
Saturday, September 24, 2016

DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/25/16 FINDING ME ON DISQUS - for all comments and three sites got set up somehow?

Trump sides with Black Lives Matter, says Tulsa policewoman wrongly killed Terence Crutcher – The Right Scoop

there are some comments to the article on disqus but I am having difficult getting to my comments page to even get a hard copy.. I one is reading the comment to the article then one can just click on my name or icon.. but those who wish to know more of  what I have written and there are a lot of factual dialogue about the president's birth in Topeka KS .. as many are beginning to understand how the media had the info and lied back in 2008 and did not tell all.

     I had to go on Google through Chrome and then put down in the search engine Linda Joy Adams on disqus

and two sites come up l somehow a new site with nearly 500 of my comments got on a site Linda Joy Hardy Adams   My original one had several thousand comments under disqus at lindajoyadams

I really do not know what happened.. I tried to edit my profile and ended up setting up another site

lindajoyadams disqus has a lot of info about President Obama 's birth there in Topeka KS.

      I started this blog as stated above and soon was into all the controversy over no one told he truth by the media in '08..

     Many are now asking serious thoughtful questions and I am appreciative that the public is finally waking up to search for the whole truth. Maybe others with eyewitness info will be willing to share on line also, even if not using their full names.

my mission is truth and justice. ....since the beginning  and my personal issues are a life and death one up against this international beast system I got caught in the middle of by just going to work at my federal job one day on 1/10/89//and a toxic cloud envelope me... In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may we be guided thought to a better life of goodness , health and healing of a nation ...

       Linda Joy Adams 9/25/16

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