
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Recap 10/10/12: Treasure Turnk: President Obama Born iIn Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 10/10/12: Treasure Trunk: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks
Pleasant day. rested and still recovering for the acute inflammation in sinuses  last week that involved all even the back ones that I had not been aware were there uuntil a doctor said so..I've had some mention the cortisone contamination, but the bottle I'm using was used before and since and seems to be OK. I'm careful to not let dropper touch anything etc. when using it.  Mail came and another Blues EOB where bill improperly paid by the contract the patients are give but those illegal proprietary agreements between the interlocked companies running this world, they make the laws and rules and laws, judges govt contracts are there to be broken and they know  no one is going to stop them as Congress  passed laws giving them immunity form prosecutions for theft of public monies and there are no internal audits anymore of govt contractors. I don't even pay much attn to govt statistics any more whether labor or anything else as they are done by govt congtractors and no one can do an internal audit to see how the raw data is manipulated or if it is just made up. and that didin't start with this administraiton. Its been a subtle step by step process of a full take over of US and other nations by 'one' elite group. Its the reason I started this, to keep track of all this as I find resources explaining who owns what and mergers and subsidiaries, etc.. Why? because my life and my family's; lives and livelihood have been controlled by the very ones at the top. and have and are perosnally involved as documents show. I hope some real house cleaning is done by those voting so we get a congress not afraid to stand up to the evil that has occurred. But if not, we have to address this next time. Everyone please register and vote.Vote your conscience One can;t say one party is all good or all bad on this. Its the individual. and one never knows what will happen to one who gains power and access to wealth from being in Congress or the Senate. The elite has gotten very good at mud slinging and scaring voters over single issues. Most issues are complex and filled with many grey areas of discussion. We never hear two sentences much any more. "I want to serve the people." or " "You can't legislate morality." In a free society most sins are legal.Some restrictions apply to minors , but at age 18 one can start on a pathway to hell if they choose. Our freedom of speech is necessary to tell them so, but they have the right to say : leave me alone., I don't want to hear. Few actions, the most harmful to society, are stopped.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: been answering some comments on this. Donna from tea Party nation is telling how her mother saw  some some things on TV back in 1963? and I don't doubt she did or her mother did. From her, it sound as if the president;'s grandmother had set up a rather elaborate fake bio by then. I know that in Fall of 1963, we had delivered to my parents and I, the ' official' verison of events even though we were the very ones that knew it was lies.It grieved me deeply to see basically decent people lying over his. Real embarrassment. But somehow his maternal grandmother had every one well under control is what was what Aunt Helen said to us. No one stood up to it. I had just turned 18 and engaged to be married to my husband and was in college myself. Struggling with choosing a major of music education that I was learning not  what I wanted to do. I love music and the arts, but the future as a teacher in a school was not what I wanted. And in the Midwest and Kansas, women just did not have opportunities yet as one would have in a few years I had two older siisters tht ried to breeak the 'glass ceieilg ; and could not do it before me and my parents didn'tt understnad that times were startng to change. . I am glad we  transferred and went to California as things had already begun to change out there. By the time I got through my first two years, this became more clear and changed majors.  Few of my Dad's family were on the west Coast. so I had more contact with some of my mother's family as they had been one of those losing everything in the Dust bowl in the thirties and headed west. My Dad was fortunate to have a life insurance policy he could borrow on and he made a deal with the one holding his mortgage to pay what he had and this enabled the mortgage holder to pay off his mortgage or both would have lost everythog, too.. But the wind blew hard. My dad was always up on farming techniques and had the latest equipment and have pictures. . He saved 80 acres of wheat and headed to Laverne California and I only learned in more recent years he actually attended college there as not much work was available despite all the ads that enticed people there. They returned the next yea in '36?r. He could not convince his neighbors to do what he did to till and furrow so the wind would not blow so bad and he would have had more saved,  if his neighors had borrowed his plows and big tractor to do so. It took the govt three years to get out there and do what he had already proven worked. FDR's  work plans may have worked elsewhere to get things done, but agriculture, where our food came from was not addressed well and no one listenend to those who knew what do do to make things better. He had neighbors wanting some of the seed but he didn't share  and some did not like that. But he was willing to share his equipment. They just wouldn't get out and do the work to save crops for themselves.  People had given up! Then they expected others to do things for them rather than using what was available to get back up and restart their lives. They came back and continued farming. Eastern Colorado is a place that  one counted on one good corp every five years. This changed later with irrigation and when my Mom and I came to Aunt Grace's and family  on the original homestead, they had not done this yet, but did start a few years later.  Hail was often the danger that would wipe out a crop. The homestead also had a tree claim. There was provision in the law that if one had trees planted they could get additional  land and they had an orchard.  When my Dad married my Mother, in 1922 , none of them seemed to know how to do things to survive to work the land, My Mother spoke of even teaching her Mother- in -law how to bake a pie and remembers here baking one and bringing it over one time . In return she started teaching my mother how to play her organ All the girls learned how to play the piano.I don;t know ifany of the boys did.  Dad never did  as he thought that was for the girls. and he said he regretted it later in life. But he made sure all of us did take lessons and other musical instruments if interested. all of us got pretty proficinet, Caorl became a violinist and her daughter plays?  in  her local symphony as Carol did in the local city one while still in Highschool.
I met my three younger cousins here on that visit that I had only read about and seen pictures of.  On the wall of their living room was a piciture of the ship the Mauritania? and one of my cousins kind of nudged me and said that our grandparents and , Dad and Aunts had all come to the United States on that ship and President Wilson  was on the ship, too. She didn't give date and it didn't compute with everything I had been told as the family history which was a set tale with no major changes in it. a couple of years ago, I was able to access this ship's  info online  and was shocked to find the name of Clarence Tracy Hardy with a birth date of 7/2/1898 on the monifest. But it said in 1920 there had been a fire and the rest of the records had burned up  This is the info that matche sinfo my Dad always used, the assumed name.  Reflecting back and what I have learned since; my dad never gave me a birthday present on my Birthday. Instead, I would get surprise and sometimes very nice gifts on the date that is reported as his real birth date. but I did not know that at the time. My mother and others would celebrate it and dad would have a piece of cake and ice cream  with us etc.. As  I reflect back, the family story from my Dad's side was  , not  a three dimensional story like I got from my mother about their family of personalities and good and bad things that happened in the family. Those events that are part of every family's emotional history,  also. 
At Aunt Grace's another cousin chimed  in eager to let me know; that there was a trunk in the barn that had lots of  things in it about the family including the Family Bible. I never got a chance to sneak out and see it. Apparently no one was to get into it.  A  secret treasure trunk is not going to keep inquisitive children out of it. Another one said. that Aunt Grace , who was the youngest of the four sisters, could write letters in Russian. I have many letters from her sent to my parents and none in Russian. all in English. I believe now that my 9 and 12? year old cousins were trying to tell me things they thought I should know.  Things they could only 'whisper' to me as one who should know as in the family and should be interested. I did not dispute them and listened and kept all to my self. Mom and I had already had a shock in Denver when the name on the gold nugget in the Historical Museum  from Breckenridge mine had another  person's name on it. A famous name.  Yet the family home there, was obviously the nicest one in town at some point.  I later learned  was available to be bought by any family member if they wanted it as first offer from Great Aunt Mary . I do't ' know who bought it. And  no one knew then that this was soon to become a SKI resort town. At that time seemed more like a sleepy town with few people there as gold mining wasn't big then. At $35 an ounce, not a lucrative  investment to go digging for. 
When Mom and I first arrived at Aunt Grace Hackett and Bill's; my uncle.  from a local  Seventh Adventist family she had married into, I was surprised by one of her first comments was about her foot. She had one foot that turned in a little. Today, one would have put special shoes on a baby and within a couple of years the foot would be straightened out. Aunt Grace was a little embarrassed about this and said: she had special shoes she wore. I didn't see that it caused her any problems in movement., did walk a lttlediffrent than others but not to the extent to warrant a comment. In pictures of her it is a ltltle noticeable. I couldn't imagine  why my  mother would ask somethng like that. But there is, and history tells us why. Mom had been putting bits and pieces of history and eye witness facts together, etc. I was being bombarded with lots of info for an eight year old even though my reading level was well beyond grade school already.and I was widely read, often 3 to 5 books a week beyond my text books. and in summer time, not unusual to be 1+ books a day. My mother kept track as she would go to the library on her way home from work and take a basket to bring books home in and write down each. later , I went myself.  .  My Mother never went to college and only got through part of HS but she was widely read. If we had had a GED test in those years, she would have easily passed it. She read our textbooks through the years and was able to help with homework. And motivated all of us to go to college  and fostered learning. Women just weren't expected to do much more than find a good husband raise a family. She was 17, almost 18 when they married.  Tomorrow, Aunt Helen, President Obama's  great grandmother comes over.@ more info gleaned.  Linda Joy Adams

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