Various filings against named parties are the same parties in multiple agencies. It seem no agency has any oversight control of their contractors and a handful of abusive high level officials. In some cases, wrong information left behind by prior officials seems to still be passed around as factual information. The appellate judges at the US dept of labor said it best in 2/09: ask me for the facts of the case. So many files are ' missing' and no one seems to have a clue as tho what is occurring. What is happening is my life and livelihood have been and are at constant risk because terms of contracts, the laws and judges are blatantly ignored. And the more time that passes, the bigger the back log of items to be processed so that all my bills are paid by the proper party in the proper amount. ACS won't input 11 years of oxygen claims because they will be paid as they used to be. Politicians are made fun of for mentioning ' death panels.' Isn't this one? When my id and claims info were stolen by a contractor, why wasn't this shut down, or at least some official send me a letter that no liability against me or my estate would exist because the govt itself can't stop thefts by their own contractors , facilitated by Medicare coordination of benefits violating their contracts with CMS, and US Dept of Labor and altering the official filings, which the prior general counsel of OPM and US Dept of Labor officials said was accurate and not to be altered, yet ' everyone' could have it altered to cause harm and theft.
Why has no medical provider/supplier been allowed to know whom to bill for payment in a decade as when they try to find out , the very party that give out the wrong info are stealing, and having the official records altered so they can do so; when there is a legal option that give HHS the authority to straighten this out in a very short time by collections form the primary payers. Instead, HHS officials, ' disappear civil rights complaints, and make fun of me that I want medicare to enforce its own laws and go get the monies back from the responsible parties. How does one 'collect' from another agency's contractor who refuses to carry out the law. Why can't OPM control their own contractors, either?
Where is the protection of my official govt files, and information in the custody of various officials and their contractors? They say, Congress won't let us! But no warnings are given to the contractors to shape up or you lose your contract.
Why the retaliation when I beg and plead for discrimination and disparate treatment to stop so that life and livelihood are in jeopardy.
For 22+ years, since injured, there has been no security on any got file. As soon as the law, judges, hearing officers orders get started to be carried out on a non- controverted, established case; the files disappear. Even EEOC sanctions against HHS were ignored. Now the retaliations are even worse as i beg for justice.
The worse was then trying to wipe out 4 years of my life, when i tried over and over to work at great physical peril to my life which resulted in the EEOC sanctions; so that a billions landlord could renew his lucrative lease on a work site that didn't meet federal firs safety codes from the first day we reported to work in 7/88 and although our life-taking injuries weren't from fire, ho knows what would have happened if locked doors could have been open to provide ventilation? In recent years, more employees have been injured as those responsibility for safety precautions seemed to ignore their duties to oversee those govt contractors. and land lords.
The intentional disappearance of four years of work and medical documentation resulted in loss of wage loss as officials could claims: you never returned to work in 1990, and you shouldn't have any benefits. This has been corrected in appeals numerous times only to have the reviewed documentation- ' disappears ' in the custody of ACS. ACS was given the contract to assure the security of files that wasn't available in the Federal offices. The appellate judges decision of 2/09 affirming that I did return to work in 1990 and setting aside the erroneous decision again, and again made no sense to the dallas regional office who had no idea that was the reason wage loss stopped. Yet the medical benefits never ceased due to a strong law passed in the '90's to prevent this kind of abuse of power putting injured federal workers lives in danger.
over 2 years later, no one has contacted me, except for the new regional office manager, to say her office computer file hadn't been updated since 1998. Why? when ACS is hired to treat everyone equally before the law and post all files, even on the ' older' ones. Others with 'older files' are getting their benefits,aren't they?
ACS , however, could spend OK taxpayers monies to set up $0 balance ATM cards for us when no monthly checks were obviously not due based on an all purpose form filed with our County in order to get a denial letter to prove I couldn't get help to pay part B medicare premiums. and a HIPPAA reaeust to prive that federal official s and contractors had used state monies to cause ' harrassment' based on false reports. As far as I know, they are still getting paid for the last 2 years to maintain them and state monies are still being spent under false pretenses at the behest of the offending parties when the state claims they can do nothing agiastt the fed govt' officials and their contractors.
The same parties, show up in discriminatory and disparate treatment in multiple places. Group Health has the subsidiaries of Medicare coordination of benefits, Medicare secondary payer recovery unit ( they ordered them to not collect after letters were sent to OWCP in '05, 07,08. and none to Fed Blues the other primary for myself and family who are caught up in this in trying to get medical care since qualifying for Medicare. And the fraudulent National Health insurance data base created by offending parties altering what the doctors sent in on claims and used too often for medical histories costing obstruction of even emergency medcial care and placing life in jeopardy more than once as it should be reliable if not for offenses by the parries in charge.
I have gone ' public' and several summaries of events are attached. Every medical service date starts a new round of violations.
My files are as complex and convoluted as the international conglomerates that we have named as offenders.
It appears only Sec of Labor Solis has addressed the issue and publicly encourgaged complaints of civil rights to be filed against their contractors. Medicare's is part of HHS and they don't know where one can file a complaints, although their general counsel has said contractors can be investigated for civil rights violations, then why won't they do so in the Dallas region- which resulted in some high level regional officials being named in the complaints.
No one has gotten back to me and my family is still hauling oxygen tanks to the mfg and we are paying out of pocket so I can live, because of the direct lies and misinformation that has been spewed about and the discriminatory regulations that have created monopoly suppliers. ACS has continually lied to medical providers and inferred that I got some humongous settlement monies to pay everyone and Lincare believed them over me and has created endangerment of life and horrible financiial hardship. Other medcial care is continually thwarted as payment is expected for services supplied within a resonable time.
I have no monies to pay to copy and mail. I've written and met every filing date on time. Only to have files and filings disappear, over and over. I am paying a flat rate for long distance and have a higher speed fax machine. You can't blame me for choosing to live and filing papers everywhere possible for enforcements of laws and jduges' rulings that they can't enforce. If govt contractors are going to run this country then all our elected officials might as well go home along with the civil service and big business will run things for profits and no civil rights will exist for any one of us that find themselves disabled, elderly, or a member of minority group. Only those able to be slaves for profit for the few who amass more and more power and wealth will be allowed to eke out a meager existence at the whim of a few. That's not the Constitutional. rights our forefathers fought so hard to have for all of us. The inalienable right to live has been my foremost goal and that means having the best health care not obstructed and monies awarded paid to provide for myself and family not be constantly interfered with. I tried to work at great peril with promised accommodations ignored and no right to work with the regional disability person to make sure i wasn't at physical risk. The missing medical records how 4 years of one continuous asthma attack with constant derision and ridicule by superiors who only got worse as each co-worker lost their battle for life. In 6/68 I chose to become a civil servant and expected the dignity of the right of life and wages paid as agreed to by law and Congress. This has not occurred.
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UPDATE: 1/11/14 020600326 1/10/89
My requests since 2/2009 to cooperate with CAB judges remand orders for a process (chronological?) to reconstruct from my records as ordered /process/pay/ask me for the facts has yet to be answered. This is a non-controverted,
established case with permanent medical benefits re official records verifeid /upheld by Federal Medicare judge on M09-1406. Their recovery letters have not been complied with either due to CEO Lynn Blodgett et al. who stopped any further ones for other bills to date. ACS Call center agents routinely cause obstruction of medical care as wrong info given in ccnflict with the official records accessed elsewhere.
LIFE ENDANGERED . ACS agents can't see over 14 years of timely filed,pending oxygen claims from three suppiiers and the paid recipts from me since 1/08 when the one Medicare got certified in 48 hours to keep me alive ceased biz and our son gets tank filled at gas co. as LIncare and Rhema told by ACS in 2006,I have a $ millon to pay for care and medically abandoned me to die TO THIS DATE. . I HAVE NEVER GOT ANY SUCH MONEY NOR SETTLEMENT. You put me on oxygen 19 years permanently and permanent medical for all with proceesses of 1988 law done designed to stop further repeated abuses,'disappeared files etc. Only lasted for a while and then ACS took over as the answer. Now I have permanent medical but none who need to know have access to files except ACS until posted nor can access the official record as my claims exainer can't nor can I give them directly to her. Director of FECA tried it in 2006 and they got stopped... Legal rulings made say 'new' means anything filed that has never been processed. Saying "nothing to be done" doesn't meet it and the reason I sent the letters to work out a cooperative effort for 25 years of partially processed items. An illegally disrupted 'mess.'ENDANGERMENT OF MY LIFE. I have a defective tank now and my life could end.Only your suppliers can help. Since 1/08, son hauls tanks to gas co to fill. In 2006, Medicare got another liquid o2 supplier certified in 48 hours but they ceased in 1/08.
A reconsideration filed in the Fall of 2011 has yet to be answered. Other 2011 was and I responded re the 'new' ruling. My Claims examiner says she has no access to know facts nor how to get access to do her job and comply. Files reconstructed for rhe Judges disappear when sent to ACS for posting along with orders. Throughout govt 'gossip' and not facts is rampant. In file, too, the timely filed 'new' 1996 pending reqeust for schedule award so I can get out of this life threatening 'legal limbo'and retire and even my Agency, SSA was told I'd gotten a settlement and retired so buy back of leave, etc. not yet done and someone deleted me from the system so no one knows legally employed as the official US dept of Labor one does since 10/11/94 when transfered to them.#rd Party suit, yuo asked me to file obstructed as My atty needs to konw the total damagaes and that can't occur until the file is fully worked to a legal retirement and its not even known what others might be as 'new CA-1's &2's pending for years on seocndary /tertiary issues.
LIVING should not depend on HR 1063 being implemented to enforce my right to life from you.
Certied mail __________________
Linda Joy Adams 1/11/14
UPDATE: I need a time extension to get the more recent filings submitted. even though the CAB judges have not been obeyed by the contractor for FECA I still pray that he will obey them and even let you see all the work to be done on my non controbered case with permanent medical benefits for 100% total coverage as stated by Lynn Bldogett's own manager said the reason they will not input the liquid oxygen claims since the contractor took over in 2002 under the COUPT OF 2002 when the DOL no longert could know what is going on nor investigate any one criminally who is a act of Congress. FECA put me on home liquid oxygen 22 years ago which is medical treatment standards and that locked me in for the permanent coverage under the 1988 labor law. Since 2002, the contractor has me under the illegal order to 'let her die; as if they input a single oxygen claim the gig would be up. My life is not a gig and you have never seen the collection letters from Medicare or even their judges orders which agree with DOL's My family is now huling 200 lb oxygen tanks to keep me alive due to the order of George Soros who is now claiming the overthrown of the USA was all his doing and Lynn Blodgett's just his hired hand. I only know in writing and verbally that while Lynn Blodgett was lying to several agencies heads, he was withholdeing from you 38 federal agency judges orders including many from DOL that said just the opposite and the last one affirmed that I still had the accepted conditions as of 1/10/89 and did return to work in 1990 and sent back home by FECA in 1994. But no retirement to date as he will not post my files so the request for schedule award and permanent disability is processed that was pending before he took over and still is. THE MONEY SET ASIDE BEFORE 2002 FOR ABOUT 200 OF US DISAPPEARED ABOUT THE TIME HE BOUGHT OUR DEASON but his call centers said it showed I was sent the million dollars. I never got it, Fed Blues and mediocre are managed by Lynn Blodgett also. THIS IS LIFE AND DEATH AND THIS ACTION IS GOING ON ALL OVER NOW AS HE NOW HAS EVERYONE WORKER'S COMP WITH CONTRACTS OF SHELL COMPANIES WITH VARIOUS INSURANCE CARREIS AND NOSUPPLIER CAN AFFORD TO TAKE WORKERS COMP FOR ANY KIND OF OXYGEN AS THE CLAIMS WILL REJECT AS THEY ARE WORKERS COMP. tHE REGIONAL OFFICE CANNOT EVEN SEE THE OFFICIAL US DOL SYSTEM ON ME THAT IS ACCURATE THE MEDICARE JUDGES GOT AND SHOWS STILL OPEN CASE NOT RETIRED AND PERMANENT MEDICAL FROM feca . OXYGEN APPROVAL BY ONE'S WORKERS COMP AND FECA FIRST HAS CREATED A REAL DEATH PANEL AND LIVES LOST AND ENDANGERED OVER IT is being reported. Congress cannot help as they have a gag order not to contact a contractor not mention, not ask one to testify . and DOL is not allowed to do an internal audit to verify the lies that have been spread to cover up major thefts and crimes by this international cabal that George Soros is now claiming he is the mastermind of.Time for the real government to be in charge and as the DOL judges said ask me for the facts as no one else knows and reconstruct my files with mines. There are items judges have referred to that go back as far as 1989 that have been legally pending to be worked and kept alive all this time. LYNN BLODGETT REFUSEs TO OBEY AND 'LET HER DIE' IS HIS ORDER TO ALL. I CHOOSE TO LIVE AND HIS ORDER IS ILLEGAL.! This fight for life began with another riffling of my claims file in the Dallas regional office and the answer for security was to contract out. The riffling made it look as if I did not return to work in 1990 etc. The judges have overcome any excuse , but the permanent medical never ended. Due to hacking of systems I and having issues getting some print outs needed at Medicare and Fed blues as they are all under the DOL contractor also . LINDA JOY Adams 8/26/16
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