
Saturday, January 14, 2017



This is as series of linked DAILY RECAPS back to 10/25/16 when I found my Medicare system in  worse hacked condition than ever since the COUP of 2002.

        Still weak and recovering from pneumonia and had some refuse to help audit my records to day.. Some had gotten an idea that Med Pac can help. and they do not really deal with Medicare secondary issues.. I have contacted them in the past.  But I left them a message...  Maybe they can convince Congress to help, if they are not too close to the wrong side on this. as too often they have become or are an extension of it,. 

    To me, it would seem the most simple way to pay for services is to tie it to the new ICD 10 codes and medical treatment standards that go with each as the medical community knows how long it takes and what needs to be done for each diagnoses and pay accordingly but allow for multiple treatments at the same time and if it takes longer than the norm allow for an explanation.. mediocre is still not allowing patient with multiple chronic illnesses to be seem on the same day by the same clinic with varied specialists. and this is a hardship in rural areas when one may have to travel a 100 miles to see a doctor in a major hub and get all taken care of at once. Nothing magical about seeing one specialist today and another tomorrow..  Its makes more sense for each to do their thing and then put the whole together for future treatment at the same time. which still seems to supposed to  be coordinated by the primary doctor.  Too often micromanaged by some profit management company of Blodgett's et all and not the doctor at all. THAT IS THE ISSUES THE DOCTORS ARE NOT IN CHARGE OF EVEN MEDICAL CARE ANYMORE

     More loss of good medical care in the USA due to the COUP of 2002   IT WAS TOO EASY TO DUPE   CONGRESS INTO VOTING  TO OVER THROW THE USA INTO THE CONTROL OF AN INTERNATIONAL CABAL OF CONTRACTORS IN 2002. Few knew what they had voted on was changed in the middle of the night.) And there has been no money allowed to be spent by the real government to stop crooked contractors from taking over with shell companies and illegal secret deal partners. which the last part of the new system under the control of Lynn Blodgett... named by high level official and even his own management and partners as HIS VERBAL WORD IS THE LAW OF THE LAND THEY FOLLOW NEVER QUESTIONING IF ITS LEGAL OR NOT..  FOLLOWING NOT ANYTHING CONGRESS PASSES.. OR CONTRACT TERMS AND JUDGES ARE IGNORED. ALSO. or regulations or CMS official policies. That is dictatorial powers and its cost this nation its basic rights and vast suffering of the people in all levels of wealth , from the poor to the rich.. affected. adversely

       The new cyber cloud is now in constant warfare trying to put back employer posts of when Medicare is not the primary and BCRC corporate headquarters in NY  contractors keeps on hacking to facilitate the illegal bail out of primary payers... as they have been doing since the COUP of 2002.

                                                       DAILY TRACKING


 no change today and no new claims.     Still hacked and only shows fake Blues policies. but FECA is on there. but all the filed and followed up on millions of dollars of claims to be recovered are not.. in defiance of the Medicare judges. and hacked to illegal alter to make Medicare primary defying the jugs and their contract to not alter the employer bi- weekly post . THE THEFT OF MEDICARE IS ALIVE AND ON GOING UNTIL CONGRESS ACTS TO STOP IT. in their COUP OF 2002.


   phone verification system is no change as its still hacked to show Blues secondary but FECA   is there.   The call center is not open today.


      First call got a partial info on a fake blues policy to flip it to secondary as of 8/1/2004  and a note to contact MedPac not understanding the totality of needing the audit of my records as the basis for contacting any one.. as its the evidence.. got hung up on

                                            next two calls ended up with the same agency and he hung up on me saying call the same group ..

                                         Finally I called back and think it was a different call center and got the info ..    DUPLICATE POSTS FOR FECA ONE OPEN AND THE REAL ONE NOT EVEN DELETED FROM THE SCREEN TODAY.. That is a win for Artificial intelligence form the cyber cloud.. But there was second post that had Lynn Blodgett's termination date audits had a phony ID or policy number.

                Blues was an even bigger surprise.. There is a format? that is used where the BCRC entered that Medicare is primary but the first post had me WORKING AGED AND THE REAL BLUES POLICY AND NAME. ETC AND I POINTED OUT THAT HE COULD GO CHECK THE REAL INFO FROM CMS THAT THE WORDS WORKING AGED MEANS THAT ITS A PRIMARY PAYER.   date is the moth I turned 65.

      That is illogical to any Cyber cloud.. as its all about logic and THEFT IS NOT LOGICAL and the meltdown  cyber war continues.

          he had a second post for a Blues but no policy info id as of 3/1/10/ 

     And a real fake one as of 8/1/2004 that is not the legal terms and  a fake ID made up using the coding for a policy that one has when its an individual policy info but mine has always been a family policy.  It is secondary to Medicare.  All I can surmise is that the cloud found another post from the post using the real legal disruption and leaving off any id number and it picked it up as a duplicate post for the WORKING AGED???

       ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO LOGIC TO HUMANS STEALING..  We do harm to ourselves and others and to the nation and planet and universe, etc. when we do it. We end  the eternal life of our spiritual souls also. THE ILLOGICAL CHOICES FROM  THE FREE WILL OF HUMANS WHO CHOOSE THE WORSE PATHS OF LIFE AT TIMES THAT TO YOU ,  MAKES NO SENSE TO YOUR LOGIC.. 

      I will check under another name for this referral as the ones who hung up on me may have read it wrong on the notes. I have been 'everywhere" since this obstructions of medical care ad thefts in my name that my heirs inherit.. began in the COUP of 2002  Congress got us in this overthrown government and they are the only ones that can restore it... and pray they will before they pass another fiasco... as nothing is going to work if its all contracted out and no one is allowed to stop blatant crimes by them nor audit to know what they are even doing. that may be illegal .. and unconstitutional and harming to one and all.

           In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we use our gift of free will to do good and not evil... and those we choose to take care of the peoples; business for us ; stop the evil being done by allowing the real government to do its job and stop those who do harm to us.  Call to prayer for a safe Inaugural  Friday . we need prayers and not chaos please. from those of all views and support or non support ... Its our nation and people and we each have a lot of work today to make this nation is as close to  a heaven on earth for each one of us.. . WE help ourselves , then we can better help other in need around the world.. We can be a beacon of model for good and not for evil.  . AMEN!.

Linda Joy Adams 1/15/17


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