
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Daily Recap 1/11/14: Linda Joy Adams: violations of civil rights page 30: DOL,HHS,DOJ,OPM new documents not mailed or faxed: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Linda Joy Adams: violations of civil rights page 30: DOL,HHS,DOJ,OPM new documents not mailed or faxed Click the link to a new update sent to the US Dept of Labor contractor ACS-Xerox  as US dept of LAbor not allowed to see my file, etc. until they permit it.
 THIS IS A LIST OF  OBSTRUCTIONS AND ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES THAT HAS BROUGHT OUR CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEMS IN PLACE TO A HALT.   And my personal list is said to be too common place for too many sme of who have already died as a result. .
   Back on 1/10/89 when over come wth a toxc cloud   we were  90 employees of the Social Securuty Teleservce Center 9TH Floor Jersery City NJ . In a building owned by Hartz Mountain  Indiestres and charged  rental of over a million dollars a year and later we learned did not meet local, state or federal inspection requirements for us  to be in . Yet, no one has ever been criminally  investigiated nor prosecuted. and deaths have occurred. and will from injruies susutained back in 1/89. As I've wtten many times before, the path to 9/11/01 began in that office in the Summer  of 1988whenHHS  OIG let us down big time in the USA. when AlQuedawas allwedaccess to all our personal financial records of those who had an SSN at the time. 
   In 1997, Congressman  Dan Burton had my file as an example of where the waeknesses  in the law had already casued much harm and loss  of rights due to corruption already rampant. The kind of case needed as an example of what Congress can and needs to do..Work never got completed in trying to remove Pres Clinton from office., but not over govt corruption, Nor have there been removal  attempts  against  any other. Its not easy to explain the impact and far reacing effect sof this kind of HIGH CRIME. And investigatoins may lead to other than a President who does not want to go to jail and holds  great power to obstruct.  
 Since then , the system has gotten increasingly wore and life threatening  for me. . Now, no one is allowed to have my  file  at US Dept of Labor until Affiliated Computer Services - a Xerox compnay now;says they can, Except.  as far as I know the appellate judges have wisely chosen not to contract out control of files as  one can still fax/ reconstruct dierecty with  them. BUT as soon as a deciosn made or ordres to remand given  all goes right back to  ACS-Xerox first and even the judges orders have repeatedly disppeared.
    One month, my family spent so much tme faxing, our long diatance carrier, with a flat rate  for  any time, insisted we we had to be  running a business and took a lot to convince them we were only reconstructing  illegally misising   personal govt files of mine.   Even calling the police in ther attempts and we were able to convince them what they were sending and asked they file a report agaomst  the federal govt contractor. as they said the feds had to take it an they have it over and over and do nothing . .
 Personal govt fliings are pretty self explanatory. . I have written about this also on line, But the files diappeared inside ACS , again.
   My medical documentation  is solid and voluminous and much is directly against HHS Sec Donna Shalala who ordered my physical  torture and EEOC sanctioned her for it. Its s good all this past documentation was done on a progressive diesease , occupatonal asthma, etc  and  the secondary/tertirary issues which usually  go along with it.  was done. as Medicare is not good abouut allowomg  of these diagnositic type tests be run and does not cover ome  of the treatments  for it. / ITS WHY THE OBSTRUCTION OF MEDICAL TREATMENT IS VERY REAL. .
Fed Blues does better as my employer group health plan,  but do to the obstruction they are not allowed to make decisions for care first.  They will not pay first as CEO Lynn Blodgett and ACS et al... is the final authority and not any federal  appellate judge in any agency and as their orders  disappear  and no one  can OK medical care or pay.
   Even past bills mixed in unpaid with paid ones over this mess, can't  get processed and paid either. ; That means Lincare and Rhema the only liquid oxygen suppliers in my area now cannot even sell me an empty tank or supplies let along fill the tanks and bill and get paid. Their  past claims are in the total pending being hidden  from all by ACS as being there.  They were both denied the right to file a claim by Palmetto GBA, Medicare.they said and why I   I filed a protective filing for them  with ACS, Fed Blues and Medicare. and not processed yet. 
    The hearing and appellatte judges at Medicare did not exclude them  for payment in affirming  the  medical  necessity need for  liquid oxygen as approved for life  when they ruled they could not enforce the suspended 1980's  Conditional payment law as another Sec of HHS has to set aside what  Former Sec of HHS Donna Shalala did to let the heath ins indsutry 'police itself. They ruled that the claims  Medicare did pay from All About Mobiity which  Medicare Secondary Recovery Unit had sent out ignored recovery letters  to ACS 's address, addressd to US Dept of Labor couldn't be recouped by the govt due to the suspension. Its impossible for patient  to do so. and why the orignal law was passed and often the Office of Inspector General would get involved in the enforcement as it too often  some kind of crimninal  activity occurs just as  with my files and against me. and now my fmily is affected for those who have a medicare card and on my Fed Blues.
   HHS OIG  employees were  'ready to go' after   HR 1063 was signed into law 1/11/13.  but it has not been implemetned and its been 20  years since any such  compliance has been done  and many throughout the health care system have no idea this could solve a lot of the issues they are dealing with. i n trying to get paid the highest amount they are due and from the legally correct source. And provide the best care possible for the patients.   The 'ripple 'effect permeates all of health care and that 1994 suspension  put us on  a  direct path to the collapse of our health care system overall.  Its needed now even more  with adding  all 350 millon under federal regulation. for their health care. Its a pwerful law and when carried out constituionally protects the integrity of the system  and time better spent on patients getting the best care modern science can provide.
    Lincare and Rhema claims  have not  processed since I got a medicare card  either as they need them to complete the claim. Fed Blues did pay until  ILL Blues (HCA) took over after 9/11/01 and said Medicare had  to pay first and jeopardized my life at that time. Each time, my  heart has not recovered from before the  incident.  I have not egained the health I did have before  7/13 when I spent a month wiithout  the full prescribed amount of oxygen unitl a  party gave some tips about laying the tank done and letting liquid run to the top etc. Also using Gorilla tape and Krazy glue, etc. Only a tempoary fix at best. 
 CEO LYNN BLODGETT has verbally told govt officials  'notihng to do on my file' and  no one is allowed to see  files in multiple agencies to dispute him and most don't even have the files for them to see as they are?  JUSTICE HAS DISAPPEARED!
  . This  impasse with ACS  has been going on since 9/11/01. In 2005, Sec of Labor Elaine Chaoo's staff made arrangements for us to fax the file to ACS in Tallahasse and use their 1-800 number. They boxed up the files and  had to send them  to London Ky to post  before they paid anything. That reconstruiction  disappeared, too So to just start faxing is not going to accomplsh anything,  either as that has been tried, too. Neither is spending thousands of dollars   copyng and certifed mail either, as we alrady have done so to over the years.  Ther needs to be an  agreement for this  obstructon to cease. and full cooepraton complied with.
   I even suggested, as long ss the currnt needs were met to work  through the past back log chronologically  which seems  the best legal sense  on a progressive disease and I would wait until the total was done to file any reoconsideration or  appeal on any item we were  not in agreement on.
I do understand how it  all  is to work since I spent years   doing  something  since 1968 on cliams at SSA.
My displeasure  has been this has not benn occuring at all since ACS too over and spasmodically since 1/10/89
  In 2005, Senator Inhofe intervened and the Dallas Regional ofice in Dallas used some kind of off line system and they  about $10,000 on some old claims from the the  90's but nothng was itemized with  service date and amount nad what for  and niothing about the oxygen or current matters. Somehow part of what we had faxed was shared with them from Talalhasse bypassing  London Ky.  where nothing of mine gets through to be posted>  I talked to them and they had strict orders to not post my file at all and the Sec of Labor wasn' t there ultimate boss? All filings have to go to London Ky ACS office and who is the decider of fact on my case?  nOt the judges as they are defied , too. 
Then Sen Inhofe's  staff said there was criminla  activity ongiong  and as such could not intervene any more. But no law enforceent has done anything to stop the crimes  either Nor HELP THIS CRIME VICTIM , ME. Abandonment of one who only went to work one day and was doing my job.. .injujed due to others not doing theirs.
   In 2006+, the Director of Federal  Workers  comp found  four of many boxes sent multiple times  of my workers comp file. He sent them to my claims examiner in the Dallas regional offfice  and we were starting  to work through this hodge podge mess. created by  W/C constantly  procesisng, pay some  and then paper files would disappear unitl we finally went through some appeals unitl it woudl b get remanded back and we would  start all over again. .Crime reprots filed and noting ever done to stop it.  All that seemd to end  for a while   19  years  when  I was put on   liquid oxygen for life and the 1988 law and its processes?  were done to stop the abuses to preseve my life.
  The computer system  has a security lock on it the  IT dept at US Dept of Labor said and  they are   proud of  it to protect the rights and life of injured federal workers who have  been given  permanent medical benefrits  before any permanaent disability is  awarded.  My request has been  pending since 1996 and in 2009 a  claims examiner in Dallas was  abuut to retire and knew my situation sent me a letter referring to it still pending . and needed  everything  resubmitted.  I Tried to no avail. as ACS would not cooperatre.
So the law is desinged to o stop any further abuses of power that could well end my  life . and Medicare's  govt contractor gets that  official posting to their system to share with those providng medcial care so they know whom to bill  and then the sysytem collapses again. Medciare coordination of Benefts has neve been abe to alter the  Fed eWorkers comp benefits as a primary   and have never been able to alter the Fed workers comp as a primary so all have to call and get he bad info from ACS since late 2001... They post Federal Blue Cross/ Blue Shield as other primary and employed ststus as sytem is programmed and secured to not alter that until ther eis a permanent disability  paid and that would  be after a  schedule award. is entred for settllememt for loss of body ar use.  Interal organs are a 'negotioaed amount and NO SUCH HAS EVER OCCURRED though pending since 1996.
  Both Medicare and Dept of Labor have conracts with MCOB and they are not to alter the postings  at all yet they do and for my family  members on the Fed Blues who have medicare secondary to it Fed Blues gets their info from  OPM 's contractor  ACS, et al and either deleting the Blues as they have done since 1/12 or  changing it to second to Medicare  THROWS OUR RIGHT TO HEALTH  CARE IN TOTAL CHAOS. . As often when 'flipped' they would post as if its a Medicare supplement and claims  don;t  even get sent the correct place for some time. This is the chaos everyones life s being entrusted to now.  HR 1063 ends this, for those who are not understanding what the law does for all. Please ask for it to get implemented.
 We have a right to know what our health care is and its not to be altered in any way without due process. That means a formal letter  and appeal rights etc. . .
                                   THEN I MOVED TO DALLAS REGION  and  so did my file. in 12/96.
 But after a couple of years, the  files again  got riffled and abuses started up again  A crimnal investigation did occur and my attorney and I talked with the investigator from  Washington,  DC. He told us that the crimes were so overwhelming in that office .When we moved the Philadelphia  office did not seem to be haing problems  as had occurred before and had no idea moving was going to end up like this. When my doctors said I was never going to be able to return  to any kind of work ever, they  signed and I filed  and we moved ot where we planned to retire and we have  now lived her longer than any plae either of  us ever had in our lives.
 The  response to correct the criminal mess  was  that no one at US Dept of Labor could be trusted with  files and it all got contracted out to ACS. No one was ever prosecuted or what they had done..I have done criminal investigitions and know they could d have been caught. We even had a confession.but itwas from a very high official in the region who could order to do or not to do a criminal investigiton. A weakness in place for decades now and contributes to the overall corrpution climate in areas where it is occurriing.
What we now have had is no semblance of any kind dof oversight since Affiliated Computer Servces took over after 9/11/01.   They are now owned by Xerox and control mulitple agencies federal and state and local and has subsidiiaries and other interlocking corporations and contractors not only in the USA but in many nations added often. .  with no discernable oversight by any one. in USA.
Govt contractors can serve a purpose, but a legal one with legal oversight to ensure eeryone's civil and constitutional rights must be  upheld. THEY ARE NOT FOR ME> and others say its similar for them includng attorney.s so few of them ae willing to get involved at all. making it harder for an injured federal workers to get help presenting their cases in the first place.  My  case has been won and  re won so many times. what more can be done unitl the law has to be obeyed. .
My attorney  knows iI am sending this request and he is of record  for me. But what more can he do but wait for the law to be obeyed. Almost 25 years ago , we first met. He s in NJ so its not possible for him to help on lcoal jurisdictional matters. 
  For me, there is has been 25 yeear an one day of repeated illegal activity against any govt file of mine in multiple agencies persons  in common have access to and agaist my very right to health and life.
Al l the while, I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH WITHOUT HORRIFIC PAIN SINCE 1/10/89.  This is an  invisible type of injury  to others. So many  do not understand  if they choose not to. . THIS  IS WHAT A DEATH PANEL LOOKS LIKE  and its intenal and external corruption gone rampant with undue infiluence r in a legal process  that is to be based on facts  and the law. Medcial billing person  been rampantly lied to  since 2001and  now it affects my fmily members to on my Fed Blues policy.
 Fedewrl Blues is told by ACS, et al therie s no workers comp as OPM contractor so all  they can do is believe ther verbal word. also..
 Those with ACS call center for some time, are aware they don't; have the full truth before them on their screens, but all they can do is tell waht they are told to say or put theei own livelhoods at risk  and there  is nothing they can do to get access to records.  as its all seems to be controlled out of London Ky under CEO Lynn Blodgett although its a Dallas Based company regisetred in Delaware.
 I was told my  SSA employment computer file as well as my pernsnel file disappeared  about a decade ago, too after contractors began to take over there. And repeated Freedom of info requests there result in no answers.
In 1994, Social   Security became independnt of HHS and there is a state of  legal limbo on many items from  that time. I was injured as an HHS  employee as that was who issued our W-2/s  and pay . And my EEOC Sanctions awarded against HHS are legally still pending along with other items and the  civil rights complaints + Hippa which  don't help with govt entities  have bene filed also as  retaliatons A lot of legal lruings needs to be made on all of this as Congress did not stipulate a lot  in many areas, even in those huge bills , if one even  read. ,Much needed  is omitted and leaves us in legal limbo all way round. 
 So all of you out there sayaing Pres Obama is the Anti -Christ,etc, he wans't in office when this  started although it has not been stopped. And  in multiple administrations, tohse few who do try seem to get 'squashed'..  This has been like a progressive disease with no cure.   I have one of those , but have never given up hope that a cure   might be found  some day if not for me for others like me. The obstuctions stop any kind of real study of what works or not for this kind of toxic /chemical injury.
 The cure for corruption  is  to uphold the law and rights of all. .  Like air,a climate of corruption has no boundariies. Multiple presidents have served with little change over all. for me.   Its time  for a few simple laws to be obeyed.: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, THOU SHALT NOT MURDER,  THOU SHALT NOT SPEAK FALSELY.  THOU SHALT NOT COVET ( ABUSE POWER). 
Congressman Dan Burton was right about my case back in 1997 when they were peparing for a jmajor over haul of the govt to reform to  stop wrng doing. . And he surely woudl say its an even better one now with all that has occurred since then.  It is  a micorocosm of every weakness in the law  that has permitted the systems put in place to stop wrongs  to collapse  and uor rights and health,  lives and livelihoods with it.  For me, and others; from day one when the decision  was made to build 2 Journal Square  to now, the system in  place has collapsed for me as well as for almost everyone else.  Its a micorocosm of te total of the ills of the total.  "May justice roll down  like waters" for eah one.
Linda Joy Adams 1/11/2014 ( spell check not working)

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