
Saturday, December 30, 2017

(?)Podesta Brothers Arrested, Tony Podesta Is in Gitmo +Video | Crime All-Stars

Podesta Brothers Arrested, Tony Podesta Is in Gitmo +Video | Crime All-Stars


Unknown said...

Podesta gave an interview on Dec 28.

Linda Joy Adams said...

When I put a (?) at the beginning of a linked article from another source, that means I am assuming its truth and a more reliable source.. But the warning is made hat its not my eye witness accounts of anything and that is the only way any one knows anything for sure now isn't it? the executives order is abut human rights and wee have 20 million without medications due to illegal manipulations of systems of unaccountable contractors and mediocre being stolen in huge amounts also by the cabal in charge AND NO ARRESTS CAN BE MADE AND NOT ENVEN AUDTS. BY AGENCIES. SIKNCE CONGRESS PASSED TTHELAWS IN 2002... BUT ASSETS SEIZED IS POSSIBLE FOR VIOLATIONS OF CONTRACT TERMS NOT TO STEAL AND UPHOLD THE LAWS OF THE LAND. O GT TH PRESS RELEASES FROM THE US JUTVE DPET AND MAN ARRESTS HAVE BEEN MADE OF LESS KNOWN NAMES. BUT IF SOME OF THESE HIGH ELTIES ARE BEING DEALTH WITH IN FISA SECRET COURTS AS SOME THINGS SEEM TO BE ON NATIONAL INTERESTS LIKE THE URANIUM DEAL AND WE MAY NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON UNITL ONE DAY SOMEONE STARTS SERVEING JAIL TIME. IF THAT IS THE SENTENCE.. Linda Joy Adams