
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Daily Recap 2/9/13: $ Million Found?: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

Daily Recap 2/9/13: $ Million Found?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Cold and rainy day and laid in bed propped on pillows blogging and commenting.
Then the mail came and one letter was form Medicare Coordination of Benefits and said that the set aside money for Federal Workers Compensation  was confirmed? WHAT?
 Permanent medical benefits have been posted by weekly from the US Dept of Labor  for over a decade to the Medicare computer that Group Health ( now Emblem international Health ) owns and yet the other insurances are twisted around and changed without regard for legalities on my self and family members on my Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield..Does this mean the Federal workers comp under the control of Affiliated Computers services will not pay all my bills and fully cooperate with medical providers and suppliers and get Lincare paid so they will supply oxygen and will all the New items not processed back to 1989 be done and paid, etc.?
 There is a phone number to call at Group Health in  Ohio Monday. And does this mean all the back bills will be sent to Medicare secondary payer t for recovery from OWCP?
Sounds like Good News, that the computer generated letter is putting things in order, but it could be Bad News as no one will pay anything now? Is Commissars Astrue, my boss at SSA, doing something right on his way out the door?
 I REALLYY DON:T LIKE SATURDAY MAIL DELIVERY! One gets these kinds of govt letters and then one can;t find anything out until Monday what it means.
No word, my attorney was  NOT notified, so that means the records are not in good order. I think this is just a confirmation of the bi weekly posting, but it does give me something in writing to show Fed Blues and Medicare partners to get the claims sent in and to Lincare. So more confusion than anything else until Monday.

Another piece of mail is a doctor now has me in collections and I may soon be losing him over all this illegal activity that I have been unable to stop for over a decade.
 This refers to a set aside: but how do my bills get paid? Will they be sent to Affiliated computer services, or as some have said the money is to be in an account and Federal Blues pays at 100% and then gets the money back form OPM? The same entity claiming for over a decade that there was no OWCP? and their OIG says no authority to investigate an embezzlement ring opperating?  for years and staeling the set aside money of a million dollars a head on serioulsy injured federal employees? And what about the wage loss and al they other things not done and needing to be done not his for way too long?
 In some ways it was a good thing Doyle and I did not spend our valuable time and what energy we have to process paperwork, etc. when something else has been initiated.
No one has given me much credit HR 1063 passed, but the Congressman Thomas who introduced it 2 years, ago, I did speak to and sent him volumes of documentation via Fax.Maybe someone in Congress does realize that even the mighty need to pay back the govt and quit their game playing and shenanigans to 'botrrow' form the govt an never pay it back which most of us call theft and assault when it does bodyly harm by obstructing medical care. Plus I have found some e mails addresses of various parties inside US dept of Labo rand others that I have added to the list that gets these postings. So as I and others pray for something to break open for the better, maybe someone did do something to move things along.
 But the celebration will come when the bills are paid and the monies awarded are in the bank. With 24 years of files to reconstruct at US Dept of Labor; and inside ACS, there is a lot of work ahead to work through to get things paid and entities paid back  like medicare and there are those secodanry adn tertiary mecdical issues that without proper medical care can end lfe and it has to be legally determined who is the legal payer on those.  No one should think its just current bills, as its not. Too many are owed too much.
One can only go by faith and repay that the one thata can do something does do it.
Most do not realize that in his world of health care to day,once one is injured whe some other entity is legally liable, then one is caught in a system up against the highest and wealthiest and powerful and are to stay alive and work their way through the maze of documentation, paper work complaints and anything and everything that is suppose to work and hasn;[' in this govt and system for decades.
My teennage dream was to have a TV show for children. Although it would be more than I could do alone, now and certainly not for money; through the Internet this could be possible.Maybe  the letter is Good News and things  will work out and a group  project, I can be a small part of; without ads for products parents can't afford and something wholesome and good and fun in an era when so much is ugly and scary and destructive and down right immoral can be created..
 But I will be one to be glad to see Saturday mail delivery end. Too many of these kinds of letters have arrived on Saturday.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS;  Not much new in the birther movement and more attention is being placed on exactly what is being signed by the President and what Congress is doing. May this continue. Even Judicial Watch has come out with a list of what Congress needs to get done. Its a lot and we can turn this nations around.  My prayers go out to those in the NE Blizzard I've read is being called NEMO?.
"He shall hold his Office during the Term of Four Years, and, together with the Vice-President, chosen for the same Term, be elected as follows "
 Politically incorrect for this era , as a woman could legally be president, but we have yet to elect one, or even as VP. Many other nations have a woman leader, but what does that say about the USA?  And there is a time limit when we, the people  can decide if they should remain. In the last century we decided to limit  the president to two terms. Power can become entrenched and that's not always a good thing.  Its the office  not the person. We can  often forget the president and VP are our servants and not our Kings or gods. But we are to respect the offices they hold. And many things we used to hold high respect for, have not been given that due in recent times and it may be  partly responsible  for our the falling into name calling and  hateful things said that never should be said; have bee the result. A govt is the work of all of us and we are all to be participants in it in what ever way we are called to do so. Without all our contributions, we are not a 'whole' nation or a 'sea of nations'.
 May  we never return to an era when children are taught to clean their plates because children are starving in Africa and then go pay our farmers not to grow food because there is too much. Common sense and figuring out better ways to do things has to be found and the answers are going to be there, and they might just not be coming from the Oval office but from from a homeless person in a sheller who has seen the world from the bottom up  instead fo the top down.
 TOMORROW: Clarification: Linda Joy Adams 2/9/13

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