
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Daily Recap 10/14/12" Home of Pres Obama's Great Grand Grandparents: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 10/14/12:  Home of President Obama's Great grandparents: President Obama Born In Topeka KS: Cool today. Ground got a pretty good soaking last night and electricityy went off at just before 9 pm and came back on at 6 AM.  almost every time there is a strong wind we lose electricity. apparently the electric lines are strung over Lake Texoma. and we are at the end of the grid for OG&E. When this happens, its warning for preparedness. This is October and this kind of weather is unexpected. Doing some research on the Koch Bros and extended family. That's anther family with extended  relationships into many famous people. One was a professor of mine at Seminary whose daughter in law is George W Bush's sister. A few in each family do become famous and powerful  and then others lead rather average lives. Was shocked to learn of a relationship to a great niece of mine and another sham fostered on the public in recent years as to her identity. Folks this has got to stop! When we all get to the Pearly Gates of Heaven, Is Saint Peter going to have to search through tons of convoluted documents and records to find where our names are listed in the Book of Life.? Will we all be sent to a side area to try and sort out our correct bios? The Roman catholics do believe in a Purgatory. Maybe its the place where those who have lost track of who they are go to find their birth records so they  can enter in with the right understanding of exactly who they are? Of course we are to be accepted by Faith according to my Bible, but all will be judged at some time. so better get ones records in order? Maybe , I mean this a little in jest> but the lying needs to stop as one needs to stop lying to themselves unless one does not know. Then those that do know are going to be held accountable.
Spent the day trying to be immobile.and seems that bleeding has stopped. I do think it was the sneezing. But will call the doctor's nurse and see if they what they advise. I have no money for co pays or expensive tests as Social security has had my request and all the forms to file for part B Medicare to help with the co pays pending since 2/12 and won;t process it. like those reconsideration's ad waiver request andd all the other actions pending with no decision for over a decade and in violation of every law and constitutional right on the books.  Of course all this should be paid by OWCP , but uitl the justice dept decides to go find the misisng million dollars that disappaeared onme and others when the Jack Abramoff biribery scandal began to errupt that went through agencies and is showing on the omputers at the US Dept of Labor contractor Affiliated Computer Services; those bills are not getting paid. Almost all my bills are related to the injuries.  They just refer to that money, yet no one will answer my letters and tell me where it went, or show me a copy of a check or other istrument so I can say no it snot my signature or no its not my bank account or ATM card. Must have been part of the bribery money. So all you taking birbes,  Injured federal workers ere in a life and death battle for medical care and still are and any one died or does, should be a murder charge due to the felonies causing obsruction of care. Attorneys can do nothing as they can't arrest anyone. At least I am still alive and some co workers are not and they didn't get anything to help as they got turned away from the hospitals on orders of the highest levels of this govt to protect billionaire landlard from criminal penalties and GSA, etc from bribery charges.,etc. When GSA takes a bribe; federal emplyees die, all too often. Welcome to the federal plal everyone in 2014. these are the unaccountable contractors and others in high level positions in charge of whether you live or die. Teri Schiavo law mandated health care, but this is the worse convoluted mess of unaccountablility one could concieve of. There's got to be a better way and less costly while still provieing the best modern care possible. We can fix this mess, but there needs to be some real hearings and doctors have to be listened to.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: There is a major correction to be made to the posting  for Daily recap 10/12/12.The date I met Liz Cheney was 1995, not 1994. it was at the Church of The Brethren Annual Conference in Charlotte N.C. Thre are a lot of ties formally and informally to that denomintation. My mother was raised in that church since a snall child. and other family members have joined or attended and of course Dad was an ordained minister in it. so some of his realitves have had connections.Only a few of my mother's family have returned to the Roman Catholic church. Some married back into it. My Dad's sisters joined the faiths of their husband's?. Aunt Helen Hardy, my Dad's sister ( that's the name she went by)  married the local banker's son out in Phillips Couny Colorado area.  That's North east corner of the state and called the Sand Hills area. The land is flat where they all lived. never saw much of hills, maybe they are a little further north then they were. On the way home we went thorugh Nebraska  and the land did get more hilly as we went North. Aunt Helen married Millard Dell Pope. His family lost most everything they had in the crash of 1929 due to actions of the co owners of the bank. Somehow all the others had pulled ther money out and Uncle Millard's Dad was left with the debt. In Colorado , at the time, if a woman owned property it could not be attached for husband's debts, and vice versa.. Many through the years would transfer property from one to another to avoid debts. There was no divoce  just separate ownership was allowed. I don't know what their laws are now.  At one time over the years, there had been some kind of farm embargo? where all the farmers decided to not sell their wheat and then everryone was having finaical problem sand most of the men gave their wheat to their wives and they sold it. My mom did that and I think they sold $10,000 dollars worth. Yet they were not rich. Any one with a business knows gross is not net. profits. Dad had made a decison early. He hired out to break sod Much of eastern Colorado had never been farmed. He said: I will plow and break sod if I can rent the land and much of what he farmed of nearly 2000 acres was owned by someone else and he got his share of the profits. or he out right rented it. They owned the land they had cattle and livestock and buidings on. He went to work as a young man and only stopped at age 88 when his cancer got too bad. According to the age he went by.

Depending on what bio one goes by, lots  of variations in family. I'm using what I knew growing up.  Supposedly Aunt Helen was the second oldest of Dad's sisters.  President Obama's youngest daughter resembles here in build and walk and even some mannerisms. She was  what I would call 'spry.' They lived in a big white farm hous eand theie basement was very clean and usable with a cement floor. Their youngest child, Millard Dell Pope Jr was only a year or two older than me. He had lots of  toy cars and had built an elaborate ramp  race track for them  in the basement. Today, parents buy kids those plastic molded raceways. But he could move boards around and  it was fun playing with him with the cars. Outside there were small cacti groiwng in some of the pasture land on their ranch. The soil was somewhat sandy.But there was grass. I don't knw how many acres they had, but they seemed to be able to support themselves.   I have not dug out some of the family records so will not say for sure who is olderst and youngest Thee is a list on the 1940 cennsus which has been available online. One needs to remember one filled out the census with age as of April 15th and don't thnk that has changed over time. But as one can see from what I've  written so far, not everything gets put down accurately for a vsirety of reasons. Some are just misunderstanding the questions or sometimes it is intentional. There was two other sons. Kenneth Pope and Daniel Wayne Pope, President Obama's paternal \grandfather. He's the one that went to work in a furniture store in Liberal, Ks one summer, stole the wallet of Stanley Dunham and went off to WWII when too young to get in. No one really checked things in those years. No computer records and things  could go one for years before getting caught if ever. Yes the main media has really blown it! Everyone knows all kindof details about the Dunhams and nothing about the real family. It is a remote possiblility that the Dunhams in Liberal, KS were some relatives of Millard Dell Pope and that is how a teenager from Holyoke, Co would go there to work for the summer in Liberal KS. Still some distance from home.  Someone that has a subssription to Ancestry .com might check this out. I don't have the $180 per year to join.  Aunt Helen is the source of 'stealing the wallet.' I worte about this before here. My Mother had no idea how Dunham got mixed up in the records until Fall of 1963 when Autn Helen and Uncle Millard Dell Pope viisted us. and Mom asked her and she said he stole the wallet and went off to WWII. This must have been very traumaic for any parents Your teenage son goes to work for the summer and the next thing they know he's off to the war?  I don't know all those details. As a parent , one can imagine! Somewehre along this same  time he meets up with Madeline and they get married and have Stanley Ann. Obviously they continued using the name Dunham. He would have been too young to get married , too.  The concocted story by his maternal grandmother was to be that Daniel Wayne Pope died in the war and she remarried Stanley Dunham. But the daughter is Dan's.  All a lie!  Not a very good one, at that. The cue up line at the Pearly Gates to Heaven is going to be held up a long time by members of our family trying to help Saint Peter find their names in the Book of Life.( I have no way of knowing that for sure) but would make a good cartoon if one wanted to see some humor , but this is serious business to steal an ID and its worse now when ones finances are so tied to it. let along trying to vet a political figure for president. Its also illegal! There were two girls, Betty and Lois.I never met Betty as she was married and living in Vermont,  We used to exchange Christmas cards. and again I have records to dig into in tubs. Her husband was a stone engraver. I don't know how they met. Probably during WWII. as that was the a war that separated a lot of extended famiies in this nation. Soldiers  were stationed all over and they met local girls and got married and moved  to one locations or another.  We saw Aunt Helen and Uncle Millard and their youngest son,t some as they would stop by our home in Kansas after going back east to visit on occasion.  I only met Daniel Wayne Pope once during the early 50's as he stopepd by to talk to my Dad. He was stationed at Leavenworth in Ks. One of my Tea Party Nation friends said today that Ann was in Ks at that time. That would correlate. I think Dan was leaving for 'secret govt business?" and was not going to be returning to KS. I used to think he was "In" Leavenworth instead of "At" Leavenworth and didin't understand and didn't; ask. One got so used to never asking in my family and extended family as there was not going to be any answers and it was hurtful to not be allowed to know. Better to just say nothing. My cousins in Colorado could talk to each other and dig in that trunk and had access to more things, then I did. I think Aunt Helen didn't want to be silent and would let things slip out 'on purpose.( In 1963, she told me things about my own origins on the way out the door.)'My Dad didn't ever talk much but at times he would say or talk about things and I'd not understand the context. I listenend and never asked much as he would stop talking , too.  Leavenworth has always been more widely known as a Federal prison. But I don't think he was a prisoner.. I read online what seems fairy accurate  report that our  Spies to Russia were trained and learned Russian there. He was by himself and he went down to the farm with Dad for the evening and night. Our house in Toepka was ony two bedrooms and if we had family come of them would go stay there to have enough beds. ,
Back in Colorado , in 1953:  Lois and her husband were living in a mobile home on their land. Aunt Helen had geese. And she told me to watch out they could peck if scared. We only had chickens back in Ks and our rooster had been  an Easter pet of mine I had raised. Along with one hen which always stayed near him in the hen house. They were like King and Queen of the Hardy Chickens.
 I met Kenenth and his family once when they visited us in Topeka KS. They had twin boys. Unfortunalty, they had some problems later on and divorced and some name changing went on with the boys.One is well known and the other becmas a United Methodist Minsiter. But they do not use the name Pope. And the well known one denies who he is completely even though married into my Husband.s direct family. so I will not mention the names here.When one is eye witnes, is one thing, but when its one family member repeating to another, I need a little more confirmation to publish! I know eneugh to tell the general and hope some confirm the detais and confirmation of the names. I don;t know if there were more children with kenenth or not. or if the wife had other children with the second husband., Puchhaber? (unsure of spelling)  I pray that someone else in the family or who knows will confirm this or maybe  some will just start admitting who they are and come forward. In this case, there may not be good memories as there was allegededly some alcohol problems with both.. That I have from more than one source. and with the mother gettiing custody and then apparently the new husband adopted the boys its too much for some  children to separate out.  The worse part of all this is that often children think the whole extended family is like that and often its only a few with problems and most are basically good people. When One is in real trouble, they don't have any idea that threr may be some that would help out inside their own family over hurts and secrets and lies and gossip and everyting else that happens in this world that gets people separated from one another.   Altogether an American famaily with its blessings and sometimes trials. But most don;' have a president born into their ranks and the whole family history is being sorted out in public. Lois's obituary still lists daniel Wayne Pope as alive in California. But the published bio of the president shows hm dying in the 1970's.. I don't think her descendants knew where he was or the details. As I have repeatedly said. Noon ewas talking much in early 2008 with two in the same extended family trying to get into the top leadership of the nation. The false bio was all that some knew, others knew other things and no one wanted to say much. In Aunt Pearl's family there was a separation over religion as she married one higher up in the Reorganized Church of Later Day Saints, one son wen tinto the Morman church and their olderst daughter married a man who wouldn't associate with them at all over it even they lived in a near by city and did not want his wife and children knowing them at all. .On occassion she did see the daughter, but not to mention it as I understand.   Linda Joy Adams 10/14/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

started to do ABC spell check , then it off it and wouldn't come back so had to do this by hand and I do have some vision problems and no money for glasses as Blues won;t pay, and owcp won;t review claims. welcome to 2014 when laws and agreements and benefit packages are ignored as no one enforces them