
Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Crop circle: Hackpen Hill near Broad Hinton, Wiltshire - Nexus Newsfeed   See a link from an informative site that one may wish to subscribe to  They cover a lot of areas.   And where do crop circles come from?  Do we have such a special place to live on planet Earth that the Divine Creator not only gave us the Picture Bible in the Heavens to watch for signs to help us know and be prepared, but is there also signs that come down and make impressions on the ground.
   Experts seem to agree this is not something done with any technology we yet know of .. And newspaper from hundreds of years ago also refer to such before one could fly above and see the full sign.  Those of faith have believed that we have one that is looking out for us and that we humans are special made in His image.. And we find out daily we know less than we ever thought as we learn more.  For several years as scientist call most of our DNA 'JUNK" I resisted as my faith  in my souls tells me   our Divine made NO JUNK  and now we are learning  that most of our DNA is far more than been taught since it became known only a few decades ago we even had such..
   What is taught by ancients around the world in some faiths that we hold our ancestors in us, is now know its more than hair color and height.. We have a historical record that many say is far more than the physical attributes we inherit but we have much more and wonder is this is where some faiths got the notion of reincarnation as that memory of the past is in there and sometimes surfaces. into the conscious of us..
   I do not hold to reincarnation, as often taught,... but we have the memory of our ancestors in us and some faiths even call it the askarte?  record of the universe . and its in our DNA among all of us. the whole history of creation   but we do not tap into it consciously ?  Like we have  a bank of videos and recording to listen and watch of all of history and once in awhile we get a peek of the whole that is within us that comes from all and from the DIVINE LOVE WE CALL GOD..
    Do you have faith as a Christian or others similar faith... and if you believe, is not this what you are saying you believe in that is in the teachings and some direct from Christ..  I do not know all and do wonder But there are much things we do not know and even the most knowledgeable among us know little yet of all.  It says in Isaiah that  THE ABILITY WAS TURNED OFF WHEN ADAM AND EVE COULD NOT RESIST EVIL AND FELL INTO THE STATE WE ARE IN..
   Can we yet , as humanity, be trusted with such all knowledge and resist doing evil when tempted.?
Seeing the state of the world right now.. we must say NO WE CANNOT BE TRUSTED YET.  and someday Christ will return and do he final act of removing evil from among us and hen we can become what we were always destined to be ,, FREE AND RESPECTED, UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE LEARNED TO CARE AND WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF AN AND NO ONE AMONG US BE LEFT OUT. 
   The hope is that most are well on their way to being that royal priesthood of all being Kings and priests..  as it says in Daniel and in Revelation..  But the birth pangs and tribulations getting there in a real battle with evil who does not wish to give up his power and control of us and his creation is a real horror as we go thought it.. BUT
                  KEEP LOOKING UP AND LOOK FOR THE SYMBOLS THAT COME DOWN TO THE EARTH.. AND IF THEY BE FROM HIM ALSO AS CREATOR ,AS SIGNS THEY DO LOOK LIKE WHAT IS IN OUR WORLD RIGHT NOW. and becoming easier to read as the time of the majestic return looms at some point in time.
    We have our orders of what we are to be doing. and sharing the love of Christ among all and caring and resistant evil is the basics.  AS WE SOON COME INTO THE FULL MATURITY OF HUMANITY FOR ALL TIME IN ETERNITY. 
                                           Raisins to neutralize salt .
Too much salt  from the baking soda used to neutralize the acetic acid created after the neutralizing of he chemical bonder that causes violent reaction that many pills are now bonded with and no medications that are fully safe made for up to 20 million + patients who are the 40% of asthmatics who have NON ALLERGIC  inflaming actions usually from the most common chemicals  in out society .
                         MEDICAL STATUS
   At a doctor Tuesday,  I had a blood pressure reading of 210 /196 yet do not have regular high blood pressure but pulmonary hypertension. being in a super sensitive state from no safe meds being made as we are not included on the national data base set up in 1999 and all the lack of no protection of that for records of anyone now who seeks medical care as under contractors of he cabal and  our diagnose altered to all being COPD to get tobacco settlement money to monitor patients with no connection to tobacco first, second or third hand for reason for a variety of lung diseases. which now is related  for us to the newly named organ institerium of he lymphatic system which the mucous membrane is the top layer of..  What my doctors have described to me for nearly 30 years  now since injured 1/10/89. Go to Daily Recap added 9/11/16 and read of how the gates of hell to 9/11/01 were opened at HHS back in 1988-89. and a cover up that led to 9/11/01 and I tried to stop him for 2 years when he declared jihad on the USA.
    Going to an ER does no good when there are no medication that can be used there safely and an ER is the worse chemical fumes for worse inflammation as few have protocols for a chemical free area for one of the 20 million like me..
    What to do in a bad situation. .. I kicked my compressed air oxygen (e tank had with me)  up to 4 liters as doctors have done in the past.. for me and did 10 puffs of Max air rescuer inhaler.  AND INS ABOUT 30 MINUTES MY BLOOD PRESSURE WAS DONE NEAR NORMAL FOR ME OF 127/85   which is still high for me usually..   This got documented by the nurses. and put in my chart. so it would be known that I left with vitals stabilized and was not putting my life at risk when he usually opinion would have put me at real risk in the current cabal controlled medical care now..
   All have to be cautious of what is going in to all the systems now on all of us.. as   ON THAT NATIONAL MEDICAL DATA BASE that is not under any protection or oversight and real illegal acts on it. plus just errors and co mingled patients  of similar names etc. A DEADLY MESS that a congressional  study done in 2007 reflected and yet CONGRESS WILL NOT DO ONE THING TO ALL OVERSIGHT OF A CONTRACTORS BE PUT BACK WHEN THEY TOOK AWAY the rights of agencies to use using budget to oversee our rights, and public monies and  if found; criminal investigation and or prosecutions..  since they  COUP OF 2002 WHEN AN EARMARK PUT THIS NATION UNDER THIS INTERNATIONAL CABAL OF CONTRACTORS CONTROL  of even our own national records which includes all of our personal records held n trust by the USA but no longer in the control of the real govt. to protect as they are to do so .
    So when one goes for medial care now  ONE IS ASKED IF THEY HAVE ALLERGIES. BUT THERE IS NO PLACE TO STATE IF ONE HAS ADVERSE REACTIONS TO ANYTHING ELSE LIKE CHEMICALS that can be just as life threatening as allergies. are  AND NO MEDICATION BEING MADE THAT ARE SAFE FOR US  as that is the source of the info of what meds need to be made and what is used to bond them with and we get our basic theophylline turned into a life threatening pill  and why I am in my kitchen titrating the violent inflaming  alcohol get out of the pill to get the med that my whole treatment is designed around that has let me still be alive nearly 30 years later when many are now dying in a few years or less. with similar injuries..
   If we are gong to have all of our data in these  systems and then use THEM FOR EVEN THE RIGHTS OF LIFE ITSELF. then we have to have a way to correct errors and the whole truth be in them.. and some real criminal arrests allowed by those illegally altering and or ordering done with no govt to stop it   of  what ones doctors puts down.. and . pressure by this cabal head named as Lynn Blodgett a few years ago  by high level govt officials in wring and verbally who HAVE NO ACCESS TO OUR NATIONS RECORDS IN THEIR CONTROL AND no way to verify any data or fact an that includes FDA CANNOT DO SO EITHER.. AS ALL OF US RELY ON THEM TO OK SAFETY FOR OUR FOOD AND MEDS.
    The next thing that could happen  GUN RIGHTS FOLKS is as simple as we had o be made into COPD patient  is to make all a kind of person that could not pass a background check to buy a gun if one wished to .. NRA WILL NOT WAKE UP AND STAND FOR THEIR MEMBERS AND Their  SECOND AMENDMENT VIEWS as they pretend to watch our for rights of all to own a gun..
   Personally  I do not like guns, and do no wish to harm anyone and would probably hesitate to even try o protect myself n a confrontation AND MACE MIGHT BE A BETTER OPINION FOR ME.
   But , I am not willing to give up any right I or you have  even if I do not wish to use it And we have those deceiving us into thinking they are looking out for us and getting donations etc. AND YET let some basis to preserve the rights they say they lobby for  BE IGNORED that would end them. .

     Salt does affect my systolic blood pressure but being in an chronic asthmatic condition now and  getting in to fumes on the road and in building were common chemical  are fumes and its worse now with these fumy sulfuronel  laden hand sanitizers put all over hospitals and medical buildings and WHY WON;T THEY STOP DISCRIMINATING AGAINST US AND USE PERFUME FREE??.. I HAD AN EXACERBATION.. and DO NOT TRY THIS IN YOUR KITCHEN UNLESS YOUR DOCTOR IS AWARE OF IT AND CAN MONITOR YOU Medically even if they are not allowed to help you figure  out what to do as all bound by all kinds of liability.. and I am only using over the counter things one can buy. GO TO 4/3/18 ADDED DAILY RECAP ADDED  FOR MY TREATMENT THAT HAS LET ME STILL BE ALIVE. and now the worse  has occurred as no meds even being made. .for millions of us over  the illegal acts of the cabal head for us. that has skewed the data and international data base as its fast becoming on all of us
   Set up in 1999 in the guise for  medical research.. how accurate can research be if its not accurate on all of us. 
         How to neutralize salt that is part of the sodium of baking soda after the C02 IS MADE ?
   Thank for All the info out there on the Internet which is gradually under fire to remove from us and block bloggers like me from sharing what we know AND  please do not try anything medically unless your doctor is aware. and thanks  to mine for all the blood work being done  over the last 8 months now. since the last safe theophylline  made out of Israel is still being blocked by the FDA for work site issues  that all were surprised  the third  one since 2014 was not approved. THIS SEEMS TO BE MORE GOING ON  AS  EVEN SOME OTHERS PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SEEMED SURPRISED AT WHAT IS GONG ON IN THE THINGS DONE CONNECTED TO ISRAELI COMPANIES.  and they know what is needed for chemical warfare  injures as they are in the middle of a war zone for many years now..  Always have been for thousands of years. as in the crossroads of the Middle east. 
   Its almost like One HAS TO PAY DOW FOR BONDERS AND FILLERS OR ONE CANNOT PUT A PILL ON THE MARKET.  as this makes no sense.  And MAXAIR HAS NOT BEEN MADE SINCE 2008 over this criminally alters data bases indication that millions do not need small airways treated. which is over 50% of our lungs and what most end up with when injured as we suck the toxic fumes into the smallest and major part and I have scar tissues and even particulates in there.    AND THEN MADE CALLS  o find our if the PIBUTERAL AS ALBUTERAL DOES NOT HELP AND  years of breathing tests prove it. AND NONE SAFE MADE OF THEM EITHER NOW. for us..  
   Since 1997, when I was contacted by my doctors back east who were lobbying congress and FDA to keep the CFC's in our inhalers as NO SAFE SUBSTITUTES FOR WHAT THE SKEWED RECORDS SAID WERE ONLY ABOUT  A MILLION OF US HEN (we added 2 million in the toxic fires after 9/11/01 when the EPA CRIMINALLY ALTERED RECORES SAID THE AIR WAS SAFE AND  ACED AS IF AIR STOPPED AT HE EDGE OF GROUND ZERO AND OF COURSE IT DID NOT. and we began to get the back lash of that cover up  direct from the EPA  DIRECTOR  who caused 2 million more victims o add to the 3000. that Bin Ladin got...NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF HER AT ALL  
  One of my former doctors at Mt Sinai was head of public health  for New York City and testifying in a congressional hearing   BUT IN 2008 , THE DOCTORS WERE NOT ASKED FOR INPUT AND THE CRIMINALLY ALTERED NATIONAL DATA BASE, THAT THE FDA  CANNOT  VERIFY AS ACCURATE SINCE THE COUP OF 2002 BY CONGRESS  was used and we have a deadly mess for us and I have heard there are similar  issues in other disease categories
     THERE IS NO GOVT IN CHARGE OR TO TURN TO FOR HELP IN ANY PART OF HEALTH CARE NOW and we patients and our good medical community are being crushed under the corruption inside this cabal of contractors that are stealing our public monies along with our lives and best health outcomes as hey get to micromanages all of health care etc EVEN OUR INSURERS ARE NOW UNACCOUNTABLE GOVT CONTRACTORS SINCE 2010 
And member of congress can add what is needed of the oversight allowed language to any bill and SAVE THE USA AND WE THE PEOPLE IN IT.   and yea do not over this control and its both parties involved and some try to speak out and are squelched.. A few rare bills got it in there  Otherwise no oversight and the laws not obeyed once in he control of the contractor to do the work and our monies for the work and whatever is to be done disappear. and whey we have no poison control data base that is up to date and why doctors, pharmacies and even pharmaceutical  companies have disclaimers on their package insert of what is in the meds and says hey cannot verify what has been added to our pills.  and when the FDA okayed these chemicals added to our foods in 2006, they said its was only  GENERALLY SAFE and that is not safe for all and who is the ones whom it is not safe for?  .. Its like putting peanuts in food and no label that peanuts  are in there for those for peanut allergic  people to not buy.
   These disclaimers are on much of what we buy now that is non food. I BUY A LOT ONLINE AND IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT IS ON  THERE ,,    
   Congress has acted unconstitutionally and when its our national security at stake as its gotten so bad, its TREASON COMMITTED BY OUR OWN CONGRESS  and some were not there then bit they have gone along with their illegal gag order rule to not mention, contractors or have a contractor testify and  even Michael Horowitz could not get those' smoking gun e mails' we all know about now since last week as  THE CONTRACTORS CONTROLS ACCESS  and the US DEPT OF DEFENSE KEPT OVERSIGHT BACK IN 2002 AND HE TESTIFIED THEY WENT TO THEM TO FINALLY GET ACCESS  and now we know what went on and much worse in health care when this is a more direct threat to our very lives. .  THE GOVT IS NOT SNOOPING THE UNACCOUNTABLE CONTRACTOR IS.   and all the hearings now  THE GAG ORDER RULE MEANS WE ARE NOT FINDING OUT WHY E MAILS CANOT BE FORTHCOMING THAT CONGRESS WANTS AND NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE AND NEITHER CAN THE FBI GET ACCESS TO THEIR OWN NON CONTROLLED RECORDS  either and we are in  a real horror?
  So we get mystery products and food and meds now and have no idea what they are made of..  and
  for the pills that have made for nearly 20 years now by TEVA our of Jerusalem are being blocked from trying to be safe.. and use dehydrated lactose for bonding  not the violent inflamer that is an alcohol ether, cellulose. , gum or gel and most are now AS they do not know 20 million exist. and that is just in the USA. ( THE companies ARE GETTING SUED WHEN ITS THE MANAGING CABAL THAT BEGAN PUSHING THE OXYCONTIN IN THE ERS AND NOT TREATING THE CAUSES OF PAIN IN 2007 AS I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT IN THIS BLOG ONE CAN GO TO THE TOP OF THIS POST AND ITS A SEARCH ENGINE FOR THIS BLOG OF WHEN I HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT SOME ONE OR TOPIC )
                         RAISINS TO FIGHT SALT??
      I saw a lets of food that  neutralize salt on line and linked hen  and RAISINS IS ON THE LEST '
  I HAVE NEVER REALLY LIKE THEM MUCH BUT  have now gained a likeness for them and after I take my titrated theophylline pill in the mixture left  and  I eat  a handful of  raisins and got the white ones for now..  and  I CAN TELL IMMEDIATELY AS AM SO SENSITIVE NOW THAT IT BEGAN NEUTRALIZING JUST IN MY MOUTH  like a sponge collecting the salt into the dried raisin that began to soak it up with the saliva  May be its the ability to soak it up in the dried state. I do not know..   and have found it helpful even when eating a food dish that has added salt to it. even those I use one of he Dash salt substituted for any I add.
    So have rested for a few days and feel better but the last bottle of pills much have had changed the formula of some how as there was a shortage of all brand for a while or maybe they need to off gas and cannot wait months for that to occur either   and the date for TEVA to get another site okayed by the FDA could be  next year.. and that is too long when one needs the pills twice a day.. and with out it even my liquid oxygen does not work to keep a 98% oxygen saturation level  and without O2 I to o NONE  as he heart fails and blood backs up in the lungs. etc.  DOCTORS KNOW WHAT TO DO AND HAWAII HAS A TOXIC FUME ISSUE NOW FROM THE VOLCANO and its the main drug for 70 years and to ruin it by added bonder is  A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY OR AT LEAST FOR MILLIONS IN THE USA AND WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND THE WORLD WHEN OUR HEALTH CARE HAS BECOME INTERNATIONAL CARE IN MANY WAYS NOW UNDER HIS CABAL WORLD WIDE AND AT THE UN AS CONTRACTORS. 
        May Christ return soon.. but in the mean time   may the people of the world  BECOME RULERS OF THE WORLD
    WE SAW THAT WE THE PEOPLE CAN MAKE BROAD CHANGES IF WE HAVE FAITH IN OURSELVES.  even without big MONEY WHEN A 20 YEAR  member of congress got fired by the people  the Bronx this week. AND ITS NOT ALWAYS  ABOUT PARTY.   And district and local communities  can do this even states and nations  as we say  a shock to one who thought she was going to be president now and one cannot do so much over the years that is not good for all of us . NO matter what political slant one has WE THE PEOPLE CAN DO THIS AND IT WAS PROVEN AGAIN..  and its not big money that is needed  ITS ALL COME DOWN TO ONE VOTE PER CITIZEN THAT DOES IT AND MANY HELPED IN OTHER WAYS ALSO.. and what can each one of us do in our own communities to participate in governing  of the USA
  Messiahs and Christ is not on our ballots. Just imperfect humans from among us, but we must have those who serve us, and not a few who steal control of our destiny from us.
   IN the middle of despair  of what is gong on now that is so horrible   WE HAVE HOPE AND WILL SHE BE ONE WHO ILL GET THE GOVT BACK TO BE THERE WHEN THINGS GET SO CRIMINALLY WRONG ?   and one among us or a few million have their lives endangered or lost as laws are ignored put in place to help us be safe. I THINK SO .
And the people said NO  in 2016; and went for another. Whom they thought would stand for them and not for the puppet masters of this world who care little about our lives and rights ruling too many in politics  .  being a more Democratic area she may probably  win in 11/18 and seems to be more moderate in views even if labeled as a Sanders socialist. I DO NOT HEAR THAT FROM HER ..
   We need those from both parties  or none who will serve us and find good common solutions to get things done even if its not what all wish to have.. completely  but the main thing is that NO ONE AMONG US BE HARMED BY WHAT THE SOLUTION IS THAT IS PASSED INTO LAW. 
                    PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS
 the ancient knew how to read and much got perverted into the fertility goddess religion at the time of the Tower of babel and we now have a jumble in our common language.
   Virgo had the birthing of Jupiter sent down in 9/23/17 of the star map of REVELATION  CHAPTER 12  one time history line up and  VIRGO WAS NOT THE ANCIENT NAME BUT THE CERES OR HARVEST AND WHEN one thinks of that then of all he varied meaning over time used for biblical understanding as symbols can be used for the time and place and vary .. as needed to share the story or warning .. THEN THE END TIME MEANING IS THAT WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE JUPITER NOT IN THE SWAMP OF THE  MULTI HEADED HYDRA  we now called Scorpio and ITS US AT BATTLE WITH EVIL AND THOSE WE ELECT TO LEAD US INTO THE FINAL CLEANSING OF EVEN OUR OF HIS WORLD  As a Christian, I know that Christ will come when the final has o be done and its beyond our human ability to deal with..
 But controlling illegal acts by some is possible by our VOTES AND OUR LEGAL SYSTEMS IF WE ALLOW IT TO WORK FOR US ... WE have let a few bully humans gain power over us by our not participating in  the solution which VOTING IS A MAJOR PART OF THAT. as it leads to whom will lead the battle for oversight and see that the system is working  for us.
A lot coming soon about next month and now those who follow what is up there say that this asteroid  or comet or whatever  some said came from Vega is roaming around and not acting like a regular comet or asteroid  and what is it.? being called the Oomuaumah?  SOME CALL IT THE DESTROYER just a smaller object yet landing on a planet can do a lot of harm..   AND ITS NOT THE BIG 10TH PLANET SOME SAY IS COMING AND I HAVE NOT SEEN IT , YET.
     ON THE GROUND CROP CIRCLES SEEM TO BE MAKING SYMBOLS WE CAN RECOGNIZE NOW and few know where they are from either over centuries of them occurring ARE THEY SOME  programmed sign to be made at Some set earthly  time  clock in our existence for us to be warned?? SIGN FROM ABOVE THAT CAN NOW BE SEEN  and from where. but the last one seems to look like the symbol on the NORTH KOREAN FLAG, THE COMMUNIST STAR as he full moon lights up the skies now.. And China and N Korea getting real friendly now.. and pray its a peaceful outcome for the world. 
  I put aliens on the bottom of my possible actors in much of all of this.. All truth is being revealed and this mystery is only theories so far. of the cause. I DO NOTICE THAT THERE ARE ALWAYS HOSE STRAIGHT LINES NEAR OR THROUGH THESE THAT SEEMS TO BE SOME PART OF WHAT MAKES THEM AND NOT PART OF THE SIGN ITSELF ... Its not of us as there are records of far before our modern eras of these
     How little we known in an era when we seem to know more than ever.
                                             REVELATION CHAPTER 12FF
9/23/17 STAR MAP  and my thoughts on what it means for our warning as the end of he age unfolds in event we have long been warning could come and we chose not to stop evens from happening as we ignored the signs so far to act   this is a verse by verse  opinions of meaning and please all continue out there sharing yours as most s very good and thoughtful..
REVELATION: CHAPTER 14 -VERSE 4. "These are the ones who were not defiled by women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.  these were redeemed from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb."
 2000 years of study and thought have still not fully answered who the 144, 000 are.. My New King James bible ( I vary translations over the years and am using this one now and he regular King James for the daily scripture for the next few years ) has an explanation I will share as  IT IS A SPECIAL GROUP FROM AMONG THE SAVED of all of  HE LAST HARVEST OF SOULS OR BRIDE OF CHRIST I THINK IS WHAT THE END TIME MEANING FOR REVELATION 12 WOMAN IS .. WE THE PEOPLE, THE BRIDE OF CHRIST..
  BUT THIS 144, 000  slaughtered to get to the Christ as a baby   by HEROD IS PLAUSIBLE   FOR SOME PURPOSE AND IF THEY ARE THE BABIES SLAUGHTERED BY HEROD NOW in the first  step before the final RAPTURE  OF THE  RESURRECTED  DEAD FOR Special job duties,  But would they not have been among the first resurrection of the dead at the time of the crucifixion  and resurrection of Christ.  MAYBE NOT??
 THE ONE WHO IS ONLINE THAT HAS Figured THAT OUT   hey are the babies slaughtered  by Herod IS  A GOOD  possibility and one I think makes a lot of sense as not one of us if forgotten by our Savior ..
    My bibles says this is a goop that is purified into innocent.. and become like virgins  and are the first ones offered up to Him and that would be those killed by Herod in his maddened attempt to kill all under age 2 to get to Him and HE HAD BEEN TAKEN TO EGYPT BY JOSEPH WHO DREAMT TO ESCAPE THE WRATH OF THE FIRST ANTI CHRIST., King Herod.
)E W Bullinger does not discuss a meaning in his book from over a 100 years ago NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE.   Some dream dictionary's do not touch a well known number either 
  Some scholars say its a  complete number  BUT OF WHAT AND FROM WHO and is it the complete number of saved in heaven with Christ now Or is the raptured of all of he Bride of Christ of Humanity >? but I does not quite seem to fit either more to unravel and know to be warned and watch for.. 
   And I do not wish for women in general to be considered defilers as that is not our creation..
 and they may be the mangers of all the world who carry out the duties of what all of us vote for a few moments  daily for what needs to be done as we  all become KINGS AND PRIESTS as it says in Revelation as well as back in Daniel  of   Christ in control of the system to assure the ultimate security of our votes. 
   Yes, it may take Christ to secure all these voting machines from one or few who decide to hack and alter the outcomes.
    Share your thoughts out there on this and some time back I linked the video of the 144.000 being the babies slaughtered by Herod..
                                                       SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY
II KINGS:  CHAPTER 5-VERSE 10-11.  " And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, ad thy flesh shall come again to thee , and thou shall be clean.  But Na'aam was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought,  he will surely come out to me, and stand ,and call on the name of the Lord, his God, and strike his hand over the place and recover the leper." 
 ( Christ will send us the answers and often they are simple ones and NO BIG FANFARE OF MIRACLE TO BE DONE AS WHEN THIS LEPER THAT WAS OF SYRIA   asked to be healed by the prophet.  . We have the answers all around us and in this case there was a miracle when he finally obeyed the instructions  and later not the one who mocked got his leprosy.
     EAT A HANDFUL OF RAISINS AND BE HEALED? OF SALT OVERLOAD  and I got that because I asked for guidance and online found a site I linked a couple of days ago of what foods help as no safe meds out there  and found what I then tried and immediately  a miracle of the MOST MARVELOUS MIRACLE OF ALL , OUR HUMAN BODIES..  minds and souls .
   The simple and natural from our divine Creator is here and for us to have and use as we need to do so .. and prophets are plentiful on line sharing all kinds of info  and thanks for the help. Its what we are meant to be  ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS and this info of foods that fight salt is being a minister to the world from one device. far away .. for me to humbly accept and know that the truth of the Divine is in the one on the other end..  DAILY MIRACLES WITH NO GRAND FANFARE AS WE ARE HELPED THROUGH TIMES THAT WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE LET OCCUR..
                              In the name of Yahusha, our Salvation whom most call Christ Jesus thank Your for the blessing of raisins and may those running this world come to know You and do their part for the good of all of us.. Pray for the people to become part of the solution and participate in  governing and
May those we have In leadership in this world elected or hired to serve us NOT FORGET  that life and rights are to be upheld and justice denied one, denies it to all and the one not doing so ..
    Thank You for the miracle of the Sun that dried the raisins to combat the evil that led to a  pill from another  plant ruined by some who forgot to care and help. all . Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 6/29/18

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