
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DAILY RECAP 10/16/12: Gov Rick perry Connected?: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

DAILY RECAP 10/16/12 Gov Rick Perry Connected? President Obama Born In Topeka KS:
Yesterday evening I wrote about the recall on the contaminated steroids out of one company in Massachusetts. It included 39 pages of medications and mine was on the list.of  ReCalls. I  established that the FDA was not prepared for such an event. Obviously public, patients doctors, hospitals every attorney in the country and pharmacists all wanting answers. I kept saying to each I called that my own stand alone pharmacy toook a little pill and put it in the saline soluttion himself. And he was closed. None even seemed aware that this is a company that does  a mass operation of  what my pharmacist does just for me. One error and many patients have died from the cortisone shots which is all any one knows about. I have had one of them a couple of years ago when I twisted my knee and some might have operated but I was sent for physical therapahy and shot. The shot is very powerful dose and spiked my sugar over 200. So in the future, would ask for lesser dose , etc fi anything like that ever occurred again.  The phone menu message even in to late today is still only referring to the shots. Thisincludes talcum powder mixes and ointments and all kind on 39 pages of medicines one after another.  In looking at the list, I noticed one similarity. saline water was not mentioned, except in a few shots; and all the mixtures probably used that in the medicines if not in the processing of the medicines.
In this day and age, any major company has a lot of sanitation protocols. After all , their liability insurer is going to demand it. This kind of wide spread contamination just could not be unless it was coming in from a single? source and one worker, or one incident just logically could not contaminate so much. Unless the over site is nothing and recklessness is widespread. In this day and age of terror or terrorism, would their be satbatogue done intentionally? But even there , there are protocols set up to protect from that. Since no mention had been made of the saline water used, I suspected that until someone said it ws OK. Finally, I found one Perosn that put my name and phone number in the system as their was ot proticol to organize incoming queries or complaints, etc..
 Not feeling great, I started back on my antibiotic, as some headache in the rear sinuses, etc. and went to bed after writing last night. I rose late, and found out my husband had been given a cortisone shot for the flare up he had had recently from what his doctor said was a bite by some kind of bug. Maybe a spider but different forom what affected me. Then he had had a reaction to something, and they were trying to figure out what? and had had him take an anithistamine. It does seem better. Whether his shot came from this company , I haven't had  chance to check with him as he has been busy with his volunteer work recently. This is not contagious they say, but it is a fungus with air borne spores? That doesn't make any sense. What if one sneezes that is infected? But apparently the poblem s when it gets into the blood stream, which my bleeding could allow to happen?
I had a call back of my messages when I woke about 11 AM and called and was told all matters about this were being referred to the State Health Depts in each state ( it was a govt contractor saying this for HHS?). I said you mean they are going to check and tell  me if the saline water product my pharmist used is safe.? Ludicrous! and no one knew many detilas and no one was taking  qiesitonaire and detils as a matter of routine, which is needed to track.  few understood that this recall was already compounded  and that my coumpounding is done locally for me. No one seems to have been prepared to handle the public calls. I've been around the aededral govt since 1968 and at a day and time when agencies did have some good administrators.  I don't fault this adminsitraton, necessarily as they are too busy writing the health care act that should have come to them from  Congress with all the hearings and experts opinion and idea  and portions of the law already wriiten.(They were told not to bother to read it ahead of time!) So an out break occurs with almost 200 affected and most probably like me not even in the count yet. Many get sick and never know why? They just are well enough to suffer through and surviie. I should have been out planting a Fall garde nand was too ill to even go sit on the ground and put a few seed under some soil.
I fianally got throurgh to the Commisisoner of Health for Oklahoma and informed them they were in charge of all concerns in the states. they said HUH? No one informed them!. I had already called my pharmacist and was going to see what I could find out before calling my doctor which iIdid later in the day. Pharmacist had not been notified of anything and I asked where the saline water came from? Later in the day , I checked back and he had been informed that this recall  is only if he had gotten the mixture already compounded.  still missing the point , where did the saline water the company uses and he uses and every one else uses comes from? But I'm sure every doctor , pharmacist and hospital, etc in the country has their attorney on speed dial and every other attorney in the country is lining up possibl clients in case they find whom to sue. So this is going to drag on for a dcade and in the meantime no one really knows the cause! I still kept making some calls etc and feelingy worse as talking very much causes sinus pain any way even if feeling wel;l and the last thing I need is getting them bleeding again!.  One cannot stop taking cortisone steroid cold turkey and its needed medically to reduce inflammaiton. I WENT INTO ADRENALINE SHOCK ONCE IN 4/1989 WHEN SWITCHEd FROM PILLS TO AZMACORT TOo QUICKLY WHEN IT WAS A NEW MEDIcINE JUST ON THE MARKET, WITH TREaTMENT SABATOGUED BY HIGhEST LEVEL OF GOVT THEN. AGAIN.
 The end result is I needed to get the prescription refilled anyway and  a new bottle of saline water.  No crowd control by the feds on this. and many may be useng these meds and they don't even come from this one lab in Mass. which would help a lot for everyone to know.. If the FDA could publish 39 pages of meds, then why didn't they go ahead and post all the lot numbers etc. so patients and pharmacists could eliminate themselves without a phone calls, faxes and e-mails, but reprt any adverse ractions as all should be anyway.
Late this afternoon Iget  a call back from the OK DPT of Health. I appreciator their attn to the matter. They had been informed that the air outside the plant was being looked into as the source. But still no one has told me its not the saline water.  I asked, is the FDA giving you n money for  the states to be in charge and she said of course not! What I did not know then , is that the feds hadn't yet been involved in the matter at all.
A couple of hours ago, I read on line that the feds had raided the company. Its been three weeks and maybe some indications before that and the feds are just now getting inside? Istill don't know if its the saline water used in all the products, but I'm getting a new presciription filled and hopefully if that is the problem we'll know. As for a fungus, lawyers are going to argue for years that a patient could get a fungi spore anywhere and etc. No one should expect to file a lawsuit and have any reassurance of a money settlement ? Few suits filed ever result in that. Most end up with one on a hit list of the insurance industry and medical care more sabotaged than ever, as has been my experience with the federal program. I didn't ask to file a third party, one is required to by workers comp and then the Federal l govt sabotaged their own suit and blocks reimbursement  to the tax payers.One Dr said all 0 of us were 'blackballed' by the peer reviews from day one. we all became suspect as not really injured. yet several are dead of injuries before thier 'time.'; Suspects should be those who caused this committing various flonies that got us in the there in the first place..
Ther are new whistle blower regs being put in place effective next month for federal whistleblowers which I became when I was the only one of 90 employees that got the initial tests and diagnosis done back in 1/10/89 in my Federeal HHS SSA office in Jersey City. as they were turned away from hospitals on orders of the highest levels of govt. A mix up got the worng employer down on my chart initially.
 Not much has changed over the years?!  Mind boggling that a product could be moved acre's state lines and the HHS let one state handle this? especially when it couldl involve a separate product being available , the saline water, which hospitals pharmacies,clinics, etc all over the country could have this possible source all over this country being used for many things and no one can tell me it IS NOT. My family and I can't figure out what unusual thing 'got.'me, yet. To have so much bleeding that one passed it through urine as it drained out of the sinus is a real event and nothing that traumatic seems to have occurred. Why didn't;FDA ad CDC make sure some phone menu recordings and web site info was set up in such a way so when the list was published, So many would want concerns addresssed as the needed info to rule themselves out was not provided.
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PHARMACIST! Its obviously much safer to let your own needed  compound be mixed individually for just you.  One error means one person affected, doing this enmass, one error is many deadn and sick and the search goes on for the cause after 3 weeks. and Courts will be tied  for years trying to find financial blame. Every single life is important. But My personal pharmacist is going to have special effort to be careful for one patient he knows from the community over a large company that never knows the individuals infected, and even if they are people wwho care, where are all the products coming frrm that come together to make 39 pages of medicines. and maybe more.. Just tell me its not the saline water.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: While visiting the Popes near Holyoke Colorado, the great grandparents of the President, they talked about a cousin named Hayes Hardy. We exchanged Christmas cards for years althogh we had never met. I was told  he had married  and had one daughter and according to his obituay had immigrated from Canada as a young man. The daughter is named in the obituary. I will not mention any more  names until more checking is done. Part of what I am trying to do in these daily recaps is show the process one goes through finding a family history that is accurate.with eye witness, and other sources. Told his wife died when she was born or soon after and another member of the direct family may have raised her. She would be much older than me? i was told by a pretty reliable source, but one knows how valid that can be when one is not eye witness to events surrounding the birth.?  I will not mention who, as am not positive. Aunt Helen said in later years that when Hayes Hardy was in the hospital and dying after being in a nursing home; that she visited him and our children's school pictures were in his wallet.. I had made a point of sharing these kinds of things with any one in a nursing home in the family as my work at SSA led me to know that often the elderly may not always have visitors, etc. Apparently he had our children's pictures to show as I'm sure everyone was sharing the pictures of their family,etc he seemed to have always lived alone. We did not go visit at the time as he lived further north? and out of the path on the way home. She had married and had a family. and I did know her.
 It was mentoned to me, in 1/71 that the Perrys. had moved to Texas. and maybe Gov Perry, another presidential candidate in the family. others closer to him would know this.  I had begun to get into some of the family records I had from my mother when she passed in 1996,   and had to stop to reconstruct my social security hearing file as they were refusing to process my  request for Part B medicare coverage uitil  aj udge ruled. I still don't have anytting and the file that was reconstructed , much of that also disappeared.and my files are again on hold as they have been for over a decade with no decisions on items as they disppear off the computer syste  and month ago, it was verified that no one at SSA has the ability to do that so for over a decade my social security claims files computer records have been hacked into and  OIG for SSA is unconcerned; even after the chief of the technical dept  in Baltimore headquarters called quite concerned. They already have a nationwide policy in Federal agencies not to investigate  oany ones disappeared paperor computer files. I have this direct from two heads of OIGs from two agencies plus other subbordinates in others.- not allowed to investigate for me or anyone else and no other law enforcement can either and tha;'s what happeens when the political appointmee is in charge  of law enfrocment decisions and its been the policy for almost 25 years. . Even when in my case the is an  almost 25 year documented case of pattern fo constant felony disappearances of records and what has been the biggest problem with federal workers comp is those felony disppearances and  also in govt contractors which are not under any oversight civilly or crimially and nothing has been safe  for all this time. No one is concerned, but any real ;'homeland secuirty' as pubilcs monies are going missing , too. I mention all this, as my family is not that uncommon. Problems occur, loved ones care for one another. Hurts and love and sharing all occur. What is unusual, is so many have run for and some achieved the highest levels of elected office in this country. Some have been liked, some hated. No one is perfect. But it is the foundation of the persona, and TRUTH is the best foundation. Not knowing  is more harmful in the long run. If ones forbears are people who have not always done the best things in life., one needs to try and understand and accept them for who they were, if not accepting of their actions.. One is to honor our forbears, for the gift of life and for the good things they have done. We have to have justice for anything they should not have done, but they can come in many ways. One has to understand their past, in order to repeat the good and never repeat the bad dedcisions one may have made. If not, we are doomed to keep on doing the wrong choices over and over and we have not learned the lessons of the past.  And FDA still has no protocals in place to handle massive recalls and a systematic way to organize thei nfo and concerns coming in to prioitiize what is needed to get to the ones trying to get the problem solved as soon as posoible for the safety and well being of all of us.What we have is more questions amd more concrns when by now all those not affecterd and thier loved mones and medcial professionals sold now they aren;t inovled and ohers need to have down wahat they do know, etc. I know something very untoward got me and a product that has not been ruled out is suspect until ruled out. When one has no fondation of knowing the TRUTH in thier own lives then its much harder, in my opinion to be able to sort out things in a disaster. Maybe that is what leads one to public serivce and high leadership, the not knowing and the on going search for the turth; but it can also create a malleable' puppet' for some to 'handle' to do as they want done with the person unaware it is actually happening to them? Linda Joy Adams 10/16/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Still having problems with spell check.