
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glucose Disturbances Appear Years Before Diabetes Diagnosis

Glucose Disturbances Appear Years Before Diabetes Diagnosis I was injured 1/10/89 w and blood tests within a week showed elevated glucose levels. My attorney asked me if i was a diabetic and thought the answer was no. but no one else followed up- until my family doctor did in 2009 after some fainting spells, etc. the creatine readings went for absolutely perfect before 1/10/89 and gradually rose over the year. I, not a health professional, thought it was from the heart hurting on exertion and creating creatine. Glucose readings were seldom over 100 as cholesterol was usually what was being checked for and one has to fast before and that lowers the readings for me. Dealing with a job injury, meant the more body organs affected the higher the one paying damages would have to pay and I had gag orders on heart and kidneys until hospitals had to ignore them and treat or they would be in trouble but completely unaware of diabetes. This isn't about ' high pay - outs' but when one is injured there is no choice but to file ones claim and pursue it as ones health insurance makes you do just this! By the years of delays, more conditions related to the original injury have come to light. so the 22+ years of fighting to stay live has back fired on those liable. You should have put me on permanent disability with workers comp in the Fall of 1989 rather than trying to cover- up hoping I would die within the five years, this type of injury used to result in . Keep up with modern medicine folks, if one is healthy at time of injury, death may come sooner, but could be decades later. The researchers are starting to intimate that there may be a diabetes 3 and even 4 that is related to injuries. Mine seems more related to use of cortisone steroid, now widely accepted as elevating levels and inflammation which is one become chemically sensitive after injury, what happens when the insulin controlling organs keep getting inflamed as well as the original burning of mucous membranes off whole body. FDA just won't recognize that chemicals hurt people and this is discrimination of the worse kind to make a big deal about labeling and then not even tell us certain chemicals are in a food. Just learned that 100% orange juice is laced with ' flavorings'. And I've had reactions to certain brands, especially, Tropicana which is advertised to be one of the best. Is the USA, the only country whose govt won't recognize that chemicals can hurt humans ( and animals) and although they can be beneficial, if they get in the wrong mix, etc. great harm and death can occur. I try to use organic and food supplements when I can rather than prescription drugs laced with added ' chemicals' always under doctor's supervision; But some prescriptions and oxygen, etc. are needed for certain diseases and FDA needs to stop allowing the exclusion of the chemically sensitive form the clinical trials and stop discriminating against us as unfortunately our numbers are growing.

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