Daily Recap 2/25/13: Shirley Phelps Roper, Witness: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Cold and Rainy most of the Day and then the Sun came out but still cool. Some say there could be a sprinkling of snow here by Morning and some out west have gotten Blizzard conditions. It won't be too cold for the cool weather crops and the seedlings are inside in Sunny windows.
Many large billing services and medical providers have switched to the newer billing systems and the computers are finding all kinds of anomalies. First I've had doctors that did not show credit for payments made and getiting the canceled checks to show the money was put in their bank account has been difficult is some cases to get to the right billing person to get the creidit with such mega entities invovled.
Then the new law HR 1063, which I've worked so hard to get back in place, just to reinstate what Sec of HHS Donna Shalala suspendede in 1994 so that all the various health plans and insurance companies is couldn't get by with playing games and alteirng records so that they could get Medicare to pay the bills and never suffer any consequences nor have to pay the money back as there was no record created that the bill belonged ot any one else.
That ended again on 1/11/13 when President Obama signed the SMART bill that has a penalty of $1000 a day against those not making sure if Medicare has to pay that the claims are coded a conditional payment so that the primary payer is then asked for the money back from the primary. Or in case of a new injury get it coded for future recovery. So far the large billing services don't seem to be aware that this has been passed, at least in the Dallas Region that has spent over a decade being told to do illegal billing by the CMS officials in Dallas and the Traillblazer call center. whose contract did not get renewed and if the civil rights complaints had been allowed to be reviewed maybe a thousand people in NorthTX could not be without their good Jobs there processing Medicare, VA, Public Health and Indian Health service claims. We have a climate in this region, and I've heard a few others, where this has been going on so long no one seems cognizant that this is actually theft of the Medicare trust fund to have Medicare pay with no coding for later recovery when its not Medicare's legal bill to pay, or not the first or primary payer.
So many strange things are popping up and everyone needs to watch their bills very carefully and check to see if the amount owed is really owed or if the billing personnel have even sent the claims in yet. Some of these claims ae going back several years.
In our case we've been filing a protective filing each year to cover anything missed, etc. as so many times with emplyees from Blues calling to Medicare Coordination of Benefits, a subsidiary of Emblem 'International 'Health, formerly Group Health, and having them delete the Blues off the system as they don't like the US Dept of Labor computer , accurately according to the Medicare judges,posting my two primary payers of Federal workers compensation and Fedearl Blue Cross Blue Shield for self and family as primary- and my status as active duty which means the claim is paid at the higher NOT retired rate rather than the lower Medicare rate. This started last year even though the premiums are the same for all.. All legally correct since OWCP ha not yet process ed my 1996 request for permament disability from them.
Kind of hard to do since a crimiarl in the Jack Abrmaoff bribery scandal told the contractor he'd hired Affiliated Computer Services to not post my file and repeated the quote from OPM to : let her die. And he told me my file would not be posted as I was old. All this is written on line in various postings and in the 41 posted Violations of Civil Rights Page: which if put in qootes+ Linda Joy Adams should locate them on a Google search, I have periodically reposted those as they summarize what is going on . Even judges remand orders are not to be seen by my claims examiner. And the ACS CEO, Lynn Blodgtt was telling the Regional Manager in 2009 that there was nothing to do on my file, when he had judges orders saying to ask me for the facts of the case and many things to do and pay since I have permanment medical benefits and on going bills and checks due and payable. Its part of the contract one has with ones employer, you get injured you get this and that . And one can't refuse to go along with what is available as no one is going to pay your bills and legally can't if OWCP is to pay. There are actually NEW items pending back to 1989 not yet processed and some of these are for medical conditions that arose out of the original injuries and are a normal progresison of the injury and are very well accepted as occurring medically .Some were not so much on 1/10/89 when I was injured. along with others and some have already died of their injureis
.Unlike State workers comp where one can get money for pain and suffering and thus be able to hire an attorney to help in each step. Federal employees don't have this and the corruption can be unfetterd. Much worse than would be allowed inside a state workers comp with easier access to state court and state officials as one is dealing with a private insurance company that is easier to sue than a govt official who is commiting a crimee by destroying files and taking bribes. Or embezzling. millions of dollars and able to tell the OIG law enforce ment not to investigate them in a flawed politicized and very broken federal law enforcement system not under he US Justice Dept and even the FBI is not allowed to invesitigate without permission of the politically appointed head of the agency who well may be the alleged criminal. Yet Congress has done nothing to fix this. and they wonder where our money is?. But there's too so much of state govts now being turned over to these same govt contractors.
University of Texas Health Services
A Bill showed up today for a 1/2010 date of service. No insurance is listed as billed. I'm fairly sure that the office visit was paid and appealed and of course I filed everyhthng with OWCP myself and get the usually reponses with no appeals ever answered that refers to me having this million dollars to pay the claims and all I've ever been able to find out is that the OIG for OPM suspected an embezzlement ring and the Director of OPM's in the past would not allow an investigation. My letters to John Berry have never been answered. Yet the monies went through as that's why the posting from US dept of Labor bi weekly shows the permanent medical benefits. NO one cares about life or the people's money getting to the intended party, etc?. And ,prayerfully,chances are my mediacl care will never be a million dollars and the money can go back to the taxpayer if not used.
I DON'T GET THE MONEY NOR HAVE IT! My certified letter has never been answered asking for a copy of the check, and verifications, Of course all submissions from any place has to go first to ACS, which is financially intelocked with the international cabal and controlling the flow of info in most Nations of the world, in the same chaotic manner but definitely directed chaos. Even the Judges orders can't be given directly to the claims examiner who has not called me back as she said a couple of weeks ago now, that she doesn't know aw to get a file set up. I 've written other certified letters to set up an orderly process to work through a 24 year old backlog where some things have been paid and others not even looked at.
For 24 years there has been no security of paper or systems files of mine in any agency since injured. Someone starts getting things paid and the file disppaaars and all I get is its the policy not to investigate these kinds sf felonies. So there is NO HOMELAND SECURITY for the peoples files OR data? CORRECT!
I actually lost a pulmonolgist who had the understanding of how to treat this kind of injury and came up with the substitution for inhaled steroids as currently none on the market are safe for me and up to 10 million others. If one is chemically sensitive ( opposite of an allergic reactions) one may have to do what he came up with and use a preservative free Demexathosone cortisone steroid in a saline solution from a compounding pharamcy and I put drops of this in the water humidifier bottle attataced to my liquid oxygen tank.
ACS will not input an oxygen claim as their manager ssid they would be paid and the 'gig would be up and they would have to pay for all my bills, etc. Isn't that what's to happen when one is approved permanently?
So my call ended with hang ups as they did';t want to hear about no ins billed and I was trying to explain that I, the patient had to file what was needed to protect the filing date, etc. They are now under the Manangement control of Affiliated computer Services, for the whole state of Texas hospital and clinic system and to bill themselves would be an admission of discrimintaion and unetihcal and criminal behavior to have themselves as US Dept of Labor contractor pay the bill. and there is strong evidence of collusion with HCS Ilinois Blues on this for when they got the 'franchises' in three southern states over a decade ago they began doing unthecal things to get out of paying primary in many ways.
Since 1/08, the only oxygen supplier in the area, LIncare is a contractor of ACS and is refusing service although all three health plans have me approved for life for coverage of home compressed oxygen. Its only been within the last year that Blues went back several years to pay for part of the oxygen claims as those had been dumped onto Medicare some are still not processed. Medicare premiumss are missing and don't show coveragege for even that now and the SSA Hearing file is misisng insdid ACS that runs that agency, too, now. so I can get in front of a judge and ask for some subpoenas for even my personnel files that's been missing for several years as the OWCP liason in Baltimore at my employer Social Securirty said Comm Astrue? had gotten a phone call that I'd retired after getitng an owcp settlement and there was nothing to do on my file. Same quote keeps getting repeated by multiple sources. And there are many things to do. so SSA and the whole govt has no idea how many employees are really on duty. Not only is money missing but people? The disppeared of the Federal Govt.?
Some transferred out to owcp may not even know they are siill active duty aand they will be until placed on OWCP permanent disability. as they kept trying to convince me and I kind of knew better and called the General cousel for OPM and MS Whipple pulled up my record and even the signed agreement with SSA and made it clear I was reading the law correctly There is NO INACTIVE FED! Active or retired.and nothing in between.. All a concoction of the insurance industry to get out of paying their legally obligated claims?
So will need to answer in writtng and give them a copy of the letter to Blues as the bill is a threat to be turned over to a collection agency. This must not be wrtten off as it harms the OWCP process to do that as they need records of treatment that is on going. In the past I've gone to small claims court and counter sued and won. But the law in effect since 1981? has been the govt is to collect the monies back for Medicare and haven't been coding so since 1994. The only issue is when fines can be assessed.
Its horrific to go for medical care and literally be coerced into sign to commit fraud and subject yourself to arrest or no medial Care and that's what it got ike at the end with University of Texas. With Doctors caught in the mix of the whole horrid mess of ACS 'mannging them." As one who has conducted Medicare fraud investigations, I could never say I didn't know better and that really has made getitng medical care in this corrupted mess directed by corurpted govt contractors and officials very difficult and down right life threatenng at times. AC has many corporate names and they are on line in many places..Don't speed getting to the Doctor, as ACS's subsidiary may take picture of you and send you a ticket, for they are the traffic cam people , too. They are Big Bother, Not Big Sister Jane t Napolitano. Shes not really in charge of anything?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN N TOPEKA KS: So after all this chaos that's only getiting worse as new systems and unaccountable govt contractors covering up some of their wrong doings, I went online to check some emails and alerts. Apparently last Friday President Obama gave a speech on gun control and the reporter from The Washington Times said he was talking as if Obama Sr was his Dad. He did marry his mother and let her have his name, but there was never any living together in Topeka KS. Apparently NO ONE in the White house or campaign ever shared any of my e mailsl of the Daily Recap postings with him. So this week, a statute of Rosa Parks will be unveiled in Congress and he still doesn't know that his Real Dad said she was a relative. Its part of his legacy and he still doesn't know?. So he still hasn't gotten his birth records out of Topeka KS either. And he has spent 3 million over his records, what were these attorneys charging him for doing any way.?
I couldn't get onto Washington Times to comment as can;' get Goggle Chrome set up right. and there are a couple of online news letters like that.. I'd had problems with it in the past between Java and them and just used the other search engines. I can't get Internet 9 on my older system and have no money for a newer one. Can't even pay for medical care in this corrupted mess. I did tweet Dave Boyer the reporter to ask him to check my sites. But he is a white house reporter and probably would;n' have the courage to just ask him if he knew about his birth in Topeka Ks, etc. and keep his position.
EYE WITNESS WITH COURAGE does exist and that is Shirley Phelps Roper of Westboro Baptist Church. I certainly don't agree with the tactics of protesting at funerals of our soldiers. But she grew up in their household and although would only have been young child at the time, she probably knows some things. And she is a lawyer and knows her way around the courts and recrds in agencies in KS.Her religious beliefs are not dissimilar to many in the Red States. Its not the protesting I disagree with as that's her constitutional right, but its the tome and words, at times, etc. Yet I have some eyewitness understanding of her upbringing.
I did go on line of her Face book sites and left a posted message and asked her for assistance in getting to the whole truth, asking her if her Dad, Fred Phelps had been in charge of a group home or had teenagers living with them? I had noticed back then that all the girls were dressed alike in the same navy blue dresses, So either its was some kind of standard 'uniform' or they just bought one bolt of material and all made a dress from the same cloth. Ann, the President's mother had the same kind of dress. Its all I ever saw her wearing except for when she participated in the half time ceremonies at Capper Jr HS when my school, Boswell JR HS played them in football at their school. I did mention that It was not good for me to hear her Dad 's sermon that Easter Sunday when My mother and I went to get the gdnshp papers signed over so my mother could get her enrolled at Topeka HS. with her Sophomore year almost overa nd she unable to get enrolled. Fred Phelps , even though in his 80's now, would know how and why Ann got to him and why she left, etc. Its said online that he did get involved in the civil rights movement later,, but on that Sunday he preached a terrible racist sermon and it sickened me to hear something so diverse from anything I could imagine YAHUSHA. whom Christians call Christ Jesus teach. And I asked if they were relattves of Ann, as my parents had thought.
So the President is either in complete denial of his loved ones never telling him the whole truth, or his enablers still not have told him the truth and so he can sign to get his Kansas records, He needs to understand that love was a motivator for not telling him and real fear for safety from whom, is not quite clear to me but was to them. Maybe the same group that I am now asking to aid in ferreting out the whoel truth of the President's origins.
Obviously racism still exists and I personally think Ann got cuaght up in the retaliations against the Rosa Parks family who had to flee Alabama for safety. When His Dad answered the questions about who he was, I was concerned even at the young age. I understood things very well and had already seen the evil of racism directly at age of 18 months which I have written about here with a cross burned in our yard because my Dad treated an employee equally and let blacks eat at his restaurant. Coming form Eastern Colorado most of his adult life until then, he didn't realize the segregation was that was still entrenched in Kansas yet in the mid 40's/.
His Dad's 'fate' got' sealed then and so did ihs future grlfriend and son as 'everyone' found out who he was. I thought it was a great thing, but others thought differently. It makes no sense to me why that would hurt h Pres Obama politically when the WHOLE TRUTH is told and understood and explained. Every one that campaigned for him , every news media person, has done a grave injustice to not tell him the truth. Granted his coming to terms with this is not going to be that private as President as it is for most that were not told the truth of thei origins and its a lot of people that have gone through this. The only thing bad is the murder and attempted murder of this mother and he unborn, and he's the one that should ask for justice for the three dead. I don;t know all about the perosnal relationship of the couple, but I knew his Dad trhough school and thought he was a nice Christian young man. Both of them seemed to be nice people. The wild speculations and terrible things said have not come from any one claiming to be an eye witness. Were they perfect? No None of us are as we are all on a path striving for that and most of us have the faith of a Divine helper to aid us on the way.
"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--I do solemnly swear ( or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. "
Its now customary to add: So help me God;. to the oath of office. Implicit in this is that the presienet is not a god and he or she can only do the best they can as an imperfect human and that's why we have three branches of our govt to have checks and balnces on the imperfections of the human beings that are elected to or appointed to positions of trust and authority to serve all of us. A principle that's in the Ten Commandments for leadership of Do not Covet which is that awful abuse of power that so many kings and pharoahs of the ancient world considered themselves gods who could do as they pleased and do terrible things to other human beings. Unfortunaltey in more recent times some leaders have taken it upon themselves to act the same way. We are just a little more subtle in how we worship them.
TOMORROW: Back to the Paperwork? Linda Joy Adams 2/25/13
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