
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daily Recap 2/6/13: Astrologers Pointing Fingers, too: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap /6/13: Astrologers Pointing Fingers: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
 Dreary  Misty day this Am but finally the Sun came out and I came out of the house and went to the garden and sat down and planted some radishes, carrots beets and small Finger carrots. Soil is in such good shape in the garden area and its really pleasant. Unseasonably warm and I am wondering if we will get another  hard freeze. If we do , what's l planted is supposed to take some freezing and we have some big plastic sheets, so will watch the weather people forecasts, but so far in the last few months we are a few degrees warmer in our yard than what the officials say we are.
Loved one had some health appts and unless Novatis has got everyone trained as to how to send in a conditional payment there will be more appeals and paperwork to file in a few months after  the first round of claims filed. But at least no new matters to attend to came in the mail today  to add to the high stack of items we have not gotten to due to one being sick and then the other.Thanks for the prayers for Doyle, it seems a little better but there are still some outpatient tests doctors want to run just to make sure about some related matters. Personally, from all my experience around the health care system over the years as patient and working with the programs in the govt,the chaos and confusion and corruption inside the govt and their partners has created real death panels and often its the doctors that bear the brunt of the corrupted ones wrath. Unconscionable that the govt has given up authority to such an entity tat is not concerned about welfare of the general public which is unconstitutional. Commentators bemoan the fact we spend more on health Care and get poor results for the money spent. Its simple, the money isn't going for direct care when CEO's of the industrial military complex is running health care through all their interlocked companies.
 How can saving ones life be a for profit motivator, its just too easy to skim and when the govt has no real oversite, start stealing as has occurred and is documented but the govt will not investigate  nor stop it claiming Congress won't let. them?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: The shock is beginning to wear off for some Republican strategists as to how Pres Obama won. I wot about my opinion here, back   on 11/5/12. How is any one going to win when they ignored the principles of compassion for other  and presented a cold aura, then the treatment of Rep Ron Paul, an honorable man who has served his country for most of his life was terated with disdain when his main premise was WHERE IS OUR MONEY? But even worse was the birther movement who let some create big money industries off a fake bio when hey were or already knew of his birth in Topeka Ks or had real info to check out and didn't. There is still being big money made off of it as if he truth does not matter. Nor JUSTICE doses not matter for three unloved murders on the banks of the Kansas River in the racist attack on the presidmt's parents and  the death of his father saving their lives after a gossip frenzy over the interracial teenage couple that turned deadly. We must seek justice and not forget, because when we cover up wrongs, we just go one covering up wrongs and not facing horrible things that humans can do to each other until we are embroiled in a world war and we just keep repeating history because we don't want to face history. The election of 2012 was the Republicans to lose, and they lost big time for taking some stands that made an American political party started by the abolitionist movement's fight for human rights and turned it into a stand for everything opposite of what its founders proclaimed.
Its only now that the shock is beginning to wear off that the president was always eligible to be elected and if he did some things with Social Security numbers when younger, etc. he would;n' be the first politician that might have committed some wrongs..  What that all will eventually lead to one doesn't know, but I variously doubt that those who don't like him will see him evicted from office, over any of those issues; and they are beginning to realize they only have themslves to blame. I wanted to discuss issues and policies and too many weren't willing.
So the main media bamboozled everyone and the world still won't go to Topeka Ks and get the records and keep asking me to do so. I'm spending every penny I have for my family and I  to stay alivea nd being caught in the oross hairs of  powerful folks in high places on both sides of my extended family. Its why  its time for a hundred years of cover up and intrigue and not knowing who they are to end. Face it we are on our own, wit only the Almighty; and the future is ours to make of as we choose if we work together as a society and world to make it a world of peace and prosperity with life and liberty and pursuit of happiness for all. Just the opposite seems to be occurring as too many who are concerned get sidetracked looking for birth certifiicates everywhere but where it exists. Focus on Congress to bring balance back to our constitutional rights and make sure those that go to court have the evidence they need to preserve those rights and if one has a case that will esnure that; back them. Something that is not occurring at present when one is trying to get justice on issues that will make a difference in our life.
                                     ONE LONE ASTROLOGER Chris Lorenz
 Many have diverse beliefs about astrology and whether one should be reading their horoscope and following the advice from it for ones actions. The Bible refers to signs in the heavens and through out much of my life its been an issue I have studied for both points of view.
 One thing I do know, that professional and serious astrologers are excellent historians and students of patterns of human behavior over the centuries. That's what they do. They look for the placement of planets and in recent times, asteroids, and look for similar things occurreing among humanity when the signs are alike.\
E.W Bullinger, a serious Christian scholar of the late 1800's wrote two great books . One on The story in the Stars and Number in the Bible. I don't think I have the titles exact, but they are being passed around now by those who study the Bible especially Bible Prophecy. Prophecy in The News has them offered for sale and I make no money from the sale, Its where I bought mine.. The tradition is that after the Fall of Adam and Eve and the murder of Abel by his brother Cain,  Another Brother Seth was born and  given a story of the future events to bring humanity back to salvation. by placement of stars and planets in the heavens. Major events towards salvation could be determined by what occurred in the stars and many Bible passages do refer to this, but if one is not aware of the original one might not know this.
 The premise is  that astrology is where some decided to use this to try and predict what each one should be diong in their own lives and by day.  Whatever one believes, I think the over all pictures that the pathway to salvation events affect all of us in some way and its our choice as to how it deos as  it is says we are created to have free will to make choices and we often suffer the consequences for wrong ones..
If  its true as many believe we are in the 'end times' or in the last phasees of the path to peaceful coexistent of our own free will and our Deity Yahuah, Yahusha  as  most Christians call Christ Jesus and YHWH, then whoever is the president of the USA is going to be a crucial component of events.  I'm not one to call him THE GOOD GUY NOR THE  BAD GUY as he still has freewill and is human like us and we do have a system of govt with checks and balances to hhelp him do the best any human can do. So far the world is still here and the promise its it will always be so. So no FINAL choice has been made although it seems some not good ones are getting made in many parts of this world daily, including here. I don't agree with Chris Rock who spoke today saying the president is like our boss and our Father. Acordng to my faith book and leader of that faith,:to be the greatest among us is to be the servant of all and we elected him to serve us and we are to respect the person who is president, but are to offer constructive criticism when warranted in our petitions to our govt which he represents.
 So if the president of the USA is crucial in the end times, then that person's chart of planetary placement may have some validity to fit into the 'picture book' in the heavens that was given to Seth, son of Adam and Eve.
 As always occurs before any presidential election; Astrologers plot their charts and try to predict who will win and all of them, this year, forgot one principle of astrology; place of birth and almost all predicted a Romney win. because they accepted and didn't double check  using their own knowledge that Hawaii and no way Kenya place of birth made any sense from how they practice their profession.
Chris Lorenz did due diligence and started checking events in Pres Obama's life and began checking other possible places of birth and guessed it might be Chicago, Ill. The only one I know of that realized that what the media was flim flamiing every one about wasn't the truth, not according to the planets. I sent an e mail and offered congratulations saying you're close , its Topeka Ks.
 In every profession and trade, too many have just accepted what they are told. Remember the president said in 2004 that he took what he was told and wove a story. in writing his book.He's not the first child never told the truth of his birth and rigins and circumstances around it. If he truly still does not know or none of my mails have been sharied with him I sent to campaign and white house..
Some are worshipping him as some god, and savior and some say he's the oppositee, but they are the very ones that put great faith in such trades as astrology; nnd other in Biblical prophecy and yet they got fooled into believeing everything  the main media was telling them and the birthers were collecting donations and getting folks that didn't like the president any way really upset.
And few were listening to what the candidates was actually saying and analyzing that as to issues and policies, etc. Even turning anything we do as a society as a group into socialist as if it was the devil's political philosophy. Personally, I'm glad that we , collectively have roads and schools and waste treatment plants and the post office and all those other things that no one alone could provide but by pooling our monies and abillities we can achieve. if we keep the control of it with the people and our representavtives overseeing it as they are supposed to do and have not done very well in recent years.) (I've been disappointed and saddened by some actions of the President , but I get more disappointed in Congress for not stopping some of those actions.
Today I read of some snipping going on as to why the astologers blew it! No one mentioned the one who  applied the tools of his trade, whether one agrees in the whole issue of astrology or not) and knew the birth places out in the media had to be wrong.  Not one would admit   why they blew it-they didn't have the right place of birth which in their profession is vital to platting a chart for any one.
 Now before some of my good Chirstian friends think I've gone to the devill for even reading some of ther work, Ipve found  most are fiirm  believers in Christ and in free will of humans and they do know their history. I do think we were given signs in the heavens and there is a plan of salivation and some major events may well be up there for us 'to read.'  We are all affected by these major events of history and how we choose to live our lives  and affect the outcome of society is our free will.
I always check my reference book, the Holy Bible, to decide if another's writings  or statements should be followed as a way of  life.
" No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, "
The federal govt decides to keep and maintain the military and Congress decides to go to war and has not done so since WWII. but they have appropriated money for military and turned away from that constitutional duty in the last 60 years. When Congress turns powers over to the President, then why is everyone getting mad at the president when he assumes the reins aof power and makes decisions on this own? Maybe Congress needs to take some of these powers back and put a check on the powers if one individual is not handling things so well?
TOMORROW: Why the Southern Confederacy was Illegal: Linda Joy Adams 2/6/13

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