
Saturday, August 22, 2015


Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: DAILY RECAP 8/21/15: 37 FED JUDGES DEFIED BY CABAL IN CONTROL. OF USA: MEDICARE HEARING PAGE 17-19 1-3225833488 : PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS SON OF JIM T PARKS  This is a series of links back  of a brief submitted for a recent Medicare hearing where several hearings pending  for years miraculously appeared  in the items sent to the judge from ACS ET AL? that had been deleted from the govt  system by illegal hacking per IT govt officials.  THE INSERTS STARRED IN PARENTHESES IS ADDED TO DAY FOR CLARITY SINCE YOU ARE NOT SEEING THE ENTIRE FILE SUBMITTED.   They were in the materials sent to the judge by SSA but he said he  was only instructed to hear one issue that had been resolved of my not having the 6 figure income given to them by ACS et al? and not IRS from a bogus tax return  filed in Linda's name and never processed by IRS as they knew it was not hers. and bogus. but the other issues are still pending  and no justice and no judicial branch of the US Constitution   really exists until the judges rule on the legal matters or remand back for decisions to be made by  those at SSA and Medicare.

      Who are under the control of ACS et al now as they hold the data and have the hacking access to illegally altered or deleted official data and have been doing so with major thefts of Medicare on going and there is no budget allowed by congresses for over 15 year for any federal law enforcement to stop it. I asked the judge where did it say he was not to hear all the issues in the submissions, but got no answer, except for the transmittal paper in the file from SSA.  from a P  Winston in  SSA:s Birmingham Program Center or  was that some ACS et al component there?  None is able to know this any more as the have been permitted to illegally impersonate govt offices and officials for years . and are not to do this but identify themselves as govt contractor for the agency if they are.

           Before  the former director of Medicare resigned last year after she and I  both learned about the same time that the Part D Medicare had been looted by ACS  for 9 years  on behalf of their secret deal partners in the insurance industry to get out of paying bills in an illegal dump onto Medicare, she HAD ISSUED A PRESS RELEASE TO THE STATES THAT CMS COULD NOT DO MEDICAID CRIMINAL  INVESTIGATIONS AND IT WAS UP TO THE STATES TO DO THOSE. They had not been doing them anyway against any contractor named as the criminal person of interests for 15 years but she ended the pretense of their being any one at the federal level to do anything against a bad govt contractor. Who keeps getting contracts renewed as there is no over sight to know if they are doing wrong and violated every ones constitutional rights as well as blatant theft on going. And this is throughout the govt. 

VOTE AND I AM GIVING MY VOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE INDICATED THEY WISH TO BRING ALL GOVT CONTRACTORS BACK UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION AND SUBJECT  TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND AS THEY USED TO BE AND ALL THE REST OF US ARE.  Perfect or not it is suppose to be that those who would harm others are to be stopped by society from continuing to do so and theft and deaths  as a result and other bodily harm done is  equally wrong and society must not permit  to keep on and our public monies  stolen also.

     Find out who wants or has tried  to do what is right and good in  this and reject  those spewing out budget cuts  to the least fortunate among us   with those kinds of answers to make up for on going  thefts is not the ones with the answer to the problems. of  organized crime rings in charge of this nation ad world in near total over throw of the govt of this nation or other nations.

Our true wealth in in the people and our talents need to be used to help  each other and govt does no work when the people are not permitted to use what we have for the good of all.   our bridges are falling down as people sit at home  with no job  or under employed  in a system designed by this cabal to steal the money and not spend our wealth for all of us. The rich man needs a good sturdy bridge  to be  driven in  his limousine   over just as the poor man  needs it to drive his 10 year old compact. to the other side..


                       Page 2- of brief submission to Medicare hearing 1-3225833488  without personal identifiers such as SSN's

This led us to bankruptcy court where CMS  is listed and a copy is submitted with the Aug  '09 hearing document (s) which we submitted to you.

     OIG has no money to investigate or stop illegal or unethical acts  by a govt contractor or partner.

  Linda fax(ed) to  you reports from Patrick P O Carroll Jr, Inspector General for SSA and Michael Horowitz inspector General on behalf of the Justice Dept. to Congress pleading for budget and action.

      Also Linda sent you the audit report A-09-14-14052 Feb 2015 by SSA's OIG

( the former was from the OIG, but this was from Congressman Kevin Brady as over sight committee chair  for Medicare whom Linda had contacted his office and faxed the Violations of civil rights  including   the pending legal issue raised in these pending hearings and the request was from the Congressman  to GAO))  asking for an audit for proper application of the Government Pension Offset.  and he has raised part of the issues Linda is dealing with in congressional hearing and not received a respected  public response  from the chair in an other's hearing on the oxygen debacle for those in need of  assistance for the right to breathe...)*

They never addressed the issue of the Part B Medicare Premium in relationship to the math. its as if no one  receiving a govt  or military pension has Medicare.


      (Linda is receiving a temporary , estimated civil service payment pending reinstatement of temporary wage loss from federal workers comp which the judges cleared the way for at labor over  6 years ago in the final excuse to not continue and process  her request for permanent  disability from FECA which would allow her to officially retire)   And the whole ordeal began with an illegal rifling of her file in the Dallas FECA office that made it appear she had not returned to work in 1990 which she did. and the OIG for US Dept of Labor ended up contracting the control of files to ACS to assure security the govt could not give to records.  after the overwhelming crimes against records came to light against so many. And OPM pulled a fitness for duty and had none of the info from them or SSA that she had been approved for an occupational  lung disease or wan on oxygen for life by FECA years ago , either. Linda would rather have had her good health and been able to work as that is something with no dollar value and Federal Employees  Compensation Act is only an attempt to make an injured workers whole..)*

                                       Page 21

     In the submission to the judge we have given the historical background a how the math is done and Linda being forced to pay a double penalty and premium. There should be no penalty for active duty employee and no break in coverage as Linda field form 40A  etc.. asking that it not be interrupted by Medicare or CMS. We are being hounded by Medical bill collectors.  It is nearly impossible to find a doctor when medical care  (care) payments is being obstructed like this- This is why we've had to pay the cost of High Option BCBS so we can go 200 miles to get a doctor if we need to , to say alive or get medical care.

       We are asking your honor that high level officials would like to have a clarification and legal rulings as to OIG has not access to the  systems to see if they are compliant and they are in in many ways-'

(see their report to congress of being denied access by the contractor to check which is submitted also done in 2/15)*

           Doyle Adams and Linda Joy Adams


                       Page 1: submitted also

                                           EXHIBIT I

                                      Organization of filings

Response to the July 7, 2015 letter form William Price Fed ex July 21 2015 (delivered)


             A few pages of various filings received by Irvine Medicare Hearing  in Calif.

A 26!/2 year pattern of obstruction of justice so the parties to make decisions are not given the total facts and what they are given is intended to deceive the receiver. (Sorted  to  (affect) effect outcomes that some outside parties what to happen. as on going theft of Medicare Trust fund.. cyber systems vulnerable at Medicare , Social Sec..t. Bureau of Interior (personnel files) OPM, death caused by criminal activity

re file from ACS et al converted other for Medicare?

                                                  Page 2    more of Exhibit I

 Embezzlements from various OPM funds and constant felonies against our file- Linda, Doyle;s and ________'s

There has been n criminal investigation because the congressional testimony of Patrick McFarland in Joy of 2013 when he said there is no budget allowed  to spend on investigations of government contractors as Linda has been told for the last 15 years as the illegal obstruction continues against her gov record against her. As well as against Doyle  and ______ _______'s

This is why we are I invoking the Terri Schiavo  because we choose to live.

      There has already been one criminal conviction in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandal- who said the


                                                    Page 3

      orders are that Linda is to die or  rather (") let her die (") .

        No investigation of alleged blatant dollars embezzled from or more more Medicare , Fed Workers comp "set aside"  and other various personnel funds at OPM- a 4 million stolen from Medicare by ste(a)ling Linda's  ID and claims and turning into multiples which only ceased when (contract) not renewed with Trailblazers.

(a 'million dollars" per person for the older Fed Workers comp who were injured (with) established cases and life threatening needs.

                 Now I (Linda) lost her ox(ygen) supplier that she had because Affiliated Computer Services

 (call center employees)*

looked on their screen and said that Linda had the money to pay them.

(She had the million dollars)*

    One example of a life and death problem.

Linda Joy Adams 8/22/15



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