
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Violations of civil rights page 35: Thanks to those who took care of my knee

I wish to thank the doctors and physical therapists who took care of my knee after my fall. It seems to be as good as before, but according to the MRI wasn't that great before.
Unfortunately, there were some complications that had nothing to do with the ones who provided the care.
First, I learned that a cortisone shot spiked my glucose level to 207, but i took extra cinnamon and it soon stabilized. But, I was able to use the knee for the physical therapy.
2. Exertion causes chest pains as it always has since 1/10/89 when i was injured. But one needs a knee to get from one place to another if one can't ' ride.' The exercises were down laying down and the therapist deep massage for some and others were isometric.
3. I had been in the reception area of the physical therapy place but didn't realize how pervasive the chemicals and cleaning products were back in the wide open area where the therapy took place. The first day i was in a private room and the biggest problem was the perfuming lotion. This burn nasal and lungs and eyes. The same reason I was sent home twice by federal workers compensation and had hospital chaplaincy class waived at seminary. Its hard for one who doesn't have this disability to realize its just like putting lungs and sinus and eyes in a fire is the sensation.
4. I still thought I'd be able to get through this by only going 2 times a week; but when i was placed in the wide opens area with many patients and staff and lotions, etc it exponentially increased and was very painful. Soon, what so often has occurred over the last 2 decades, my sinus bled and then got infected. So a week of antibiotics was needed. There is  no way to be an a ' normal' public area and not suffer from the  scents used. Usually formaldehyde is included in almost all cleaning products, etc.
5. I had to miss therapy and got better and tried it again only to have a recurrence.
6. In the midst of all this, i had to get some blood work done for an upcoming doctor appointment and when i got the results it showed a 2 decades old pattern of abnormalities that get worse on exposures.
7. Currently, I see no way of continuing physical therapy without aggravating my already work related accepted diagnoses of occupational asthma, pnuemonitis ( toxic pneumonia) and inhalation of toxic fumes with bronchiospams plus some secondary issues pertaining to ABG needle sticks. other secondary /tertiary claims are pending on other body organs and long term use of medications for the accepted conditions, etc.
IN NO  WAY AM I COMPLAINING ABOUT THE GOOD CARE RECEIVED. But this does illustrates how difficult it is to have one with such a disability where standard medical care and just being in a public area can affect one who is chemically sensitive whether it be the lungs or any other body part affected.
8. I will continue the exercises at home as I can rest and do them in a  more perfume free environment.
9. I have posted this publicly and not named anyone because: there are those who are listed in complaints that will try and make too much of my physical therapy being interrupted and not wish it to be for a 22+ years of my 22+ years of medically documented events as to what occurs on exposures.
I will gladly recommend the medical professionals who cared for me to any and all as most do not have my disability to deal with. You will receive excellent care for your muscular/skeletal injuries. Your grateful patient, Linda Joy Adams


Linda Joy Adams said...

UPDATE; There is still some limitation of my ability with the knee. Putting on pants or hose, etc to more difficult to get up from sitting down on the ground. So when I go out to garden, I make sure I have everything with me for the duration including water, oxygen, etc. and whatever I wish to plant, etc. So I sit and have difficulty getting down using that knee, then up. Often put a lawn chair near me to brace self on, and then that exacerbates my asthma on exertion. I then go in and rest. My neighbor now knows if I lay down to rest while in the garden, not to think 911 needs to be called. Blessed is one who has many concerned for her.
I am thankful for all who do care and for life itself and even being able to get outside. And the rich smell of home grown veggies is a wonder one often does not get from what we get in a store any more.
Although I did not plant today, I did get outside some as unseasonably warm. and did some prep work to start some seedlings.. I am blessed to have family do the heavier work as gorund has already been tilled.
Since a tertiiary workers comp claims had been filed and all were informed, all the ciaims should have been coded for possible later rocovery from them if approved. They were not. And of course CEO Lynn Blodgett has not let it be seen by my claims examiner to approve or deny with appeal rights. So every one but the US Dept of Labor officials usurp their right to decide facts. as files withheld from them including the 14 years of oxygen claims not input to hide even from ACS's call center so they give out minformation and obstruct all medical care through the chaos created by CEO Blodgett et al.... What is meant to be a simple legal process for all becomes the opposite 'nightmare' the whole health system has devolved into after 20 years of no enforcement of the rules against those "partners ' of the govt which hasve decided they are the govt wihtout any rules they must follow or rights of all that have to be preserved especially those of this old, disbale woman.
So claims paid are under appeal to get coded and have the right party pay first and those get ignored too as CEO Blodgett, et all say to do so over in al the other etities involved from the govt.
I name him, as he is named in letters from govt officials as the one who gave verbal info they are forced to accept as truth since they have no access to facts or files. or even agancy judges' orders to ask me not him who is not the legal decider of facts. . While those providing care and ther patients get caught in the 'cross fire' of our rights vs a coup d'etat by those who make more profits and gain more wealth and power from these illegal acts and the taxpayers money when others are to pay. .
Linda Joy Adams 1/18/14

Linda Joy Adams said...

UPDATE: There are some knee issues as have to use a chair to get up from the floor or ground. so when I went out earlier this year to plant the snow peas, I sat on the ground as I do to garden as it's the least exertional way to do it after family had rototilled the ground. and when I went to get up hurt my shoulder due to angle pushing off the chair to get up. Finally got through 2 months of physical therapy and went to another place that has less cleaning products, etc. but even then have fought asthmas attacks and exacerbations of asthma on exertion as well as the chemicals that are most places, etc. that then went into infections and even into the lungs...before I realized it.
But it's better and getting a little better each day as I do some exercises at home. Within the next month a fall and winter garden of cool weather greens is expected to be put in the ground. One does not have to go to the most famous medical places to get good care as when one has more mundane things as a shoulder injury, we have many good medical personnel who can deal with this well and do it every day. What made it more complex is that I could not have a cortisone shot first and it slowed down the progress and was more painful. But a cortisone shot spikes my sugar to dangerously high levels and that was not an option. I understand why when one is put on home oxygen for life by FECA that all one's medical bills are covered... now if Lynn Blodgett will obey the judges and process the claims as approved I will not have years of appeals to get out from under overpayment to Medicare as he will not let anyone do a conditional payment from then and then repay the money when asked to repay from FECA. 15 years since the COUP OF 2002 and the nation caught under this cabal ruling over us as they please. Linda Joy Adams 8/31/16