
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Daily Recap 12/22/12: Kept Records: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 12/22/12: Kept Records: President Obama Born In Topeka KS; wasn't able to get through the reactionn to fumes from Thursday and had to go back on antibiotics. Everyone should think twice about using some of these products, as when one gets some here and some there pretty soon its too much for some like me. But its what one has to deal with when they are chemically sensitive.
Re watching Roots as been years since I'd seen it. May we never return to the inhumanity to others, but slavery is going on now in this world, and too often we are enslaved and don't even know it in the modern era.
Disappearance of records inside govt agencies ad their contractors for almost 25 years has been the biggest problem I have had in staying alive and livelihoods and its still on going. And the national policy is not to investigate at all on any of this for any one so there really is no Homeland Security if the govt itself can't keep track of its own records that belong to individuals. Everyone needs to make sure hey have all their records and in a paper form a din a safe place and maybe a couple of copies. Digital can disappear, although its handy to work with and use if possible. All this paper and ink we are having to deal with is very harmful to one like me, but inhumanity has not gone away has it? Destruction of rights is just a little more subtle than t was a couple of hundred years ago.  I pray that we are in a new era when justice will be assured for all and these kinds of things never happen again. I;mm know it when that OWCP check for all the processed 'mnew items;' back to 1989 and benefits paid to date and assurances of the future as the law and judges require.
It can never replace health and what could have been earned, but in 1968 I entered into an employment agreement with the people of the USA as  civil servant, not a slave, and there was a promise of certain rights as long a I did my job, which I did as required until I was overcome by toxic fumes, in a building that we could not legally be in and corruption is deadly and has been for some and devastating injuries for others. all because greed and avarice overcame what is required for human life, plus whatever a former employee did in the stairwell, when he should have been met by law enforcement over the stolen keys he used for 6 months to roam the ADP building and our office of Social Security- HHS. Question is who is the enemy when such illegal behavior is not stopped?The 'enemy has infiltrated the system. and the security of the nation compromised and where  are those hired by the people to protect our records and monies?
95% voting for 10 years is the hope so that the few with great wealth who abuse their wealth and power are no loner able to do so again.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; Reposted a few more of the past postings. and will continue and keep repeating. No one seems interested in the truth of the matters and some are calling for Impeachment and others want to get rid oft he Speaker of the House and no one seems to be able to have a consensus of opinion that the g'eneral welfare of the people' is what all of them were sent to Washington to take care of and that means the USA people first before the rest of the world. War seems just around the corner of next year, when most of the people of the world do not want  it and have never wanted it.
 In both Old and New Testament, of the Bible, it speaks of a time when ALL will be kings and priests. and no one seams to understand how that could be. Suppose it means this?  All our elected officials go home and we all vote as to what is to be done. Is it possible that we will hire some manager types to carry out our wishe?. Through the Internet we could all spend a few minutes a day voting on local , state and federal and international issues as to what is needed to be done so all have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Then we can spend more time helping and caring for one another. Love will rule. Christians say Christ will be in charge, others say a different name, but I believe we are created with free will and that will not be taken away, we will use our free will to do what is good  as its the better way and we will all realize it for ourselves.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE I SECTION 5 (continued sentence by sentence analysis)
"Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time to time publish the same, excepting Parts as may  in their Judgement require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one  fifth of those Present , be entered on the Journal."
records will be kept and how they voted. Some things will be allowed to be secret but it only take 1/5th to make those public. There seems to be intent that secrecy is not desirable. But there seems to be matters that have been made secret that have affected us all very advesely in current times as laws seem to be in place no one can find in the published laws of this nation. Most would understand that secrecy would only be needed for matters of war and secets to be kept from the enemy.  We have to know what laws there are in order to abide by them. When one tries to report a criminal act by a govt agency or govt contractor, We are told to call the office of Inspector general, but one soon learns that they are forbidden  to investigate them on any  matter and irregardless of how much merit or evidence there is. One has a lot of difficultyl verifying this in writing but I did a few yesrs ago and began a search for the law and no one is able to find it. They just say their superiors have said its the law and the people are still being lied to thinking that someone is in charge of stopping thefts  public monies and intentional physical harm and deaths at their hands. lawlessness has been made the law of the land in too many areas. Its time for congress to each take a look at what they are supposed to be doing as well as all other elected leaders in this nation. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness depend on it.
TOMORROW: Staying On Duty: Linda Joy Adams 12/22/12

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