involving toxins and chemicals. Crminal negligence casing terirble injries and deaths and then cover ups an donb going obstructions of medical care. TRUST BUSTING in the Modern Era has to deal with the liablity insurers stopping any sense of justice. It aes a mockery of our legal system both civil and criminal. Any real Tort reform needs to start with all parties being able to be treated farily and and equally before the scales of justice. I;m not speking of huge moentary decisons. I;m speaking of jsut winning the right to life. And why should that be an issue? Its become the 'extortion' used so care and due diligence to never commit the civil oriminal wrongs are ignored and bad behaviours do not stop and more people get injured over and over. The system is failing us-ITS COLLAPSED and Congress refuses to address these basic issues that need attention. My insrucne is as as good as any one else getting oxygen delivered and all three have been paid and nk well know the clims will get paid by some or all of the three- so ther liblity insurer says I am on ther 'hit list?' aog with how many others who went aobut ther lives and someon;s worng acts casued them to get injrued and our system says, no medcial care to live ulessl you go to court and sue the third party.And the third party's insurance is in control of every phase of ones life and attept to get the medical care in the first place. And the govt contractor's has the same insurer? Same shareholders? mAybe hidden by owners of owners making it difficult to kow who owns what and with these mega companies wantin to o private, even the govt can;t find out. and who is in charge there? someone;s paid off plant? Not supposed to appen, but until the US Justice dept clenas house in the unit to investigiate these kinds of crimes not much is going to be made right and this didn't start in 2009. Its been getting gradually worse over the last decades. There are so many subsidiaries allowed to be created to separate themselves 'legally' to give a fake appearance of separation, but yet who are the shareholders of each? Our laws are so 'out of date; to deal with the modern world. Impeachemnt of Clintonthat went no where was a smike screen that stopped a lot fo really good work going on in Congress. And there are attempts to create one or more of these smoke screens again. states regulate insruance comapnies and they nned to work toeghter to take on this unfair payaing fiedl that obstructs the basic rights of life,ierty and pursusit of happiness. This is not aobut big setltmemnts as those are very rare. most who get injred in such situations beyond their control, are caught in a web of deceit they often have no idea they are caught in, until they can;t even buy a tank to put some oxygen in to keep breathing. I'm really tired and no spell check to edit on blogger. com for some reason. Linda Joy Adams 8/19/13

Friday, August 16, 2013

Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Revealing ACORN Spin-Off Received HUD Grant Despite Federal Funding Ban | Socialism is not the Answer

Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Revealing ACORN Spin-Off Received HUD Grant Despite Federal Funding Ban | Socialism is not the Answer



Daily recap 8/16/13: Open letter to: Reggie Love: President Obama born in Topeka Ks

#disqus_thread#disqus_thread#disqus_thread#disqus_thread This is a link to a comment I posted on American Thinker. freedom of the soul cri not happen until one Honors their parents and neither have been and my advice, unasked for; that a friend woudl suggest he ge back to Topeka Ks and laern who he is and he will find he ocmes from basically good people on both sides. One must honor the good and come to to terms with the bad. And his mother has been trashed horrifically when the truth is she had courage to come thorugh a horrific situation and get an education and raise her son the bast she could. here has been no justice for her nor for the three dead including his 99% sure Dad ad it all starts in Topeka ks and needs to has justice and closure there for our president, the city, state and nation. Evil deeds ferment and grow and cause more harm over all. We cannot cover up the past, we need to face it, let the legal system work for justice and then we can all over ocme the failures of the past for abetter future. Spell check was not working on that site and there were some typos I did not see as part of the comment was hidden. and now there is a pop up over this posting, here and no spell check to correct errorshere for days. A loved one and I had a horrible time lowering the oxygen tank and lifting it up, even wiht dolly caddy; as I was not getting a full 2 liters flow in the newly filled one and its too full to lay partially down, et as the frozen gas comes out the top if we do at this point. the future right to live is an uncertainty. What is the motivation behind this that I would be the patient denied the right of breath, when insurances is as good as any one elses and approved for life by all. But way up at the top of this international cabal someone has decided I have no rights? WHY? What have I ever done to these people? I was born and have tried to live my life as a good perosn and help others. But I cannot allow injustice and murer to go unchalleneged. we have a set of rules to live by and we are not to casue the death of another human being is one of the major ones. Perhaps witnessing such evil as happened to the President's parents in my tender teen years, has been a greater influence than I have ever realized. I had seen evil rise up at an even younger age and knew that there is a Savior; Yahusha: who is omnipresent and holds all power and is Love personified. whom we Christions call Christ Jesus. that has been a tock in all of my life and even though I;m not perfect as no human is; I don't understand those motivated by hate and destruction rather than by life and love. Linda Joy Adams. 8/16/13

Billion-dollar Nestlé extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free - The CON Trail

Billion-dollar Nestlé extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free - The CON Trail

Earthquakes in Oregon, Colombia and New Zealand: 8-14 August 2013

Earthquakes in Oregon, Colombia and New Zealand: 8-14 August 2013

Judge delays bankruptcy decision while he ponders whether the Justice lawsuit means he shouldn’t confirm yet | Airline Biz Blog

Judge delays bankruptcy decision while he ponders whether the Justice lawsuit means he shouldn’t confirm yet | Airline Biz Blog

Google-Microsoft feud over YouTube app escalates to 'death blow' - Computerworld

Google-Microsoft feud over YouTube app escalates to 'death blow' - Computerworld - Your Comment - Your Comment

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) > FSMA Proposed Rule for Produce Safety

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Armed TSA teams now roam in public, conduct “suspicionless searches” on demand | DICK.GAINES: AMERICAN! ~ Gunny.G: Online Since 1997

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OPM to conduct employee benefits survey --

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Online Claim Status Inquiry

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oxygen Testing and the Chronic Stable State

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Online Video Education

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Mandatory Insurer Reporting (NGHP) - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Mandatory Insurer Reporting (NGHP) - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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MLN Matters Articles

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Disappearing Security Background and Xerox Workflow | Butterdezillion's Blog

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FDA Alert: Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Drugs: Drug Safety Communication- Risk for possibly permanent nerve damage

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#comment-232322#comment-232322 see my updated comment- western Journalism


Gigantor 6.9 Earthquake New Zealand Seddon - The CON Trail

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America’s 50 Worst Charities Exposed | World Truth.TV

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Daily Recap 8/15/13: Miracles : President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

P P S I M M O N S: Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation
 Treaties are to be passed by the US Senate, aren't they? So both political parties have decided to not do their jobs? The rest of us have to work to get a pay check! So should we fire congress, then what happens to the checks and balances of the US constition? Its pretty torn and tattered these days. While most of the media is talking about some disrespectful remarks at a rodeo in Missouri, major decisions are being made while our sttn is focused on a clown. A pop up is blocking my view in psoting this. SO hoprfully its spelled correctly as spell check is not working either. MIRACLES Thanks to Carmen for her email rmeinding me of the miracles that do occur. she entitled her comment "Oxygen for Jesus". and mentions the miracle of the widow and meal and oil that lasted for days in I Kings. I have been an oxygen patient for 18 years now and have used these liquid oxygen tanks for most of that time. The 41 liter tanks almost always last 10 days but after the miracle of Doyle talking to someone who voluntered his practical knowledge of how to repair and work with these tanks and there internal vacuum seal, etc. we shook and laid them down and let the liquid oxygen run towards to the top. In being overly cautious, these things i never did. We ae taught to be more afraid if things than we needto be. But s having the knowledge of how these operate. and its rather a simple thing. The real cautuon is not exposing ones skin to the frozen gas nor allowing any kind of flame near them. Both rather obvious cautions. which we have always followed. anyway. Maybe the miracle is the discussion that occurred as no one selling the oxygen, nor the tanks is going to say these practical things to one. Also the other miracle is Doyle talking to a man who wore a shirt from Life gas, 90 miles from his home in Dallas, who was in the local store and we learned of the major merger into Linde gas of Germany i.e. Union carbides's coalition? and I posted the connections to the other major companies who ae fast gainng world wide dominaiton. Will they do good? I hope so as many patients and others are relying on them to be good stewards and share with others from their great wealth and power. My loved ones got the tank refilled today. as those who sell and deliver are rufsing serivce to me who is fully insured and approved for life for the coverage by three health plans. But what i have learned is that there is a real 'scam?' going on with the training of medical personnel and admistratros and billing and insurance clerks types who are being taught to not run qualifying tests correctly and seem to have little understanding of the medical diagnosss behind the whys of these tests. All the while ignoring the regulations that often do not require all this in the first place. I am thankful for my older and wiser cardiologist and pulmonologists who do know and understand these diseases. and were around when medical treatment was being provided and not withheld in some unknown reason for rationing life sustianing care. NO REAL NEW TREATMENTS HAVE BEEN USED for nearly 25 years. And why is this field lagging behind? is it becuase lung injuries from toxins and chemicals often occur becasue of negligence on the part of some international company? Who ( WHICH) should be helping when they err and not trying to get rid " of the bodies.?" The horrendous thing is that I have no doubt too mnay have died caught in the situation I am in and I'm relying on each fill of this tank to work. The miracle of the ability of the tanks to be filled and used-- a miracle of life and I give the GLORY TO THE ALMIGHTY, YAHUSHA Whom we Christians call Christ Jesus. (very correct Carmen, Oxygen for Jesus!!) One can't even buy a tank either and the smaller supply companies and home health companies are gradually being put out of business by their own insurance companies and soon will they all be gobbled up by the few international mega companies, too? Congress is gone on vacation and needs to dig into some of the underlying causes and problems instead of glossing over the top on issues. Many of these insurance rules are from the states and they need to also be digging into some of these issues where a medcial supply store can't special order a piece of equipment from your presctiotion, bill your health insurance and let them you have the empty tank to get filled. Something is not right here. Any one want to yell DEATH PANELS! They are real and they are created by these obscure, often unknown more secretive actions. and hard to let them be known as often its a convoluted intricate process that created them that our elected leaders must stop these and reverse those in place that have harmed us so terribly and continue to do so. Linda Joy adams 8/15/13

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

P P S I M M O N S: Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation

P P S I M M O N S: Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation

Eight Ways Obamacare Helps You | The White House

Eight Ways Obamacare Helps You | The White House

Mexico Earthquake Today 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Terremoto Hits Ometepec

Mexico Earthquake Today 2013: 5.3 Magnitude Terremoto Hits Ometepec

No damage reported after quake off Colombia coast - Yahoo! News

No damage reported after quake off Colombia coast - Yahoo! News

Coordination of Benefits Agreement - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Coordination of Benefits Agreement - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Specialty Guide

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Important edit changes for 276 electronic transactions effective October 6, 2013

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Lockheed Martin delivers 22 armored vehicles to military | Business | Dallas Business, T...

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Remote Patient Monitoring: 9 Promising Technologies -- InformationWeek

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Daily recao 8/14/13: American Soil? : President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

See link to my comment. American soil in Canada and in Topeka Ks where Pres Obama was born? I am of the opinion that either could be true and its the detetrmining factor of eligibility. oS if Sen Cruz was born on land owned by USA, then he's eligiblie even if only one parent was American. whereas both of Pres Obama's parents were since the marrige to Obama sr is a rebuttable presumption as not the biological father and was a marrige arranged to give the baby a name. An honor and favor to Ann's Dad, even though it helped him stay in USA. the ownership of the soil gives each of us a place to call home. Not getting full 2 liters of oxygen all the time so prayerfully this tank can get refulled ok and another round of laying down and shaking will go on. and life will continue. MELTING POT OF POWER! UNION CARBIDE, lINDE hOLDINGS OF GERMANY, LINCARE, LIFE GAS, 3G CAPITAL AFFLITIATED COMPUTER SERVICES, XEROX WORLDCOM,ETC..... ALL THE SAME MELTING POT AND MANY MORE WITH WEALTH AND POWER AMASSED INTO A SMALLER AND SMALLER GROUP OF OWNERS AND SINCE MANY ARE PRIVATE COMPANIES OR ATTEMPTING TO GO PRIVATE WHO REALLY IS IN CHARGE IN THIS WORLD? THE BREATH OF LIFE WILL PROBABLY ALL BE UNDER THE ONE COMPANY SOON AND PRAY THEY ARE HUMANE AND CARING OF THE RIGHT OF LIFE. BHOPOUL iNDIA WAS 'BAD KARMA' WHICH CAN BE HELPED MADE RIGHT THROUGH HELPING OTHR BREATHE. SO FAR lINCARE STOPPeD HELPING ME BY DElEVERING OXYGEN WHEN BOC OF UK TOOK OVER PART OF THS MELTING POT BACK IN 2006. Will they soon own Rotech's Rhema? which is now in bankruptcy court and DOyle spent three weeks giving Doyle the run around then claiming, that I was belligerent when all I did was politiely ask if Tiffany had called my insurances yet to verify permemant life time coverage and had not done so which would be the first thing that would realistically be done. by any medcial provider or supplier concerned with payment of the bills. So the right to breathe will soon all be under the control of a gas company from Germany? Redemption is possible for any and all. Will service to others and to me be provided? I linked several articles about these companies. Since Linde is now the ultimate boss, their CEO woudl be the one to give the order to allow a tank be sold or for on going delivery service and to order Lincare to finish up the claims I filed on their behalf, timely; so they could get all the back pay due them. So far we have not heard back from the lcoal office in TX about buying a tank through them and billing our insurance. they were cheicking with ther OKC billing office. Will try and lay still until a tank is filled or refilled. As it works and then barely emits oxygen. Its probalby a good thingk my upper repsiratory is so bad as the headache wakes me up before the lungs stop getitng the breath of life. NO Spell check and having a horrnedous tiime with a pop up that wants me to install a flash drive and I finally tried to and my secrity said it was a malicious an then read on line that thre is some malicous ad on things coming in through Google's Chrome. this has been horrible for several months now and I rarey use Chrome but its the only way can do a pdf access and many govt work sites use it to get forms. even have to use it to access the electric bill. At this point not in any position to buy a new computer or the new software packages when breathing is more importnat an issue. It does seem as if there is an awaremenss fo the rpoblme now nd prayerfully it will get fixed as many of us do not have the money to replace or update our systems that still are able to do the jobs we need done. I'm not asking for money as there is plenty awarded and due me by various federal agency judges and where are the orders, in the trash can at ACS-Xerox? OR the above mentioned MELTING POT OF POWER? Money can't replace ones good health which was taken from me on 1/10/89. I'd rather have never been injured and been able to work and earn my way and doyle and my whole family has been adversely affected fincially over all this. Plus the storuggle to susutain life, which should never have occurred. Thre is no replacement for health, and rarely does any one begin to replace what is lost by money. It's difficult to know all there is to know about the modern world and technologies to even begin to understand when danger is present. But its criminal when those entrusted with those duties to shirk ther jobs and/ or take bribes of money or favors which end with injuries and premature deaths. Murder is a sin and too many today are pointing fingers at all kinds of sins the Bible lists in various books, and forgets a very big one that first took place in the first book of the Bible and Torah. Murder! We have ignored this far too long and I do believe that when the world community allowed Union Carbide to get by with 60,000 dead in Bhoupa, India almost 30 years ago with little acocuntablility, we have seen a real down turn in the preservation and sanctity of the right of life for each and every one of us. And for years, our media led us to believe that medical care and living expenses were being provided for and were NOT! Cover up on top of cover up and few still don't know what occurred and seem to not make the ocnnection to each and every one of us having the right of life. even worse is a growing lack of self worth among too many, espeically the yougher generations who seem to have been raised to not value life as something very precious, even when its the life of one we may not necessarly like very well. We are all humans, members of a human famly and descendants of Noah and his wif according to almost all world traditions and histories. As a Christian, I believe I am loved unconditionally by our Creator and so is every one else and its not up to me or anyone else to determine who is worthy for salvation as all of us are invited to be. WE ARE 'Keepers of each other!' When we ignore this, we lose our HUMANITY. Linda Joy Adams 8/14/13

LifeGas Locations - Texas

LifeGas Locations - Texas

Who We Are (life gas+ LInde Holdings+ Lincare)

Who We Are

LifeGas. Oxygen, medical gases, travel oxygen, biomed rental, repair

LifeGas. Oxygen, medical gases, travel oxygen, biomed rental, repair

(2006 when Lincare refuses to supply my home oxygen)The BOC Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The BOC Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Linde Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Linde Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Linde Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Linde Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rotech Holdings

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Other Carbide Items/Union Carbide Linde Air Can Back

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( Reunited with Union Carbide?)Linde to Buy Lincare Holdings for $3.8 Billion in Stock - Bloomberg

Linde to Buy Lincare Holdings for $3.8 Billion in Stock - Bloomberg

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Clean Technology - Clean Technology | The Linde Group

Clean Technology - Clean Technology | The Linde Group

Corporate History - About Linde > Corporate History | The Linde Group

Corporate History - About Linde > Corporate History | The Linde Group

(connected to ACS via 3 G capital)Linde of Germany to Buy Lincare for $3.8 Billion -

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Albertsons sold to Cerberus Capital Management affiliate | 89.3 KPCC

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( connected to Affillitated computer services)Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital Complete Acquisition of H.J. Heinz Company - Yahoo! Finance

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President Obama orders intelligence chief accused of lying to Congress to lead NSA review | We the People

President Obama orders intelligence chief accused of lying to Congress to lead NSA review | We the People

Daily recap8/11-/3-8/13/13: Journey for Life goes On: President obama Born in Topeka ks

#comment-38713#comment-38713#comment-38713#comment-38713#comment-38713 This is a link to a comment I just posted On Martha trowbridge's site. she seems to have little fo the roignal truth about toepka ks and wonder how she has not had this. Woke up at 8 am with a severe headache and no oxygen coming out of the oxygen tank. we got it laid down part way and back to breathe of life as the tank is now about empty. hard to tell with laying it down and up, etc., but prayerfully will be able to get it filled again. but no word from any one and none allowed to buy a tank if they need to replace the one they have and they are denied service by the monopolies allowed by the got in their area. we have no idea how many are dying in all of this and bieng phaysically harmed as the govt doesn nothing to stop the abuese of pwoer by ther contractors. (Approved for life by all three health plans) I no more got back to sleep as usually don't get up until later and then stay up late when its cooler. Fortunately we have had some showers over the last few days that have helped some with oppessive heat and Air conditioneingn doesn't seem to copletley solve it. how in the world did I live my first several decades with only fans in our home? We all did! SPELL CHECK NOT WORKING! I then was awakened by Doyle who got a call on our land line phone from Medicare he told them to call back on the line we always use. and how did they get that number i anyway? it was from the call center advance resolution center at 1800medciare i e General dynamics and she was vague about why she was to call and said it was something re multiple medicare numbers and fraud. back on 8/1/13 We'd been transferred to the main number by another party at CMS.since 4/09 we cannnot call them from our home lines as we have been blocked in retaliation for blowing the whistle on them not sending and directly to CMS thousnads of fraud reprots on the partners of CMS. We'd called aobut the ruls oan buying an empty tank to pay for an new liquid oxygen tank and got an answer and info and then the agegent verified that medicare coordidnation of benenfits ha ilelgally altered the official postings of who is the first payers andw ho the payers are. I asked a fraud report to be filled and none was and I had called oIg and turned in that agent and general adynmiscs for obstuction and ading and abeitting crime as their contract requires a reprot of fruad and they haven' been allowed to 'see; any or do this since 2009 when the dept sec of HHS and I caught them. So I learned from her that it was wrong to day, altered and she wouldn't verify the workers comp listed eitherer. altough it does show owcp as a primary for some conditions ignoring that all my bils are either for accepted or pending secondary and tertiarty issues which aret usual expected outcome of a progressive disease and it not my fault Lynn Blodgett is particiapting in not posting my file and as CEO of one of medicare'sp partners (his company signes up the medical providers in the 1st place) yes he is the biller, the provider's key source and he is also involved in not inputting 14 years of oxygen claims of mine on 02-0600326 date of injury 1/10/89 as they would be apaidand the gig would be says his office mananger in Florida whaere all the bilsl for all injred federal workers are paid in the world. i am publishing my claim number as its out there anyway in published articles on line. I am thankful and grateful for everything those are doing to help and prayers are needed. Its not about money and congress needs to stop throwing money for tieves to get and stop what is happeieing and has been going on for years and getting worse. We are not rich, but with three insruances why the problems? Medicare coordination of benefits, medicare secondary payer recovery as well as the national health insurance data base are subsidieiaries of emblem health Internaitonal that used to be Group heath and much of the deathas and skuldiggery and blaltant theft of medicare which must be into the seond trillions now as OIg has done nothing to shut down the illegal ations of chanig the legal line up and making medciareprimary to stop the eillegal acts they say ther illegal proprietaryy agreements among the insurance industry means laws. judges orders and terms of govt contracts clearly showing a coup d; etat by those with grat wealth who now seems to be more powerful than the govt. and the whole nation an naitons fo the world are in the sam esituaiton with china ander a take over currently by this international cabal. They are above the law. And all those asking for the laws to be borken must be stopped, too. Thisis all phases of life, not just health care. And I just linked to an article from Forbes of mandatory liiting of caps on what pirvate ppoliicies will be allwoed to get out of paying has been waived so people will buy insurance but have no controls on abuses of high deductibles & caps next year. more scams. No one has the authroity to enforce the laws ans Congress allows no money to be spent to enforce laws -the govt contractors allowed to do as they please with fleony deahts and thefts of public monies. which we want used for Us to help each other. Our right to help our 'neighbor' 'stolen from us. Must cut this short as I am exhausted before the day even got started. and so much to do. Doyle is helping out serving the employees of schools in our town today as the church is prepparing and serving lunch. yes, these kinds of things do still occur in this nation and world. Thnaks to all of those who mentor and teach our children, our future leaders. Who knew my senior years would not be there helping out today, instead of in the fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for self and others. The journey for life goes on. Linda Joy Adams 8/13/13

Investigative Researcher Martha Trowbridge |

Investigative Researcher Martha Trowbridge |

Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

Monday, August 12, 2013

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

P P S I M M O N S: Prime Minister Netanyahu to undergo emergency hernia surgery

P P S I M M O N S: Prime Minister Netanyahu to undergo emergency hernia surgery

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News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Daily Recap 8/9/13-8/10/13: Grandmother's Missing two years?" President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Lame Cherry: Don't come looking at Gramama Obama's Bank (SPELLCHECK NOT WORKING) Exhausted yesterday evening and di not get a recap done. Trying to get some legal help in all of this. But when its crimes committed, a lawyer is limited to any actions and most of them are going to be lengthy and ost lie me have little money to have a dream tiem of lawyers who still have no ability to stop crimes. In Summer of 1958 the President's maternal grandmother sent Stanley Ann to live with some of her alleged relatives, the Phelps at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka KS to attend Capper Jr HS. Yet the article that is linked to says Grandmother did not start her Hawaii Bank job until 1960? Where was she, that she had to send her daughter to others? I'd been told that my cousin, the President Grandfather had been away on 'secret govt business' and another fmaily saying from my Aunt Helen Pope, his great paternal great granmother,mother of Daniel Wayne Pope who assumed the id of Stanley Dunham to go to WWII at age 14 and did-- that there had been a marital separation ( at some time)with the mother having legal care of the daughter, the president's mother. Whatever was going on for 2 years which sends their young teenager daughter thousands of miles. away? Are there other sources of eye witnesses who know where Madelyn Payne Dunham i.e Marilyn, Dan's wife as she was known in the family was from 1958-1960? And why Stanley Ann didn't go to her mother in Summer of 1960 wafter graduating form Capper Jr Hs and had to go to work and support herselfafter leaving the Phelps? This is a curcial missing two years and led to relationship and later pregnancy? Why didn't Stanley Ann have gone to Hawaii to attend HS? she would have left Toepka at the end of Jr Hs. Hawaii didn't have HS's in 1960? BREATH OF LIFE Some have asked how they can help.Money is really not the issue as three insurances should and would fully cover all charges to stay alive. The over riding issue is we are in an era of lawlessness where the govt has given authroitty over to an international cabal and is not oing what they legally can to regualte govt contractors to make suere the laws o are obeyed.So no matter what area of the govt affects your personal lives and many agencies do all the time, much of the business of govt is now in the total control of interlocked, international cabal as contractors and as Patrick MCFarland stated in a congressional Heaiing re some convictions within lower rung ACS? emplyees for OPM almsot a month ago and little attn to what he disclosed- is that: Office of Inapector Generals who are the 'police' for agencies and thier contrators to make sure laws are obeyed and abuses of auhotrity not done said: they have the legal authroty to stop criminal acts but they are given no funds to do it. beyond their salaries as emeployees of OIG. So they collect reports and evidence from the pubic, as billions are stolen and its not 'cost effectve' to stop the stealing of OUR MONIES? etc and can do nothing to follow and when poeple die in as a result of the feolnies or other grave and grooss harms are done. So yes All meembers of congress need to be petitioned and anything done ( legally) one is led to do. Watch the Federal Register publication becasue its here agencies publish how they will carry out laws and each one of us has the right to reposnd to proposed egs and offer any info. So many get posted that's its hard for any one of us to catch when one needs to be repsoned to that individuals may have some perosnal expertise or knowledge about. As I recall the 1/08 medciare regs that forced all the small compnies out of dleiviering liquid oxygen was not eve published and again is unconstituinal as well as discrieminatory. And it appears the insuers of the big companies also write the polcies for the small comapnes and ther won insurance is createing ther down fall. We need our small medcal supply sotires in our communities and for ther own inruance company setting up obstacles to force them out of business is horrendous and this would be something our state govts and insurance commissioneres need to address. And all of this is happening in similar ways throughout the govt and affects all of us in many ways. So its beyond what one citizen or resident of the USA can even begin to address after decades of this increasing coup d'etat being put in place. But each of us has peronsal experience with this no matter what ones place in life or fields of expertise or genenral knowledge. Its a lmatter of letting ones innate sense of freedom telling us that something is not right about the scenario and trying to find out why. Too often its leads right back to the same eliete bunch that have ben allowed to becme bigger than the people and ther govts. As this is happening all over the world. As for my preosnal sruggle to be able to breathe and live; Who nows when any one else might find themselves needing home oxygen to live and isn;t this one of our inaliaenbale rights--the right of life. And shouldn't we the people be allowed through our reproesentaitves to figure out the most effective and least expensive way to provide it for those in need of it? And Congress throwing money at govt contractors with no accountability isn't always going to get the job done. PRAYERS ARE NEEDED As those led to act may be gduided to the best and most effective ways. Spreading the world so peopel even know is important. And I emphasize: please act legally in all matters. When something has worked and is working, why do the ''big shots' think they have a right to mess with it? Is it becasue they want to control and have pwoer over every part of the private life of the individual? That's the second inalienable right- the liberty. and bieng able to live ones life in a legal manner is the third. WHy do those with great power and wealth seem to want to have total control of the world? To me, its the anti -Christ spirit to intrude on the personal and privte lives of law abiding citizens. Pursuit of happiness was said to orginally mean property rights. I see this as being part of the same thing. When one can feel secure within the confines of ther own home then one has a sense of well being and a happiness as one can live ther lives without deprivation of ones perosnal liberties. Rarely should this ever have to be intruded on and that would onely be when there is gross illegal activity going on in ones home. And the 4th amenedment of the constituion allows intrusion only under very strict constituional rights of when and how ones perosonal lives may be intruded on. We must not let our inner voice of liberty be dulled in a world where our basic rights of privacy are under constant attack and for what reason? Seems to be little good reason. Linda Joy Adams 8/10/13

Thursday, August 8, 2013

More than 100,000 now dead in Syria’s civil war, says UN chief | Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

More than 100,000 now dead in Syria’s civil war, says UN chief | Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Obama opens the gates to Syrians « Refugee Resettlement Watch

Obama opens the gates to Syrians « Refugee Resettlement Watch

Daily Recap 8/8/13: Topeka is the Key: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

#more-11671#more-11671 see my comment      on this link to  Socialism is not the answer re get the birth certificate out of Kansas. where he was n born. An adoption would show Soetoro as the name, and if there was a separate revocation of citizenship then the record should show the Ste Dept case number and stamped not for citizenship purposes.
 Otherwise, all we have is a crime committed too long ago  to prosecute of illegal act to get financial aid.
This would not be the first president to get elected who had a less than 'honest' past. we need to get this settled as the birther movement is distracting us form a march to the war of Gog and Magog and public pressure distracted form bringing to bear as to what should be done by our elected officials in Congress.
  Still have mountains of things to get done and hard to know where to start., but first and foremost is I have 8 days of oxygen and then what? Doyle working on it, but this is a real Death Panel created against any one with a toxic and chemical injury as we are the patients who can;t tolerate the ozone fumes off of the oxygen concentrators and Medicare  regulations written by the big companies forcing all the small medical supply places out of a side line business of 'milk canning; liquid oxygen which was the most cost effective way to deliver the life saving breath of life to many of us.
As one of my doctors said recently, companies have run amok and even Medicare can give an order and they ignore it.
We keep the shaking of the tank and lowering it to make sure the liquid runs to the top a couple of times a day. Its on a caddy so easier to do  it.
Heat is unbearable.  for a week over 100 and no wind. Having no wind is very unusual. Tomatoes ae shielded by the big oak tree shading the in the afternoon and loved one waters them and they are producing even in this heat. No rain, seems others north and east of us got too much and my prayers for them who are facing other kinds of life threatening problems. About a week ago, my Bible opened to Ezekiel Chapter 38 and soon heard of embassy families coming home from the middle east. Are we close? I pray not.
 I still am weak and haven't face book friends who have been wonderful.
Linda Joy Adams 8/8.13

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Daily Recap 8/7/13: Deadly Chaos: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

Extremely important: Whistle-blower from Higher Education Services Corporation comes forward, attests to attorney Taitz that Obama’s financial aid state his citizenship Indonesian, aid given to Obama as a foreign student. | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
I applaud some of her  efforts but she is missing the big issue. He may have lied on a finicial aid form years ago, but too long ago  for any criminal charges.  Orly has an open case in Kansas order for his real record from Ks showing Soetoro. Why won't she follow the truth?FOCUS ON ACTIONS NOW!
 My employer Social Security is in chaos. Systems not secure and even head of Sytems can;t get OIG to act as they have not been secure for over a decde as my case proves.. No one knows where my files are incoduing the persnnel file. They don;t even know how many emp;yees they have as when one is tranferried to workers comp, you get dropped off the system.
Its deadly when life susutaiaing medical care and benefits to live on are at stake.
Newer emplpyees too often have an arrogance thinking they know facts and laws, when they have no idea. as much of the laws, etc were never posted to the websites set upin 1992. I was ther and saw it happen.
Its really heart sickineing to see an agency that used to be so well run and applauided for our efficiency and respect for each 's constitutional rights fall into such a chaos. Worse is the lack of caring among too many in the agency now.
I  pray this can be turned around with new leadership. Almost everyone has busiess with them at some time.8
days of oxygen, Doyle still trying to get around the real death panels in place to deny breath of life. No e mail or posting is being deleted, so  you are in line. Barbara and Carmen abd so many others you have been such a blessing
Linda Joy Adams 8/7/13

Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman | Office of the Inspector General, SSA

Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman | Office of the Inspector General, SSA

Submit a Report | Office of the Inspector General, SSA

Submit a Report | Office of the Inspector General, SSA

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Daily Recap 8/6/13: Gift of Life denied: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

P P S I M M O N S: Carl Gallups: Why I KNOW Obama Was Not Born In The U.S.A.!
See my comment on Itys not nice to keep calling all the eye iwntesses liars. and one of them was a maternity patient at the same time in Toepka Ks with Pes;s mother at Forbes Air Force Base hospital.
Spent day trying to find out why medcial upply compnies liablity business insueres will not let them sell a empty, new liquid oxygen tank. What the welder told Doyle is working and we laid the tank down , I have and back up a couple of times and can open the gauge way owpen and gt 2 liters flow of oxygen out of it. How many more times we can do this I don;t know. But for 9 days, I can reathe. But the 10 million patients like me in the USA have been blocked every way prossible from haivng the  gift of life we have with home liquid oxygen. as we have a near fatal reaction to the ozone fumes that sucked inot the oxygen tubes and into our lungs form the oxygen concentrators every one watnt to sell us and no buniess insurance stops those.DEATH PANELS GETTING MORE DIRECT,
Medicare had a very effecitive and low cost way of delivery before 1/08 when small medical supply companies filled and delivered them. In rural America most had a few patients. This ended in 1/08 and the reg makes no common sense. so patients family and firneds have been delivering form the manufacturer and a few of us coudl get a lttle back from ins. Medciare doesn;t pay if no supplier and they give territories to the big cos and one has now goine into chapter 11 bankruptcy and the other can decide if they want a medciare patients and often refuse even though they have the medicare territory.
Those who dleiver will not sell a tank by itself.
My cicilv right compont filed in 2008 and others since have never been allowed to be read nor answered by the HHS civil right manger in Dallas Tx Ralph Rouse who even called me in 08 an dlayed me out cold for filing on this and other issues that even the general counsel at Medciare siad I should file on.
   SO I get medcially sidetracked for a few weeks and discover another convluted DEATH PANEL scenario thorugh the ins cos for the business.
Thanks to the two ins comm in TX and OK who will try to help if I can find out the name of the medcial supply companies insurer. I am willing to sign a waier not to sue them if they will order a tank and bill my ins after getting pre approval from them. I can;t figure out what possble thing coudl happen to sue about. The tank is guarnateed and would expect the munufacturer to make good on a guarnatee as with any other product sold in a retail setting.
Very tired and still have not ansered all those wonderful persons who have prayed and supported me through this. I have oxygen for 9 days , but then...

CNA Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance Provider Carrier

CNA Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance Provider Carrier

Friday, August 2, 2013

Bankrupt Rotech Lines Up $358M in Exit Financing

Bankrupt Rotech Lines Up $358M in Exit Financing Satill alive but heart is getting weakenedin all of this. This is the company that has been jerking so many in my area around like me and I;m approved for 1--% cverge for lquied oxygen by insurances and even medciare. tred the ocncentrator and got severe lung inflalmation, thenifectiona dn antiibiotes, etc. using the silver tnaks now, but expensive and onoy a minute amont ans staing still, etc. forgeve any typs as no energey to sit and spell check yet. Godo news is that insruances will pay to but a new tnak baut have to go through one wo take ins whci most duop. sice there are so many like in caught in a real death panel maybe ot can be rodered ,e tc and be here and fmialy will continue to deler and get taks fileld,e tc. Tnkags have gotten really rotten. Apparently Rjhema gets the low bid comeptitive contract form Medciare then turns on the patiens in ther new area.They juerked Doyle aorund for three wekks and then sai they didn;tlke me.Noting aobut the ins, just me. MOur son, Michael may be spitng fsome up dates on this site occassionaly nt I am bac in better shape. Thnk for prayersand supprot and local churches. There is acompan Bimedcal in Willis texas that does repair and auantees recpnditioned liwuied oxygen tnaks. MAny paitnes who se concentrators can;t take the oxone coming right back irectly into ther lungs and sitting it awayfro the house does no good. espeically for the 10 million ( recent study) of those with soe kind fo reactive air way disease or pnuemoitis casued by checiall,etc. Churches may consider offering use of ther chrch van for shut u ins with nofmilay or fiends to help to ick up and deliver liquid oxygen This wodl probalby be 2oor 3 times a month. most manufatieces will work ot a billing to the patinets. And osame, like me may et osme back for pyamet form ins.\The prohibitive cost to dleivering liueid oxygen is the delivery and medcaire needs to get common sense and let us pick th up the tanks at ther office and they do the billing soins and medciare will pay.pfr tnaks reairs and the charges. cost effective. They ciodl proveide ranksp. dp;;oes.etctp ake it easier to load etc. Sorry fr typs but wanted to up date you.After I got back on ome minimal amont ofoxygen by getng slver cnaister filled and can;t affor 2 liters as rpescibed but smebetter than nothing, fodn my dasto;;ic b;ppd [ressre was 42 after aornd a 1-00 for a month of this. My new pulmonologist says the companies have run amok and so have all the govt contractors in this vital life saving area. One does have to breathe and many of us need a little extra help that desn.t contanine an dirritaigin gas called ozone. But FDA says ozone is good for us and EPa say its bad. For me its very bad..