
Wednesday, April 12, 2017



  I had another post completed and the Internet went out and it did not even get saved to draft.. so will be shorter.  and refer to a few things I learned today ..  much was just a repeat of all the former 

   This is a cyber war of system and and its real .. and thanks to all who are helping in anyway you can , even if not publicly sharing,, For background  of what is going on read the links as its all there.

                           1984  ERA SYSTEM BEING USED TO ALTER HISTORY

                        History is being changed on the systems at Medicare.. as they are now saying that since 2012 no one gets a response on an appeal.. and they have to go in on e system to get the answer . and this is only the doctor, etc. that can do it or billing services  which some of them are the head of the cabal in charge of the USA since  the COUP OF 2002 OR MISINFORMED BY THEM. ..

   There is no way a system is going to give a response that is a legal answer and gives citations' and other info to respond. from a legal appeal  with real legal  issues...

  .  THERE IS NO APPEALS NOW.. is what is going on.. !!  and trying to make it retroactive back to the last time the multiplies thefts were used.??  as the supervisors at 1-800 Medicare said as of on or about  10/7/16  He , now in control of the entire system and all parts of the whole now  WENT BACK TO THE WHEN THEY STOPPED BEFORE. you get what Lynn Blodgett says you are gong to get and no rights to question the ruler of the USA. WE PATIENT  HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS AND REAL Overpayment LIABILITY BEING DONE. TO US ALSO AND WE ARE BEING IGNORE AS CIVIL  AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS USURPED AND  this no response did not occur he at all as info from CMS since then indicate otherwise as this is a

                      REVISION OF HISTORY LIKE A CHAPTER OUR OF ORWELL'S '1984' BOOK  said if one does not get a timely response  in a reasonable  time one can go on to the next appeal level and some of ours are their and   response either now.

                                            DAILY TRACKING and BCRC phone verification are still the same manual hacked mess but no new claims shown as paid..

                    1-800 Medicare

   Thanks to all who are helping me get through and your efforts are TOP SECRET. !!

    phone lines are still  illegally blocked but the bi weekly post is in again and already hacked to hide it..  I have never done anything illegal or said anything illegal. But I have begged for the to get print outs and send to CMS . but their management has incorrectly  said not to .. and recently one  did not deny they are of the hackers now of one of Lynn Blodgett's management company now inside General Dynamics and BOEING IS NOW THE NEXT TARGET FOR THIS.

     . HAS BEEN LINKED FROM AN ARTICLE AS THEY GET INTO THE DOMESTIC  PROGRAMS AND NOT JUST BUILDING  JETS. ETC .. and will not beg them to put their own selves in jeopardy as the real government  has allowed it to happen to them . by being crime witnesses inside and not being allowed to report without reprisal ..

    Before when this multiples  occurred  in a couple of regions. by one intermediary.. they did a good job getting the info to CMS.  and they are to report it.. but when their own managements  is now telling them not to . and break contracts. etc. and the law to not reports a major security breach.. then CONGRESS YOU HAVE TO RESTORE THE RIGHT OF THE REAL GOVERNMENT  TO DO INTERNAL AUDITS OF AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OF ALL GOVERNMENT  CONTRACTORS AS WE ARE BEING ROBBED OF LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS AND PUBLIC MONIES

      The call center agent got the phony number I came in on and verified it was still active  and ordered  an entitlement letter and summary notice on the 3/27/17 claim paid multiple time..  but she said that the summary notice would not go out until the 18th.. something that I had not been told last week...    The bogus screen of mediocre primary is on there and did not get which of he fake 26 blues supplements is showing at the time. Like the others , who are now being told the hidden screen from our employers and the only legal one that is to exist is INACTIVE.. she verified that FECA) 100% total coverage already  until death..  due to being put on home liquid oxygen as an injured federal worker 23 years ago    and FEHB Blue Cross  Blues shield for self and family members  on it with  Medicare cards have it posted as the primary employer group health plans also for them. .also as the papers were pending  to get me on permanent disability so I could retire  when Lynn Blodgett took total control of FECA in 2002 and a million dollar a head disappeared on many of us with already established  cases an we got illegally dumped onto Medicare   and NO GOVERNMENT ALLOWED TO FIND THE MONEY AS HE  BOUGHT OUT AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES WITH A SIMILAR  SUM LAUNDERED  THROUGH A COMPANY NOW SAID TO BE LINKED TO THE CLINTON FOUNDATION.  re an article in Forbes a few years back and linked to this web site.  AND GRADUALLY  TOOK OVER THE USA AND MUCH OF THE WORLDS NOW.  this blog was stared to keep track of one gaining total power over time.. and how and when etc.. and its more than I have access and resources to get the whole.. and we need the SEC to help and they are denied that right also by Congress in the COUP OF 2002.  

     In the last three years, he has nearly ended all workers  comp  rights in the USA with  contracts with  all the insurers.   plus managing the insures also .    NOW CAN HIDE THE INFO FROM THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY FOR ALL. AS HE NOW HAS THE SUB CONTRACT AS WEILL AS RUNNING THE  WHOLE  WITH HUNDREDS /OF COMPANIES OF HIS AND deal partners and its a murky swamp.   with Insider  CONTROLS. AND WELCOME  TO THE REAL DC SWAMP AND GATE LOCKED BY CONGRESS TO KNOW WHO ALL IS HIDDEN IN THE MIRE.   

   So both FECA and FED Blues   SHOWS OPEN AND NOT TERMINATED BUT AN update   AS OF 10/6/16...  but a hack of 4/11/17 does not show.....  LIKE ALWAYS THIS GETS A SCARED?, SHOCKED ?? RESPONSE FROM THE AGENT SEEING IT   AND A REAL DESIRE TO NOT WISHING TO KNOW As THEY ARE NOW AWARE THEY ARE BEING USED TO PASS ON THE BOGUS INFO ON THE BOGUS SCREEN by the ones in control of their lives as well as all the rest of us. in the USA.  .

    ON this old system those summary notices can be suppressed.. I have not been getting much of the ones on my own number ordered. even on my real number .

* see former linked posts to know how  to find out if you are also a victim of this and its said a billion dollars a day is going missing. now and only a few drops of that is my own claims. paid  17 times now.

    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may this corruption be purified from among us and turned to cleansing  waters of justice and mercy .. pray for our elected leaders and President Trump as they struggle to get the locked gate of the swamp opened to get inside and help the illegal mess we have gotten ourselves under.  Amen!

     Linda Joy Adams 4/12/17                                    

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