
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Daily Recap 2/5/13: Focus On Issues! President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 2/1/13: Focus On Issues: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Rainy and cooler today, so did not go out to the garden and did't have to go out to mailbox as the mail ltoday had a package and  mail lady drove up to the house.. Part of my online shipping for bargains then  they will become gifts for special occasion later on.  Family got a tank of oxygen filled for me to use for the next ten days, and the cost of that has gone up this year, and although 60% is reimbursed by Fed Blues, it would be more if the only supplier, Lincare would service me, but they have been ordered to let me die at corporate level in Florida  in one of the established death panels, and there are too many like me around this country that family is making deliveries and I don't know how many others like me are approved for life by three health plains for full coverage,. Mine supposed to be paid by   Fed workers compensation that their govt contractor that holds all info from US dept of Labor will not input because the computer system would pay them as that;'s why I have the permanent medical benefits and they say that the convicted ciriminal  in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandals orders who gave them the contract years ago, told me that Mr or Ms OPM said I was to die and not to post my file.I wish he would turn states evidence on that individual as his  orders or that person's orders are still being carried out, which indicates the real culprit and criminal is still on duty and may well be involve in the suspected embezzlement ring with a million dollars a head missing on seriously injured federal workers according to an investigator from  OIG and they have yet to be allowed to investigate so this person must be so close to the Director Of OPM that they can control what the Director is told. .  So Horace M Cooper 'took the fall' for someone else?. Why? If that be truee?
Its made clear that the patient is the civil and cirminal investigator in the USA as the govt has not yet enforced anything for almost 2 decades allowing illegal dumping by ins and other Federal health plans onto Medicare and congress has passed laws that forbid the investigation even those the agency say they are taking complaints, none of them have been docketed in for investigation or even to close them out saying nothing to investigate. How can a $ 4millon theft be nothing to investigaete and illegal offline systems and insiders who helped investigate that at General Dynamics which now owns 1-800 Medicare say its over a trillion dollar theft,(they aren't allowed to see fraud any more in violation of their govt contract) just about the amount of the budget cutted payment to doctors. I couldn't;t balance my check book either if money was being stolen and no one stops it.
 Anarchy is when no one in authority can stop crimes and abuses of power. What good is gov iff everyone is allowed to do as they please and harms to others not stoppedd.
So tomorrow will try to get the third doctor's info to his biling service so they can send in the claims for the visit last year, before they are told its too late my Fed Blues. His staff must have checked the Medicare computer and found no Blues on it and didn't bother to listen to me as the appellate judges have said to do as no one seems to know anything that;s going on except me and the claim never got filed, Then a couple of payments didn't get credited in. I noticed I put downn the doctor's name and not the corporate name, but usually that would not matter.
One problem in this general area is we have that 100 employees of Trailblazers NOW working n the billing field all over the area and I know they were taught to do all kind of ways to do things that are either unetihcal or down right illegal and think they are not doing anything wrong. The concept of two many of the partners of Medicare have been that the Medicare Trust fund is not the people's money and that they aren't to uphold the constitution and obey the laws. That's means let medicare be the safety net when shenanighans are palaed by other health plans and insurance companies, but, code the payments and do not alter the diagnosis codes as that can and has been deadly in too many cases with hospitals and doctors sued for wrongful death according to a congressinal study done on wrongful death malpractice suits and their causes; then  the monies can be recovvered form the one that was supposed to be paying. So many were make think this was the way to do things in this region for way too long and in other regions as I was told by the 500 witnesses who assisted.  No one seems to understand what a conditional payment is in the whole Dallas region and the more I tried to make them understand the more retaliatory they became. Why would high level CMS officials not want the law obeyed and the public monies not stolen? And the worse of all is Medicare Coordination of Benefts (partner) faciilitatiating the whole illegal thing and they turn on me because I asked them to stop breaking the law, the terms of their govt contract and any official of high level in the Dallas region just got madder and madder at me and my family and then the Judges rule and remand in 2/09 and Lynn Blodgett CEO of Affiliated  compter services a Xerox company who will soon be part of the private company( in current negiotian and past ones done) that will own most of the soft ware, and we may be buying our computers from one private company unreguatled by the SEC) with holds the judges orders and tells 'everyone' there's nothing to do on my case and don't listen to me and the judges  said to ask me for the facts of the case. This corrupted mess has been getting increasingly  worse over the last 30 years when the elite of the world met in DALLAS AND SET UP A STEP BY STEP TAKE OVER OF THE NATION AND THE DIGITIZE MONEY OF THE WORLD AND THE GOV TS OF OTHER NATIONS BY CON TOLLING TH FLOW IN INFORMATION. I've written about this more in these Daily Recaps and elsewhere online
LAWS WERE NEVER PASSED TO PREVENT THIS. Just the opposite occurred, the govt contractors ruining this were given immunity, and not internal audit control and the patient is left with suing the international conglomerate of the world on behalf of the govt because the govt can no longer make something larger than the USA obey our sovereign laws. and stop harming the people and stealing our monies appropriated for certain things to be done for us and no skimming or stealing was appropriated but big loop holes existed in those laws allowing a corrupted higher office to make off with a lot of money and the program purpose never occurred way too often and the political appointee in the agency decades if the highest person, themselves can't  be investigated or prosecuted or thee entrenched underlings jsut under them that may never let the political head ever know that OIG might want to investigate.  We are in chaos and Congress must see what few laws are getting passed like the SMART law is enforced, and so far there was training but no one seems to understand what it means or that any one means it. Since many fo these laws were already the law and no one meant it that they had to be obeyed.
 There are a few still trying to prove the president ineligible, but the tide seems to be turning that maybe he rally was born in Topeka Ks and some may have already gotten hold of some witnesses and documents and may be embarrassed to share them on line, yet. Are there lots of questions, etc. YES! But I understand how and why all this could occur if it did about social security numbers. , etc.
No one knows except whoever has the file on this at SSA, and its certainly not me and no one else would have access to it at SSA either. I don't know how any one would know what the president's current social society number is and there is a breach if they do. I certainly wouln't expect any high level official to publish their SSN. But  maybe they do.?
Donna from Tea parity Nation where I was forbidden to comment any more after an intense dialogue, but polite, with a Donna is now commenting on Patriotic Action Network. And acting as if she is right and I'm wrong, But both of us could be right and she doesn't seem to want to know anything but what she has as opinion of the president and that she saw Hillary and Ann ddebate on national TV during the 1960 election  in New York. I am not an eye witness to exactly where she was from 6/60 when she graduated from Capper Jr HS and end of football season when the gossip frenzy over her interracial relationship caused Topeka HS to lose the game because the star player had a white girl friend and the gossip had made the officials get him off the team.  No other allegation of any worng was ever made but that.
Times have changed. Today there would be civil rights suits and damage awards as two teenagers being told they could not date because they were of two races.None of these laws existed then, but in a few years they did. I believe what happenend in Topeka Ks and no one has talked about for 50+ years was an underlyng momentum to get many laws changed that allowed the feds to intervene when the local officials lost control of preseuving consititutional rights of all.
 For all those wanting me to comment back on some of the sites, reently, I am only going to repsond once a day and  you can read this posting, I could be told to get out of the Tea Party sites because some insist on specualtions and rumors being fact and eye witness testimony ignored form the intense hatred and not over issues awhich I have some grve concerns over things that are happening, too..
 As I commented today,( linked and annotated: see my comment) we need all eye wtnesses to be able to share and most of us are not going to be in disagreement at all, We will compliment what one know that the others don't. And the President may not remember everything as a small child either and/or as he was not told and he is going to be able to udnerstand who he is and why decisions were made that put him at age 18 without his paperwork in order in an era when ones legal papers need to be in order to exisy in this world.; if what is being said is true and not resolved years ago. Fear was real and justificed from many sources.And his real dad's last name would endanger any one with that name among KKK types, even as far away as Washington state or Hawaii.
The positive thing is that those that don't like the president at all are now starting to FOCUS ON ISSUES. They are now wanting hm impeached over certain exectutive orders, where our soldiers are being sent and many things that concern me greatly too  and of curtailing our individual rights.. Its where the focus shoould have been all along on policy and issues. and then some are beginniing to ask why Republicans are voting with the Democrats on some laws as where to send our weapons and military aid. These are very valid issues, when we have not been at war legally against any one since WWII? Yet we call solderis that went and died and inrjued and others who came home, veterans. How can one be a veteran when we were never at war?
 The root of all this seems to have occurred not long after the UN was set up and their first order of business was to form an Army and go to Korea,  while at home children, like, me were being told to clean our plates becaue children were starving in Africa while our farmers were being paid to not grow crops as we had too much food. Maybe the UN should have been facilitating the distribution of fod around the world instead of weapons and death.  As a person of faith, seems as if the wrong being was leading the motives and not the one I worship, Yahusha, Yahuah whom Christians call Christ Jesus and God and others call the Creator by other names that say we are to be good to each other and help each other as were created Good according to the Torah. So if we and creaton are created good, then why are some trying to destroy it all with hatred and war and destruction and why are the majority of the people of the world letitng it happen.
 So ISSUES are important and the Constitution with checks and balances  against abuse of powers is only possible when all three branches are diligent in their duties for the general wrlfare of the people and rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
"and all such Laws shall  be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress."
The federal supercdes state laws espcicially in terms of comemrce and impors form other nations.That gives Federal autority inagenceis to intervene when peple are being harmed when the local utiorhtis do not or can not do the job. Tis priciel led to many claws past in the ast 5- yers as the USA decided that all shoudl be eqeual oefre the law and this had never been fully implemented in the history of the Nation. I cal it the maturing of the humanity. when we grwo up we see te entire world arond us and not jsut as small arena and see that there re common rights of all and denying any one those rihts, may to oftenresult in our own rights being infringed up osn. Its part f the balance and some say the feds have now become too storng nd more rights need to come back to the states. Its a see say of tension that is going to exist as long as humans  can be tempted to harm each other and infringe on the rights of each other.As we mature, we gain a deeper understanding of how this can be achieved. Most of us have our faith books to help guide us as we study human history. something we are getitng lax in styudying today For how can one study history and not study the part religion has played in forming it, no matter what ones faith is or what faith the parties in human history followed or interpreted that faith. We have fought so much on keeping religion out of education, that we have no eduation about history. Human actions are based on what we believe, its inseperable. SURELY ONE CAN TEACH HISTORY WITH OUT ADVOCATING ONE FAITH OVER ANOTHER?But, of course, some principles of certain faiths are going to be very believable and those that adovcate goodness nd love and caring and compassion and the dignity of the individual and indiviual rights are going to be more popular and many will gain a faith, but that would be a personal thing. with their fmailies and faith groups.  What is evolving is either no faith or a substite faith, which is a religion, too.Its inconceivable that a human does not 'believe' something.Its part of being human to have opinions even about an after life and how we got here on planet earth!
TOMORROW SUNSHINE? Linda Joy Adams 2/5/13

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