
Friday, September 4, 2015

Linda Joy Adams: Daily Recap 9/4/15: 38 Judges defied by ACS ET AL ; Exhibit 5-9 to brief Medicare Hearing Case 1-3225833488: President Obama Born in Topeka, Ks son of Jim T Parks.

Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: Daily Recap 9/3/15: 38 Judges defied by ACS ET AL ; Exhibit I-4 to brief Medicare Hearing Case 1-3225833488: President Obama Born in Topeka, Ks son of Jim T Parks. This is a series of links backwards of actual briefs and index of documents submitted to  a recent Medicare hearing where the judge was only permitted to rule on one issue that had already been resolved by IRS, not SSA OR MEDICARE.

    But other matters creating terrific hardships and threat to life remain and SSA and Medicare do not have any real guidelines as to which agency judge gets what issues and much of the issue is that SSA decisions that are appealed are ending up with the Medicare contractor and contractors do not have the authority , training or access to records to answer the legal issues raised. Basically they looked at the hacked into  system with illegally altered info and used it instead of considering documents submitted or asking the local SSA office to get records or ask the claimant to get additional records, etc.

             We have a excellent decision from one of the Medicare contractors who do Reconsiderations from a few years ago and it gave their legal parameters of what they can do and THEY COULD NOT DO A REAL RECONSIDERATION. So its unconstitutional to pretend we have appeal rights when we do not. EITHER GIVE MORE AUTHORITY AND POWERS TO UNACCOUNTABLE GOVT CONTRACTORS OR WE BRING THE APPEALS BACK IN HOUSE TO REAL GOVT EMPLOYEES TO DO THEM AS THEY USED TO DO. Maybe some could be given to lower grade employees to be trained to do some of them.
And its still not legal for letters to go out as if real agency personnel made the decisions when it was done by a contractor. The letterhead must say the name of the company and list they are a contractor for SSA or for CMS, etc.

    This has all put my family and me with no constitutional rights and defamation against me to even ask the questions as DOES CONGRESS KNOW SSA IS NOT DOING ALL OF THEIR RECONSIDERATIONS .   This is not about the disability decisions as that has lawfully been done by state govt employees for years. OR HAVE STATES CONTRACTED THIS OUT AND CAUSED SUCH A BACKLOG AT HEARING OFFICES AS LEGAL ISSUES CAN NOT BE ADDRESSED. Another question that has  to be answered.  Actuaries who assess budget and personnel matters for govt are not that far off. What is off is that what is suppose to be going on, is not.

Most are not aware of the fact that  most if not all  of  the states have contracted out to the same international cabal and they have done no oversight civilly nor criminally and if federal funds are involved, NEITHER CAN OVER SEE UNTIL CONGRESS AGAIN GIVES BUDGET.

      I welcome my new online contacts on Linked In from the IT companies programming the govt systems and hope they can glean some info from my blogs of what they need to be doing to provide the necessary security on the systems for all of our sakes , both for privacy as well as the info not be able to be illegally accessed and information altered with intent to steal from the taxpayers as well as to intentional harm to the person whose records is messed with.

My personal experience in recent years is that many high level people in the government really do not have the knowledge of their own programs and the historical pitfalls to make sure the systems are secure in certain areas. Like no appeal can legally be deleted once filed and all filings must be on the system.

Over at CMS, if the  COMMON WORKING FILE PRIVATELY OWNED system shows that a posting in coning in form an employer or agency for the beneficiary than , it should block anyone trying to go in and change the info. What should be generated is a letter informing the patient what entity is posting and directing them to go to an address or phone number to file any changes one thinks is not correct. OR CONGRESS NEEDS TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM WHICH , IS A GOOD ONE  AND HAS BEEN SINCE 1994, in my opinion. PLUS WE NEED CLEARLY ACCESSED CODE  SO THAT MEDICAL BILLERS CAN STOP THE HASSLES  WHEN PRIMARY PAYERS WILL NOT PAY FIRST AND PAY IT UNDER MEDICARE AND GET IT OVER FOR RECOVERY. But will Emblem Health International , formerly Group Health  be willing to stop their illegal secret deals with  health and liability insurers under ACS. to allow illegal dumps onto Medicare and never bother to record them as they once started out to do . They may not wish to own all the medical insurance data on everyone and every ones medical records as they have since 1999. and not be under the HIPPA law to protect the patients rights of accuracy and privacy if all this illegal stuff is stopped? . which has cost too many deaths and other harms as its used for medical treatment and other claims processing through out the system and  errors , whether intentionally  or not; causes harms  that can be far aching and deadly.

What I share with you here affects everyone in the USA and its similar through out the world of nations now. Check it out. And many govt employees do not know theses things. I found out trying to save my own life and rights and those of my loved ones and used all the skills and training I have accumulated since I went to work for SSA and Medicare n 6/68 out of college and we were trained to know and expected to watch out for things out of kilter to stop violations of laws and people's rights.  And I was shocked to learn of all that was going on  in the last couple of decades that should never have been permitted if proper oversight had been going on. And many lambasted me  very badly when I found out and began asking for my rights and those of my loved ones. to even get medical treatment.And with computers, it got more lax over time to not question what the screen said and if its been hacked , one can not rely on. it. Yet we got 'brainwashed' into thinking if it was in the system , the system was right. Its only as right as those accessing and entering the data.  What it does do is 'crash; if conflicting info comes in and why those  high level officials and Congress is now going to spend 2 billion dollars on the new health systems which will continue to crash as long as all of this illegal hacking form the inside is going on as the security protocols are not there to block those trying to change info when they are not to do it. even if the intent is good, that person may not know all the facts and whys fro there perspective. Instead of sending out those coordination letters, those, like me, should be getting a letter of what the employer is posting  and how to question  if we think its wrong; The US Department of Labor is accurate as I a not going to legally retire until CEO LYNN Blodgett gets my file posted and allows my claims examiner at federal workers comp to have access to process my  pending request for permanent disability and they are waiting for the chance and even sent me a letter a few years ago which I routinely follow up on and file requests and appeals, etc. as neither they nor I can get him to obey 38 federal judges in multiple agencies who have ruled  this or that  to be done. and its not done and total  and life threatening chaos has resulted.  if the legal system sends  a few to jail, then maybe they should. Maybe the ones sent should be required to sit and work through this tremendous backlog that in some instances has items that go back to 1989 to be looked at and paid  and processed yet. And do to the struggle for life in the ix, all have been kept current and legally pending even if not physically there at ACS et al or in the system. For over 15 years, they have kept hidden from the systems that I am on oxygen which should have caused a domino affect on to schedule award negotiated and permanent disability approved etc. and ALL MY MEDICAL BILLS PAID BY FECA.           

         Then onto Hartz Mountain et al to ask them to reimburse the taxpayer for the entire bill.. Son just brought a refill of a 200 lb liquid oxygen tank today from the gas company as suppliers will not take a workers comp patients with CEO Blodgett with his over 100 companies now in charge of ever ones; workers comp and  by never processing the claims, it blocks any timely processing and paying by other health plans as its on a labor law that is to PROTECT LIVES FROM ABUSES OF POWER  as bills will not go though Medicare as other kinds of medical bills will. AND NOW HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO THE REAL DEATH PANELS UNTIL   ACS IS MADE TO PROCESS THE CLAIMS.S  Which ACS management said would be paid since it was already approved before for life and then THEY WOULD HAVE TO PAY ALL OF MY BILLS.

Then some one in the government at all levels should not put 90 federal employees in a new building that was a 'death trap' and not seen that the gas detectors were on and that the citation against the owner  to fix life threatening items  were fixed. We were I a new building that could not have legally passed city state or federal inspection. And in six months, the worse  series of  combined corruptions occurred.  TURING OFF THE GAS DETECTORS GOT US ALL TO DIE PREMATURELY ALREADY OR IN THE FUTURE WHEN A TOXIC CLOUD ENVELOPED US AND THAT IS MORE CORRUPTIONS WHEN THAT OCCURRED.

                                        EXHIBIT  5 Medicare Case 1-3225833488

 (Items in parentheses added for clarification as actual documents not posted and personal identifiers not included. and starred)*

       8/09 Hearing file addendum. (This was a compilation of everything not yet done at SSA on Disability, retirement and SSI claims going back several years, plus the new hearing request from a reconsiderations, we now are acutely seemingly aware was never done by anyone at SSA but by a Medicare contractor who never reviewed the issues at all? Making a mockery of the constitutionally required appeals system.)

                                        EXHIBIT 6

9/8/09Reconsideration elevated to the Hearing office ( on same issue)* where 8/5/09 hearing file had already disappeared  ( and system hacked and deleted so no one doing anything about my Medicare or Medicare premiums at SSA or Medicare had any idea the hearing  judges had custody of the issue and all issues and all needed to get  permission to work the  item.)*

                                        EXHIBIT 7

10/7/09 Hearing Request   to associate with 8/5/09 hearing file.( Some CMS  contractor? went and issued a 'rubber stamped denial' even when it was clearly marked on the first page it was elevated to associate with pending hearing.)*

Still unknown to us (where it went for sure as disappeared from system also)* as it had disappeared until one page showed up in the (recent hearing)*  file form Cleveland if from ACS et al I current file.(but the transmittal. to only do the more recent one came form the SEPSC in Birmingham for SSA and neither Doyle nor I have an SSN that is under their jurisdiction. My educated guess is that there really was a billion dollars of these bogus tax returns filed on so many, as reported;  and with a Medicare card  and most did not have IRS catch them as they did on ours and not process. But the info got shared by the common ACS et al contractor and why I named to IRS CEO Blodgett  and companies as a person of interest in all of this as who would have access to so many seniors to file bogus returns and many get through and refunds sent and then used all to get thrown in to an surcharge on premiums. IRS INSISTED THEY DID NOT SEND THE HIGH INCOME TO SSA.

   And my case came to light  as the system would have a record of this being charged to me even though resolved with a hearing filed from that reconsideration. in 2015.. That got resolved but I am still paying an illegal penalty as one does not do so when still active duty. employed.  Thanks to the person that put all the missing hearings in the file that appeared to have something to do with medicare premiums  and one remand order to do the disability decision from 2/11 still not done either at SSA.  Its proof  from official source  they exist even though we have certified mail receipts and stamped receipts from the local SSA office who seems to be more in the dark about things than I am from the outside as a claimant.. But other appeals are missing yet. THERE HAS TO BE SOME SORT OF OFFLINE FILE SOMEWHERE WHERE SOMEONE DID A 'WORD SEARCH' TYPE QUERY AND ALL THIS CAME UP AND THEY PRINTED THEM OUT.
   So where is the rest and do they have the missing consultant exam the state agency  requested from the board certified pulmonologist in OKC that disappeared with a lot of breathing tests etc done. that disappeared when the Acting Comm of SSA illegally  interfered with the claim and ordered my medical records not be looked at nor doctors contacted. I did not know of all of this until much later after the harms were occurring. This SSA claim was set up by a past president of the AMA who was in with some of my doctors in Philly and could have been a medical president for toxic and chemical injuries and so many could have been helped  if that had been allowed to go forward legally based on its merits as the AFL-CIO said my case already was a precedent one. WHAT HAPPENS TO ONE GIVE S ALL OTHERS EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION, EVEN IN THESE AREAS OF LIFE..
AND THAT WAS DONE SO THAT FECA COULD NOT ADOPT AND GET ME ON PERMANENT DISABILITY FOR WORKERS COMP AND RETIRE. MY CONGRESSMAN AT THE TIME SAID THEY WERE GETTING RID OF ME AS MY WORKERS COMP CASE WAS BLOCKING THE RENEWAL OF THE   MULTI MILLION DOLLAR LEASE ON THE  OFFICE THAT WAS STILL NOT GOOD ENVIRONMENTALLY EVEN AFTER SOME CONSTRUCTION CHANGES MADE . COULD BE RENEWED FOR ANOTHER 10 YEARS AND IF ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OCCURRED AGAINST MY RIGHT TO EVEN LIVE OR HAVE ;LIVELIHOOD SO BE IT ND DEFAME AND DESTROY IN THE PROCESS   HAD BECOME WHAT A REAL DEATH PANEL LOOKS LIKE.  I have no choice but to continue on as life is on the line always. My faith teaches me that it is not HIS will for any to doe before their time and that time is not to be taken by evil. One does not have to have a faith to understand the general wisdom of this as our justice system is based on this premise.. All this began through illegal riffling of my  files to make it look as if I did not return to work in 1990 and that is paramount in all of this. As no interruption of medical care or income would have occurred in all of this. But it came from the highest levels and they can decide that there should be no criminal investigation of themselves as the OIG system has been so broken for way too long.

The unresolved premium issues is because a  contractor does not have the authority,  training or access to a process to address. and I filed a hearing, but others must have still been left with IRS saying they had a six figure income as they had not filed their own real returns as Doyle and I always do even though not required to as most seniors are not. either.



                                      EXHIBIT 8

6/9/11 reconsideration/reopening request -8/09 hearing not yet done -sent to Durant Field office SSA 

                                      EXHIBIT 9

 [to be continued] Typed 26 page SSA 795 "Statement of Claimant" signed recap of all that had  been going  on and what all was needing to be done and answered on the case including all the Medicare waivers SSA 632 for "against equity and good conscience" where no personal financial info ifs filed. plus those on Doyle as he was not grandfathered in for special help on Part D Medicare and online instructions which are very little but local office say they do not have any more either;. says he was to have been.  for our Medicare over payments and not being able to  get them labeled as conditional payments as the primary's , all managed by ACS et al ; are refusing to pay and  asking system to be hacked to do so and its been done repeatedly bi weekly to this day on myself and dependents on my Federal  Blue Cross/Blue Shield who have Medicare cards also. which is secondary for all of us .

And others appeals  pending along with SSI and Retirement Reconsiderations never done from 2006 and not only the disability decision but all the issues on that back to 8/89 still pending to be answered. in a file that has  had illegal disappearance 9? times now .  and OIG will not investigate these even when its a 26 year pattern of illegal activity in all agencies and contractors which  have any parts of this. )*

we reserve the right to    submit addit'l supporting documents before or if issues come up during the hearing.

      ( We had to sent this in  to the judge  due to time constraints, but we did continue to fax documents relating to the matters   we found out were in the haring being held. It took a few weeks to find out what hearing was even being held as so many have been [ending at SSA, Medicare Miami Medicare office and here we got a letter form Irvine California hearing office for Medicare .. And all chief judges staff in  DC said that these premiums issues belonged to SSA as GPO and other entitlement issues were involved.. NO ONE? HAS ANY CLEAR GUIDELINES OF WHO DOES WHAT.

    SSA has a tremendous backlog of disability cases to hear and  I THINK THAT ALL NON DISABILITY CASES COULD BE SENT TO ONE OFFICE TO DEAL WITH ALL THE OTHER ISSUES.  AND MEDICARE NEEDS TO KEEP THE ONES THAT PERTAIN TO PAYMENTS ON CLAIMS.  This chaos creates a perfect breeding ground for corruption to occur, especially in the contractors who have no oversight of anything  and a few have fallen into it.

But, I have witnesses a real disconnect occur over the years that has gotten worse after Social Security and Medicare were split into two agencies. And this shows just how interconnected the programs are. Maybe its time to  reconnect? Along with needed  training and access to records that any government employee at SSA is to have access to  though security clearances and have gradually been denied access to even do the jobs as they are to do them. the second split from HHS must have caused that to occur even worse. There was 'talk'  25 years ago that with the new systems and being able to file for benefits on line that there would be no need for SSA offices or many employees anymore. I THINK THE OPPOSITE HAS BEEN REVEALED. )*


 I am really exhausted to night and so much to be done yet. My family all has so many things they need to do in their own lives to have to be burdened fighting ignorance and corruption that  is allowed to group from it.  THIS CREATED CHAOS HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL AS THOSE  WE THE PEOPLE. HAVE PUT IN CHARGE AND APPOINTED OTHERS TO HELP CANNOT BE THAT IGNORANT AND UNTRAINED.? And if my sharing helps any from resorting to any kind if illegal acts, then I will continue as following what We have had to do, may help others having to sort through the same 'created chaos' as those in charge we contact do not have the answers either any more and do not know where  to find them . and they too often  vent  their frustrations against those of us just trying to figure it out and file the right papers, etc. to get justice and fairness and preserve our life and livelihoods. 'They seem to be in great fear of even trying to find out themselves and that is a government I did not go to work for in 6/68 either. And Congress over saw it all very  closely so it did not devolve into the chaotic mess we now have and our files show how bad it is. Pray  or think good thoughts for justice for all.

Linda Joy Adams 9/4/15


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