
Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 12/27/17 PAGE 59: VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS: EXHIBIT III - CONTINUED M-16-30; 1-322-5833-488   This is a linked series of an actual filing.

                                                         EXHIBIT III

                                                         PAGE 13

     Teva Pharm)aceuticals puts lactose in it. Linda has no problem with Dairy.  as long as there is (NO) chemicals added to it.  So she gets a theophylline mixed with lactose.  (in a new compound.) 

Neither the compounder nor Linda knew that there was a 'trade secret' step missing. Because in making (extracting) lactose there is a sulfurenol too (created).  (and) in the packet.  So this caused a severe (life threatening) asthma attack--she was going into heart failure with angina.. This is  a phenol sulfur.

    That when lactose is extracted from milk. They take the sulfuronel and sell it for perfumes and scented products.  So she know knew  that formaldehyde causing general inflammation to the flesh plus internal ( and external) bleeding. Phenol sulphurs causing the most severe asthma flare ups. The ethanol alcohol causes dehydration and swelling. (which are ) in modern office work sites. 

       You (one is) going to get these all mixed together  especially in the modern office environment (and most other places ) where people work several hours.  You cannot leave (when one is at work.)

      This is why the workers comp doctor said I was house confined. 

                                                            PAGE 14

  where the patient has control of the physical environment.  And the US Department of Labor  (Education) waived her student loans.( due to  these  accepted conditions at the US Department of Labor back in 1997 but her request at FECA is still pending with more than one judge's  remand orders  mentioning pending matters still needing an initial decision there.  Which this is but one and most are out of pocket expenses not yet processed. Plus covered  medical bills to be repaid to insurances and Medicare   and a few go back to 1989 when she was injured on 1/10/89. )

          With family getting ready to take Linda to the hospital and Poison Control had no real answers. Finally the company that sold lactose to the compounder got Linda to a nurse who said she could not tell Linda (to) know the antidote for sulpher.  Which gave Linda the clue that she was dealing with a sulfur product.   So onto the  Internet we go and immediately got the answer. It was CAMPHOR. 

         Linda opened the bottle of pills and (generic) Vicks Vapor Rub which Linda uses and held them both to her nose at once and she could smell no scent from either one.(neutralized)  So she never had to go to the hospital as (angina and asthma) subsided slowly..

         Since then Linda the generic Vicks Vapor Rub.

                                                       PAGE 15

                                HOW TO NEUTRALIZE PHENOL SULFER OUT OF CAPSULE

        STEP 1: Take the  (300 mg ) capsule (s)  out of the bottle. Put into a  closed container with the open jar of generic Vicks with camphor. 

          "We have had to mail order Camphor oil because no one has any in stock."

        STEP 2:  Then Linda takes (a)  capsule apart. and put it into tea cup glass saucer. Put it into the microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds. (when she can no longer smell it.) Then she lets that set out.

        STEP 3:   She lets set covered with an unscented napkin for 12 hours. (with some generic Vicks with camphor on the top so it does not touch the powder . Then another unscented napkin on top of that.)

      (STEP 4:)   Then  she can take it. (and start the process all over again with another 300 mg capsule.) 

      This is why she is now able to function enough to help her representative to get these filings done. But she is still super sensitive because when she had to go see her doctor, she cannot tolerate being around any of these products in the air , food or traffic. (for any amount of time which she usually can for short periods of time and then be able to recuperate at home.)  When (recently) her eyelids from the fumes. and (and in a noticeable  asthma flare up)  It will take Linda months to get back as it took her three years to recover  (from her 2014 exposure) as  the ethanol alcohol also affects the kidneys. (And had no more stabilized her kidney disease and she is  acutely exposed in  another additive to a  medication.. not labeled due to the ongoing discrimination by HHS-FDA.) 


                       ( see later for regular Daily Recap )

Linda Joy Adams

Doyle E Adams 12/27/17


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