
Friday, February 8, 2013

Daily Recap 2/8/13: One Has Responsibility: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 2/8/13: One Has Responsibility: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
 Beautiful Sunny Day with a nip of cool in the air. Went outside and planted a patch of peas, turnips and some lettuce. Rain expected this weekend so seeds are ready and vatting to grow.
 Doyle and I didn't get much done this afternoon, as he had some  volunteer work duties.
 Up North East weather is a blizzard but down here in Southern Oklahoma, the birds came home early this year and are already building nests. And Yesterday, saw a Butterfly. The world is up side down and so is the weather? 
 Praying that all those that have something to do wiht files and bills and health care wail be led by the Almighty, Yahusha, Yahuah whom most Christians call Christ Jesus to do what is merciful and just.
There is so much chaos and the leadership of this nation has been so corrupted by turning their responsibilities over to unaccountable contractors who seem to be ready for the last step of taking all the money they have skimmed and embezzled from the public treasurers  with  a system put in place so they could not be stopped from stealing as I have tried; with no one willing or able to stop it. The last step of forming a Private company of the world most waealthy and elite and having total control of all our public and personal  data and being able to decide if we live or die by everyone being unable to do anything unless they say so through all the mechanisms set up. Sounds like a Sci Fi Movie, but its real and started in a detailed take over plan back in Dallas in 1983, by a few very elite and wealthy that seemed to have no understanding of the dignity of  all the individuals and seem to not consider themselves accountable to a Deity of of life and love.
 We have a system of government set up by our founders to try and prevent any one or group taking power and control away from the people by having those checks and balances on power that can corrupt/.The system has been broken by too many not taking that personal responsibility to stand up to evil an allowing themselves to be handled and manipulated into dong the Will of powerful humans and not have the Freedom of the soul that a deity of life and love freely gives us- the will to choose good over bad.
 The latest being surfaced around came out of some testimony that President Obama was absent during Benghazi.
Who knows what occurred. But when one is so high up, they often only know what those around that leader tell them. When one is never told the truth of their origins they can allow themselves to be a person allowing themselves to be manipulated. Its not an easy thing to over come to break into freedom when one does not know the truth. One has to reconcile themselves to caring and forgiving those who have not told the truth and make some kind of reasoned understanding of why. Sometimes the reasons are very real and have some validity to at least the lived ones that did not tell. But there comes a time when the truth has to be told and faced  and one should not be miiddle aged and be finding out  in a position of high leadership. Its a difficult thing for any one, and it has happened and does happen all to often our society for many reasons.
 In the case of the President there were real and very valid fears, some of the dangers I am just beginning to fathom myself in a family with so many powerful leaders of the world in current and past times.Many Blessings as well as curses , if one wishes to speak of it that way, come with the birth, even if one is not told, its in the people, its in the  way they react and teach their children in general. And if they, have not come to terms with all the things that have occurred both good and bad, then one will not have the freedom of the soul to be their own person in relationship to the Divine Good. What Christians refer to as 'walking in the Holy Spirit..'
One should always pray for those in highest leadership that they will be surrounded and protected by the good and no matter how some say hateful thigns to keep focused on being a servant  leader with a heart of mercy and justice for all and asking questions of the experts in fields that one must make decisions on.

 My Dad often said that a good leader is one that few ever hear anything said about,, who picks good advisors and listenss to them. He died in 1989, before the Internet or cable teleevision with 24/7 news cycles. Even the leader with the best heart and motives is going to have things said, as there are too many with diverse agendas trying to control and maniuplate and wanting this or that be paid for from the public treasury. The most wealthy  often really did not acquire their monies all by themselves., often they have gotten the most from the public treasury in one form or another. And we, th people worked and bought the products and services, for without us, there wuld be no wealth to attain.  Freedom and Justice motivate me, for if all have justice and freedom, then I and my family will also.Its the basic steps toward world Peace  almost all want and our leaders seem to not understand how to achieve.Without our participation, its not possible.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE ii section 1: ( phrase by phrase analysis)
"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America"
We have no King with absolute authoriity. The top job is called an executive job. One of the spiritual gifts referred to by Paul in his letters to the Ephesians 4: 11 in the New Testament of the Bible is the gift of administration. There is none listed for politician nor of King or one of abolute authority like a god. A lot of implications in just one word. Our founders did understand the principles of the Torah and of the teachings of Christ very well. The Ten Commandments which I have been reposting and analyzed first a few months ago, discusses that the Ten Commandments is not just a religious document , its a revolutionary way for ancient worlds, and today; to how a government should be run and no  one is to be considered a god, or diivne but a human with temptations and  understand that he or she is the servant of the people and has a repsonsibility given to  see many things are carried out for the general welfare of all. The gift of administration implies an ability to find Good advisers and staff ( or Cabinet) who can assiat in carrying out the duties of govt with the people having u influence over the best way to do things. They do have dignity and to be respected and there is an accountability to a deity or if on has no belief in such at least to humanity as a whole and to history to  be a person motivated by justice, caring and love for one another./
Abuse of power is listed last as implied in the Tenth commandment against coveting which has a deeper meaning in ancient time than just desire or greed, its was the abuse of power to be that dictator with divine authority as if they were a god.
Our founders had know too many of thee leaders with total authority  that have abused their power to know that all humass have to be subject to some rules of behavior and there as to be some way or system to put checks of those and that's why the Constitution is one of the bets faith documents ever written for its applies those philosophies of a Faith that understands the frailties off humans to be tempted to do wrong things, and the higher the position one has or  the more wealth a perosn has the more they can fall to those temptations. The person that can lose, besides the rest of us, is the one at the top being in danger of losing their own soul. and all of us are  part of the govt to help that person not lose it as we are part and parcel of the process and can help through constructive criticisms when warranted and thanks and suggestions when things are going well.
8 Billion human minds with the power of love and mercy and justice can figure out how to live in this universe by coexisting and not giving up our individual dignities and freedoms. We don't have to agree, nor even like each other, but we do need to love one another so that we can co exist in Peace. And those who have a Faith, know that there is Divine help to accomplish this without death and destruction .
TOMORROW: Accountability: Linda Joy Adams 2/8/13

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