
Saturday, September 3, 2016


Tsunami to Destroy Houston and Gulf Coast! Several New Prophecies! | Alternative

    A flood could mean water or it could also be the metaphoric overwhelmed by a 'flood?'

  Like flood of persecution, etc. This linked article was several having some type of prophetic type visions and seems to be isolated persons. 

     Zolar's Dream dictionary makes references to more personal interpretations of what it might mean to the dreamer and has the meaning more of overwhelmed

        I have used this dictionary a lot as it takes a word such as Flood and then gives various scenarios and meanings.

    These folds saw water and more realistic type visions. which is more than just a dream when ones subconscious may  just be warning the individual of tings they need to be doing that they really already know. One of the secondary listings under Flood is:

"causing devastation"   means head out of bitterness to higher spiritual ground. Sounds like the USA and Houston should do that.

       Houston is one of the worse polluted cities for air quality one can imagine. I have occupations asthma and nearly 20 years ago went to Houston to see a doctor there  from Southern OK  I was badly injured in 1/10/89 and have severe occupations or chemically induced asthma.

      As soon as we got near Houston I began to suffer a really bad asthma attack. By the time I got in to see the doctor, the response says it all for what is going on in Houston. THERE IS A LOT OF POLLEN OUT TODAY.

      The cover up of what is really going on is alive and well and its now engulfs the whole USA with an international cabal running the companies as government contractors our own Congress defunded any civil or criminal oversight of in the COUP OF 2002 AS THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT BEGAN TO BE NEARLY ALL CONTRACTED OUT AND NO ON IN THE REAL GOVERNMENT KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON AS CONGRESS PASSES LAWS THAT DO NOT WORK AS THEY CANNOT VERIFY ANY FACTS OR DATA UNLESS THEY CAN CONTACT THE CONTRACTORS TO FIND OUT. AND THEY HAVE THEMSELVES GAGGED TO NOT DO SO. .

      I do not have allergic type asthma and when I got home I found out there was an ozone alert out for Houston area that day, but no one mentioned that and it was not on the radio either.

      This is one meaning for flood that is going on and has overwhelmed us to our detriment and what the election of 2016 is really all about. We either succumb to a beast system that is not a government of rights and rules. or we vote and take back our nation and hold our elected official at all levels accountable to us to work for us and watch our for those who would overwhelm us with their illegal intents.

       I then looked up torrent and the one subsection that seemed to pertain was more like their visions of "swimming to save yourself"  and it said "dangers ahead for you, be cautious with each stroke"

                    NUMBER 45

Since  the number 45 came up in the visions  I looked that number up and it was

"loss of virginity"  Maybe this vision is just that, what is seen is a warning of what is going to occur at some point.


was used as being calm where Dallas is further north.

"a large lake' was given the meaning of "a difficult period of your life is just ahead; get centered and plod through"

     DEATH  of many was seen

and that led me to a subsection that said "social breakdown leading to social development"

  I have no special insight or vision of my own to share on this but I do agree fully about the spiritual matters that have meaning in dreams, although this is more than just a dream for these folks. and does anyone think that this planet is not in a phase of warming and rising sea levels and things are going to happen where we think its a natural flow of time and patterns or that humans have added to the severity of the natural by actions that are not good.

      We seem to have to go through bad times to learn to face the wrong we and those before us have done before we wake up and take another path to a better and caring and wonderful life for each and every one of us.

   Tony Crisp's Dream Dictionary tends to have us think of sayings about the words I the dreams. And I remember well the flight to the moon and the words 'HOUSTON THE EAGLE HAS LANDED"

We can go through adversity and still end up with our feet on the ground and surviving. Its in these times we learn to pull together and help even strangers more than ever. And the 'eagle' as symbol of the USA  is a giving nation that never seems to falter when someone is in  need. either among us or somewhere else. To the point we have helped so many others around the world, we have made ourselves needy in many ways.

    In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus  may be wake up from our nightmare we have got ourselves into before we completely destroy ourselves and follow your teachings  that are common wisdom for anyone even for those who do not know or follow you .

                                COASTAL DISASTER RELOCATION COMMITTEE

     Personally , I heed the warning and nearly 20 years ago our son formed a non profit but it seemed to soon for many to understand the message . and no funds were ever gathered or asked for and little done but the initial filing ... It was called:  Coastal Disaster Relocation Committee.  and I was a volunteer board member .   In times of general warming trends, its not so wise to settle in coastal areas if one can choose to go elsewhere. He did encourage one company to resettle here from the east coast and it still employs a number of people.

    Most do not know he made the initial contacts, etc. as they owned property here the corporate  leaders did not even realize they owned and it was being flooded in a stairwell and could be dangerous if small children got around there and they set up one of those new businesses at the time called 'call centers.'

       Many have no real choice as to where they live and all I can say is 'BE PREPARED' TO GO AND KNOW WHAT YOU WISH TO SAVE AND TAKE WITH YOU AND PRAY YOUR AREAS IS SPARED. of any kind of potential disaster.   Every part of this planet could be hit with some kind of disaster and all should be prepared for things

And pray to be spared but do what your common sense is telling you also as that is a gift from our Creator along with a brain to figure out solutions to our problems .  In case of any kind of disaster, if our ad your loved ones are able to get safe and survive, you are one group that does not have to be helped , but can help others instead in some way.

    Do pay attention to your dreams even if they are not the forceful visions as those in this article had and I have no way to know if they will come true or when that is beyond me to know. Dreams may just be based on what you ate last night, but often they are your subconscious figuring things out to let your conscious know and as a person of faith , there can be a mix of knowledge coming in from the Divine that is from outside of our time and space.

    All who study dreams say to keep a pad and pen by your bed to jot down what you just dreamt as it really does get forgotten very quickly by the time you are fully awake.

   Those who have ideas of what these folks saw in their visions there is a comment page to the linked article.  My 1997 experience in Houston was to 'get our' as if the medical profession  thinks irritant inflaming ozone and chemical pollutions is pollen, .... then I need to get where the air is clean and pollen comes from plants.

       My later call to the EPA did start some things rolling..... but no solutions?

With my medical condition, I had no business being in Houston and especially when  on that day there was an Ozone alert no one was notified of? And the 11 million like me in the USA SPEAK IN TERMS OF PARTS PER BILLION FOR A WARNING AND NOT PARTS PER MILLION THAT THE FDA AND EPA CONSIDER SAFE. and is far from it for those in my discriminated against class by a government that does not think that toxins and chemicals and pollutants harm. They inflame and bleed and get infected and go into sepsis if not removed from exposure and treated early on  etc. and in the lungs one can stop breathing if they have chemically induced pneumonitis  as I do that is the opposite of an allergic reaction, as that is a different kind of fluid. ..... . ask your doctor as I am just repeating what mine have told me over the years since 1/10/89.
     We are and have been in a tsunami of a flood of cover up of what is scientifically very real and must wake up from this nightmare we have allowed to be created and change things for each and every one of us to have better health. For those facing a potential wall of water, get to high ground and be safe if you can as soon as you can..

Linda Joy Adams 9/4/16

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