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My precious friends on line who have shared prayyers and concerns have been a blessing in all of this and I thank all of you for your caring. I'll share on more later bt I got 'boxed' in to a situation with no pathway out when a miracle of provsion occurred. I give the almighty the full Glory for it.
Someone else cleaned out ther 'Treasure room" and provided a gift of life to me and I aam on oxygen however one only knows how long it will last.,etc But the whole has been documented and blowen on a real death panel situaiton that millions of patients j may or are finding themselves in.Today I learned off another lcoal death over all of this an realized that my work on this planet is not over and must do what I can to encourage the medcial profesisonal groups to start fighting back for the rights of ther doctors to take care of their patients in the best way posoible whihch iscurrently not being permittedo in all of this.
If you are asked to do a n exercise test with an ozimeter to get oxygen paid for., the exercise is ony a part of test. One has to then lie still and if one is like me and millions of others with this kind of lung injury, the s oxygen saturation level keeps on going down off of oxygen A healthy perosn woudl go back to a normal rate in the upeer 90's and probalby woudl never have gone down and heart woudl not be under duress at all. . The number needed is 88% and ones heart does take a beating.( It was lowered to this in the Clinton Admisnistration) and to get this ones doctor is put in a situaiton of facing a malpractice charge to get it. But the alternative is no medcial care ( oxygen) and ultimate death) since suppiers and the govt contractors are not folling the rules. laid out in 2005 that n0 longer requires this, but no one ssems to care about rules in any more. Most doctors are not doing the test correctly and most are not getitng the cardiac stress on any kind of ekg, mine was done on an echo stress so there is also a picture of the heart and what is occurring. My doctor ordered the oxygmeter put on my finger and blew the whieste off of the whole mess going one. When this is what is supposed to happen. No one even has the crucial cardio pulmonary stress test any more as hearts and ungs working in synch seem to be ignored in general and that where real harm takes place as ones will to live causes othe rinternal organs to 'take over and over work. casuig real failure of those eventually.
Am on bed rest from the whole ordeal and heart is still sore but I belive I will survive this as what I've learned voer the last three weeks has been that doctors have had ther hands tied so badly that real death panels have been created and have learned of deaths recently from exactly what has occurred to me.
My thanks to my heart doctor who blew the whistle on the whole garbage out there an got the needed test run and helped me understand that I have not breathed on my own since injured in 1/10/89 but my excellent heart going out of normal sinus rhtym into a possoble ly dangerous situation and using diaprghanm ( stomach breathing have been artificially respirating myself to even talk or exert at all. Oxygen helps keep the heart in normal rhythm becasue the lungs just don't function as they should. This blows the whistle all a real scam on going for years already where breathing tests may not not show hoa bad you really are if the heart has to be put in cardiac distress to take a deep breath and blow as I have always said angina is occurring to take those tests. No one ever said why it occurred except my rofginal doctor said no exertion on al my papers. and reports.
I will be sharing more but rest is crucial
Use your comon sense today in getting medidal treatments. Hearts and lungs have to work in synch and currently doctors are not being permitted to put an ekg and oximeter on the patient at the same time and have them exercise on even the most rudimentary machine to see if they are working in synch with each other. If they aren't real physcial harm can result or death.
I learned that in normal sinmu ryhtom my heart can only aid in maintainng my ozygen levels in the 8o's percent saturation levels with out stain and real angina. which has been chroinc sincce 1/10/89 with any exertion. Oxygen theraphy helps. It has become so usual for me to ignore the angina when needing to talk and express some deep concern ,etc. that I had no idea what a dangerous situaiton I was potentially in. as another doctor mentioned to me in all of this. And adrenaline surge can cause this, but my life has been one 'situation' after another and no extra aderenaline seems needed as its more then norm.
I had a legal opeionion offered that if one has a toxic and chemical exposure you are not going to find pumonary care in the state of Texas. as doctors are not being allowed to practice medicine and just today learned of a death that has occurred over this locally.
Govtt gueidileines do not require this life threatening situaiton, but govt contractors who run things are in charge and follow no laws nor rules. Doctors and other medcial providers are being coerced and blackmailed in going along to get any kind of payment and where is justice in all of this? Gione into the sea of lawlessness this nation and world have sunk into with our vaery lives and livelhoods being lost in the mix.
We cleaned out our junk room to share what little we had. Look around, a life may be saved by sharing what you have and no longer need. We are called to care for one another and what one has and does not need, may well be the 'gift of life.'
I am writing this form the viewpoint of a patient. So medcially more needs to be researched but common siense has been lost that our Creator created a wonderful and amzing thing in the human body and its parts are to work together to help suustain life. And those who taken over th emedcial profession doesn;t seen to appreciate this at all.
I;m behind 32,000 e mia and other messages, so give me time, as there is now a lot more paper work to do to spread the word to save others from what I and too many others have been put through and I'm not through all this yet getting a supplier, and on going medcial care. But the tests confrmed what has been well docuemted by man ywell known and ublished doctors h who have tested and treated me over the last almost 25 years Its even worse! Now how about wome justice for those already murdered in this intentional negligence and on going obstruction of life sustaining medical need. . ( spell check not working)
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