
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Addendum to hearing filed 8/5/09

As a result of filing a reconsideration to be elevated the missing pending hearing file on these issues as the facts as have been presented are not accurate; I'm filing this to associate with the pending SSA 501 that is 'missing' from the McAlestar Hearing office since last fall on the illegal orders of an unknown party. Accrdiing to multiple Us atorneys, SSA officials are committing feonies by not reporting these 'thefts' to the approapriate law enforcement offical. As an employee of this agency and my missing personnel file(S) reflectI don't deseerve this kind of discriminatory treatment, nor should any other individual. The hearing file contains reconsdierations elevated to the hearing level along with the more recent decision that was done in '09 were filed as far back as 9/00 and the same? individual told the local SSA office not to render any decision- and Administrative law judge has subpoena power and this would force some wrong doers high up in this agency to expose their gross criminal violations which Homeland security has resulted in multiple deaths of SSA employees and an indictment against "JOHN DOE" aka Osam Bin laden for the terriost attack on the SSA teleserce center Jersey City nj on 1/89. According to official sources, my blood and skin samples are in the file and because of OWCP laws requiring me to file a civil suit, the only viable law suit to seize alqueda assets on behalf of the Federal govt and all the injured parties, including me. For over 21 years, wherever a pending govt file is: it disappears.My SSA disabiity file has disappeared 5 times already and the medcial diagnosis was orderedplaced there by a former acting commission of SSA who had been directly involved in my employement eeoc cases in the past- my medical records and medical sources were forbidden to be contacted and this places the issue of any entitltement to medciare in question until a legal decision is done. I requested this be done multiple times in the disappeared files. Also the amounts you say i owe, which I state by law i don't, as they are in cyber escrow awaiting reinstatment of wage loss and decduction from B2 beneftis at that time was in great part discharged in bankruptcy court and apparently multiple submissions of those papers to you have disappeared as you don't address the issue. This is an intentioanl obstruction of my civil rights and is also an intentional obstruction of my right to life sustaining medcial treatment as "death panels" are still illegal in this country although widely practiced at OPM who said i was to die to TX Blues a decde ago and Ark blues who held the franchise didn't obey and then Ill Blues who obeyed OPM acquiesed and only because the provider went unpaid am i alive now to write this. My local manager seems to understand the severity of cliams files going missing and stated to my legal representative that she had forward the last submission to the McAlestart hearing office to associate with the file. They are still following illegal orders from ? No judge ever ordered a formal transfer fo the file which would mean someone would have to read the submission( any responsible judge would) befroe sgneing such an order. So this is another submission to SSA via my local office to go to mcalestar to illegally disappear and that is multiple felonies according to the US attorneys' that have advised me over the last 21+ years. SSA's OIG apparently is under orders form the same party? to not investigate disappearacne of SSA files from ssa facilities even when a log pattern has been shown.
This doesn't belong in Miami Medicare hearing office either as it has to do with a non completed CSR case rules and i personally have handled cases with such glitches since the '80's. Just how did information that belongs in a hearing file in the custody of a Federal judge end up in the Mid America program center to be answered without addressing the legal issues enmerated with a stamped signature by Lynn Marten? Where is the missing hearing file? Please forward this to the hearing file and contact me to reconstruct it. My time in line to have a hearing is getting close and it would unconscionable after waiting since 8/5/09 and since 9/00 on some elevated SSA/SSI issues to have a redress of my greivances afforded me under the US Constitution. The 'capricious' atttude of some is appalling. I appreciate those who have little power in the matter who understand and have treid to do what is legal and moral which doesn't stop the blatant illegal behaviors. DUW PROCESS WARNING: this belongs with the missing hearing file still in the legal cusotdy of the McAlestar SSA hearing office since no judge has ever signed a formal transfer elsewhere. I'm requesting to have my hearing based on my place in line accrding to my filing date of 8/5/09. I've given some background as to why its imperative every action much be inwriting and verbal orders that result in 'lost files' should never be followe when there is a legal custody of a judge. Also in file are waiver requests that have never been answered either. These are cruel and deadly games being played by some govt officials. They are also illegal! Linda Joy Adams

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

I'm not feeling well today and some of the mesage may have some clerical errors. I try my best/Linda joy adams