
Friday, August 24, 2018


Firefighters With Cancer Often Denied Workers’ Comp in Texas   see my comment  to   article linked that is a summary of  much what  has  been  shared  here since this blog  was  started  in 12/08..NO GOVT IN CHARGE  and crooks in charge and suffering  and  rampant thefts  of public monies  by  contractors  accountable  to only themselves as  Congress  voted in  2002 for  no oversight  allowed  and  in nearly  every  area  of  our  lives  in USA  , and   most  nations  and  UN  now  the  same  interlocked  maze  holds power over all  as   contractors  and  a  deep  state  of  only  a few  giving out the contracts...and a  family  name   of  Blodgett   but  is that  even the  real last  name but work for a   bigger  power   that resides   in  a  bigger swamp than  just the  one  in Washington,  DC,,

   There   is  no part of  health  care  under  the  control  of  the  govt...So  as  all  debated how all  can  get  what  they need  to  maintain health  and  cures and  treatments  when  cannot judge  what  any  plan  would  be  like   but  another  scam   for  the  contractors  with health care  less and less..  and   more losing health   and lives when  they  should  not  or not  as  soon..

       Until   all understand  what Congress did  and  has  continues  to do... THERE IS NO GOVT  RUN   HEALTH CARE of  any kind  and no  level  of govt as  states  do  not have   the  resources  for  federally funded  programs   which  is an  atrocity  to steal  from the  poorest  among  us ..and not just health care..

      Some  now doing these  illegal  things  and  those who  let it  go  on not even saying anything   which is  aiding   and  abetting  will  surely  ;'rot  in hell' in  next  existence.. and  that quote  is from nearly  2000  years ago by  he  one we  know  as  Christ  Jesus whether  one is  a believer  or  not  HE was  pretty 'blatant  about  where  such  were  going who  did not feed  the  hungry  and  heal   the sick.  '  And its illegal to  steal  and   harm others  and  that is going  on  worse  and worse   and  no  President can do much  when  Congress holds  the purse strings.. and   a war  on against any president   who tries as  President Trump seems to be  trying..... against  the very ones  who  are the  worker  bees  of this swamp  and who  is  their  QUEEN  BEE?/ 

      When   we   allow our  tax  dollars   be  stolen and  scammed  that  are  to be  used  for that...then  we  become  guilty   also   as  we  keep  electing those  to Congress  who  will not  put  the bright  of  oversight back  so that the  good  rank  and file  civil servants in the real govt can act to  make sure  all are treated  fairly   and  that any crooked  contractors is  stopped   and  turned over to  our legal  system as  once  they had  the right and  obligation   to  due for  all  of  us  and  the  nations..

                          Thanks to the valiant  efforts   of  all  of  our  firefighters  who deserve better then   this article  linked shares.. But  its  truth  across  the whole now that laws passed  ever are  obeyed  once  the  contractors either  govt or non  govt   entities  are  put  in control..

       We  live  in  Southern  OK  north  of  Dallas  and  we  have been  blessed  with sufficient  rain, but rare flooding......But the  air  is getting bad now with  the jet stream blowing in the  smoke  from the west coast.. And its not just  wood that  burned,,I  have not felt  well and  have  had to  stay  inside  and  air  purifier going   and  recycle  non  outdoor air  in  air  conditioner   etc..  I woke up smelling  burning  and  looked  around  and then   realized  source  and   local  news has shown pictures from the  air..etc....  Being  literally 'house confined'  is  not good  as like to get outside some in  the  garden  etc...

       So  prayers  and  thanks to  our  brave   firefighters..  that they get   these  out  soon and  sufficient rain  to  put  the  smoke  out  of  the  air....

       It  took a  State   and  local injured  employee   in  the State  that has  led the way on environmental laws  (California) to finally get  recognition that  Toxin  and chemical can  hurt people  and  backed and  required the injured worker whose  job duties was  spraying Monsanto  Round  up  as  part of his  routine   mob duties.. to  get  the support for the law suit that  has shook the entity that has  controlled  medical  care in the USA since  he first Gulf  war injuries    and the Feds did not  back  the civilian  federal workers.. that had   to go sue  Dow now Dow/Dupont   and instead  of  more  care  in  what humans  are  exposed to   in  food and now  in most  pills  as well as environment  we got  less  and  less  protections..

      If  this injured  workers  now  severely  ill with  cancer  had  been  in  any  other  state... I doubt  the support would have existed  to get this case  heard   and  the  award been so massive  for lack  of caring about  human  life.  

       This  article shares   how  Texas   has  had a  law   to  help  firefighters'   who  enter  toxins burning  in buildings  and elsewhere  often  and  why do some  get  cancer  and others.. not but end up  with  other  progressive  diseases  as  I have..    NO   MONEY TO STUDY  that when we have  had  one major disaster  after  another   and  chance  to study  a large group  of people.......but  the   power  of the  makers   and  cabal  has overthrown the  real govts most  places..

 I   do  not agree  with  some things  going on with  California  laws  and  policies but they  did take  on  the cabal and  for  a  fine  and  ended  contract next  year on state  Medicaid there  but   a  hard  battle  with  no  federal help  allowed   by  Congress... ,  and  now  SAYS NO  TO REAL INJURIES  AND THE SOURCE  COVERING UP HARMS  FOR YEARS   and  the propaganda war is  being  waged  now  on  unsafe  meds is laced  and  bonded with  these unsafe  and for me  life threatening  substances...when  safer   bonders  could  be  used and  exchanging harms   for  safety just to not  have to take  a pill every  4 hours with the older  more natural bonders that do not work as well  for longer  time released medications  .

     Chemicals  serve  a purpose   but  carefulness and reduction of  risk  to  health   and  having  a clean  earth is healthy...  also  must overcome  greed   and extra  profits  for not  doing  things  so  none  are  harmed

  Now to get  that formaldehyde  wash   out of  our  vaccines so  its  safe  for a  flu shot  and  not cause  internal  bleeding   etc.. as  many like me  can  induce....SOME OF THESE  TOXINS  USED  MAKE NO COMMON  SENSE..

    How about Industrial Hemp  as  bonder.....???  since  it has  not  substance to  cause  a 'high' in  it ?

It  was  the chemical companies  who  benefited from  outlawing a  crop that  was used  for bags  that lasted  but not forever like plastic ones;; backing  for carpets  that  had  no  bad  fumes  off gassing   and  paper  made  that  had  no  chemical  odors  and carcinogens in  every office  needed   either... and we  humans  lost  a more  healthy  substance  to use  for  so much,,,,

      I   am  making  this short as  feeling better  shut in from the smoke...but will rest..

 My  prayers  for  all suffering  now  and a  dust  mask is not sufficient  If  you  have   one  with cartridges  for painting  is better..  as  numbers   added daily  to  our group of  20  million and  none made  for us  now that are  safe   as  we  have  not been counted for years  now as  existing  as  a group of patients..   as  RARELY  IS  IT AN ALLERGIC REACTIONS  to  chemical and toxin and fires makes it  worse......check   with  your doctor...and   you may have to read  my   Daily Recap   of  medications   as how  to unbind the  chemicals added to the medicine for binding  in  a pill   and  neutralize the harmful substance added   but DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT  YOUR  DOCTOR KNOWING TO MONITOR YOU..and  use PH strips  on   each new bottle  as  the acidophilus  makes  acetic acid  from the alcohol wood   ether's   and you may  or may not  need baking  soda  to neutralize   in  final step.  Food  companies do  better as  they do nit  design  these  fillers  to get  into  the DNA  as pills are  and  makes  a small  pill  for millions of  us so harmful ore  than  some  foods and  all hide what   this  is  in a variety  of  unoffensive   sounding substances.. and Some do not   even  tell....TRUTH  IN   LABELING  IS  A  'DEADLY'  NONCOMPLIANCE!

  And   every lot  or batch   of  pills from the  same  company  CAN  BE  A DIFFERENT  CHEMICAL  COMPOUND  USED  as the  main mediation has  been  and  nothing new of Theophylline  and the  only safe one  for me  from Teva  in Jerusalem  has   not been  able  to get  approval  for third  work  site in 4years  now.. They  use  dehydrated  lactose,,

Which camphor exposure neutralizes the  sulfuronel  that  is  used in most perfumes  that  is the off gassed   from lactose.. But if  one cannot use dairy  than  you  have had NO safe one for nearly 20   years.......

         We   are  in  the birth   pangs of a whole new  way  of living  and  if we do not  make  the change  for our own  health  then   we  are going fast  into our  own annihilation  before we go on  out and live  in  the Universe which may  not be but  another  100 years  or  less  if  we put our efforts  to life  and  not  wars   and  destruction's ....

        Help us  Almighty to  make  the turn   to  a  better  life  for  all if  us  with  FREEDOMS  OF THOUGHT  AND  RIGHTS  OF EACH AND SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR  OWN  HOME  AND  COUNTRY.. so no  one  every has   to be a refugee  ever  again  and  those who  are  can  go home that  is theirs  You  described to us  we  will  soon  have  each  sitting under   our  own  fig tree and or  vine ... Forgive  us our sins  and faults  and we will do  better and  ask  for  Your guidance

. AMEN! 

Linda Joy  Adams  8/24/18

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