
Friday, September 23, 2016

DAILY RECAP 9/24/16 I NOMINATE FATHER JACQUES HAMIL: President Obama Born in Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks, grandson of Dan Pope who took the id of the older Stanley Dunham to go to WWII at age 14

Vatican makes new rules for miracles in saint-making - The Washington Post   see my comment to the article posted at 3:21PM CST  and on my comments The LindaJoyAdams   

    I am not a Catholic but am a Christian and  the last words of this man of faith and service uttered prophetic last words as has been reported. CAST OUT EVIL

       We, as a society have not done all we need to do to prevent some from being enticed by evil when it manifests. Its may currently rose us in Islamic Jihadism , as over time it has manifested it self in the KKK and Spanish Inquisition , Nazism and also among other isms of time. A few using the worse of human actions to suppress other by fear and horror to lose our self will and individuality and worship one who grabs total power as a 'god.'

     In the Book of Revelation we are first shown types of individuals we will come in contact with us and are warned not to follow  a few that lead us into ways of evil. And if we do not FACE THIS EVIL AND RECOGNIZE IT FOR WHAT IT IS THEN WE ARE DOOMED TO SUCCUMB TO THE HORRORS OF WHAT IT WILL LEAD A FEW AMONG US TO DO TO THE REST OF US.

       In seminary at Eastern Baptist near Philly, I took a class in Christian Counseling. It was far more than trying to make a mental health practitioner out of us which one class is not going to do . . But to help us recognize when one might need more expert help in that area, and as pastors be aware of who is around that  will recognize that there is a spiritual component to mental healing as there is to all physical healing as in this age of science we are beginning to understand all of this better

    There is a spiritual component in all of healing and those in need of it. ''   We live in times when one in need cannot even get the help at all.

       Why is it that a few among us lose themselves to such evil, when others, even with severe problems do not?

     And do not forget that small children seeing their own elders struggle without jobs, health care poor schools and lack of even food and a government  that is not even real but allows evil to control even it  is being taught that NO ONE REALLY CARES. And when evil which  often entices into cult like groups is using every bit of what is wrong  in society to allow evil to creep in then we have set up some to turn to evil when it entices and cause grave harm. Those who have a spiritual base to their lives , often are not going to be enticed even if they end up in horrible circumstances themselves.

       The more recent individual who did so much evil among us killing and harming in New York City  had his own family begging for help for this person some time ago and no one did anything. His own family was left with no support to help and the evil manifested itself ...

       We do not have the services needed when mental health issues are also compounded with some personal loss of a spiritual base of caring for others and Mental health issues may not always be the ones that have formal medial diagnosis code on them.   Any one among us can have times when they deal with life and troubles , but most are able to overcome them and they do not manifest in to formal labels of need.    We seem to have ignored there  are a few that are in great need, even if they do not fit the mold of the ones who need special help immediately as they become 'radicalized'   

        Often repeated now is when the one who does great evil is learned that even their  own family knew great help was needed and no one could find it in our current world when the spiritual component of our soul turns to evil that entices into some cult like mentality of doing harm and loss of self worth.  Nor when others know something is gravely wrong and help is needed for another like occurred with the Orlando shooter.   Something that is beyond me, like most of us is  fully comprehend how one can do that. Somehow those who have horrible lives, or others with great personal struggles of many kinds is able to not fall into such evil possessions.   

     Movies and books are writing of the more bizarre demonic possessions, and ignores that evil is real and can sneak in and over take and never cause one to speak in ancient languages or levitate above ones bed.   The more modern version is a type of shrewd brainwashing tactics that entices a few among us to join the ranks to commit atrocities against other members of he human family. Somehow those few have lost the sense that they also belong to....

        The ultimate ism of trying to separate church and state has us in a real mess.. and we are spiritual beings with an innate knowledge that something exists beyond us.  As well as mind and body. We ignore one part of that at our own peril a society   We ignore the spiritual and that is often the difference as to the outcome.

    Yahusha , whom we Christians call Christ Jesus offers us unconditional love and eternal life. Lose the HOPE of that promise then one has lost their spiritual base.   As a Christians , ,Christ is the way through all of this.

     Others have faiths that teach something very near to that and when one loses their hope and identity then evil manifests itself there just as it has in sects that  have perverted Christianity in horrific outcomes over the centuries.    I do think some faiths offer hope and self worth better than others.. and why I am a Christian. I was raised to be, but I have been in the world and have known and studied others 

           When we have some one ask for help for someone else, of their own family , WE NEED TO LISTEN .  and not wait to offer help before they do some atrocity that ends their life  lost also, or jail for years or a lifetime. lost to society as we did not care enough to listen to a cry for help.

       Most professionals in the field of mental healing are people of faith themselves but our society and payment for help, is tied to the scientific only.   and we lose that great support for all healing, whether it be physical or mental ...the spiritual component of each of our lives that is going to turn to good more most of us, but can turn to evil for a few. 

    We should not wait until one is so  far gone that professional costly help is needed.  We need to be cognizant of what is leading some down a path of destruction that too often takes others among us from us.. That is not the will of my Savior as HE taught.  No one is called to lose their lives at the hands of another.. and we need to go to a deeper understanding of how to prevent that from happening. Its beyond one to figure it our or we would not be in wars. Its past time we work together and do figure it all out .. And Congress get rid of the COUP OF 2002 AND YOUR UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDER THAT PREVENTS YOU FROM BEING THE REAL GOVERNMENT WE, THE PEOPLE AS YOU TOBE FOR , OF AND BY US  AMEN! ( do a word search for those terms above for this blog for new readers to know we have turned our whole nation over to others that are doing real evil to us daily,)

          Throwing money at the problems of society is not whole  answer, although some is needed to "help others help themselves" : Linda Joy Hardy 1948


\Linda Joy Adams 9/24/16

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