
Monday, December 24, 2012

Daily recap 12/24/12: Merry Christmas!: Presidnet Obama Bonr in Topeka KS

Daily recap 12/24/12: Merry Christmas!: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks its supposed to sleet and snow tomorrow but its in the 60'' on the front porch so does the govt have nay idea what the weather is?  Mail came and some more seed catalogues. Have most everything so far.
President s are wrapped and pies are baked and Doyle has the stuffing ingredients ready to mix and put in  the Turkey that is thawing in bottom of refridgerator. Been an eventful year, but the blessing is we are all here and in as good of health as can be expected despite the obstrucions by Mr. Or MS OPM that will not let go of denial of civil and Constitutional Rights and being in defiance of judges and the law.
Re watched Roots over the last few days and its a reminder of just how bad things can get, but in some ways we are still in that horrid past, just more 'invisibly' done.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: Another weird story on a site called conspiracy theories saying the Obama Sr sent Ann to Kenya to have the President and was to leave him there to be adopted by his family. Problem was she was in Topeka at time of birth. I never heard any talk of adoption mentioned by my parents. The assumption from the moment they took charge was she was having him and the need to have a marriage certificate to cover the social stigma of the self righteous who did nothing to stop the gossip frenzy nor demand justice for the murdered.
Its like some entity just keeps fanning the flames of deceit with all these bizarre things. I have yet to glean much on line about any eye witnesses to anything more that what I have so far. Even a tid bit of truth would be nice to read about. 
After my Mother made first contact with Ann where she had her live in job, my parents were discussing medical care and Mom said that Ann said she had free care at Forbes Air force base as a military dependent so that concern was taken care of. Time span that my paresnt were involved was a short few months before birth and soon afterwards, as I learned later she went to Mercer Island, Wa  to finish HS.and other cousins baby sat. 'Toots' had lived there and had a place to live there in 1/71. And another eye witness  siad my cousin Dan Pope brought Ann to church when she was small. That's the real identiy of stanley Dunham which was a stolen ID to go to war when too young as we all learned from his Mother in Fall of 1963.
Another source who is listed in a list of person that had some kind of knowledge and have died was reported to have information on 'Toots,' Madelyn Payne Dunham, his maternal grandmother. I still have not connected how Fred Phelps is related to her. or maybe to Mrs. Phelps? Close enough to have sent Stanley Ann to live there to go to Capper Jr HS and the expectation to finish HS also. So I don't have all the answers and other eye witnesses are needed if only with a tid bit of info.
Why does it matter? Because there seems to be some big money being spewed around to cause dissension at a time all of our elected leaders have a lot of seriours issues to resolve and I wish they would stop trying to take away all our civil rights because a few don't want to live in Peace. Why do 'they' want to get everyone in a fight with each other/ To divide and conquer what is good and right? If so then they are not working for the ;good guy'? And, not the least is I know a lot of things first hand about a lot of diffreent people and am in a life and death struggle over it. itreid to get others to come forward first but they aren't in the struggle for life that we are in this.
On this  Christmas eve,  we would all do well to think about the teachings of Christ whom the majority of this nation professes to believe in. A lot of things that i have referenced in the last paragraph do not seem to  be what followers of Christ are to do. Christ did not  list specific sins in detail. He taught the broader concepts of love and mercy and all are loved and invited to have eternal life.. He spoke against things like arrogance and hatred and injustice. We have been in and are still going through a very hateful political time. Its like some have forgotten why our leaders were elected and what they are sent to our state and federal legislatures to do. They seem to have forgotten that the work and efforts of individuals provide the monies that are to be spent for the general welfare of the people as we want done and  not what at few with great power and wealth want. And if one starts checking into things, the biggest receiver of the public monies seems to be the very wealthy who have gained more wealth from the efforts  of the rest of us.
Some say its bad to collectively do anything together. They seem to have blurred the isms into one entity. When the people decide together to spend their money and time and effort on something is that bad? I thought that was a good thing. I;m gland we have roads and bridges and that every time we drive down the rad the road is collectively owned so that we are not crosising private land and having to pay tolls through each or it might take months to get anywhere.  We are to do what is needed for all to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I re posted a few more repeats and will continue and then start over with 7/26/12 and add as items come up.
May the spirit of love overcome all the hatred and evil in this world so all our soldiers of every nation can come home and have to find other kids of work to do as if monies are not spent on war, we do have enough to do this. We have to be smarter, together.
"The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States."
Being paid meant that the poor man could afford to serve as well as the rich one. And what that would be is determined by laws passed by them. The salaries are paid from the treasury of the US. No King paid them and no lobbyist paid them.
TOMORROW: IMMUNITY: Linda Joy Adams 12/24/12

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