
Saturday, September 12, 2015

: Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/12/15: COVER PAGE FOR APPEAL SUBMISSIONS FROM MEDICARE HEARING CASE 1-3225833488 and SSA and notice to all parties and Time needed.: President Obama born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 9/10/15: Reedited Letter linked + JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES- SSA OR MEDICARE?: President Obama born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks This is a series of links backwards of an actual submission for appeal and already submitted items to  recent Medicare hearing where the judge was sent several pending matters but for some unknown  yet order could only rule on a matter that had already been resolved. yet the total amount in question from our written and oral submissions and  those assigned to him were well over the $100 limit for a Medicare hearing and well over $ 1000.00 for  highest appellate levels.

              Crucial issues  were not ruled on and are still pending along with many others.

Penalties on Part B premiums still exist that should not be  and well over $1000/. Paying double is also not resolved. will over the $1000 limit and well over $10,000 and the total on all the 17 Medicare numbers created and used to steal in my name is about 4 million dollars  and  currently amounts in question grows monthly and each time a  Medicare claim is paid  on me or  the others on my  Employer group health policy making Medicare pay primary when the law, etc and official posting says they are not..   The 4 million was put on  the form for the hearing itself. and  all these money amount issues all raised for the phone hearing on 8/5/15.

  So the dollar amount  only applied to the narrow matter of enhanced IRA on premiums that thanks to the efforts of the IRS officials and contractors got resolved  months ago. to $0 and have nothing to date that says why the judge was only allowed to rule on that matter alone when he was sent all the rest of the issues, even though not all the files and documents that went with the rest. even SSA matters got sent to him,
  The  8/09 hearing.  was split between  Medicare  AND  SSA and that is only a small part of the many hearings pending. Someone did attempt to pull together all those where some part  did pertain to the medicare premiums issues and send to him in this for a hearing and why he was not permitted to hear all and resolve it is unknown to us. We asked and did not receive. an answer.  We would still like to have the separate order to the judge that was not part of the file and any other orders we were not made aware of.  there is no legal reasons we are not privy to all.
 My years of experience,  since 6/68, with hearings as as an employee of SSA and we used to be over Medicare: was that judges had authority to rule on any issue pertaining to the  party's cases in the agency  and bring them into the hearing or remand them to others to take care. of.
 Others in the agency now seem to  think that is still the process. But the process seem to be not well known by some . What he was sent have had no  hearing or decisions made on them for the Medicare part. and SSA has down nothing either to resolve issues there or hold a hearing. and request they do so  also.
 So  the  Commissioner of SSA and  the Secretary of the US Department of Labor   as well as the Director of the Office of Personnel Management are also begged to over see that things are made right in these matters that have  gone on for way too long when life and livelihood is having to be struggled for. an if some are identified  as committing crimes against our files, data or us , then I beg for the US Justice Department to take needed action there as real harm  has occurred  and is still occurring in many ways.,




                                 Linda Joy Adams represented by non attorney representative and form 1696 in file. Doyle E Adams.

There is an attorney involved with FECA and Third party law suit  who is kept notified and mentoring occurs.. But for years, Linda has been pro se with him as attorney of record on FECA matters .  He is listed in the long name of parties to receive notification and why we need time to get every one notified and all the  files pulled back together that seem to have gone missing or separated among multiple agencies. so that none seem to have any clear defined order of why the rank and file workers should be dong on cases. And in some cases  contractors are given items to do they have neither  the training nor authority  to do nor access to files and records to do  what they might be able to resolve..

And the Medicare judge was restricted from doing his full job and this  should have not occurred as far as any one knows of.

This is not a traditional type of appeal submission but has  passed legal muster in many rulings ,etc. and its legally filed and signed and submitted by mail, paper  fax or fed ex etc.    Persistent and continual follow ups have been done over the years on all matters  so that all matters are open for processing and legally filed and  in the custody of the parties, even if its not still physically there or on systems available to each. "Disappearing things does not make them go away for the struggle for life and  constitutional rights goes on.

                                               THIS IS AN INVOCATION OF THE TERI SCHIAVO LAW FOR EXPEDITED ACTIONS AS LIFE THREATENING SITUATION IS IN PLACE. AS NO OXYGEN SUPPLIER IS AVAILABLE DUE TO ALL THAT HAS GONE ON EXPLAINED IN THE SUBMISSIONS.  AS WELL AS OTHER MEDICAL CARE OBSTRUCTED OVER ALL. Plus real financial hardships created.  I  made a sufficient salary that should have ended with enough to live on modestly in retirement  without struggle . Neither has occurred and I can not even legally  retire as all tied to the right to live that got interrupted  by illegal acts toward self and government file.and data. that turning over to a contractor did not solve or resolve or restore.  It ended with no official file posted to even access  for context. etc.  The rifling of files had already been a pattern over the years, but always judges got obeyed as those who got the judges orders, did follow them and reconstruct files, process and pay items, etc.  For me, that process of restoration ended with ACS taking over and should not have occurred. and certainly was not what was  said to be the intent of  having them take over responsibility for security. for they have not yet posted my file in a way to be worked to even secure. .

                               Please do not forget that all the many  issues  raised have resulted from criminal acts and shill games played with files at US Dept  of Labor and other agencies where attempts to resolve  the Federal workers compensation issues were blocked from those processes or filings or  claims being used by FECA to adopt and use to resolve matters with them.,.etc.

Although no one was arrested,   the US Department of Labor took direct and drastic action and contracted out the security of all files to Affiliated Computer Services. But  the victim, Linda Joy Adams and her family who were also affected through that, never has had benefits and rights restored before the  illegal actions occurred. And the struggle for life and livelihood has gone on due to this inaction that should have been done. Our opinion is that the one(s) involved in the initial illegal acts were  and may still  be on duty to continue to create havoc, and  contribute to "gossip and rumor running amok to be considered as the truth and facts. Even if they have retired , their actions live on and continue the problems for all .

                                                    HR 1063 being enforced could help the restoration so that nearly all of the appeals at every level would not have been needed that are pending or still having to be filed.

All alterations of systems would be stopped too. You are making things worse .

                                    We are sending  each what is needed  to start the official  filing process and are asking for each agency to assist  in some restoration of rights to before the illegal acts began to cause such loss of rights for the victim. You have access to sysems records to stream line things. And let us know what else is needed of your records do not go back enough years.  for matters stil legally pending and not yet resolved.

          We need additional time and of course it is going to be a tremendous work load for all. for my medical conditions limit me as to how much can be done daily.  But its all a lot  in all agencies that has been created by  these maters not taken care of through the years in a timely fashion by those  on duty When life , itself is at stake, there is no way to 'give up.' as  Choosing to live is my choice.
. Plus also much more  has piled up undone, in recent years do to no restoration of rights  of awarded benefits and continued process of matters that has been delayed for years and 38 federal agency judges  have ruled , in multiple agencies now  about things yet to be done. Yet without a file set up for access and action at the Federal Workers  Compensation  contractor, nothing cam be done.
        My assigned FECA  claims examiner  does not even have access to their own judges rulings, nor the files to even known the context of any such or what all needs to be done yet both currently past or future as has been  summarized in this filing.n Nor of current reconsiderations pending either as all need to stop ruling or making decisions on things with out access to files. by taking someone else;s word for things who may not  really know or may be misleading you.
And the Labor judges ruled in 2/09 to ask me for the facts of the case as they said its well documented that no one seems to know much of  what is going one.  The claims examiner who sent me a follow up on the schedule  award and permanent disability  request filed in 1996,  in 2009 at the  Dallas FECA office has retired and so have others that were familiar with my cases. in many agencies.  restoration seems to turn back the clock to 1996, when the process of working through  the back log back to 1989 had begun in earnest in the Dallas office.

                         Today, I received  some write backs from Affiliated Computer Services and all cannot access these if the official file not up ether which should have at least be able  to keep together  items belong in together and submitted for such ; be left together.  Systems can greatly help in that matter. .  they ,  ACS is  now acknowledging they have a few of the paid oxygen invoices  submitted,. Before , they have always been ignored. However all the various  parts have been separated and they wrote back referred to matters that were clearly on the forms they sent back a copy of.  In the past i would never know what was being sent back on  the matter such as other bills. But never anything paid for and appeals not answered either to this day as there is NO APPEAL PROCESS ON BILLS OR TRAVEL VOUCHER ITEMS. and that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
I PLEAD WITH PRESIDENT LYNN BLODGETT of Xerox Management Services of which ACS is a company. who is being sent this also as he  holds the power to resolve much of these matters. in an instant as his word hold great power and is obeyed by those who say they have  followed with out question. .....

to look into the process at  his company  to find out why the prescriptions  and medical necessity forms as well as paid invoices that clearly show the company providing the liquid oxygen  was separated  from the  US Dept of Labor claim forms that were completed on on each item  and the travel vouchers also. for each. . These were  missing from the write backs. and have been filed. Thanks for them not saying anything was not timely filed . as we  were in the process of again refiling everything back go when last paid for  and is only a follow up for the original filing. that was submitted timely. We got interrupted from the repeated follow up  for this Medicare hearing. if you have all of these somewhere, could you process them  for all the years, without us having to resubmit everything again.  An all the other things to be done and paid and processed. And since liquid oxygen is the under pinning issue, I am  on permanently  by FECA, then all bills should be processed and paid or health plans reimbursed, etc.  I am told you have access to various systems from them  and pharmacies etc.m to streamline all of this, too.

Also there are many  parties to be paid  and I am  to be reimbursed   on things and no time limits on those as they have all been  pending , some as far back as 1989. Plus appeals filed that have never been answered as my claims examiner has no knowledge of even being filed as no access to the records. There is a breakdown of the process of things getting separated for some reason. and security is needed on things before they get on the system , too.

 In no way has this resolved anything, as these are the types of write backs that have been received over and over since ACS took over  on no oxygen items.  No checks were received. And the write backs are confusing as  checked are items  already  on the forms which had  typed  in entries. Maybe you could find out  what is going  on with this process and thank  you in advance for making things better for myself and all of us and am looking foreword to  restoration of rights. I pray some are not 'playing games with my files, if so please  see to it, it is stopped.?

                 But until this occurs we have to continue the process of appeals and pleadings as the right to even breathe is  tenuous in this situation  .  and not all involved seem to understand that this is a result of a crime ,, where the US Department  of labor did send an investigator and drastic action taking to provide security on every one's files and contract out the security. But my files have yet to be posted and secured. and was left in an ever worse situation to struggle for life and livelihood and have family members caught in all of this too as two on my Federal Blue policy  now have Medicare cards
When Lincare pulls in my yard and again delivers liquid oxygen as they did before the illegal interruption, and being fully paid as they are  approved to be  for life on  all  my health plan's but  its Federal workers  compensation for life, then that will be the first indication that some resolution is occurring.  It was your employees words that caused them to stop coming, and it will take your company;s assurances of future timely payment as  well as payment of all the back invoices, I provided to protect their filing date as your employees convinced them not to even file claims. anywhere. As well as the same thing occurred with RHEMA   before that is expected to occur.
 And all the rest to be done. which should occur in some form of logical , systematic process.  that almost began to  occur in 1/07  under the orders of the Director of Federal Workers Compensation. and got interrupted again. as it got interrupted in 2005 when the former Sec of Labor and her  staff made arrangements to get it done and it got interrupted.
 This seems  to indicate   that highest levels of management need to over see that all is done and if some come to light as causing  these interruptions  by illegal acts them the justice system needs to  deal with them. as we can all attest to the hardships and harm and spending of out monies as well as the taxpayers of this havoc and chaos and appeals, etc that have had to be done for life and livelihoods for the victim and family.

Thanks in advance for all that may have some part to play in all of this.    As one of faith , I pray to Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus for all to be done. Others  of other faiths or no faith we ask for your prayers and good thoughts in the matter and actions to be taken to move the process along and make the processes better so no one else ever goes through what I and my family have endured. and still endure. It is a beginning to a good conclusion if the beginning can be  start.

Linda Joy Adams 9/14/15


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