
Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Finland Forced to Shut Down Universal Income Program after Social Experiment Fails  see my comment. to article and not sure how comments work at this yet.. But its what I have shared over time here. ALL , rich and poor get the subsistence level which we already have the amounts  for programs now.   Those who form families or households can share,,  All releases the control of  a contractor or govt official to have to decide if your should live or die or have enough to sustain even life.    Dignity is restored.. to go and earn better than subsistence if one chooses to do so  and most will ...and Freedom of knowing one OWNS  a home, even if a tiny house or small condo..that can never be gone. AND THOSE WHO WISH CAN DONATE CREDITS..

    Paying for it is all the bureaucratic costs , and reduction in crime that comes with the despair of poverty.

   The few allowed to STEAL THE FREE LABOR OF MACHINES FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS IS ENDED and a work week for a middle income level of existence no longer has to be a40+ hour work week  Machines need to be built and repaired. they do not get a salary..

   Any one who grew up and have lived as a property owner outright knows the foundational freedom of a place to go and be... no matter how humble it is home and\

    Finland did not follow this kind of universal income with solid foundation of ownership of ones dignity or home ownership. All they did is create another poverty program that had no reductions of costs into the future .  EVEN President Trump when he leaves his public housing in a few years would have the same basics for himself and family members.. If he would choose to donate , he could.

ITS NOT A RIGHT as USA laws intended to be 40+ years ago when its not tied to being born into the human family..What we have now is a rip off by contractors with no oversight and despair that has caused more social problems and cost..

ITS "GOING THE EXTRA MILE " and the end is all better off...Money is basically credits now on a plastic card chip. THE REAL UNIVERSAL INCOME EXPERIMENT HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED.
Since we had it in the beginning and too soon began to one group rule another with survival as the controller.  When there is plenty for all in this universe  here and out there....but none goes without rights of basic survival rights to not have life rights of food, shelter and healing for health.   Its called love for ones family , including the family of humanity and respect for freedom and dignity of each.
  Its what our founders called those "INALIENABLE RIGHTS AS BEING HUMAN."

Linda Joy Adams 4/26/18

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